
The Installation

DaoisteKX7ID · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


Oh boy i thought. What would happen next.

"Hey" he said in he's somewhat soothing voice. He's hand was on the shower nob, looking into my eyes, umm hello don't you notice you're naked i screamed inside me or maybe he was sleep bathing, is there even something like that!??

 I didn't speak, i couldn't speak, i didn't even know what to say aarggghh. He passed his hand through he's wet hair and smiled a little at my state. "You were calling me ?"

 I gathered up courage and told him The Signal was ready. He nodded and began walking closer to me, and guess who froze, thoughts were running through my head, what would he he do. I shivered at the thought of him kissing me. Those pale pink lips on my my wierdly shaped lips,not to exactly call myself ugly, I was alright, boys liked me. But, compared to him oooooohhhhhh.

 As he walked, he's you know what, kept swaying from left to right, left to right, i couldn't breath, what was happening. He was close enough to kiss me and i waited with my eyes closed waiting for his lips to touch mine.

A few seconds passed and i peaked to see him pick my towel from the rack behind me and wrapped it around himself.

 I hit my self i the head , angry at myself for thinking that he would kiss me. I'm such a fool I thought, and then i realized Wilson was using my towel, MY TOWELHe knows I have this thing for not liking any body use my items even tooth paste , but here he was with my towel around him , he had he's back facing me but if he was to turn he would have seen a furious woman who wanted to beat him so bad it his only option was to beg .