
The Installation

DaoisteKX7ID · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Oh shit !!!

It was just an idea at the beginning, what if we could create a system that allows a person to live forever? A gate way too immortality itself, it was a foolish idea I admit, but when you had the resources what could stop you. 

 To speak of it as it was my friend, Wilson had doubts about this "system" I

 planned to create, but since we had been friends for so long it took me less than a day to push his buttons in order for him to help me.Hell it took me less than an hour for me to convince him , anyway in less than a year we had built a prototype which was a simple chip we named it The Signal just because it had a nice ring to it.

 Finally, so all these months had paid off sleepless nights and thoughtful days I finally had the chip in my hand , I could only be thankful to one person and that person we all know to be Wilson. Where was he any way? I called out his name like twice and I didn't hear him. We rented the same apartment and it had two bedrooms two washrooms and one large kitchen cause I really loved cooking and Wilson enjoyed my food for some reason. "Hey Wilson, where the hell are you? You better not be hiding like you usually do" I said laughing a little.I checked his bathroom and he wasn't there so I decided to check mine and as I thought he was there with the shower tap opened, I opened the door leading to the bathroom regretting my decision as I made it.

 There he stood under her shower tap washing himself clean , I could have colsed the door quickly varnished from sight because he hadn't noticed me yet but I was mesmerized by his beauty, looking majesticly male, every muscle on his body especially his abdomen looked chilsed and well defined. My view of my roommate/best friend/lab partner went lower from his upper body and eventually went lower, I could only gasp as I had my first view of what defined men, their dingeling :) That's what I called it and forever call it.

 I didn't hear the sound of water hitting the floor anymore so, I looked up to see the figure I had been staring at looking at me with a narrowed gaze. Oh boy I thought.