
Destroyed by explosion

Carlos snapped his fingers again, and a cannonball larger than a fist appeared in his hand.

Inserting a large number of 'explosive' magic arrays engraved on the alloy cannonballs made of Blue Iron, Carlos uses his psychic power to activate the switch inside the Steel Fire Cannon's magic array.

Then, with a loud bang, the shell burst out at an incredible speed and accurately hit the abdomen of the giant dark bear.

At such a close distance, the firepower of the artillery itself is enough to destroy city walls, let alone the body of Warcraft. However, each Warcraft possesses its own racial talents. These innate abilities are further enhanced within the dense magical elemental environment of the Misty Forest.

In the racial talent of the Giant dark Bear, it possesses a earth attribute called 'Beast Armor', which can condense a large amount of earth elements to cover its entire body, thereby gaining powerful defensive abilities. Therefore, when the cannonball hits the Giant dark Bear, the tremendous inertia only causes it to retreat several meters, resulting in minimal damage and at most causing some cracks in its 'Beast Armor'.

However, before the Giant Dark Bear could react, the shells that had hit it suddenly expanded violently like a volcanic eruption. The scorching flames mixed with sharp iron fragments burst out from the abdomen of the Giant Dark Bear, completely shattering its "beast armor". And Carlos felt that one cannonball was not enough, so he loaded another cannonball.

After the thick smoke dispersed, Horus was shocked to find that the massive body of the giant dark bear had been shattered, with charred blood and broken organs hanging on the surrounding tree trunks. As a powerful fourth-order monster, it was killed in such an explosion.

Looking sideways at the steel cannon, Horus felt a shiver down his spine. If that thing exploded on him, he wouldn't be able to withstand it.

At this moment, Carlos's expression also showed surprise. The power of the steel cannon was indeed beyond his expectations, as even the innate defense of a fourth-order Warcraft couldn't withstand its force. Of course, such power did not come without a cost.

In each cannonball of the artillery, there is 10 kilograms of blue iron, engraved with densely packed 'explosive' magic imprints. Two cannonballs contain a total of 20 kilograms of blue iron. The value of 1 kilogram of blue iron is 100 gold coins. Therefore, 20 kilograms is equivalent to 2000 gold coins or thirty Galleons.

In the hands of an ordinary mage, 10 kilograms of blue iron can be used to create a decent magical tool. However, here in Carlos' possession, these materials can only be used to witness an explosion.

If the steel cannon is further strengthened, it may be used to deal with fifth-order magical beasts. Just as Carlos was pondering this, Horus standing beside him noticed that something seemed off about the appearance of the steel cannon.

"Mr. Six, is it normal for several magic arrays on the surface of this magical device to keep flickering?"

Upon hearing Horus's reminder, Carlos lowered his head and looked at the cannon, his face immediately changing color. "Retreat!"

After shouting loudly, Carlos teleported thirty meters away. Upon hearing Mr. Six's words, Horus quickly turned around and jumped aside.

After two seconds, all the 'combustion' arrays inside the steel cannon collapsed and detonated in succession. Despite having reinforced arrays, the cannon still exploded into pieces.

Carlos stared at the broken cannon carriage for several seconds, then his brow furrowed tighter and tighter.

He probably knows why the steel cannon exploded. In order to enhance the power of this cannon, Carlos added a lot of blue iron to both the frame and the projectile, and depicted densely packed magic arrays on them. Although Carlos has carefully adjusted the order and proportion of these magic arrays, there is too much interference between them after continuous activation.

Under normal circumstances, few people would go to the extent that Carlos did in depicting so many magic arrays on a magical device. After all, in order to enhance its power, both the magic instrument maker and engraver would try to improve the material grade and array level, rather than using a large amount of materials and arrays just for quantity. However, Carlos is not a mage; even with various props, he can only depict second-order magic arrays at most. Third-order or higher ones are completely beyond his reach, no matter how strong his theoretical knowledge may be.

"Is it possible that... this approach is not feasible?"

Carlos's heart is a little uneasy. He originally thought that quantity could lead to quality, as long as he found the rules, he could continuously stack magic arrays. However, the reality is that the more magic arrays are stacked, the bulkier the magical apparatus becomes and the more chaotic it becomes when activated, making accidents more likely to occur. If Carlos continues to research in this direction of stacking, he may end up in a dead end.

Horus, who had taken refuge on the other side, glanced at the broken cannon frame and then at Mr. Six's dark expression. He chose to remain silent without saying a word. It seemed that Mr. Six's magical apparatus experiment had encountered some problems, and his mood appeared to be not so good. As for the matter of becoming an apprentice, it would be better to discuss it later in the evening.

After thinking for a few minutes, Carlos decided to go back and continue his research later. He turned around and said to Horus, "The explosion just now might attract other monsters. It's better for you to pause clearing the weeds and take cover for now."

"Don't worry, Mr. Six. I have a way to isolate the magical aura, which can make the monsters unable to detect me."

After the experiment went wrong, Carlos said, "Be safe. I need to go back and check." Then he snapped his fingers and disappeared.

The reason for leaving in such a hurry is not only to go back and study the problem, but more importantly, Carlos doesn't have a way to isolate his magical aura like Horus does. It's safer to return as soon as possible.

Horus stood in place, watching Mr. Six disappear, took a deep breath, and tried to pick up the nearly full sack.

But as soon as he picked up the hemp bag, it suddenly disappeared. Instead, a piece of paper appeared in his hand.

"I will consider your request to become my apprentice carefully. For now, you stay in the Misty Forest for a while."

Horus clenched his fist while holding the paper and whispered, "I must become as strong as Mr. Six and then take back everything that belongs to me!"