

Trapped in an illusion, Adam half demon has choices to make that might lead to a disastrous war. The illusionist has to be found to break the illusion curse laid on Adam but convincing the hidden illusionist seems the most complicated task of all. Now it is left for the air clan to rectify their mistake and protect the world from the impending danger.

King_Wingstar · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Chapter Five: New Enemy

"Adam, I am Adam", he replied bluntly as he threw his uniform and tag on the bed and Richard looked at it

"you are under master Ilyas, I am under master Robin ", Richard said keeping the book he was reading and Adam suspected he was one hell of a talkative

"How did you join this school? ", Adam asked absentmindedly

"My mum brought me, I am from the air clan. How good are you at controlling air? ", Richard asked changing the topic

"I don't know ", Adam said lying down on his bed and shutting his ears to Richard talks and slowly drift into the dreams world.

He was watered and for a moment Adam was confused, he opened his eyes slowly and saw a guy with two others behind him standing with a bucket, it was clear they were bullies, "how dare you come into our midst and you are sleeping without meeting the king", the bully said praising himself and Adam only sat up in a way he would see the guy clearly, "now what did you bring for us? ", he asked using his eyes to scan around the room

"His things are not here yet", Richard quickly answered

"I am not expecting anything ", Adam said frowning even more

"Are your parents that poor that they couldn't offer their baby some provisions ", now this was his limit, not knowing if he was angered by the fact his parents who are unknown to him were insulted or because he was called a baby, Adam sprang up and landed a heavy punch on the bully's jaw causing the bully to fall heavily on the floor and the two behind rushed at Adam and took him down. Adam has never felt so useless in life than this day, he was dragged out of his room and beaten by the bullies, he was embarrassed right in front of boys and girls. Some giggled at him while others pitied, he hates to be pitied but he was helpless. As the bullies left him to start going Adam forcefully look up to them

"Mark my word, you will regret this day", he forcefully spatted out and the bully laughed it off calling it an empty threat.

Richard and another guy, Oman helped Adam to his bed and cleaned his injuries, Oman was short but Richard was tall, Oman was fair but Richard was dark though their contrasting appearance they we're undoubtedly handsome, "who was that guy? ", Adam asked looking sick

"Jerome, he is followed by Chase and Othman. Everyone fears him because he is strong not just spiritually but also physically ", Oman said

"He is the bully, try to stay clear from him", Richard added

"When am strong enough I promise to pay you guys back ", Adam said before letting his head fall on his pillow while Oman and Richard exchanged glances like an ordinary sorry would have do.

He opened his eyes slowly to the rhythm of the slap on his leg, it was Richard waking him up, "get up and get ready for class", Richard said adjusting his uniform of white with green stripes like a zebra, "and I must say you heal fast", he also commended going out of the room. Adam went outside and saw them leaving through the wall he came in, some people still mocked him and this angered him more and his zeal for revenge increased

"Are you not going to class", someone from behind him said and turned to meet Oman who was also dressed in white with red zebra stripes, "you heal fast", he said also observing

"I don't know where the bathroom is located ", Adam said then he saw the bullies pointing and laughing at him as they made for the exit towards the wall

"Let me help you with it then we both will go class together, we are both under Master Ilyas ", Oman said as he beckon on Adam so he could ignore the bullies.

After dressing up, Adam and Oman left for class they were a bit late and Ilyas looked at them, for An instance Oman thought they will be rebuked but Ilyas was more concerned about the injuries on Adam's face, "what happened to your face? ", Ilyas asked and before anyone could talk Adam answered lying

"I fell down but am healing fast ", Adam said while Oman went to his sit in chair and Ilyas looked at Chase who had a mischievous smile on his mouth, he looked back at Adam and showed him his sit which was vacant and Adam went to his sit looking at his new master.

Ilyas left the class, he was done with oral and will meet later for practicals, immediately he left Chase went to Adam's table, "you were really smart newbie, if you had rat us out, you would have suffered even more ", Chase said and made to leave

"I kept silent because I don't allow someone else fight for me, so don't relax because am still going to have my revenge on you guys", Adam said and Chase looked at him in anger

"You really don't know who you are messing with, do you? ", Chase said angrily

"I don't think you know me either", Adam said with his usual frown on his face then Chase smirked at him and left before Oman came to his side with a smile on his face

"Let's go to the cafeteria so we could get something to eat", Oman said beaming.

Adam and Oman were sitting and eating, "let us form our group, I see you are fearless ", Oman said and Adam looked at him confused, "we would be respected and we only need little more training to be better than Jerome and his gang then you will disgrace him publicly just as he did to you", Oman sat up leaving his food so he could look straight at Adam, "isn't that what you wanted, revenge ", Oman asked and Adam look at him with a face burning with anger

"What training?", Adam asked and Oman only smiled in a victorious way showing his white teeth.