
The Invincible Legendary Prince

A Prince thought to be living luxary life on uis wife's money. After getting angry and leaving the city was found dead after 10 days. But he was actually alive and was Invincible. The money that was thought to be spent on luxary was actually..... given as charity. He was the.... hero of the city. Because the Empress's attitude toward uim was bad, he sweared never to go back to the palace and made a name as the strongest person in the universe. Whats the empress's reaction to the trash turning God

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21 Chs


<p>"Go and tell the duke. Will has returned.", there was a wicked smile on Will's face. After everyone left, Mei said, "Are you really going to fight the duke family? I know that what they did to you was unforgivable, but what if you get hurt again? I don't want to see you suffer again." Mei was very concerned about Will after what happened back then.<br/><br/>"Don't worry, sister. This time I'll take care of everything. You don't have to worry", will said this with a smile towrd his sister. He knew that his sister was concerned avout him but now he was strong enough to even destroy the capital on his own.<br/><br/>"Before that we need to do something about our house and money" Will couldn't think of anything to get money. "Sister, Is the market in the nearby city still open?". Mei replied to Will, "Its still open. But what are you gonna do?". "Of course, I'd sell talismans, techniques, weapons and pills." since will was the only invincible realm master. He was already the best in these things.<br/><br/>Next day Will wrote some breathing techniques and some moves to sell in the market. When a move or technique is written its power is determined by the QI stored in it. There are three levels of these things - Normal, earth, heavenly and supreme. Even tho, Will can make supreme grade treasure. He only made some earth and two heaven grade scrolls and took them to the market next city.<br/><br/>"Hmm.... Its somewhat different from what i remember." as Will was moving forward thinking this. He bumped into a small child wearing a cape (its the normal cliché time where kids steal money lol), "I'm sorry", the child apologised and tried to sneak away but Will grabbed his hand. "Of course you can go, but you know i only have a little money that my sister had saved for emergencies. I can give you them too but take me to the Xuan-Zun pavalian (I tried naming it in chinese sense cuz its a cultivation based story lol).<br/><br/>The child took him to the pavalian, "Good job, take that little money and scram." the child had run away after reaching there.<br/><br/>"Well, lets go inside and collect some funds....</p>