
The Hunter's Heart

Abigail Omobolaji, haven't visited the village since she was born, decided to visit her grandmother and experience the village life. But is followed by a spirit in her dreams at night which makes her terrified. Will she be able to drive the spirit away? Or what? Read on and wait for updates if not updated. Love you all cherish readers much luv. You can contact me on whatsapp 0548158703

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I had to walk back to my husband's house immediately. My mother gave me no food or water, knowing fully well that the journey from our village to my husband's village was really a distance.

Only my maker knows how i survived through the journey.

By now, they must have concluded the celebration of the festival of the new yam. I decided to walk fast enough as fast as my weary legs could carry me, just to reach the village on time.

"What is going on in our house", i asked myself after i noticed a slight sound of merry coming from that direction.

I got to my destination only to find out that, Yinka, my husband, the one who paid seven hundred and seventy seven thousand of cowries, as my bride price, was getting married to another woman.

I reach to where he was seated, grabed his legs and told him i was sorry, i really apologized to him from the depth of my heart, weeping.

He pushed me away and told me i was paying for my sins, he even asked the officiating priest to continue from where he stopped.

I quickly went inside with my things, i unpacked and re-arranged my stuffs into the wardrobe. I decided to accept my fate and behave as a good senior and first wife to both my husband and our newly wed.

I dressed up to attend the rest of the function. Ever since my return, i haven't seen Mama, knowing quite well that she is the backbone of all the drama going on here.

"Mama Ayor, i greet you", i said some few words of greetings to Ayor's mother, our neighbor.

"Ah ahh! Sade! Where have you been?", she required.

"I went to pay a day's visit to my people. How is Ayor?"

"As you can see we are faring by the grace of our maker"

"I haven't seen my mother in law since i returned. Have you?", i finally asked the question on my mind.

"Oh, Mama? She is in the house i guess." She replied.

"Thank you. I'll be back soon", i dashed into the house and met Mama in the second room.

"Ma mi?", i called out to her.

"Sade, you are back? Already?"

"Yes i am back already, just as your son got married, Already".