
Chapter 2

We're all just a bunch of addicts, struggling with our drug choice ~ JmStorm.


Ruanah's P.O.V~

After searching for the locket everywhere I've been today, I plop down on my bed. I can't even ask for help from Brooklyn, she must be drunk out of her mind right now. Argh!

God, how did I lost it? Where?

Then it clicked.

The Impingement with that vandalism guy!!!

Crap. It must've fallen when he spun me around. But I've been there and searched every corner...

There's only one account where the locket is now, and that is...

With the vandalism guys. Yeah I'm calling them the vandalism guys.

Uhuh. I don't like where this is going. Let's face it my life sucks. I'll discuss this matter with Brooklyn tomorrow and find a solution. Hopefully.

I've to get that locket back from them, at any cost.

Tomorrow is my first day here, officially. Got a long day ahead, I should probably take some rest. I slip into my bed and within few seconds darkness closes in.


I step out of the bathroom after taking a shower and rummage through my closet for the designated uniform.

It's a classic blazer-skirt combination. A button up white shirt underneath the blazer paired up with dark blue tie and finished with knife-kneaded skirt.

Not bad...

I pull up knee-length white stockings and buckle black miu-miu pumps, with light makeup I finish my look and make my way out with my backpack.

"Hey, girl!" I chirp seeing Brooks standing in front of the school entrance. It looks like I've got some explaining to do.

"Cut the crap and tell me what is the thing you were so caught into that you had to bail on me."

Unfortunate for me, Brooklyn could drink tons of booze and not be hungover.

"Okay, listen up..." I tell her everything that happened yesterday not to forget about my precious locket. At the end of the story her face is etched with a deep frown.

"Did I not tell you the pranks that are being pulled by some anonymous person?

Only now it's not a person but five guys from our own school. You didn't see their faces and to top that you lost your locket to them which I may quote was a gift from cass.

We need to find them and get your locket back. Oh and I have to see what talent they want to show by means of vandalism."

Only this girl can speak so many things at one time. I only nod in her direction.

"Before I forget, Welcome to Realmswood High Ms Ruanah Queen." She bows in front of me and then starts walking. A crowd comes in my eyesight which I assume is here to appreciate the vandalism guys work from yesterday.

We squeeze ourselves into the crowd and boy, these vandalism guys know what they are doing.


"They have drawn caricatures of some teachers and the principal. It's awesome." She laughs, only then a voice booms.

"I want all of you in the assembly hall. Now!" every one started to disperse, Brooks takes ahold of my hand as we start walking along with the crowd.

"Every student and teacher of Realmswood High has to report in the assembly hall at this instant. I repeat every student and teacher of Realmswood High has to report in the assembly hall at this instant."

"That's the principal, now come on I want you to meet someone." Brooks is literally dragging me now.

"Hey, Brooks I still have some questions... so do you know who did this?"

"Nope. But I do know this guys you are talking about has pulled so many pranks that if the school finds out they are in such a deep, deep shit."

"Isn't there a Clique of five exclusive guys or something in here?"

"Not that I know of. But why are you so interested? These guys are cool, in fact they're relief factor for this school. You know how high standards have the school build up here to keep it at the top."

"I'm not interested in anything. I'm just trying to save my ass. Precautions are better then cure."

"Mhmm. You know they'll have to pass my ass to get yours. And once they're on my ass you'll be long forgotten." She laughs.

"Yeah one can get really baffled that how can a person have such a flat ass." I laugh at her whilst she is giving me death glare.

"At least.." Brooklyn's witty comeback is cut off by her clumsiness. She walks into a tall boy with dark hair and deep blue eyes.

"Watch where you're going." She speaks before he can. Ha! That's Brooklyn for ya. He is glaring at her.

"What do we have here? A sassy little chirp bird." He retorts back, while I'm trying figure is this one of the vandalism guys from yesterday.

"Tyler, I don't wanna waste my breath on a chipmunk with monkey face, so if you would excuse us."

"Brooklyn, brooklyn, brooklyn only you have the guts to speak to me like this in the whole school."

"Cuz, I don't see you as a damn god, now bug off." She excuses herself and I realize I'm still staring at him.

"You must the best friend from California." A lazy grin plays on his face, showing he knows something I don't know.

"And you are.." I retort

"She didn't tell you about me? It was your twin sister who ran away wasn't it? I remember her, used to show everyone how naive she is.... was anything but naive."

I frown at his words. How in the world does this boy know her.

"Do you even know her?"

"I know her very well. And remember one more thing don't get involve into something you won't be able to handle."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Just stay clear of... don't get involve."

"And you are telling me this because..."

"Ruanah come on what are you still doing here? Tyler! Stay the fuck away from her, you've already done enough damage. Let's go rua."

She pulls me with her through the crowd. What damage is she talking about? She never told me anything related to this guy. And god knows we tell each other every single thing. She is hiding something from me! And I've still got to find the locket.

After the principal's warnings we meet Brooklyn's lesbian friends here. Annelise and Rochelle, a lovely couple. The only normal people I've met here.

We separate our ways when the bell rings for second period. First was used for this so called warnings, I sprint to my locker for the books.

Punching in my combination I find a note kept on my books. Open your mouth about yesterday and your secrets will no more be secrets Ruanah or can I say Tinkerbell?

It was scribbled in a messy handwriting. I pale at the words. How in the world did I land myself into this shit?! I fold the note properly and keep it in my back pack.

Realizing the hallway is empty I hast to my classroom. Huffing and puffing I enter the class, and observe everyone is looking at me.

"Everyone we have a new student here.

Please make her feel welcome. I'm Jason John your Physics teacher. What may your name be miss? And why are you late?"

A very fine species of male teacher asks me.

"Excuse me miss?" He clears his throat. I realize I'm staring at him..

"Uh. I.. I'm Ruanah Queen and excuse me for being late I uh I was lost." I stutter

"Miss Queen, this is a very uptight school take care to not repeat this. You may take a seat now."

I scan the class to find a place. Every one is busy with what I assume is some assignment.

Exactly in the middle there is an empty seat. I walk my way through and settle in.

Time rolls by, I find myself staring blankly at the board thinking of when will I get my locket back. The bell rings for lunch. The hustle begins, I stir out of my thoughts and start walking towards the cafeteria.

They literally have only diet food here. Where is pizza, burger, fries?


I pick up strawberry yogurt, some fujilli and a mojito. LI search for Brooklyn instead I find Annelise and her girlfriend waving at me, I wave back and go in their direction.

They are sitting on a corner table with big window next to it. Good place to eat.

"Hey guys." I say plopping down.

"Hey you"

"Hi" they reply in unison

"Where is Brooklyn?"

"Modeling for Victoria's Secret." Think of the devil and here it is.

"LOL, get a mirror honey." We laugh

"You're just jealous." She takes a sip from my mojito. I notice she hasn't bought her lunch.

"What took you so long and where is your lunch?"

"I'm tired! Will you share your food with me? All three of you I've a appetite."



"Nope" Rochelle , I and anne say simultaneously. Honestly the food here is not that bad but after that chit I got I've lost my appetite.

Brooklyn begins to stuff her mouth with food. She dodged her whereabouts. She is hiding something... I guess I'll have leave it for now. I've many things to do.

I feel like someone is staring at me. I move my gaze around the cafeteria only to meet with piercing green eyes of a guy. Why is this guy staring, more like glaring at me?

He is somewhat handsome, got strong jawline, dark tousled hair and is a little muscular.

I wiggle my eyebrows at him questioning his glaring.

He looks away,

Way to go dude.

He starts munching on his French fries. Hold on, where did this guy even get French fries from?

He is sitting in this big group where there are at least seven to eight people. That Tyler guy is also there, laughing at some joke I guess.

Four of them are girls. And no they are not sitting in their laps, they're no sluts or cheerleaders, they look like normals girls eating like normal girls. Period.

Wow I thought there would be stuck up dieting barbies here. Guess I'm wrong.

Suddenly the boy with green eyes gets up from his seat and is walking in my direction?

Is this guy crazy or something?

First he is glaring at me, when I ask why? looks away and now he is coming in my direction. Tell you what, he is glaring again.

"Why is Lyle McKnight glaring at you ruanah? And why is he coming here?" Brooklyn asks me, only then I realise every one is now looking at us.

"Nice name." I comment still staring at him with curiosity.

He is tall, and in three steps he is in front of me. He slams his hand on the table and bends down till his mouth is close to my ears. Very close.

"It's rude to stare Tinkerbell." He whispers in my ear. He is still glaring at me.

What The Fuck!!!

"You are the guy from yesterday!" I shriek

He clamps his hand on my elbow and tries to make me stand. Well obviously, he succeeds. I'm no WWE superstar.

"Woah dude! What's your problem?"

He takes my hand into his and pulls me out of the cafeteria with him. Everyone is watching this like a bloody scandal.

Nosy bitches.

I now realise that I was staring at him for a very long time and therefore he is pissed.

We enter an empty classroom he pushes me against door which is now click closed.

Just what I want! Note the sarcasm.

"Did I not tell you to close your mouth?" He sneers

"Oh! So that was you? What secrets do you know? Huh."

"Ample of them, to destroy you. And don't you want back your precious something you were searching for?" He pulls up the locket. A wicked smile lights up on his face.

I try to snatch it from him.

"Easy there Tinker bell. We don't want it to break, now do we?"

I glare at him. One that can freeze you but nothing happens to this son of a... Ugh!

"I'M NOT GOING TO TELL ANYONE ANYTHING ABOUT YESTERDAY. I don't even know you! Stop being a douche. Give me back my locket." He smirks at my little ramble.

"And how do I trust you tinker bell?"

"Ohh for the love of god, quit with that nickname. My secrets are more precious than this petty prank." I whisper the last line.

He dips his head down. I feel him breath on my lips. He smells like forest and little spice. Ahh so good. I sigh.

"Like what you feel?"

"No. I like what I smell. But don't flatter yourself it's your perfume not you. Now if you'll excuse me." I regain my self out of his charm.

"Ain't your temper a little too hot?"

"Just let go of me!" I try to push him. Keyword 'try' , this guy is fat. Pun intended.

He let's go of me and take three steps back.

Then takes my hand and put the locket in there.

"Thanks" I whisper

A frown is etched on his face. He shakes his head and whispers...

"You are not like her."

I guess I was not suppose to hear this. I look at him walk through the door and disappear.

He is one weird guy.

What was his name?


Hey guys sorry about the late update!

They will be regular after this week cuz I've got my senior year final exams. I'm struggling with the cover. It'll be really nice if guys suggest some :)

Hope you guys like it. Keep tuned to the story.

And don't forget to vote and drop some comments ;)