
The Incubus system to conquer the world!

Meet Xolvion, he is the youngest son of the demon lord and his favourite in line to inherit his throne. However, he is also the bastard son of a low ranking succubus, and unlike his older brothers and half-sisters not a full-blooded and powerful demon. Xolvion has inherited no great magical power from his father like his siblings and is seen as a good for nothing hornless bastard with nothing going for him, other than the ability to seduce the opposite sex. The night before his 221st birthday his siblings decide to get rid of him for good and attempt to kill him. However, he survives and flees to the human kingdom, knowing it is no longer safe to stay in the demon kingdom for fear of his life. He swears revenge against his siblings vowing to one day return and reclaims the throne for his own. Once in the human kingdom, the MC quickly uses his incubus powers of seduction to make his way in their world. Soon discovering that the ability to seduce the opposite sex isn't the only magical power he possesses. Learning that if he absorbs the fluids of another living being. He will gain their abilities and increase his strength. Xolvion embarks on a quest to seduce the most powerful female heroes and adventures in the land known as the holy saints, gaining their powers one by one until he becomes strong enough to get his revenge and become the next demon lord! Also I do not own the cover pic, found it on Pinterest!

Lavalord115 · Fantasi
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32 Chs

Chapter 16: Zoranna the Vampire!

Xolvion jumped into the air, clashing swords with the skeleton. The weight and power behind the skeletons two-handed blade being heavy enough to push him back.

Xolvion flipped through the air with skill, quickly casting a volley of fireballs before he hit the ground with his free hand.

He landed in a perfect squat, using his hands to guide his magic and change it at the last second.

"Scatter!" He shouted, causing the fireballs to burst into even smaller versions of themselves that surrounded the skeleton on all sides.

The skeleton stopped in its tracks, quickly pulling both of its arms in as it cast a protective barrier around itself.

Xolvion's fire magic exploded all at once, however, it did nothing thanks to the magical barrier the skeleton had created.

"Not good... Heal." Xolvion said, casting the spell onto himself.

Xolvion could feel the effects of his divine healing only a little, as it had no way near the effect it usually did, this time coating magic rather than restoring it.

"Shit... Whatever this room is, it's stopping all of my magic from working properly."

"If I don't end this quickly, I won't be able to cast any magic at all." He thought, watching as the skeleton floated in the air.

"If magic won't work, then good old fashioned fighting it is!" Xolvion shouted as he charged back in for another round.

The skeleton watched as it remained on guard, reacting to Xolvions attack as he blocked another set of strikes, one after the other.

Xolvion jumped and twirled in the air with great speed and skill, slashing downward using all of his weight to power his attack.

The skeleton raised its large sword and blocked his attack, letting the steel blades clash against each other ringing throughout the room.

"Eat this!" Xolvion roared as he smashed a roundhouse kick into the side of the skeleton, landing a direct blow and sending it flying across the room.

"It's not over yet, I have to finish this now!" He shouted, charging in to deliver the final blow with his sword raised high.

But the skeleton was quick to recover, using its large sword to counter Xolvion and send him flying across the room.

Xolvion's armour had done little to protect him from such a strong blow. But he was able to break his fall with his right arm as he hit the ground, sliding along it before he rolled back onto his feet.

"Heal!" He shouted, doing his best to try and stop the bleeding.

Even with the anti-magic barrier in the room, his divine magic was still able to save him, though it was no way near as strong and he wasn't sure for how long he could keep this up.

"Seems this sack of bones won't go down easy." He thought as he stood to his feet, trying to come up with another plan.

"I have enough magic left for at least one saint level magic attack, and one last heal... If I can land a direct blow, I might have a chance."

The skeleton flicked its large sword downward, letting the blood on it splash onto the floor.

"Time for you to die mortal!" It shouted, as it's teeth clattered together.

Xolvion had one final shot at defeating this undead monster, knowing that if he failed, this could truly be the end for him.

Taking a large breath, he exhailed slowly, opening his eyes as he focused intently.

"Here we go..." He said, tossing his sword into the air before he took it in a reverse grip.

Quickly, Xolvion burst into a sprint, charging at the monster head-on, moving like a arrow.

"Now take this! Emperors blast!!!" He roared, casting as much power into his attack as he could.

The skeleton laughed as it waved his hand, casting another protective barrier to defend his attack, however, at the last second, Xolvion burst through his fire blast, letting it burn his body as he rammed his sword, laced with his own magic as it pierced into the skeletons barrier, taking the monster by surprise and breaking it like glass.

"It's the end for you!!!" He yelled as the magic attack exploded, consuming both of them in a blast of fire that shook the entire room.

The skeleton howled in pain as its bone melted and turned to ash from the intense magical attack, giving one final screech before it was wiped from the face of the earth.

Xolvion was flung into the air from the blast, where he smashed into the source of the artificial light on the ceiling, cracking into the glass and imprinting into the ceiling.

His mangled and burnt body hit it so hard that it shattered on impact, causing the light to fade as its power faded and the room turned darker.

Xolvion's body slowly became another casualty of gravity as he fell from the top of the room, crashing to the ground where his body gave a sickening crunch, bouncing off the hard stone floor like a ragdoll.

Somehow he was still conscious, feeling his will fading, his body dying, as with each passing second, it slowly sucame to the darkness that was death.

"He... Hea... Heal..." Xolvion said with the absolute last of his strength.

Xolvions eyes closed for but a moment as with his dying breath, his divine healing took hold, mending and stitching his sporadic body back together in a flash.

Xolvion suddenly shot up taking a large breath, as if his soul had been sucked back inside of his body, giving life to it once more.

"Holy shit... It worked." He said, inspecting his body for any wounds.

His final gambit had worked, allowing him to defeat the skeleton and come out alive, even if it was by the skin of his teeth.

Thanks to his body having broken the light, he could no longer feel the anti-magic, meaning it was pot luck that his divine healing had worked.

"I can't say I'll be trying that little manoeuvre again anytime soon." He said as he stood to his feet and dusted himself off.

Xolvion noticed that his clothing and armour was in tatters, having been badly damaged from his kamikaze attack.

However, he soon shook the thought from his mind, turning his attention to the chained woman before him.

She was half-naked, with only a thin white sheet covering her body that was wrapped in chains.

Her skin was fair and her hair was long and silver like silk. She looked mature as her features were full and that of a woman.

(See comments here to see what I imagine her to look like.)

As he got closer to her, he soon realised that she was the vampire. Seeing her pointy ears and sharp claws.

"I wonder what happened here... Why is she chained up?" He said, examining her chains.

He could see that they were silver and indeed magical, that of the binding type, used to seal her powers away.

"That strange light and now these chains... Looks like someone didn't want you to ever leave this place." Xolvion said as he got closer to her.

"You... Who are you..." The woman said weakly, not being able to lift her head as she spoke.

"She's alive..." Xolvion said, a little surprised.

"Help me..." She said slowly.

"Please free me."

Xolvion had to admit he was a little curious as to why she had been chained up like this, and perhaps freeing her would answer his questions.

"Or she could be some kind of monster and simply kill me..." He then thought.

"Guess I'll find out." He then said as he placed his hand onto the chains.

Using his transmutation ability he simply turned the metal into dust, letting it fall freely to the ground.

The vampire dropped to the floor, with Xolvion catching her midway through.

He slowly laid her down onto her back as he took on her features.

She was extremely beautiful, something that did not go unnoticed as he studied her form as she slowly opened her blood-red eyes.

Xolvion could feel the magic that was slowly flowing back into her body, using his wolf sense he could feel her power growing at an impressive rate.

"Hmm... I wonder if it would work on a vampire." Xolvion thought as he decided to cast his charm ability.

The vampire looked into his eyes as she too studied him. Her eyes were full of hunger and as she finished looking him up and down, she smirked.

"Did you just try to control my mind?" She asked, seeming to be unaffected by his charm magic.

"Oh shit, it didn't work." He said in his head.

The vampiress slowly sat up, stretching her arms into the air, letting the cloth that covered her body fall to the ground revealing her perfectly sized breasts.

"My oh my..." She said looking down at her body.

"I'm all stiff." She said as she slowly stood to her feet.

Xolvion could see her full naked body now, and he liked what he saw.

The vampire took a look around the room before finally looking back to Xolvion.

"You really freed me from that prison." She said, slowly walking over to him seductively.

"And then you try to control me." She suddenly said, leaning in close to his face with her own.

"Now, why would you go and do something like that." She asked, turning on her heels as she crossed her hands behind her waist.

"If my charm won't work... does that mean I won't be able to absorb any power from her?" Xolvion thought as he watched her closely.

"Hmm... Were you trying to make me your slave?" She suddenly asked, whipping her silver hair as she turned to look at him.

"No," Xolvion said.

"In all honesty, I wanted to fight you and test my power. But once I saw how. Well, beautiful you are, I would much prefer to fuck you." He said being as blunt as a brick.

The female vampire cocked an eyebrow at him before she burst out laughing.

"You're serious aren't you. Hahahha oh my how funny you are." She said, giving a whole honest laugh.

But her laughter soon stopped as her face grew serious.

"My name is Zoranna Von-vandike. And I'm afraid you will be my first meal in over a thousand years." She said, licking her lips as her fangs grew larger.

Xolvion smiled, holding his ground firmly as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Using his wolf sense, he could tell that she was indeed strong. However, her powers had not yet fully returned and for the time being, he was stronger than her.

"Do you really think I will simply let you eat me?" He said, smiling at her.

Zoranna smirked also sensing that she wasn't strong enough to beat him in her current state.

"Perhaps not..." She said with a cheeky grin.

"But if I can't eat you, what can I do with you?" She asked.

This time Xolvion smiled.

"I have a few ideas..." He said, looking down towards her breasts and then down towards her groin.

"A few ideas indeed."