
The Hunter's Heart

Abigail Omobolaji, haven't visited the village since she was born, decided to visit her grandmother and experience the village life. But is followed by a spirit in her dreams at night which makes her terrified. Will she be able to drive the spirit away? Or what? Read on and wait for updates if not updated. Love you all cherish readers much luv. You can contact me on whatsapp 0548158703

Success_Iroko_3768 · Seni bela diri
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8 Chs


"Mama. Mama. Mama", Yinka called for his mother.

"Omo mi. I'm in the kitchen". Yinka hurriedly rushed to the kitchen and asked his mother where his wife went.

"That imbecile of a wife? She went back to her father's house, where else?", Mama replied.

"Let me go after her, she wouldn't have gone to far", before he could take a step, the scent of a powdery substance hitted his nose.

He halted his steps and cried to his mother, "Still when shall i stay single mama? I need a wife, a woman who can bear me children for our dynasty and linage's growth, take care of my needs as well."

Mama smirked knowing that her plan has worked perfectly. She turned towards her son, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and said, "Yinka?"

"Mama mi"

"Would you marry the one i choose for you?", she asked knowing fully that he was under the influence of the charm.

"Yes mama. The one after your own heart. Choose the right, fresh and juicy game for your son".

"I will exactly that my son, since, i have a great taste just like that of the hunter's heart", she laughed wholeheartedly.

While all this was going on, Sade, Yinka's wife slowed down the

pace at which she was walking.

She spotted a space where she could rest for a while, and thought, "Where is Yinka? I thought he would follow up with me apologize to me and take me back home to joyously celebrate the festival of the new yam but here i am waiting tiredly for hours. All to no avail".

She stood up to continue her journey.

Upon reaching her father's house, her mother , Iya Sade, sent her back.

"Sade my child, where is your husband?

"Why are you here during the time of celebration?

"You are not welcomed here, for your information".

"Mama, neither did you welcome nor gave me water to drink. But you ask me to leave?"

"I have always told you that, marriage is a hot stone on which one is seated on, you don't sit fully or feel comfortable sitting on it. When you get burnt, stand up, adjust yourself and take your seat again".

"At the moment, what i will like you to do for me is to go back to your husband's house. I mean now!" , her mother sent her out of the house.

Sorry for the late update. It was because of my busy schedule. Promise to update at least a chapter a day.

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