
The In-between

He was cursed for thousands of years, living in agony. She doesn't know who she is. But the only was for them to come together. When these two fall in love, will they succeed with the dangers lurking around, and the "in-between"

Fortune_sky · Fantasi
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1 Chs

1. It was real

Two figures, clothed in black appeared on the road side looking ahead, one a sliver haired and the other hazel haired with a striking resemblance.

"Hey, you think we are at the right place?", asked the hazel hair guy.

"I don't think, i know we are at the right place ", replied the sliver haired in a frustrated tone, obviously the hazel haired guy was so frustrating. They have come through a long way to look for someone but always ended up getting the wrong person all thanks to him, he wished he could just shut his little brother up forever, he calm himself down, "He is just young and doesn't know anything" he thought to himself. Dragging his frustrating brother along with a cold face , they head north on their quest.

They arrived at a manor where a loud music can be heard, looking at the Halloween post at the entrance they became hesitant.

"Are you sure we're not going to scare them away?. Let's just wait till the party is over, then we'll see Her Highness right ,big brother?", the hazel haired guy asked his brother.

"we've been doing what you proposed but where did it lead us?, NOWHERE!, now we are doing this my way, you got it?", the sliver haired guy shouted at his brother for being the cause of their slow progress .Seeing that his brother is not making any move and was just looking at him ,he began to hesitate.

' He's not waiting for me to make the move right?', he asked himself.


"Aren't you going to get in?"

"You said we're doing this your way, so lead the way" He said rolling his eyes at his big brother for asking such a question.

"If we go in, they'll be suspicious because they don't know us and have never seen us before"

"Have you forgotten?. This is a Halloween party. They dress in a costume and most of the are going to wear masks." said the sliver haired guy.

"Okay, but we have to hurry before HE wakes up."

Shocked at the reminder of the purpose of their quest by his little brother, he hurriedly went into the manor.

Meanwhile, in the midst of them , a young slender girl stood out amongst them,her long golden wavy hair was parked in a ponytail, wearing a white long wedding gown that show her curves from her waist to her chest with two bite marks on her neck ,blood flowing down making her look alluring despite not having any name to call her dressing for the Halloween party.

"Iris, what the hell are you wearing?" a green eyed guy asked holding a wine glass.

" Why haven't I seen a halloween costume like this before?" the green eyed young man asked.

"Because you're dumb, Eric."

"Hey, not fair"

"whatever. I'm just tired of these things you guys are dragging me into, and as for the costume ... I'll say they are my latest designs " Iris said, rolling her blue eyes at him before moving right to the corner to take a rest. It was at that moment the entrance door opened revealing two young handsome men with skin so white as if there was no blood in them , wearing black pants with a long black jacket with the tip of their collars pointing out.


Everyone held their breath at the sight of them, never in their entire life have they seen anyone like them. The word common among the ladies in the hall was "Handsome" , while most guys among them were having a gaze of envy and hatred for stealing their spotlight away. When the brothers caught sight of whom they were looking for, they walked towards her. But before the took a step, they sensed someone.

"It seems we are not the only ones here" The sliver haired guy said.

"So they came for her too?"

"Yes of course. After all the prophecy is not a new thing. But we can't let them get her" replied his big brother.

While they were talking, Iris was in a world of her one, numerous thoughts flooded into her mind.

'They are not humans, do they know that I'm not a human too?' With eyes wide open at the sudden thought, she made an attempt to run but was met with with two pair of ferocious red eyes, shocked, she turned out but it was too late.

"Eric!, Help me" She shouted, but to no avail before falling unconscious.

"Darn it! They got here before us" the sliver haired guy said in an angry tone after seeing what happened.

"they must have noticed our presence" said his little brother.

"Let's go. We cannot let them take her away". He said, looking anxious.

Opening her eyes slowly adjusting herself to her surrounding, frowning, she thought to herself after realizing she's in her apartment.

'i thought I was taken by that thing' Looking at herself only to see that she was in her pajamas, she sighed.

"I must be having those nightmares again" She said to herself.

Ever since she was a child her father has always shunned her from the world telling her that she's different and that she has the blood of something special flowing in her veins, that if she doesn't care caution she will endanger herself. That special thing ,she doesn't what it is but believes her father anyway and kept her distance from other kids her age after she started to grow strange habits, and her inhuman behavior could be notice, clearly these are her attributes of being born of a different race. Her father never once told her about her birth mother.

Being lost in her thoughts of the recent things that happened, she was brought back to reality when she heard a voice.

"What a fool"

With eyes wide open in fear, she said in a low voice.

"Who's there?" She said.

Curled up in the corner of her bed, she squirted her eyes in order to find anything. Just then, a tall figure emerged from the darkness coming into the light made by the moon in the room.

"Who are you?" She asked him, trying to reach out for the bat she always kept by her bed side.

"Don't even think about it" The voice said.

"To think that I saved you and all I get is you trying to hit me with a bat"

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you...yet"

"You said you saved me?" She asked with her fear disappearing into thin air, after noticing that he's not a bad person.

"Yes" He said, looking proud for saving a damsel in distress.

"it was real!" Shocked , her body went limp at the thought of those red eyes coming after her again.

"They won't come after you for now" He said.

"What about my friend, Eric?"

"The party is still going on"

She relaxed a bit , She doesn't want Eric to be worried about her.

"But why are they after me?"

"Have you dealt with anything that has to do with special ability?" He asked her.

"I think so , but I can't remember." She said, making him go quiet.

While he was in deep thoughts, she took her time to scan him with her eyes. She breathes a sigh of relief seeing that he isn't as scary like those guys from the party. As she was question him how he got in that was when she notice that the young man standing opposite her was different, under the moonlight his skin was smooth, not a spec could be seen, his dark silky hair was sparkling as if it was designed with precious stones giving off a cool vibe. As she was about moving closer to touch him , two figures appeared and greeted the young man in unison giving her chills.

"Your Majesty"

She stopped to take a look at the young man whom they called YOUR MAJESTY, only to get a glimpse of his eyes when he turned his head but it changed after she took notice. Knowing that she saw his eyes, his lips curved into a smile showing his fangs.

"You..." with fear, she didn't finish her sentence before fainting.

"Tsk.. she's no fun at all" His Majesty with an unhappy face.

Hi everyone, this is my first book and first chapter, I hope you like it and cheer me up.

Fortune_skycreators' thoughts