
The Hungry Wolf in the Anime Multiverse

This is the story about a strength hungry person. The MC is cunning, manipulative, and cold hearted. The journey starts from Arifureta world, as for afterwards I don't have any idea. I want to make this into a multiverse travel novel. The MC will travel into different anime worlds and will take whatever he can get to increase his strength. As for harem, depending on the character of the candidate, I prefer loyal women, won't make this into a rabbit collection, won't go out of my way to Break the existing bond of the women to just add her in harem. The cover does not belong to me. It belongs to The original owner whom I don't know. My first time writing something like a novel. Peace

Rudra_D_Voldigoad · Komik
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13 Chs

Ch 5-System Starting and New Body


You people may not believe it but hearing hello from an emotionless voice is really something else.

"So you are a system, All I want to know now is your origin and reason for you to connect with me"

Hell with this system, if this system said something like your permission is low or you are too weak to hear.

["My origin is that I am a medical and scientific system, I was created by a 6 level civilization medical company when they were 5 level, I am not the only one system created, as the time pass I became old and then discarded"]

"Wait, so you're telling me that you are something which is created, no I mean you are not some system which is logic destroying"

Ohh God fuck me, this is disappointment and here I thought that I was going to become MC with a system

["Yes Host, I am a logical system and I am merged with your soul and yes soul is already discovered in 5 level civilization, so I can access all your memories and you can say that we are same"]

"Noo, you are telling me that we are completely merged together and not that you are living inside me"

[" Yes Host and before you ask me about why our memories not merged than it is complicated, and if you want to know what I can do then I can provide you with a DNA which can be altered easily and I can help you to gain different species power and everything will take energy for which you need to find a source "]

"Ok, I have many questions to ask but now is not the time, just tell me if you have any novice gift or something similar"

[" No host I don't have any such thing as before discarded all the solid form of DNA stored inside me was removed and now I only have information, which can you used to analyse any new DNA and help in altering your DNA in positive direction"]

"So you don't have anything"

It will be a lie to say that I wasn't disappointed

["No host, but I do have enough energy to alter you DNA in basic form and perfect your current DNA"]

"So, you mean that you can make me into someone else by altering my DNA and perfect my DNA"

[" Yes Host, so please provide the information like body shape and all the things or if you have anyone in your memories you want to be like"]

Ohh yes I know what I want

"System make me like Beast monarch, as for my face shape and hair make it like Broly and Goku but a little longer"

[" Ok Host and This process may be painful"]

Ohh I can accept any pain after just going through one.

Just as my thoughts stopped, I felt an unimaginable pain and this pain was many times more than I felt before.

And this was logical as before I was just making my body stronger and somewhat better

But now even the basic structure of my body is changed

This pain went on for a long time, I can't calculate time in this situation. 

I don't know after how long, the pain started reducing and what came was a feeling I can't tell

As even the basic structure of my body changed, so even my nerve cells throughout my body changed, so what I was feeling now was a body completely different from the one before.

This body was bigger, my arms were bigger,my legs were big and strong and I was almost 1 foot taller than before.

{"Just like the cover picture with some minor changes"}

I can't say about others but I fucking love muscle, not for showing other but just for yourself

As I was seeing my new body, I found that my strength was 3 to 4 times before and even my magic was 4 to 5 times before.

[" That because the host body structure is changed and host DNA is perfected and now host have more Mana because of that"]

After listening to system reason I thought that that may be the case

I asked the system whether it can store the magic mineral for which It said yes and yes I was going to take it away because I don't want to keep it here and it takes time to form this so keeping it here is useless.

And because of system help Now I don't need the divine elixir to heal myself as even my race is changed to something else, so now I only gain strength and not damage after I eat these monsters.

I was going to use the elixir to just heal myself from any damage I get in the future or just to fill my stamina before a fight.

With these thoughts I started moving down the dungeon and unlike other MCs, I wasn't trying to find any exit or any people.

So where I went I was just devouring monsters and I don't differentiate between them as each one can provide me with different powers and strength.

And system was helping me with telling me my power I gained from these monster.

After one week of devouring monsters and moving forward, Now I was standing in front of a big door with two giant monster guardians around it.

Anyone who has seen the arifureta knows what is behind this door.