

What is Infinity?... a Number, a Being, or maybe... just maybe... something much more extraordinary... This is the story of Meng Tian, a normal high-school student, who stumbled into an amazing reality much like his own. Meng Tian was an ordinary sixteen year old boy who accidentally fell into a world where a unique energy was taking form and changing the environment. Modern day humans were focused on improving their body strengths to fight mutated beasts on land to keep everyone safe. As he was trying to wrap around his head on what was going on, a blue screen appeared in front of him showing his body parameters as a Status. And he did not need to do much to improve his body, his martial techniques, etc. All he had to do was watch, learn and survive... marching towards an infinite set of possibilities -- Hey there!! Author here... Many thanks for taking the time to come here. Happy reading. --- Disclaimer: This story is a work of pure fiction. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in it are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

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53 Chs

Chapter 1: A Crazy Dream

Meng Tian, a 16-year old High School student, was walking back home after finishing his classes for the day. Like any other young man at his age, he was obsessed with using his smartphone. His home was just a few blocks away from his School, making the journey very short.

"Xiao Tian! Xiao Tian!... The Summer is nearing. Let's go to the beach during the holidays. We can see some hot girls in action every now and then.. Hehehe.." A tall fatty beside him was laughing lecherously and Meng Tian ignored him like a fly on the wall. The fatty, Li Fang, had been Meng Tian's best friend ever since they were kids and hence was not bothered by this attitude.

Their houses were right beside each other and both were ranked at the bottom of their class, which brought them all the more closer. Meng Tian did not have many things to worry about in his life, his parents were well-off and loved him very much, so he just leisurely passed the time without worrying about the future.

He was about a block away from home, when suddenly, the people around him started shouting. He instantly looked up just to see a black Mercedes speeding without control, rushing towards him. Before he could even react, the car hit both him, Fatty Li, and a few others behind him...


Meng Tian suddenly woke up shouting. His body was entirely covered with sweat drenching his bed. A few seconds later, Hua Baihe, who was coming upstairs to wake him up, rushed to open the bedroom door only to find her son sitting on his bed, breathing rapidly. She immediately hugged him and started patting his back.

"Xiao Tian, what's wrong?... Did you have a bad dream?... It's alright. Mom's right here..." Even his father, Meng Shu, who was downstairs came running to the 1st floor after hearing the scream. When he saw that Meng Tian was alright, he was relieved. He then stood beside Meng Tian's bed and started patting his son's head.

After a few minutes, Meng Tian came to his senses and told his parents that he just had a bad dream and went to the bathroom to take a shower. His parents looked at each other and sighed together. Meanwhile, Meng Tian who rushed into the bathroom, was looking at himself in the mirror.

He was not bothered about his skinny physique which stood 168 cm tall. All he could see was a floating blue screen in front of him which showed a series of words and values. This screen had been floating in thin air just like magic ever since he woke up from his dream. He was sure that his parents could not see the floating screen as they behaved normally before. He tried to touch the screen but his hand went right though it.

He could not understand what was happening, but he knew that he had stumbled upon something amazing. Because, the screen was showing his body parameters like he was a character in a game. He started reading through the particulars on the blue screen.

---------------- STATUS ----------------

Name : Meng Tian

Age : 16

Race : Human

Strength : 0.6

Speed : 0.4

Agility : 0.4

Intelligence : 0.4

Spirit : 0.9

Health : 100/100

Skill(s) : None

Talent(s) : None

Occupation(s): None


While reading through the items on the Status screen, he saw the low values of his body parameters like Strength, Speed and Agility. But he was not that much bothered... Because, he understood that his body was not in good shape way before this blue screen showed him. When he saw how low his Intelligence value was, he felt that it should not be right.

"I'm not that stupid... Am I?" He then started looking through the other items on the Status screen. "At least, I am healthy according to the screen... I should be careful though... Looks like, if my Health hits zero, I'll probably die." He looked at the Skills and other items and decided to ignore them. "They are empty anyway... So, why bother?"

Meng Tian really did not have much ambition in life. The only thing he would put his mind to was not to make his parents unhappy. Although he was not good at studying and did not show much interest in sports or other things, he never crossed the line and always stayed away from people and things which would otherwise turn him into a bad person.

So, he did not have that many hobbies except browsing through the internet to see if anything pops up, that would spark an interest in him. Now that he found out that a Status screen had somehow attached itself to him, he felt that life would not be so boring after all.

As he was looking at the blue screen, his mother's voice came from outside the door urging him to get ready faster as it was time to head off to school. So, Meng Tian took a shower and came out of the bathroom and dressed himself up.

That was when he noticed that the blue screen had somehow vanished and he could not help but feel, if all of what happened was just his hallucination. Just as he thought of the Status screen, a blue screen appeared in front of his eyes, yet again.

"So, that's how it is..." He then commanded in his mind, 'Status Screen, vanish!...'

It would have been hilarious if he said that out loud. But, it did work and the blue screen vanished from his sight. He experimented a few times in front of the mirror and finally went downstairs to get some breakfast. His parents had always insisted on having breakfast together as a family, as their company would keep them quite busy and they rarely had time to eat dinner together.

Meng Shu was seated on the sofa in the hall, reading the financial newspaper while he saw his son come downstairs. He also got ready to have some breakfast which Hua Baihe had so diligently prepared.

Meng Tian was surprised when he saw the items on the breakfast table... Soybean Milk, Deep-Fried Dough Sticks, Steamed Red Bean Buns and some hot and dry wheat noodles... "Wow, Mom... What's with all these items? We don't usually have so much in the mornings right? Anything special today?... Good Morning, Dad!... Why's Mom preparing so much?"

Meng Shu pulled up a chair and sat down as he said, "Your mother is worried that you are not getting enough nutrition which also resulted in your nightmares. So, she made all the things you like... Make sure you finish them."

Hua Baihe had just finished setting up the table when she said, "Your father is right. You must finish all of these... Look at how skinny you've become."

When Meng Tian finally finished the food, he felt that he might not need to have lunch later on... He leisurely got out of the house and saw Fatty Li running out of his house as well. He patted Meng Tian on the back and started laughing, "Xiao Tian, I heard a new Teacher will be joining our school today. Apparently, she just graduated from College and directly joined our school to teach us English. Hehehe... A hot young English Teacher... I can't wait..."

Just as Fatty Li was rambling on, Meng Tian saw his Status screen appear suddenly and there seemed to be a new row of characters added on it.

[Energy Points: 1]

Meng Tian couldn't help but smile at this new 'Stat' on the screen. Fatty Li saw his smile and called out, "You... What's with that smile?... I knew it, you are a fellow cultured man as well..."

Meng Tian was stunned silly by the fatty's words...