

"She's right, you know." Bechard continued with the sentiments. "We want to make sure that the two of you are safe. Specifically you Jacy. We may not know why but we know that you've been hiding from people. Will being with this man be safe for you? Will you be happy? Can he help to protect you? If he can't answer yes to all three of those then I am sorry but we will not give our blessings."

I never knew how much Laurell and Bechard cared for me. I knew they loved me, and I knew that they were willing to go above and beyond for me but I never realized to what extent. This was something else entirely.

"What do you do, Kyle?" Laurell asked as they got straight down to business.

"I own an IT securities company. I am the president and CEO so I am often busy but I am also able to delegate work that needs to be done."

"OK, so chances are you're financially stable." Bechard was nodding as if Kyle had passed the first hurdle.