
the battle suit K1

Black Tie Ridge.

Carlos looked at the remaining half of his elemental galleon in his hand and sighed. Establishing a merchant caravan through the post office was the second step in Carlos' plan.

The herbal market in Adley City is huge, but Carlos doesn't have any connections here, so he can't sell a large quantity at once. He can only sell in batches through Archie. However, there is also demand for herbs in the surrounding towns and territories.

By establishing a trading caravan, He can effectively sell these medicinal herbs and expand his sales channels. He have invested 4000 gold coins in Simon to start with, and there may be more investments in the future. However, Carlos also has concerns that Simon may embezzle his funds.

The situation is gradually opening up now. As long as the caravan can be established, Carlos will not have to worry about a lack of market in the short term. At that time, he will have the confidence to invest in industrial construction and use industrial means to create more diversified magical devices.


Red Leaf Academy, outdoor training field.

Mia extended both of her hands and closed her eyes, adjusting her breathing. Then, two circular magic circles the size of plates appeared in the palms of her hands. Slowly, she pushed forward with both hands, causing a gust of wind to sweep out and blow a wooden object of equal height several meters away from her. This is a first-level 'Wind Repulsion' magic.

Normally, the thrust generated by this magic is relatively limited and it is not possible to blow wood out more than ten meters like Mia did. However, Carlos has redesigned this magic array and optimized the direction of airflow from an aerodynamic perspective in order to maximize its effectiveness.

Mia was somewhat surprised to see the heavy piece of wood being blown so far away, and she turned to Carlos, who was not far away, and asked, "Teacher, did I really do that?"

"Of course."

Looking at her own hands, Mia wondered, "This power is already comparable to the second-tier 'Wind Repulsion'."

The 'Wind Repulsion' belongs to basic magic, but as the amount of magic elements used increases, the magic level can also increase.

In general, there are six levels of 'Wind Repulsion' magic, and the higher the level, the larger the diameter of the magic circle needed to be constructed. For a sixth-level 'Wind Repulsion', the diameter of the magic circle may exceed twenty meters, sometimes requiring several people to construct it simultaneously in order to complete it. According to Mia's understanding, a second-level 'Wind Repulsion' would have a diameter of at least half a meter.

Carlos shook his head, "Don't let the level of magic limit your thinking. It's just a general classification method. In reality, magic is much more complex."

"And it is not necessarily the case that the higher level of magic one can use, the stronger their abilities are. When I used to work at the research institute, there was a colleague who could already use fifth-level magic. However, he mentioned that he might not even be able to defeat an ordinary second-level mage."

"So you need to learn how to use magic flexibly. When you take the exam, you should also use magic according to the actual situation. Remember, magic is just a tool!"

Mia nodded heavily in response, indicating her understanding.

"Good, let's proceed to practical training!"

"Where can I gain practical experience?"

Mia is a bit confused. Currently, Mia is the only one in Red Leaf Academy who can be considered a mage. After all, Carlos, as a teacher, lacks any elemental affinity and cannot even be considered a magic apprentice.

Carlos pointed behind him. Mia followed his finger and saw Jack emerging from behind the wall. He was carrying a strange backpack, with two straps extending from each side of the backpack and tied around Jack's arms, connecting to two gloves.

This is the jetpack Carlos developed before, but in the past few days, Carlos has made some modifications to it by adding two gloves. Each glove has a piece of elemental stone embedded in the palm, engraved with two simple magic arrays. And on the back of the hand, there are two elemental galleons embedded.

"Teacher, what is this?"

Mia circled around Jack, observing curiously.

"This is a magical device that I recently developed. I call it the battle suit K1, and Jack will wear this suit to engage in real combat with you."

Mia gently tapped the jetpack and said, "But Jack has just recently opened the earth elemental channel and cannot construct a magic array. How can we engage in practical combat?"

Jack chuckled and said, "You'll know how to fight soon enough!" He couldn't wait. When Carlos, his teacher, taught him how to use the battle suit K1, Jack was completely amazed.


Although Mia ultimately emerged victorious in the actual combat, the battle suit K1 still brought her a tremendous shock. Carlos did not hide this from them and instead directly dismantled the damaged jetpack to explain to them why it was able to fly.

After Carlos explained, Mia was even more surprised. On one hand, it was because teacher Carlos was unexpectedly wealthy, using over a dozen galleons to conduct experiments. Although she didn't know the actual price of elemental galleons, storing magical elements definitely wouldn't come cheap.

After roughly explaining the details of the K1 combat suit to them, Carlos let Mia continue her training. Then he returned to the classroom with Jack and helped other students continue their lessons. In addition to Mia, Carlos also planned to have ten more students participate in the graduation assessment.

Normally, the graduation assessment of Palos Magic School is open to students aged 12-15. The Red Leaf Academy has approximately twenty students within this age range.

Originally, Carlos planned to have all twenty of these individuals participate in the assessment together, as having magical tools can compensate for many differences in their talents. However, some students felt it was too early to take the assessment and wanted to study for another two years before participating. On the other hand, there are students who have never undergone any combat training and with less than three months left, it is still challenging for them to prepare for the exam.

Carlos did not insist on all students taking the exam, and there were also some students who, like Carlos, were more inclined towards theoretical learning. So Carlos divided the eligible students into two groups.

A group of practical training, like Mia, continues to train and prepare for the graduation assessment. Another group is theoretical, where Carlos adds teaching on mechanical theory based on previous courses. He involves these students in researching magical devices together with him.

After all, it is difficult for Carlos alone to cover comprehensive research. Many adjustments in terms of details are very time-consuming. With the help of these students, his research speed can also be faster. Of course, besides some students of appropriate age, there are also younger ones.