
The Husky and His White Cat Shizun:Erha He Ta De Bai Mao Shizun vol1-4

This was written by Meatbun Doesn't Eat Meat (Ròu Bāo Bù Chī Ròu) so I do not own any of it, but enjoy! Massacring his way to the top to become emperor of the cultivation world, Mo Ran’s cruel reign left him with little satisfaction. Now, upon suffering his greatest loss, he takes his own life... To his surprise, Mo Ran awakens in his own body at age sixteen, years before he ever began his bloody conquests. Now, as a novice disciple at the cultivation sect known as Sisheng Peak, Mo Ran has a second chance at life. This time, he vows that he will attain the gratification that eluded him in his last life: the overly righteous shall fall, and none will dare treat him like a dog ever again! His furious passion burns most fiercely for his shizun, Chu Wanning, the beautiful yet cold cultivation teacher who maintains a cat-like aloofness in his presence. Yet despite Mo Ran’s shameless pursuit of his own goals, he begins to question his previously held beliefs, and wonders if there could be more to his teacher–and his own feelings–than he ever realized.

JustArandomDaoist · Fantasy
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155 Chs

Chapter 115: Shizun Is Already Married

"Yep, let's go, let's go," Mo Ran responded. A look of worry came

over his face as something occurred to him. "Shizun, I killed so many ghost

soldiers just now. The underworld's probably not gonna let us off easy."

"It's fine," Chu Wanning said. "That technique doesn't scatter the

opponent's soul irremediably, it only shatters it. Those soldiers'll piece

themselves back together in a day or two."

Mo Ran peered down. Sure enough, specks of souls like glowing

fireflies floated about the smoldering, charred remains. But before he could

investigate further, he felt Chu Wanning tugging on his hand. "Run."

Another wave of furious soldiers rushed from behind the collapsed

walls like a horde of rampaging beasts. Chu Wanning and Mo Ran sped

across the tiled rooftops. As they ran, Mo Ran asked, "Shizun, if they don't

really die, we won't offend the underworld that much. Why not let me use

more spiritual energy and beat them all back?"

"Why don't you try using it again?" Chu Wanning asked sardonically.

Mo Ran was puzzled, but tried it nonetheless. To his surprise, all that

issued from his whip this time was a tiny wisp of smoke. Jiangui seemed

terribly worn out; it displayed none of that impressive sun-swallowing,

mountain-crushing might from a few minutes ago.

"The more spiritual energy you use, the longer it takes to recover,"

Chu Wanning explained. "So refrain from excess. Understood?"

"Got it." Mo Ran paused. "Shizun. I just remembered something.

Wanna guess what it is?"


"I remembered that time at the Peach Blossom Springs, in the illusion,

when you taught me how to use the willow vine just like this. You were

really little back then." Mo Ran grinned toothily and held up his hand, palm

down. "Didn't even reach my waist."

Chu Wanning stumbled.


"Get lost." If Chu Wanning were still alive, his ears would've been

red by now. "Comparing heights with Xia Sini?" he snapped in embarrassed

anger. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size, like me?"

Mo Ran grinned, refusing to take the bait. He was taller now, no longer

visibly shorter than Chu Wanning as he had been back at Butterfly Town. But

he was still only about even with him. He stole a sidelong glance at his

shizun and made a mental note to compare their heights in a few more years,

once this young body of his was done growing.

While over here, Emperor Taxian-jun was scheming away, over there,

Yuheng of the Night Sky was contending with some rather complicated

feelings. He'd been fairly sure Mo Ran knew he was Xia Sini by now, but to

actually hear him say it aloud was still a humiliating ordeal for Chu

Wanning's thin face.

After all…he had looked up at Mo Ran and called him shige.

The more he thought about it, the more mortified and incensed he felt.

Chu Wanning ran faster and faster, until Mo Ran had to race to catch up.

Mo Ran had an inkling of what was going through his shizun's head, so

he let him run ahead and kept half a pace behind. As they fled from their

pursuers with the wind blowing in their face, Mo Ran gazed at the man in

front of him. He was just within reach, his red robes fluttering like drifting

maple leaves or ember clouds at dusk, scattered with gold-embroidered

butterflies that glimmered, nearly alive. Mo Ran was struck with a feeling of

bittersweet contentment. In that moment, he was grateful. Grateful that he

could still see Chu Wanning, grateful that he could receive his guidance as

before. And in a few more years, if everything went smoothly, he could

lower his head with a smile and tease, "This disciple has come to compare

heights with Shizun. This disciple will stand right here—Shizun can stand on

tiptoe if he likes."

His heart felt warm. The heavens were truly kind to him. Not everyone

was afforded the chance to make amends after committing wrongs, and not

everyone could forgive and let go after being hurt. His shizun was so warm

beneath that cold exterior, yet it had taken him so long to see it.

They fended off two more waves of pursuers. The main gate of the

palace was now within sight.

Glancing back, Mo Ran saw that the soldiers chasing them had been

left in the dust; they couldn't possibly catch up. Mo Ran sighed in relief—but

he hadn't even finished exhaling when a sudden clap of thunder boomed in

front of them.

A massive sedan chair materialized within a storm of fiery lightning,

carried steadily upon the shoulders of eight brawny men who kneeled on the

ground. A man reclined languidly on the sedan, his plump frame wrapped in

snowy beast furs and his long hair draping loosely down. He had a beauty on

each arm; one massaged his shoulders while the other fed him cherries.

He chewed and swallowed the fruit, consuming it rather than just

letting it pass through for a taste. This big-bellied man might be a soul, but he

had cultivated a corporeal form.

The man licked his lips and grabbed one of the beauties by the jaw. He

planted a sloppy kiss on that lovely face before slowly glancing up at Chu

Wanning and Mo Ran with a sneer. "Could it be that some hooligan is

actually trying to steal this king's little darling? Well now, this simply won't

do." He looked at Mo Ran lazily. "Quite the bold little cultivator, aren't


Chu Wanning's face was so pale as to be nearly blue, and his

expression was terribly sour. To have been called "little darling" by this

greasy lecher of a ghost right in front of Mo Ran… If he still had his powers,

Tianwen would've turned this bastard to paste by now.

Mo Ran's expression wasn't much better. But he was painfully aware

that, at his current level of cultivation, he couldn't protect Chu Wanning

while also facing off against a ghost king.

Thus he could only try his hand at diplomacy. He stepped forward and

cupped a hand over his fist respectfully. "My lord, sincere apologies for the

damage to your palace, but I will be taking this person."

"Oho, and that's up to you now, is it?" The Fourth Ghost King smirked.

"What do you think he's wearing there? I'll tell you: it's a ghost marriage

gown. In other words, the ceremonial robes of the underworld. Now that he's

been clothed in my robes, he belongs to me. He won't be able to set so much

as a foot outside the gates of this palace. You don't have to take my word for

it. Go on and give it a try." He paused, then added, "If you do bring him out

by force, the spiritual energy within those robes will shatter your souls at the

gate. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Now Mo Ran understood why Chu Wanning hadn't been restrained

despite Rong Jiu's assertion that everyone in the main palace was tied up. So

these red robes on him… Mo Ran's hands clenched into fists. "I'll make it up

to you for taking him, of course. Whatever my lord desires, I'll do my utmost

to provide."

"This king wants only beauties—not the gentle, obedient kind; those

have become rather tedious of late. This king likes exactly the type standing

there next to you, icy and standoffish. They've got more flavor that way."

Mo Ran and Chu Wanning both fell silent, both completely speechless.

Intrigued by the look on their faces, the fourth king sat up unhurriedly

and said, "To be honest, this is the first time in all my years in the

underworld that someone's busted into my palace to wreak havoc like this.

I'm rather curious—just who are you to him?"

"He's my shizun," Mo Ran answered.

"Oh, is that all?" The ghost king spread his hands and shrugged,

grinning in amusement. "And here I thought there was some kind of life-ordeath bond."

After a long moment, Mo Ran tried again. "What's the point in keeping

him against his will if he doesn't like you?"

The ghost king gave a lazy wave of his hand. "Foolish child, whether

he likes me or not is irrelevant. It's his body this king desires, not his heart."

Mo Ran had no reply to that.

"And besides," the ghost king continued with a sneer, "so what if he

doesn't like me? It's not like he likes you. Now if you two were already

wedded, that'd be a different story. This king fancies beauties, but I have no

interest in secondhand goods. What a pity he's only your shizun."

Mo Ran was at first stunned. Then, he suddenly smiled. "My lord

means it?"

"This king is the master of the fourth level of hell. Why should I waste

my breath lying to a no-name little ghost like you?"

"Then let me ask this: if my shizun was indeed already married, then

would the ceremonial robes have any effect?"

"Of course not. This king has never cared to play with other people's

husbands and wives." The Fourth Ghost King furrowed his brow. "Why do

you ask? Is your shizun already married?"

Chu Wanning cared about maintaining face. "No."

Mo Ran did not. "Yup."

The Fourth Ghost King eyed them silently.

Before Chu Wanning could say another word, Mo Ran had grabbed his

hand and begun pulling him toward the gate. He looked over his shoulder at

the Fourth Ghost King as he walked. "Don't mind him, my lord, Shizun's

always had a terrible memory. Anyway, like you said, the ceremonial robes

won't do anything if he's already married, so let's not waste time chatting;

I'll just go ahead and take him outside. If we walk out without incident, then

please let us go. If I lied, then I'll get what's coming to me."

"Mo Ran, have you gone mad?" Chu Wanning protested. "That was

just an act back at Butterfly Town, it doesn't count—"

"Sure it counts," Mo Ran said confidently, without the slightest hint of

doubt. "We drank the wine and did the bows, with ancestors above and the

earth below. Why wouldn't it count?"

"Mo Ran—!"

After thousands of dull and monotonous years in the underworld, the

ghost king was tickled to witness to such a quarrel. He settled into his chair

and propped his cheek in one hand to watch with interest, then patted the

thigh of the beauty beside him so she might feed him more candied fruit.

"Sure thing, go ahead," he said as he chewed. "If you make it out in one

piece, I won't keep you. If you die, that's on you."

"Many thanks," said Mo Ran.

The barrier over the main gate of the palace flickered with a faint

purple light. It was clearly meant to keep the souls inside. The closer Chu

Wanning got to that barrier, the more unwilling he grew. There was no way

some slapdash ghost marriage like that would count…

But just then, Mo Ran leaned in close and said in a quiet voice, "Don't

worry, Shizun, our marriage is definitely valid."

"Valid how?!"

"Listen to me just this once. I know what I'm doing here." He laced

their fingers together and squeezed, though his own palm was slick with

sweat. "And even if luck's not on our side, I'll be right here with Shizun."

Chu Wanning flinched. He opened his phoenix eyes wide, staring at

Mo Ran in astonishment, as though seeing him for the first time. Mo Ran

beamed brightly back at him, his dimples deep and warm. "I owe Shizun so

much already. This time around, I won't abandon Shizun."

Chu Wanning was silent for a long interval. He muttered softly, "Why

do all that?"

"Then what about Shizun? Why did you do all that?"

Chu Wanning lowered his lashes. Then he let out a quiet sigh and

stopped fighting. The two stood hand in hand before the crackling purple

barrier as a mass of ghosts gathered behind them to watch the show.



Neither could tell who tightened their grip first, squeezing so firmly,

freezing cold over scalding warmth, clammy wrapped around dry, pale white

against skin the color of wheat.

The blazing inferno and roaring thunder of the barrier surged before

them. It was like an enormous flood, a gigantic waterfall. They stepped in at

practically the same time, and the tide of fiery lightning surged toward them.

It crashed down with a might that could swallow mountains and rend rivers,

threatening to tear apart this pair so bold as to step outside the gate of life

and death. In the very next instant it would rip them to shreds, burn them to


This tremendous current flared with a light so blinding it was nearly

white. It was a split second away from striking them. Mo Ran had made up

his mind to respect and love his shizun, to never again disobey him, much

less sully him with any untoward thoughts. But in that moment, in that

uncertain breath between life and death, he whipped his head around,

wanting to take one last look at Chu Wanning's face.

Only to see, amidst the deluge of sparks that rained down around them,

Chu Wanning's gaze on him as well. Those phoenix eyes had at times been

fierce, resolute, pained, resentful, enduring…but in this instant, they held a

tranquility before the end.

And—he wasn't sure if he was imagining it—a deep affection.

Mo Ran had never seen such a look in Chu Wanning's eyes before.

There was a loud rumbling in his head like countless cities collapsing, and

his chest was flooded with burning affection, bursting up from a thick layer

of sooty black earth. He had no time to contemplate what kind of feeling this

might be, overwhelmed as he was by the searing heat in his heart and the

boiling of his blood.

Between the flashes of lightning and crashing of thunder, he reached

out without thinking and pulled Chu Wanning into a tight embrace. Frenzied

heartbeats against quivering soul. Chest to chest.

Truth be told, before Mo Ran had come down to the underworld, the

thought of dying together with Chu Wanning had never once crossed his mind.

He had always thought the one he loved was Shi Mei, so if he were to die

together with someone, it would be with Shi Mei. But when truly faced with

the prospect of death, he had instinctively pulled Chu Wanning into his arms,

as if trying to merge Chu Wanning's flesh into his own, hide his soul within

his own.

Chu Wanning. I'm with you. I…

"Aiya, who'd've thought! You two really are star-crossed lovers." An

amused voice drifted indolently over. "Can it be that this king actually got the

wrong ghost? This xianjun really is married?"

Mo Ran's eyes snapped open. While he wasn't looking, the lightning

and thunder that had been hellbent on tearing them to pieces moments ago had

transformed into countless dandelions, dancing lightly all around them like a

flurry of snowflakes.

The Fourth Ghost King stood with a smile and clapped, slow and

leisurely, from his sedan near the palace gate. "It's been hundreds of

humdrum years. That was a hell of a show."

Mo Ran was still in a stupor. He looked dazedly toward the Fourth

Ghost King, then turned to look at the person in his arms. He was hit with a

sudden realization as to the impropriety of holding his shizun like this, and

hurriedly withdrew his hands. Chu Wanning also seemed to jolt back to

reality and turned his face away, his expression unreadable as he straightened

his robes in stiff silence.

Mo Ran lifted his head toward the Fourth Ghost King. "See, my lord?"

he asked, attempting to ease the awkwardness. "I didn't lie, did I?"

"You most certainly did not." The Fourth Ghost King shook his head,

and the corners of his lips crooked up in an almost-smile. "It's nothing but

monotony here day after day; it's been many years since I've been so

entertained. Very well, I'll let you two go, if only as thanks for the spectacle.

This king has no shortage of beauties. I won't miss an already-married soul."

Mo Ran was delighted. He thought to himself that this Fourth Ghost

King was much more magnanimous than that Ninth Ghost King that Chu Xun

had encountered. Sure, he was a perv, but at least he kept his word and had

something of a lordly air about him. He turned to leave with Chu Wanning in


Just then, the clouds overhead scattered, and the light of the moon

shone down on Mo Ran, casting a dark and silent shadow at his feet.

The Fourth Ghost King didn't react right away. He remained grinning,

quite pleased with the rare diversion to which he'd been treated. He turned

and gestured for the beauty at his side to feed him a grape. The beauty peeled

the fruit of its dark purple skin and held the succulent, translucent flesh to the

Fourth Ghost King's lips. He was about to open his mouth when he finally

realized that something was off, and his head whipped back around. "Hold

it!" he roared.

He stared at the shadow. His gaze traveled up slowly, inch by inch,

until it was fixed on Mo Ran's face. After a long moment, he said, "Why

don't you take a look at what's on the ground."

Looking down, Mo Ran discovered to his horror that a blurry shadow

clung to his feet.

The Fourth Ghost King's lax, whimsical expression evaporated at

once, and his long and narrow eyes narrowed further, flickering with the

avidity of a vulture ready to swoop on its prey. "And how exactly did a

living person like yourself manage to worm your way into hell?"