
The Boy In The Forest

Esu woke up and came out of his hiding hole to see the capital in ruins. With no idea where his parents were he looked around till he eventually found his parents bodies lying on the ground. He began to cry till he couldn't no more. Esu stood up and started walking away in a random direction. As he walked, he eventually made it to a random forest and collapsed due to hunger and thirst. As he laid there near death a lady approached him. She quickly gave him some of her food and water as well as patch up some of his wounds he had Esu then fell asleep. When he finally awoken it was morning he sat up and looked around. He looked over at the lady who was making food near the fire. He slowly walked over when she noticed she called out to Esu. Asking if he was hungry Esu of course agreed. Esu sat down on a log nearby and the lady gave him a bowl of food. She asked him his name which he replied with "Its Esu". She smiled and said it was a lovely name then told him her name "Silvia". Silvia sat there looking at Esu and thinking to herself "the poor boy hasn't said much since I found him if he came from the capital, he must've seen some horrible things". Silvia didn't really have a home since she was an adventurer. She then looked at Esu and asked him if he wanted to live with her to which he said "yes". A week has passed, and she had built them a small hut in the forest. Small but it was something Silvia slowly expanded it till it grow into a full house for them to live in. During this time Esu began to speak more and more and started walking around helping around the house and the small farm outside. Esu looked at Silvia and asked her "Will you be my mother?" Silvia looked shocked by the question. She thought about it for a few minutes then smiled "yes of course I will be". For once since Silvia met Esu, he had a smile on his face as if hope had filled his eyes and heart once again. One day when Esu was 6, he accidentally used magic for the first time he had frozen his cup of water. She saw this and then asked Esu if he wanted to learn how to be an adventurer. Esu was overjoyed to learn and quickly agreed and so She told him they start tomorrow.