
Clear schedule

Giselle entertained the thought for a moment, but dismissed it quickly enough. There was no reason to risk it.

"Thank you for the offer, I will keep it in mind," she said politely. "If you truly wish to assist me, then perhaps you can keep an eye out for a few items I'm in search of but have no leads on. If you find any information on them, you can just inform me of it and leave the retrieval to me."

"Sure, why not?" Lex said nonchalantly, sensing that she wanted to keep a distance between them. "I come across a wide variety of things in my line of work. Just give me the list and I'll keep my eye out."

Truthfully, Lex was quite confident in being able to find whatever she needed - until he saw the list. It did not help that he had no idea what some of the items were, and while he understood what some of them were, had no idea how to find them.