
The Undersea Ruin

Giselle and Malcom were walking through the ruins of Corpula, what was known as the Old City, as they walked Malcom looked at the remains of the city and calmly said.

"This here is supposed to be an ancient ruin isn't it?"

The girl looked at him and with some pride she said.

"Yes! Over a thousand years old!"

Malcolm stopped and looked closely at an image on a collapsed wall, said.

"It's too bad it's fake!"

Giselle looked at him with a smile and seeing him directly shook her head as she said.

"How can you know that?"

Malcom got up looking at her pointing to one of the shattered walls, then he said.

"The sedition of the rock, it does not have enough time, I have seen many runes in my life, this has a short time of being delicately put in this form, in fact even the murals are quite wrong, there are gods from different regions and variations in the origin of architecture, is not only a fake job, it is also mediocre"