
The new magical device

After returning to Red Leaf Academy, Carlos immediately immersed himself in the laboratory, studying the interference between superimposed magic arrays and how to handle it.

If this problem is not resolved, all of Carlos's future plans will be unable to proceed.

Previously, in order to conduct research experiments, he had already purchased a large quantity of elemental stones and blue iron from the capital. Therefore, Carlos took out piece after piece of elemental stones and blue iron, continuously drawing magic arrays and making adjustments. He immersed himself in research for an entire day, even working through the night.

Repeatedly depicting hundreds of times, the consumed elements of galleons, elemental stones, and blue iron are worth at least 5000 gold coins. However, even so, Carlos was unable to solve the interference problem between various magic arrays.

After all, Carlos uses psychic power to trigger the internal structure of Galleons as a switch, and then activates all the magic arrays through it. As long as there are more than 10 magic arrays depicted in the same location, the range and sequence of triggers will become unstable. And then, over time, all the magic arrays will collapse one by one.

No matter how it is arranged or adjusted, it is all useless.

"Why did it turn out like this..."

Indeed, if simply stacking magic arrays could continuously enhance their power, then other low-level magicians would have done so long ago. However, in reality, Carlos has never heard of anyone achieving the level of power that high-level magic arrays possess through the accumulation of low-level ones. Even the firearms and cannons created by Carlos himself were built using money and a large amount of materials.

"Is it really true that this method doesn't work?"

Carlos, with disheveled hair and bloodshot eyes, stared at the elemental stone on the table and murmured.

"Just relying on spiritual power alone, there is simply no way to effectively connect all the magic arrays. I need a more efficient solution!"

"However, magic circles are always circular and, in order to maintain stability, the edges must also be closed."

"But it's difficult to establish a connection like this..."

He muttered to himself when Carlos suddenly came up with an idea.

"Why does a magic circle have to be round?"

The idea just popped up, and Carlos's mind was flooded with more strange thoughts that he couldn't contain. He immediately proceeded to try them out.

Using square, pentagon, and even various strange shapes. Through a variety of tests, although Carlos failed to depict an effective new formation, he accidentally discovered a detail. That is, adding dark elements on the basis of light element patterns will render the light element patterns ineffective.

When Carlos removes the dark element, the light element pattern will light up again. This process is a bit like turning on and off a light switch.

If he follows this detail and introduces binary, where light elements are 1 and dark elements are 0... then it means Carlos can utilize the combination of light and dark elements to perform logical operations in binary?

Looking at the patterns of light and dark elements on the elemental stone, Carlos's thoughts became clearer and his ideas instantly clicked into place!

Carlos, following his train of thought, temporarily abandoned all other magic arrays and focused on the combination of light and dark elements. However, although the headmaster had taught Carlos the principles of binary, executing the calculation process was not so easy.

How to input, control, operate, store and output is a huge challenge. Each part requires a lot of experimentation.

According to his ideas, Carlos depicted several simple linear magic arrays, but none of them were ideal. Either they had no effect or they lacked meaning. He had the ideas, but he was a bit confused about how to implement them and where to start.

Not only the confusion of thinking, but also the dizziness caused by a day and night of intense work. Feeling somewhat fatigued, Carlos had no choice but to jot down his thoughts first, then lean back on the chair and take a rest for a while.

He didn't know how long he had been sleeping, Carlos suddenly had a new idea in his dream.

When the magical item in his dream overlapped with the elements of light and darkness, Carlos suddenly woke up. His eyes moved a few times, and then a look of excitement appeared on his face. He picked up his carving pen and elemental stone, starting a new research.

With the items in his dream as a reference, Carlos quickly identified the key point to implement his idea.

He picked up the elemental stone and tried various methods, using light and dark elements to simulate the item in his dream and depict its patterns.

He picked up the elemental stone and made various attempts, using light and dark elements to simulate the objects in his dream and depict their patterns. Then, with the combination of light and dark elements, as well as assistance from other elements, he depicted a magic circle.

Subsequently, through practical combinations, three new magic arrays were formed: the 'AND gate' magic array, the 'OR gate' magic array, and the 'NOT gate' magic array, collectively known as logic arrays.

These three magic arrays are no longer circular, but 'convex' in shape, and they have two input terminals and one output terminal. What's more important is that the logic array does not require the use of mental power to activate it; instead, it needs light elements and dark elements as inputs. After these two types of elements pass through these three magic arrays and undergo corresponding logical operations, they can output a definite signal.

Finally, Carlos only needs to connect the logic array and elemental pathways with other magic arrays to solve the problem of mutual interference between them. Moreover, he can even use them for more intelligent operations.

Of course, these require more complex operations that Carlos is currently unable to perform. However, he can freely stack a large number of first and second-order magic arrays together without worrying about them interfering with each other. He can study them slowly in the future.

And because there is a logical matrix as a switch, Carlos no longer needs the internal structure of elemental galleons.

In this way, the manufacturing of magical devices could save at least two-thirds of the cost!

Picking up a piece of elemental stone engraved with densely packed elements, Carlos pressed a rough button on it to connect two lines of light elements. Soon, a small "wind repulsion" on the elemental stone was activated, and a gust of wind blew Carlos's hair even more messy.

But Carlos laughed happily, as he finally found the key to open the door of the new magic device.