

COLD LIES is a thrilling story, about Kelly a rich spoilt brat whose focus was using her body to get what she wants while Blake is a discipline sweetheart who does not believe in love based on his previous relationship. Let's see how these two will come together and find LOVE.

ElliePearls_7084 · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Chapter 11

They drove for twenty minutes, stopping at a small log cabin. Getting out he went to the back of the car, lifting the trunk started pulling out bags of groceries.

The cabin door opened and out walked a woman in her early seventy's." Blake honey, you're just in time, I've made tea. Come on in and bring your friend."

"Hi grandma, I want you to meet Kelly Adams," he said as he gave her a warm kiss on her cheek.

The old woman looked at Kelly and smiled. "Come on in sweetie. My, you are a pretty little thing."

While Blake put away the food his grandmother poured them all a cup of tea and set out some homemade cookies. "So tell me, how do you two know each other?"

Blake didn't want Kelly saying the wrong thing so he spoke up. "She's helping me out at the bar while Carol's away."

"That's very kind of you dear to help out my Blake."

She smiled. "Oh, I'm happy to do it."

He looked over at her, knowing she was being sarcastic. He hoped his grandmother wouldn't notice. "Yes, lucky for me she stopped at the bar. After chatting with some of the customers and finding out I was shorthanded, well, she all but begged me to let her fill in."

Shaking her head she stared at him. "It wasn't quite like that. It felt more like I was forced into doing it. I mean, Blake made me an offer I couldn't refuse."

"Now Kelly, it all worked out. I got the help I needed, and you get to experience a different lifestyle."

His grandmother watched and listened as the two bantered back and forth. She saw the chemistry between them, sexual chemistry. And though they weren't aware of it yet, they had feelings for each other. "So where are you staying dear?"

"She's staying with me, grandma, in the spare bedroom."

His grandmother looked from Blake to Kelly. And she wondered how long it would be before they were sharing a bed. Her guess was it wouldn't be too long.

"Well now, that's nice. Where are you from sweetie?"

"New York, Mrs. Knight."

"My, you are a long way from home. So how do you like working for my Blake?"

Kelly seemed a little uneasy. "Ok, I guess. But I'm not very good at it. I can't seem to do anything right."

Things went quiet for a moment. Then Mrs. Knight turned to her grandson. "Blake honey, will you fix that back railing for me, it's loose. And chop some more wood for me.'

"Sure grandma. But if you wanted to get rid of me all you had to do was say so." He chuckled.

"Go on now, leave us women be." She said, giving him a loving swat on the back of the head.

Giving her a kiss on the cheek he walked out, leaving her alone with Kelly.

"You have a lovely home, Mrs. Knight."

"Thank you, Blake fixed it up for me, remodelled it from top to bottom. He's good with his hands. He even turned upstairs of the bar into an apartment. It was once a storage area. How long have you been working in the bar?"

"Only a couple of days."

"Two days, oh honey. You'll learn the ropes in no time, you're a smart woman."

Kelly could feel the lump in her throat, and swallowed, blinking back a tear. "You're the only one that thinks that Mrs. Knight."

The older woman looked at the young woman sitting across the table from her. There was something about the girl she liked. She could see the sadness and loneliness in her eyes. And couldn't help praying that this little beauty might just be the one for Blake, teach him to love again. "People been putting you down all your life, haven't they dear?"

Kelly teared up, she couldn't bring herself to answer.

The old woman noticed. "And now they got you believing you can't do anything. Don't let them do that to you. Show them how wrong they are."

"But they're right. I can't cook or clean. I have no skills at all, I can't even pour a glass of beer without messing it up."

"That's not true, it just takes time. You can do whatever you set your mind to, you have to believe in yourself. Now help me make dinner."

Kelly looked up at the older woman. "Mrs. Knight, I just told you I don't know how to cook."

"Then I'll teach you. I'll start you off with chops and potatoes, that's an easy dish." She takes Kelly's hand and they head into the kitchen for her first lesson.

Kelly found she was enjoying herself, never had she peeled potatoes, or seasoned meat. Mrs. Knight was actually making it fun. The older woman commented on how quick she was learning, which boosted her confidence, making her feel better about herself.

Mrs. Knight saw her smiling for the first time. Not a fake one, but a genuine smile that lit up her face.

Just then Blake walked in. "Something sure smells good in here." His eyes went straight to Kelly.

"Don't just stand around, go shower and change your clothes, dinner's just about ready." His grandmother said, giving him a shove towards the stairs.

When Blake came down his shirt was opened, revealing a muscular chest, still damp from the shower. Kelly was standing at the counter when he reached over her, getting a glass from the cupboard, brushing lightly against her. Her heart started racing, he was so close she could smell his freshly washed body, not to mention his chest was right there, inches from her face. Excusing herself moved away and sat down.

During the meal, the two women did all the talking while he sat back and listened. "That was delicious as usual grandma."

"Thank Kelly, she did most of the work," Mrs. Knight said, giving him a look. A look that told him he had better say something nice, or else.