
Kindling dragonfire

Z froze, and Lex kept smiling at him. For a few moments they maintained this state, until eventually Lex chuckled.

"Ah I guess you're going to be too busy to be working at the Gamer's Den from now on, huh? Maybe I should start looking for a replacement."

For a moment, Z narrowed his eyes and looked at Lex.

"Since we're all working for the Inn, shouldn't the person with the higher cultivation be running the shop?" he asked, feeling Lex's cultivation level. Technically speaking, Z was the first original Inn employee to become an Immortal. Anita and Qawain didn't count.

"Oh, you're right!" Lex exclaimed, agreeing too quickly. "But I think your statement should be amended a bit. It's not the person with the highest cultivation level, but the strongest person who should be the boss. So, what do you say? Shall we have a small spar while we wait for the others? Winner gets to become the boss of the Gamer's Den."