
The Immortals Gambit

The mcs name is Nathan Walker his journey is about being a minimum-wage man to a Godlike existence and I the Writer of his Story hope you Enjoy

Playfulpundit · Fantasi
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8 Chs


"Ok now that that's over with" thought Ryn. I should find out what that System does, and get out of here I'm scared like a Monster is breathing down my Neck, and why do I have to say it that would be embarrassing in front of other people".

Ryn took a deep breath and whispered as quietly as Possible "System". Out of nowhere a Blue shining Screen with dozens of Information floated in front of Ryn which startled him after some time of Shock he realized that if the screen was shining that meant the surroundings were too he looked around and his disappointment and Luck he didn't see anything except Pitch Black Darkness.

"Nevermind that" Ryn looks back at the Screen and starts Reading

[Name: Ryn ] Currency: 0

Age: 14

HP: 20

MP: 0


Strength: 8

Dexterity: 7



Intelligence: 3

Perception: 10

Charm/Charisma: 1


Active: None

Passive: {F} Intuition lv.1

"What The Hell is this why is my Charm 1 !, when I go out will people see a Goblin or something, Why is every one of my stats so shitty isn't this unfair my highest stat is Perception and I can't even use it," Thought Ryn "Forget it lets read the Skill Description maybe that is more useful?"

Ryn stretches his Hand out and presses the Skill [Intuition]

Ryn gets startled by the rapidly changing Text and starts reading after everything calmed down

{F} Intuition

Skill Description:

After listening to your Intuition you evaded a Life Threatening situation and survived, because of this outcome you gained the Passive {F} Ranked ability [Intuition].

This Ability is Simple and just gives your Intuition a Boost.

"Wait a Second doesn't that mean" A Chill Shiver ran down Ryn's Back when he Read the Text while not even daring to move now that he knew what would have happened if he made a Sound,

He became warier of his surroundings and started to look for an exit after a while he saw a slight light shining inside the Cave looking like a Pin Ball small light.

He thought about running it if he had to guess it was probably 100-150 meters away if he got a head start he would probably get there.

"Fuck that, that thing beside me would probably have 4 legs and if he has the power to kill me the moment I speak he can catch up to me ill just go slowly one step at a Time"

Ryn slowly raises his leg and slowly and silently tries to walk to the Light, he walks while listening to his loud Breathing in deep Silence after what felt like an eternity but was only 10 minutes Ryn notices the Light getting bigger

He showed a Face of Happiness which was hidden in the Darkness and got more relaxed but was still as quiet as a Mouse he Fastened his paste and started quietly speed walking sometimes giving off a *THUMP* Noise.

After 2 Minutes he saw the light getting bigger and was getting more excited he started speed walking Faster while thinking "Yes Yes I'm so close just a bit more and I'm out of Danger"

But then to his Surprise he felt something hit his Leg and he fell face First on the Hard Rock Floor he grunted and tried to wipe the Blood off his Face

"I forgot that there would be Obstacles in the Path"

he looked at what caused him to fall, because of the slight light and his eyes that got used to the environment he saw an Outline of an Object, and after contemplating what he saw he felt a Chill running through his entire Body and heard his survival Instincts telling him to


He got up and started running at full speed, every time his foot slammed against the hard Rock Floor it made an Echo covering every Inch of the Deeply Silenced Cave, he got closer and closer to the light while thinking "It was Moving!!" when he got close to the Light he Started Screaming for Help "HELP HELP HELP!!!!".

While Screaming he noticed that there were more Footsteps in the Cave than his own and he got really Scared and ran even faster than he was capable of. He heard three multiple Rings which if he had to guess came from the System but he didn't have time to read it and Just Ran Faster furthermore he heard a deep atrocious Roar which Vibrated at the Rock Walls of the Cave.

"What kind of Monster is that" Curiosity overwhelmed Ryn but he concentrated on running 

The light was probably 50 meters away, and even though it was such a short distance he got tired of running however guessing off of the Noise coming behind him the Monster definitely had enough energy to catch him.

"Should I just Fight maybe I can survive even if I get out there isn't a huge chance of anyone living near a Monster Cave and I don't want to die running"

Although Ryn Thought that his Body had a different opinion and just kept running 

40 meters go to 30 meters to 20 meters moreover the Roars got Louder signaling Ryn that his Hunter was close probably 30 meters behind him 10 meters he started Screaming Louder than last time he screamed so loud for Help that if he kept straining his Voice it would get Damaged, the scream echoed into the Cave but the Echo couldn't be heard because the Echoes got Silenced by the Roar of the Predator and the Screams of the Prey.

8 meters Ryn could now hear the Growls

6 meters he started to try running even faster and then he heard a Ding Ding Ding Ding signaling that the System had some News for him

4 meters the light slightly blinded Ryn who was now 3 meters away from the exit, it looked like he was heading to Heaven because of the sudden Flash of light which entranced Ryn it felt like getting out of hell and crossing to Heaven.

1 meter and freedom Ryn wanted to embrace the feeling of escaping but he had some annoying Company which hindered him from it.

He looked around while running which had gotten even sludgier considering his 10 minute full speed Run including the extreme Level of Stress of his newly acquired but Threatened life.

While he thought about chances to Escape he looked ahead and was so shocked at what he saw in front of him that he automatically stopped in his Tracks Dozens of Corpses some piling on top of each other, others lying on the Dirt Floor Which had Moss or Grass growing on it and some just Sitting back first against the Rock Wall all of them looked like Skeletons with some left behind Rotting Flesh.

They all looked like Mercenaries or Adventurers of Fantasy Novels with swords axes and bows on their waist, back, or the floor.

Then Ryn felt an extreme Blood Lust aiming at his Back he without thinking ducked and then Jumped back a couple of meters from the Monster gaining a distance.


Ryn ignored the Message and got a better look at the monster and he got Goosebumps

"What the hell is that!!" thought Ryn when he saw the Creature "Hats off to past me that I said those Drawings of Monsters aren't Scary there really is a difference between Reality and Fiction!!"

The Monster was two meters tall having an identical looking human body and a hunched posture with a malnourished and almost meatless Body seeing his Rib Cages through his Fur, its limbs were long and sinewy. Its Fur was deep Black it had a Wolfes Face Shape with Sea Colored Eyes its spine protruded from its back. Its Razor Sharp Claw was probably its Weapon.

Ryn tried to take all the Information and tried to think of a plan and it didn't take long for him to make one.

After the Monster failed to catch his Prey he let himself hit a wall and with the help of his Claws and probably another Feature we don't know about, it climbed around inhumanly while keeping close attention to its Victim, it noticed that his Prey was exhausted and made an extremely Twisted and licked its Lips showing his Razor Sharp Teeth and long tongue.

Ryn thought of an Idea but it was risky and he didn't want to do it either way he didn't have a say in the matter.

Ryn slowly walked to the corpses while keeping eye contact the closer he got to the Corpses the more the Monster turned its head and kept watching

Ryn was next to the corpse he got down while maintaining eye contact you could notice that Ryn's sweat was accumulating, his Breath getting even more uneven and his heart beating faster, and yet even after all that Stress nothing would make him remove his gaze from that monster the same goes for the monster whose smile has faded in the few minutes of this happening now it was just in deep focus and caution.

That was to be expected everyone of his Victims started to cry scream curse or run away with all having one thing in common they all had one emotion in their Eyes...

..Fear.. Intense feelings of fear but this one pest who looked like he had already lost didn't show any of it of course there was frustration, caution, focus, and extreme concentration but no fear.

Ryn picked up the Sword and noticed that he was naked and more shocking young looking and weak "Nooo where are all my muscles that I worked so hard to obtain what about my face am I at least beautiful no forget that don't get distracted you will die if you do" thought Ryn still being sad about his Perished Muscles.

His first weapon was a Long Sword and the second a Dagger.

Ryn after checking everything took a step forward while keeping eye contact and ran against the Creature, the Creature took that Challenge and jumped from the Rock wall breaking it in the process he launched himself right at him.

Ryn saw that and ducked once more dodging the life ending tackle but that wasn't all in a flash he repositioned his dagger and aimed directly at the gut of the creature.

The dagger aimed at the gut of the creature and managed to stab the creature.

It landed on the grass with its long limbs and tried to stand up like a human and then it made a horrendous roar that still managed to give Ryn a fright

Then another round of silence and both of them watched every step of each other making sure the other target didn't dare to move.

Ryn looked at the Monster, the monster whom he first met and shared an experience within this world, the one who frightened him on day one, and the one who first fought him, looking bloodied and hurt while having one emotion in its eyes


I made this longer hope you enjoy :)

Playfulpunditcreators' thoughts