
The Indomitable Clan

Apollo was born to a well off family in a small village called Greenhaven. He led a happy life but his father, Chen, always desired more for him. Having been suppressed by various Clans and cultivators his whole life Chen had a burning desire for his son to lead a better life, and so with all his might he acquired enough resources to send Apollo on this path. When he turned 16 years old, Apollo's father Chen died, and thus he set off to Pentaarch City according to his father's plan

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7 Chs

Chapter 4 Special Mission


Exhaling deeply, Apollo had just finished a session of cultivation. He then exited his cultivation room, and changed into his robes. They were a deep purple and had the word "Elite" written on the left breast, symbolising his rank within the Clan. He then left his quarters and made his way to the Elder Hall.

Despite only being in the Burst Clan for but a week, he was already being summoned to the Elder Hall. This wasn't for any punishment, but rather for a special mission. 'Seems I got quite lucky, normally the rewards for these are good, and the risk manageable.' Apollo thought.

After all the Burst Clan had enough personnel so there was need to risk the life of an Elite Guard or a risky mission, that would be easily completed by an External Elder.

Arriving at the Elder Hall, Apollo briefly explained the details to the Elite Guard standing outside. After going over everything he swiftly nodded towards Apollo before entering the Hall to inform the Elders.

"You may enter." A deep voice echoed from within the hall. Hearing this Apollo immediately walked forward and opened the doors before him. He then immediately bowed towards the Elders.

These were the peak figures of the Burst Clan and he couldn't afford to offend them. Any one of them could kill him on the spot. Although that was obviously unlikely to happen.

"Rise." The same deep voice commanded. Immediately Apollo straightened his back and only then did he get a good view of the hall.

It was lavish to say the least, and there were 9 chairs, 4 on the right, another 4 on the left and one in the center. Currently only the first and second chair on the right and the central chair were occupied.

'Oh, the Grand Elder? And that must be the Clan Head in the center.' Apollo noticed before his eyes fell on the last individual. He was a relatively old man, in his 60s approximately, he had a scar across his right cheek and was dressed in indigo robes. His eyes a bright blue.

"I've heard you've met the Grand Elder. I am the Clan Head Indigo, and this is Elder Johan, head of all guards within the Burst Clan." The Clan Head explained, as he motioned towards the scarred old man.

"Apollo greets the Clan Head and Elder." The young man replied bowing slightly. Seeing as the Clan Head went through the trouble of an introduction he knew an appropriate level of politeness was required.

"With the introductions out of the way we should get into why you've been summoned here. There's a special guard mission available at the moment, and according to the Grand Elder you're fit for the job." The Clan Head explained his eyes locking with Apollo.

The young man raised his brows ever so slightly upon making eye contact. "I understand. If it isn't inconvenient may I ask for the details of the mission?" Apollo replied, as respectfully as he could.

"Of course its only natural to ask for the details. If you didn't ask for them I'd be concerned. Its a simple mission, my daughter wishes to roam around the city but she's being difficult and is refusing her regular guard contingent and is demanding that no "old fogeys" follow her around.

Because of this I've been forced to send one of the younger guards, which is why you're ideal for the job." The Clan Head explained, to which Apollo nodded.

"Of course, you'll be her only guard on the surface. In reality I'll have two External Elders shadowing you two at all times. But that's merely a precaution, your strength should be enough to keep her safe within Pentaarch."

"All right, the mission is within the scope of my abilities, I'll take it." Apollo concluded. 'Its not like I have much of a decision anyway, but this is a relatively relaxed job anyway, if anything above my paygrade happens I can always grab the girl and run while the External Elders take care of the trouble.' He analysed, as the Clan Head nodded at him.

"Naturally the mission isn't without pay. I'll compensate you with 2 Spirit Stones. You'll obviously be expected to escort my daughter around the city more than once, but you can consider this a starting bonus of sorts."

The young man could barely stop himself from smiling and swiftly bowed. "I appreciate Clan Head, and the Elders' generosity."

"All right, you're dismissed. The other details will be sent to your residence later today, and you'll naturally be rewarded after its complete."

With that Apollo turned around and exited the Elder Hall, barely able to stop himself from cheering as he exited.

"So what do you think? He's a special kid, isn't he?" The Grand Elder said, as he looked towards Elder Johan. "Hmm, he's decent. Good spatial awareness, perceptive, and capable of containing his emotions somewhat despite his age. Even when he saw Nephew's eyes he was able to contain his surprise." Johan analysed, to which the Grand Elder nodded.

"I agree with Uncle and Grand Uncle's assessments. Our Burst Clan's Lavender eyes aren't a very commonly known thing. Yet despite his young age and confusion he had enough tact to not question it. While his strength within Pentaarch isn't extremely impressive, from this brief exchange I have confidence in his character and ability to avoid unnecessary conflicts."

"Great, now that we've settled this I am going to head back to my research. Keep me updated on that kid's progress, he's caught my eye." The Grand Elder said before he too left the Elder Hall.

"Uncle is still as eccentric as ever." Elder Johan could only sigh. "Anyway, I'll assign two of the best External Elders we have, you can rest assured Little Violet will be safe."

"I leave it in your hands Uncle." The Clan Head replied, a concerned look on his face.