

Lex led the way, guiding his peacock to follow the flowing river. Over the past few months, the planning division had slowly and steadily been providing him with plans and blueprints to develop the various 'empty' areas of the Inn.

A majority of the Inn was occupied by wilderness. That had not changed, but by organizing it somewhat, and doing some basic landscaping, the outlook changed drastically. Lex could not help but think back to when he originally got the Inn.

At that time, Lex was doing things randomly and halfheartedly, without really considering how things would work out. He recalled how, when he initially brought in various birds, he had not considered their feed at all. If it weren't for one of his guests, Helen, who began feeding them, many of them may have died. Speaking of whom, Lex hadn't seen her in a while. He hoped she was alright.