
The Incubus system to conquer the world!

Meet Xolvion, he is the youngest son of the demon lord and his favourite in line to inherit his throne. However, he is also the bastard son of a low ranking succubus, and unlike his older brothers and half-sisters not a full-blooded and powerful demon. Xolvion has inherited no great magical power from his father like his siblings and is seen as a good for nothing hornless bastard with nothing going for him, other than the ability to seduce the opposite sex. The night before his 221st birthday his siblings decide to get rid of him for good and attempt to kill him. However, he survives and flees to the human kingdom, knowing it is no longer safe to stay in the demon kingdom for fear of his life. He swears revenge against his siblings vowing to one day return and reclaims the throne for his own. Once in the human kingdom, the MC quickly uses his incubus powers of seduction to make his way in their world. Soon discovering that the ability to seduce the opposite sex isn't the only magical power he possesses. Learning that if he absorbs the fluids of another living being. He will gain their abilities and increase his strength. Xolvion embarks on a quest to seduce the most powerful female heroes and adventures in the land known as the holy saints, gaining their powers one by one until he becomes strong enough to get his revenge and become the next demon lord! Also I do not own the cover pic, found it on Pinterest!

Lavalord115 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

Chapter 8: New gear and the power of transmutation!

(Warning this chapter is graphic with a rape scene. If you are not a fan skip the sex scene. I will leave a warning when it is coming up.)

Now that Xolvion had finally said goodbye to the others, it was time for him to go and sell his share of the loot. Thanks to absorbing the knowledge of a traders daughter, he already knew how much everything was worth and the best place to sell it.

"So that's ten slime crystals, two excellent quality wolf pelts, five wolf fangs, one giant boar tusk and half of hits hide... In total, I can offer you 30 silvers." The merchant said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Xolvion smirked as he took his loot back.

"We both know it's worth double that. If you aren't interested in buying it for a fair price I will take my business elsewhere." Xolvion said, baiting him.

"A-alright, alright!" He shouted as he grabbed the loot, stopping Xolvion from taking it.

"I'll give you 60 silvers for the lot." He said giving in.

"Make it 61, for you trying to rob me," Xolvion said, giving him a serious look.

"Jezz, you drive a hard bargain, mister... You remind me of my daughter in that way." He said scratching his head.

"You could say I learnt from the best," Xolvion said, smiling at him before he took his money and left.

"Now that I have some money, I should get some new gear. After all, these clothes won't last much longer." He said looking down at them.

Xolvion wandered through the city until he came to a small yet popular weapons and armour shop. It had been recommended at the adventurers guild due to its price and quality.

"Hello! I'll be with you in a moment! A feminine voice shouted from the back as Xolvion walked in, ringing the bell that was attached to the door.

Xolvion could see lots of different weapons and armour types out on display, deciding to check them out while he waited.

"Hello! Sorry to keep you waiting." A pretty woman said suddenly as she barged through the door that leads into her workshop.

She was carrying a box of old swords and was dressed in some old clothes that fit her well, complete with a blacksmiths apron.

She had raven black hair that was tied back, two small strands of hair falling over her face stuck to the sweat. Her eyes were blue and her eyelashes long.

"Welcome to the broken bucket blacksmiths!" She said, placing the box down and wiping the sweat from her forehead.

Xolvion smiled as he introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Xolvion." He said.

Xolvion couldn't help but notice she had wiped black soot on her face with her glove, deciding to tell her.

"You have a little something on your face." He said, pointing to his cheek.

She took her glove off and wiped her cheek, taking a sword to check it in the reflection.

"There, all gone. Anyway, how can I help you?" She said before she twirled the sword and put it back into the box.

Xolvion nodded.

"I'm looking for some new gear. Clothing and a weapon really." He said.

"Any ideas of what kind of armour you're after?" She asked taking a closer look at him.

"I was thinking something light yet durable. Something with a lot of breathing room but that would still protect me?" He said.

"And your weapon of choice?"

"A sword will do." He said after looking at one on the wall.

"Alright, let me just measure you quickly and we can get to work. What's your price range?" She then asked.

"I'd say about 50 silvers max." He said with a charming smile.

The woman noticed his handsome face and looked away as she blushes uncontrollably.

"O-Ok." She said as she took her tap measure.

She had Xolvion stand on a large metal plate that took his weight before she used her measuring tape to take his size, writing it all down as she went.

"So is this shop yours?" Xolvion asked.

"Yes... But it used to belong to my husband." She said as she finished measuring his chest and arm's length.

"What happened to him?" Xolvion asked being curious.

"He died." She said as she stopped for a moment.

"I'm sorry." He said, realizing he had made her sad.

"It's ok. It was three years ago now, I always told that that fool he should eat slower. Ended up choking on a piece of stake one day. By the time I found him, it was too late." She said before she asked him to spread his legs a little so she could measure the length of them.

"You must be lonely here all by yourself." He said as she placed her hand on his leg.

She looked up at him for a moment, locking eyes with his before she broke his gaze and focused on her task, finishing his measurements.

"Yes. But I carry on his dream, running this place all by myself, just how he taught me." She said.

"You are indeed skilled," Xolvion said as he looked at her work once more.

"Thank you. He taught me everything I know. At first, I was never bothered but im glad I paid attention now." She said before her happy smile faded away.

"Just hang on here for me while I collect some samples." She said before she headed into the back again.

She soon came back with a large box of different clothing and armour samples before she started placing bits and bobs to the side.

"Alright. Going off your size and what you requested I have come up with this for you." She said as she placed all of the clothing and gear onto a dummy model so he could see what it looked like.

(Check comment here to see a picture of the new gear.)

"Not too shabby..." Xolvion said impressed.

"Is that to your liking?" She asked, making sure everything was ok.

"Yes, I think that's perfect," Xolvion said most happy with it.

"Ok, and as for a weapon, I think a longsword would fit you best. Something you can use with one hand quite easily but can also use two hands for it if you need." She said as she picked one of the long swords up off the wall.

"Give this one a few swings." She's said as she tossed it to him.

Xolvion drew the sword and examined the blade, giving it a few swings in his hand.

"It's light." He said with a smile.

"Yes, I crafted it from a steel ore that had been enchanted with decreased mass. Meaning it's just as strong as a steel long sword but it's half the weight." She said with a bright smile.

"Impressive." He said as he put it back into its sheath.

"So all in all that comes to 55 silvers..." She said as she worked the maths out.

Xolvion had enough, but he didn't really want to spend it all at once.

"I didn't get your name." He said suddenly taking the blacksmith off guard.

"My name..." She said blushing a little as Xolvion looked into her eyes.

"Oh yes, my name is Eva." She said with a smile.

"Eva, what a lovely name." He said as he smiled at her.

"I only have 50 silver coins to offer you, Eva, as I said at the start."

Eva looked a little confused for a second before she remembered he had told her his budget was 50 silvers.

"That's right... I'm such an airhead." She said as she bumped herself on the noggin.

"I'm sorry. Let's call it 50 silvers then, as long as you promise to always use me as your blacksmith." She suddenly said giving him a thumbs up and a wink.

Xolvion smiled and nodded.

"That's a deal." He said looking into her blue eyes.

He was almost tempted to use his charm and take her right here and now. However, for some reason, the story about her dead husband stopped him from doing so.

Xolvion put on his gear and bid Eva farewell as he left the shop.

"Don't go getting soft on me now Xolvion." He said to himself as he walked down the street.

Another week soon past and Xolvion had spent most of his time completing quests and gaining strength as he seduced more and more women. He felt as if his time here in this city had now drawn to an end, feeling as if he had gained everything there was to achieve here.

Plus a few of the locals had started to believe he was some sort of vampire that prayed on women.

He had managed to save a large amount of money now, also increasing his rank in the adventures guild to Iron rank.

(See comments for adventurer ranks.)

Xolvion knew it was time to leave and move on to the next city where he could gain even more strength. He had discovered that simply taking girls without power or abilities now barely did anything for him, meaning it was almost for nothing, only the pleasure of it.

"I have to find the Holy saints and steal their powers, it's the only way I will ever become strong enough to face my brothers and sisters." He said to himself before he finished his food.

"Hey did you hear!" Someone said from across the bar.

"Yeah, one of the Holy Saints, the empress of ice is coming to the city!" Another man shouted.

"Yeah, I heard she's here visiting the duke, trying to teach his daughter how to use ice magic." Someone else said.

Xolvion was most interested by their words as he sipped his glass of wine, listening from the shadows.

"If a holy saint is coming here, then I guess I should stay for a little while longer until I have stolen her powers." He thought as he swirled his wine around in his glass before drinking it.

The crowds had gathered on the streets, everyone coming to get a glimpse of the Holy saint, also known as the empress of ice.

Xolvion had joined the crowds and waited so he too could get a look at her. After all, he needed to know what she looked like to seduce her.

"Look there she is!" Someone shouted as they pointed her out.

A beautiful woman with cool and sharp features suddenly rowed in on a white horse holding a magical staff, surrounded by the city guard.

(See comment here to see a picture of what I imagine her to look like!)

Xolvion was impressed and watched as she rid away, heading towards the castle in the centre of the city.

"So it's true, she really is going to train the duke's daughter." Someone said among the crowd.

"I heard the dukes daughter can use ice magic and is next in line to become one of the Holy saints." Someone else said as they all chatted between themselves.

"Yeah, the duke is having a ball to celebrate his daughter discovering her magical powers for her 18th birthday!" Someone said excitedly.

"Don't get too excited only those of noble rank or wealth will be invited." Someone else said.

Xolvion had already figured as much, knowing he would have to find another way into the castle.

"Looks like im going to need a disguise." He thought to himself, knowing just the place to start.

Xolvion had made his way through the city, visiting every alchemist shop he could find. Unfortunately, none of them seemed to process any abilities to change an object shape through transmutation yet alone a person image. He searched and searched until finally, an old man told him there was only one person in this city who could do such a thing, and that it wasn't cheap.

Xolvion had finally come to a small shop on the edge of the city, located in the slums closest to the city walls.

"So this is the place?" Xolvion thought before he knocked on the door, noting that it was well hidden.

Nobody answered and Xolvion knocked again, this time getting a response.

"Yeah im coming!" A voice said before the door opened.

Xilvion was met by a tomboyish girl with large breasts and short hair that was flicked across her face.

"What you want?" She said as she crossed her arms over her large chest.

"I'm looking for Jiran the wise. Is this the right place?" He asked, looking at her oddly.

"What you want with him?" She asked.

"I would like to hire him for a job." He said.

"Oh yeah, how much does it pay?" She then asked.

"One gold coin," Xolvion said, flashing it to her.

The girl's eyes opened wide before she cleared her throat.

"Come in." She said moving to the side allowing him inside before she checked the area and closed the door.

"Grampa, you got a visitor!" She shouted.

An old man in his 80's walked into the dusty living room, hobbling on his walking stick as he did.

"Is that so." He said taking a look at Xolvion.

"My you're a handsome fellow. What say it, want to marry my granddaughter?" He said giving her a poke with his cane.

"She might look a bit tomboyish but she's got huge jugs." The perverted old man said laughing.

"Shut it old man!" She shouted before she kicked his walking stick, causing him to fall over.

"Oh, my back!" He said in pain as he rolled around on the ground.

"That's what you get, pervert." She said as she walked away into the other room.

Xolvion was a little confused but decided to heal the old man and help him up.

"Oh my, that healing... I haven't seen someone use that in a long while." He said impressed as he felt like he had become ten years younger.

"Wherever did you learn such a skill," he asked as he readjusted his glasses.

"I'm here to hire you. Rumour has it you can use transmutation to alter a persons face and body." Xolvion said.

The old man smiled as he looked at Xolvions feature.

"That's true. But there is a limit to what I can change." He said as he walked towards the door, waving his hand for Xolvion to follow him.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he followed.

"Well, you see laddy. Alchemy is a wonderful skill, letting use chance the matter of objects or potions and even people. Someone skilled in the art could turn water into wine or stone into gold. However, such skills are extremely rare. Rarer still are those who can use transmutation on people." He explained.

"The young tomboy there has inherited my skills and her body is better suited to carry out the transmutation. I taught her everything I know." He said.

Xolvion took a mental note of what the old man just said and looked at the girl, using his appraisal skill.

"He's right, she does have the skill."

"So what's the job, most people who come here want to look like somebody else, or be more pretty with bigger boobs." The girl said.

"I want you to make me look like the duke's firstborn son." He said.

"What!" The girl said almost spitting out her drink.

"What's wrong can't do it?" He said giving her a questioning look.

"It's not that I can't, I won't!" She said refusing.

"You see lad, the duke forbids things like this. If we got caught, he would have our heads." The old man said.

"The question is, why on earth would you want to do such a thing?" He them said giving Xolvion a questioning look.

"I guess it's plan B then." He said, getting serious.

Xolvion clicked his fingers and suddenly the old man burst into flames, screaming as he dropped to the floor and rolled around in pain.

"Aarghhhh!" He yelled before the fire engulfed him.

"What in the hell, Granpa!" The girl screamed before she looked back to Xolvion in terror.

"Stay away from me you monster!" She cried out as she turned to run away, not knowing what else to do.

Xolvion, however, was much too quick and grabbed her wrist before he forced her to turn and face him.

"Charm..." She said as he forced her to look into his eyes through her struggling.

Her cries stopped and she quickly stopped fighting as she looked into his eyes.

"Yes... Now give me your power." He said with a wicked smile before he kissed her, forcing his tongue into her mouth.

The girl clearly didn't know how to kiss and kept her tongue still while Xolvion wriggled his around in her mouth.

"I can already feel the knowledge entering my brain." He said before he grabbed her by her hair and dragged her out of the room screaming.

"No, let go of me!" She shouted as she kicked around suddenly.

"Oh my, you used your skill to break free of my magic," Xolvion said noticing what she had done.

"How interesting." He said before he threw her hard against the wall.

She gasped as her body slapped off the wall and she fell to the ground.

"Now let us begin," Xolvion said as he clicked his fingers again, using magic to levitate her into the air and holding her there.

(Skip now if a rape scene is too strong for you.)

She couldn't move and was forced to watch as Xolvion tore her clothing off, exposing her large breasts.

"My what a pretty girl you are." He said as he squeezed her breasts hard before he forced her legs open.

"N-No please!" She pleaded with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, but your suffering is nothing compared to mine." He said as he pulled his penis out and rubbed between her legs with it.

The girl stared at it horrified by the sight of its girth and length knowing there was nothing she could do.

"Please wait, that won't fit!" She yelled.

"Here we go!" Xolvion suddenly shouted as he forced it inside of her tight virgin pussy, ripping it open and making her bleed as he thrust his cock into her.

"Aargh!" She screamed in pain and shock as she felt herself rip so that it would fit.

Xolvion didn't stop there as he started to thrust harder and harder, getting her juices to splash as he did, making her bleed even more and he went harder and harder.

"No! ait hurts, it hurts!" she yelled as tears flowed down her face.

Xolvion didn't care as he could feel the transfer of power flowing into his body.

"It's almost complete!" He shouted as he threw her to the ground, bending her over as he forced it inside of her again.

"Nooo!" She screamed as he continued to fuck her without mercy. Thrusting his thing inside of her over and over again until she couldn't feel anything anymore, losing herself in the pain and pleasure.

Xolvions body slapped off oh hers as the sound of meat and skin could be heard while he rammed her harder and harder.

"Oh my god! Yes, Fuck me! I dodmt know ot would feel so good!" She suddenly cried out as the sensation became too much for her to bear.

"It's coming... I can feel it, this is it!" He shouted as he grabbed her throat from behind.

"I'm cumming!" He suddenly roared as he squeezed his hands around her neck hard, choking her as he fired his hot semen inside of her, getting her to moan with pleaser as he did.

Xolvion dropped her to the ground where she breathed heavily, having lost all feeling of herself while she lay there, letting his hot white stuff pump out onto the ground.

"It's mine. The power of transmutation is really mine." He said as he walked over to the mirror and held his hand to his face.

Combining his healing and his transmutation he could change his face to that of anyone he desired, using his mind and magic to craft the image.

"It really works..." He said as he changed his appearance again and again testing his new skill to the maximum.

"I wonder if..." He said as he then used it on his body, changing himself into a woman with large breasts, before he altered the size of them, making them smaller and then bigger again.

"It really worked..." He said as he felt his crotch feeling that his penis had even disappeared. in place of his new lady parts.

"With a skill like this, I could do almost anything." He said before he turned himself back into himself.

Turning to look at the girl on the floor he could see she was still trying to fight and get up, although her legs weren't working at the moment.

"Poor girl. You have one of the greatest powers in this city and yet you refused to use it. How foolish." He said.

"I'm sorry to have to do this, but I can't risk you exposing me." He then said as his face grew dark for a moment.

"But it would be such a shame to waste this moment." He said as he looked at her perfectly round ass.

Xolvion looked down at his penis and held his hand above it before using his new translation skill to suddenly grow another penis above his existing one.

"Now the real fun begins." He sakd with a devilish smirk as he placed both of his penises against both of her holes.

The girl could feel them both and turned around in shock and confusion as she felt both of them pressing against her.

"N-n-n-no... Please, No!" She shouted as she tried to pull herself up off the ground.

Xolvion grabbed her wrist and pulled her off the ground, holding her weight up as he thrust both of his cocks inside of her, filling both k

of her holes with him.

"Arghhh!!!" She moaned as she had never felt anything like it in her life.

Xolvion smiled as he started to fuck both of her holes at the same time, thrusting inside of her as he filled her up.

"Ffuuckkkk!!!" She yelled as both of his huge dicks thrust all the way in and out of her tight holes, causing her to truly lose her mind.

Xolvion kept it up for at least half an hour straight, not even slowing down once. The girl's mind had gone blank at this point and the only thing that mattered now was the feeling of her being fucked.

"I'm coming!" Xolvion roared as he pulled both of his cocks out, letting them both explode with cum shooting from their tips, covering her in his essence.

This time she hit the deck and simply stayed their, not even moving.

Xolvion gave her a strange look and examined her checking for a pulse.

(End of sex scene...)

"She's dead... Her heart stopped beating." He said with a twisted smirk.

"You literally got fucked to death." He said as he started to laugh.

"Well it can't be helped, I got everything ai needed from you." He then said as he got dressed and started to walk out.

"Oh, there is just one last thing." He said before he clicked his fingers again, igniting her body in fire.

"No one can know who you were." He said letting the fire grow out of control and burn down the entire house.

"Now I think it's time to get ready for the ball." He said as he walked out of the burning building, letting it crumble behind him as he disappeared into the night.