
Archie is willing to do anything

"Please bring this box to a herbal medicine purchasing shop at 125 Green Leaf Street in the Magic Trade Market tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Hand it over to the shop owner and mention that Mr. Six sent you."

"After the shop owner confirms, they will give you a bag. During the task, please do not open the box and bag, otherwise you will face divine punishment."

"After completing the task, I will take the bag and give you 20 silver coins."

After listening, Archie's eyes widened. 20 silver coins!! That was equivalent to several months' income from driving public carriages.

In the Durant Kingdom, in order to unify the currency system, the gold coins have a relatively low gold content, while the silver coins have a higher silver content, making it convenient to maintain a ratio of 1:10 in terms of value. The exchange ratio between silver coins and copper coins is controlled at 1:100.

In other words, 20 Durant silver coins are equivalent to 2 Durant gold coins or 2000 Durant copper coins. For Archie, this is already a huge income!

And the task itself is just to deliver something. After carefully memorizing the contents, Archie picked up the box. However, he noticed that the stone on top of it, which could make sounds, had disappeared again.

This is definitely the manifestation of the God of Machinery! Archie was initially skeptical about the so-called Mechanical God Sect, but now, after witnessing this miracle, he firmly believes without a doubt!


Palo's Magic School, Red Leaf Academy.

Carlos held a elemental stone engraved with the magic of "echo" and murmured, "This should do the trick!"

Just now, he used a carving pen and elemental stone to engrave a common wind and thunder elemental spell called 'Echo'.

After the magic is activated, it can make the surrounding sounds repeat several times in a short period of time. Carlos then records the sound and uses teleportation to send this elemental stone to Archie, issuing 'God's command'.

After estimating the time, Carlos sent back the elemental stone. This elemental stone has been marked twice, so it can be transported back and forth.


On the second day, Carlos went to the capital again and observed from the second floor of a coffee bar across from the herb purchasing store.

He found that before nine o'clock, the thin and hunched Archie had already arrived at the herbal medicine purchasing store.

But it wasn't time yet, so he didn't dare to go in and could only wait outside. However, just as he had squatted at the store entrance for less than two minutes, the shop owner scolded him and told him to leave.

After all, Archie's shabby appearance doesn't resemble a mage, let alone a wealthy person.

"Sir, Mr. Six asked me to come."

The shop owner's attitude immediately changed 180 degrees and respectfully asked Archie, "Are you Mr. Six's friend?"

Archie was somewhat surprised and flattered to be treated with such respect by an upper-class person. He quickly handed over the box.

"This is from Mr. Six, he asked me to bring it to you!"

The obese shop owner took the package and opened it, only to find a bed of white orchids inside. There were nearly a hundred plants, along with a cloth bag and a note placed on top.

The note reads:

"In the future, White Orchid will continue to maintain the trade for a long time, and I will have someone deliver it. The money for the medicinal materials is placed in this cloth bag and handed over to the delivery person. If you have any needs, you can write them down and put them in the cloth bag. Remember, if you want to maintain this channel for medicinal materials in the long term, it's best not to disclose information to others."

The obese shop owner paused for a few seconds, then realized that Mr. Six's previous two transactions were just to establish the trustworthiness of his store. Now that he has gained Mr. Six's approval, he can maintain this herbal medicine channel in the long term. In the future, Mr. Six will no longer personally handle these complicated matters but delegate them to specialized individuals!

The shop owner's face lit up with a smile as he quickly counted the medicinal herbs. Finally, he stuffed the specific elemental galleons and gold coins into a cloth bag and handed it over to Archie.

Because Archie remembered the 'divine command', the shopkeeper always turned his head away and dared not look when counting the medicinal herbs.

After receiving the cloth bag, he hurriedly rushed back home. However, halfway through his run, the bag in his hand suddenly disappeared.

Archie was startled at first, thinking that it had been lost. But soon he realized that it must have been taken away by the God of Machinery.

In addition, he felt his pocket bulging. There was originally only one copper coin in his pocket, but now there was an extra money bag. Archie opened it and saw 20 shiny silver coins inside.


Sitting on the second floor of a coffee bar across from the herbal medicine shop, Carlos opened the cloth bag in his hand and looked at the dozen or so elemental galleons inside.

"The current situation seems to be going smoothly."

Although this process has been a bit troublesome, it has opened up a new perspective for Carlos.

At least for now, he could continue his plan through the carriage driver Archie. In the evening, Carlos continued to assign tasks to Archie, asking him to apply for a job as a postman.



Archie was somewhat surprised when he received this task. This job is different from being a carriage driver, as at least literacy is required despite the similar low social status.

Although Archie attended primary school for two years when he was young, he could only recognize some simple words. It is not easy for him to apply for a job as a mailman.

But the god of machinery has already designated a post office for him to interview at, and if he succeeds in the task, he will receive a whopping 50 silver coins. Regardless of success or failure, he must give it a try.

While thinking, he lowered his head and glanced at his shabby clothes, feeling that perhaps he should buy a new outfit before applying for the job. And also...for the little ones.

Looking up, Archie glanced at the three children on the wooden bed.

Today he spent one silver coin to buy milk and chicken. The three children tasted the long-lost deliciousness, and now they are all smiling in their sleep. Archie is willing to do anything as long as it can help them grow up healthy.

Smiling at them, Archie pressed his fingertips against his forehead and placed his palm over the tip of his nose, devoutly saying, "May God bless you!"