
The Huntsman of the Lost

The world of Astria. Full of Unknown being And Eldritch God Plotting and Murmuring to corrupt those Unfortunate. Brave conjurer Adventuring to the Unknown to unravel the History Loaded with Lies and Mystery. Countless treasure of the Lost era waiting to be find by somone. Hadwin Hopelessly finds himself in this world, Because of a Case that went in Horror. Set in the Gothic era. This story follows Hadwin who set out on a treacherous adventure filled with Unknown Danger to find the Mystery of his Transmigration. Will he prevail in Astria? Or Become a Lost that will forever Wonder.

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The Kingdom in the North East (2)

Lukan left the Bakery and head towards the Library in a Leisurely way and walk by Countless Person in the street.

I Really feel Foreign in this world.... Hadwin thought while taking a Stroll. He then see a Wooden Sign in a Distance Hanging on an old building.

Lukan soon reach it, he Look up and read the Sign, Library of the August street. "This must be it." Lukan turn towards the door and Pull it. When he Step inside. smell of Very old book enter his Nostril. In his Right a Reception can be seen. And on the Middle. Thousand book on Shelf can be seen. And Various sign hanging on it And Scholars Reading a Book quietly in the Wooden table on the left side of the Library. Hadwin Strode forward to the Reception.

On the Reception, an Old woman is seen Reading a Book. She notice Lukan Presence and look up "Lukan! are you finally Reviewing to take your Scholar Test?" Lukan then Respond In a Hesitant way. "Not yet.. Where I can find book about currency?" The old women looked at him, puzzle. She then point to the middle. "Reach the end and Turn to left." Lukan nodded and turn.

As Lukan is walking, the smell of The book became more Strong. he soon reach the end and turn left and see the a Sign hanging on a Book shelf about Business and Currency.

There it is. Lukan search for the Book that he want-How to Get Rich Like Owen Carl in The Era of the great war, How to start investing, The world used Currency.

Hadwin Extend his Hand and take The world used currency. He unfold the Book to Check if it was the one he wanted.

This is it.. Lukan thought and Head towards the Wooden table on the Left side of the Library to continue. He find an Empty chair near the Window and sat. He open the Book again.

The World Most Used currency-Dares, Dikar, Dinar. The name of this Currency came from the Famous king of Roshar. Dikar The First. He gave Rise to the Most prominent kingdom of Roshar. He also Created the Legendary Astrogon Family. Countless Ground Breaking Invention Came from his Mind.

The Dares is the Highest Value of Currency there is The image of Dikar is printed on the Money paper. It's equate to 100 Dikar. And The Second is Dikar, look like a Bronze With symbol of Sword and Shield. It's equate to 100 Dinar. Dinar is just a Simple Bronze coin.

Did I just Seriously give 200 dinar to that Old man..?? Lukan Ponder. There's still many page... I'll read enough. He stand up and Walk to the Previous bookshelf to put the book back. After that, he Walk towards the Exit. The old Women in the Reception wave goodbye at him.

When he Exit, he heard a shouting noise to his Right. When he Look, He can see Many Protestors shouting in front of a Luxurious Building. "You damn Greedy Corporate! Stop Stealing our Tax! Fix the Damn road!! The Felanor Kingdom Would not accept the Likes of you!!" Yelled by the Man in the front of the Protestor. The Protestor Shouted in agreement.

So I'm in the Felanor Kingdom, Corruption exist no matter what world.. Lukan sigh while Turning and going back to his apartment. While he is strolling. A suspicious man in the Corner stand up and walk towards him. "Excuse me Sir, do you have a Moment to talk about our God and Savior of Monolith? The Church is just near us. Listen to our Preaching to find your true self." The suspicious man Said in a Calm tone.

Why do I fell like I'm getting invited to a Cult... Lukan simply Raise his Hand to decline and Walk away. "That a Shame. If you can, Recommend our Teaching to your Relatives." The Suspicious man left and Walk to another person to preach.

This Monolith is getting famous.. Come to think of it... The Couple are arguing about it earlier.. Lukan thought while Walking in the old street. His stomach grumble. This is no good.. I should buy more food. Lukan Continue to walk and soon see a row of Vwndor. Lukan search each vendor to find a Delicious food. "Just newly Grilled Steak here!" A man in the distance shouted.

Lukan turn and search for it. He then see a middle age man Grilling of what seems to be like a Barbecue. "I like two of it, How much?" Hadwin question the Middle age man. "It will be a total of 5 Dinar" Lukan took out five bronze coin and Carefully Observe it. Hmm.. no Dikar Hiding among this coin. Hadwin extend his hand and Put it on the Middle age man open palm.

"There." The middle age man Gives him two stick of Barbecue. Lukan receive it and Left to go back quickly to his Apartment. When Lukan arrived at the Street on the front of his Apartment he accidentally bump to a tall man. "Sorry" Lukan apologize. The tall man with a Brown hair Simply nodded and say "Don't worry, Just make sure to focus on where you are walking next time." And depart. Phew.. I thought I will Encountered my First street fight coming into this world, Lukan Breath in sigh of Relief.

He then walk up to the stair of his Apartment and Twist the Doorknob and enter it. That Old man is not Seen anymore. The Hotal is Eerie Quiet.... Lukan Thought while walking towards the Stair. As Lukan ascending the Stair. In the Corner left of the Hotel, Behind the wooden door. Blood start Spreading in the floor, and a Sign of decay start appearing in the Doorknob.

As Lukan walking he can hear a sobbing of a women behind the door. Did that couple earlier break up? Lukan guess while walking pass the Wooden door. He then reach his Room and Twist the Doorknob, I can finally eat.. Hadwin Sit down on his Living and burrows onto the Foods he bought from the Vendors.

I'm Full... What should I do next...? As Hadwin is thinking he suddenly Yawn.

I'm tired... He stand up from his chair and head to his Bedroom. The Sunlight pass through the Glass of the window. Lukan Strode to the Bed and fell Deep into Slumber. Outside the Room. Muffled scream can be heard throughout the Hallway, but soon. It's stop.

Lukan open his eyes and Find himself in his dark Room. It's already night..? When he look around he sees A black Figure is standing near the Door. The Figured open his Mouth and uttered a word "Wa..ke... Up... Yo...u... Nee...d t..o. Leave... th.e..Hotel...." a strong wind swept through Lukan. He jolted awake and find that it's already night.

He is sweating heavily like he Just woke up from a Very bad Nightmare. What is that dream.... Who is that Mysterious Figure who Warn me to Leave..? Is there Hidden Danger lurking ? Lukan quicky leave his Bedroom

and Head straight outside.

He open the door slowly to take a Peek, A spine Chilling View came into him in the hallway Carpet He can see Many Trail of Blood and scatter piece of unknown Human body on the Carpet, leading to many room. Like some Monster Brutally Devour someone, and a chilling sound of a sobbing women can be heard.

Shit.... Why this always happens to me, I just came to this world... Lukan Contemplate. Suddenly a Door open in one of the Apartment, A Hand that look like it came straight from hell Can be seen holding the Doorknob. Lukan Quicky Shut his Door and Lock it.

What is that Abomination... I need to escape the Apartment.... I need to plan Lukan Back away from the Door in Hurry. A sound of heavy footsteps and Gasping, Can be Heard throughout the Hallway. The Abomination search for his Next Target. And soon came in front of Lukan Door.

Down In a Secluded ally, A group of Hooded Is seen Walking. "There is an unknown threat Lurking from that Apartment." The tall man said While pointing to it. "Captain, Are you sure?" Ava question him. "I'm sure, I just scouted this Area in the Morning. As I was walking pass it i felt a Strong Smell of blood leaking from it" Stark replay, then signal his Team to move.