
The Huntsman of the Lost

The world of Astria. Full of Unknown being And Eldritch God Plotting and Murmuring to corrupt those Unfortunate. Brave conjurer Adventuring to the Unknown to unravel the History Loaded with Lies and Mystery. Countless treasure of the Lost era waiting to be find by somone. Hadwin Hopelessly finds himself in this world, Because of a Case that went in Horror. Set in the Gothic era. This story follows Hadwin who set out on a treacherous adventure filled with Unknown Danger to find the Mystery of his Transmigration. Will he prevail in Astria? Or Become a Lost that will forever Wonder.

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8 Chs

The Night

As the abomination is Open the Door slowly, Lukan Didn't Stand still. What do I do... Lukan Anxiously Look around, He then think of the Window in his bedroom to try and jump.

Can I even survive a landing on a Concrete slabs, While Jumping on the Second floor?

Lukan contemplate while Look around for any Escape. Soon the Doorknob of the Door twist open. A rush of eerie Wind enter. The Abomination enter Lukan Apartment. In the Bedroom Lukan look for any Weapon that he can use. "I should have just Used the Knife in the kitchen.." he uttered in a hoarse voice.

He didn't give up, He rush to the Drawer and open it One by one. Soon, A Revolver is seen in the One of the Drawer. The Revolver seems to be New. Lukan pick it up and Inspect if it still has a Bullet. It full, Lukan ponder and back near the Window. Shortly, the smell of blood is getting stronger, The footsteps of the Abomination can be Heard outside his Bedroom.

Lukan Aim his Revolver to the door and Wait patiently. The Door Open, The Face of the Abomination Can be seen. In the left is the Face of the Man in Twenties, Black hair with a Bald spot because of an unknown Substance coming out from it, His face keep twitching, like he's on Constant pain. The man right face is the opposite, squirming flesh and absent of Hair can be seen. In the back of his body a small and Big spike of what seems to be a Bone can be seen. The abomination Mouth suddenly open. The Smell of Flesh Leak out from it.

Lukan shot the Abomination Six times in the Abomination in the Head. The Abomination didn't Even Flinch. It didn't even do anything... Lukan rush to the Window to jump. But got pulled by a Strong force. When he Looks down, an extended hand of flesh is gripping him. It soon shrink, Lukan Body get nearer to the Abomination every second. Lukan Tries to struggle but it's on vain.

Lukan became so close, That he can smell the disgusting breath of The Abomination. God... he smell.. Lukan turn his Head away from it. The Abomination Suddenly Open it Mouth. it keep getting bigger enough to fit a Person inside. I'm about to die.. Again... Lukan stop struggling and accept his faith. But before the Abomination can eat him. The Rose in his palm suddenly emit a sound. The Abomination Froze for a moment and Loosen it grip. Lukan Fell to the floor.

"Ah..." the Abomination Eye Widen in shock, it back away from Lukan lying in the floor in fear. Like it's seen something it shouldn't have. The Abomination run out of the Apartment room in a Frenzy Manner.

"What... Wh-" Before Lukan can even Utter the last word, He pass out.

A Noise of someone shouting can be heard in a Distance. Where I am... Lukan slowly open his eyelid and Scan his surrounding.

and find a Young man sitting near him and observing him. "How did you exactly Survive that ordeal Unharmed?" The Young man Question him. Lukan looked at him, Confuse. "Let's question him later, He's still recovering," Said by a women. "Let's Leave." The two leave the room.

Lukan observe his surroundings. He felt a comfort of a soft texture, when he observe. Lukan is lying on a small bed. When he gets up he find himself in a room. In The middle a two sofa with a pattern design is seen and one table between them. in the floor clean brown carpet Can be seen, and on the right-a window with a vase of flower in the wooden table. In the corner, A coat rack with a long Black coat hanging on it.

Ray of Sunlight passes to the window. The smell of the room felt Comforting, Like a flower. Where I am.... Lukan ponder. And stand up from his bed, and sit on the sofa.

Shortly, the door open. A tall man with brown hair enter.

He scan the room to find Lukan. He seems familiar... Lukan remark. The tall man Strode towards him and Sit on the Vacant sofa. The man Brown eye observe. He then open his mouth "Good morning, Lukan Falke. I'm Stark Graham. I will ask you about what happen last night in that Hotel. You may remain silent," Lukan nodded

"Are experience anything weird? Like raving and Murmuring in your ears?" Stark Question him. Lukan Slowly open his mouth "I have not.." Stark nodded and ask another Question "Do you feel anything Weird about your Body? Like some foreign part that should not be there?"

"Not at all." Lukan answer. "Do you notice anything weird in the morning while on the Apartment?" Lukan quickly answer "No, but I heard a couple arguing about this Monolith." Stark paused for a bit and Uttered a word "Are you sure?" Luka strongly nodded. Stark get up from his chair and say something "You will be in observation for Six month, Your an anomaly. Your unharmed throughout that night. You might cause something hat will threatened the security of the public."

"Six months?? You can't keep me here for that long!" Lukan Retorted. "That is the Procedure set by us. Unless.. You join us. If you want to defend yourself from that Horror again, That will be your Best course of action," Stark stride towards the door with his long leg But before he left he uttered another word. "Release it." Lukan felt the smell of the flower disappear. The Comfort he's feeling gone.

What.. Lukan look towards the door and find Stark gone. How do I even Solve the mystery of my Transmigration if I keep Going like this.. Lukan drew a deep breath. That man said I should join him. Is there an organization capable of dealing with that horror.. Can I really fight back from that kind of existing when I join them? Luka ponder.

Shortly, Lukan stand and walk towards the coat rack and wear his Long coat. He stride towards the Door and get out. He find himself in a hallway. The hallway. The color of the bottom of the wall is green. Meanwhile the top is brown. The hallway has a lamp hanging on it. Lukan keep walking until he find himself in an open Room. in the room countless bookshelf is seen. Lamp Hanging on the side, The smell is rather pleasing. Lukan Scan the area.

In the middle of the room A women is seen sitting and Typing something. The Women stop clearly noticing her presence and turn. "There you are Anomaly, Have you made up your mind yet?" The Women stand up and walk towards him.

"I wish to speak with Stark." Lukan answer. "Alright, This way." The Women signal to follow him upstairs. While they are Walking. The Women open her mouth "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Audrey Medici." Lukan replay "I'm Lukan Falke." Audrey open her mouth again and curiously ask "How did you exactly Survive that night? You don't have song. And yet.." Lukan look at her Confuse. "Song? What is that? Is that some kind of music?"

Audrey Quickly replay in a nervous way. "Eh.. it's nothing, Forget about it." Lukan Look Audrey in the Eye Clearly doubting Her. This women... She's clearly hiding something.. Audrey Quickly Avoid his gaze and continue walking upstairs. The awkward atmosphere continue until they Stop at a door. "Captain is here. I shall leave now." Audrey Quickly descend down the stair.

Lukan simply ignore him and open the door. In the room. Countless stack of paper is seen in the table. In the right. A ray of sunlight pass through the Window.

On the left side of the room. A sofa and in the wooden table an ashtray is seen with a small piece of cigarettes. In the wall hang countless painting.

In the middle of it. A man is seen writing something. He's so focus on it that he ignore Lukan Presence. "Ehem..." The man stop and look up. "Have you made up your mind?" He said in a Solemn Voice. "I wish to join. But can my safety be Guaranteed?" Lukan ask him. Stark smirk and open his mouth "Yes, You will be a Huntsman from now on."