
The Hungry Wolf in the Anime Multiverse

This is the story about a strength hungry person. The MC is cunning, manipulative, and cold hearted. The journey starts from Arifureta world, as for afterwards I don't have any idea. I want to make this into a multiverse travel novel. The MC will travel into different anime worlds and will take whatever he can get to increase his strength. As for harem, depending on the character of the candidate, I prefer loyal women, won't make this into a rabbit collection, won't go out of my way to Break the existing bond of the women to just add her in harem. The cover does not belong to me. It belongs to The original owner whom I don't know. My first time writing something like a novel. Peace

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13 Chs

Ch 2-The Adventure in the Dungeon

As an adventurer I went inside the dungeon, I found myself transported into the dungeon, a dangerous and treacherous place filled with deadly monsters and different floors. But I was determined to survive and make the most of my new life in this world, and gain everything I wasn't able to in my last life.

I decided to venture into one of the most challenging dungeons, alone, to test my skills and see how far I could push myself. The journey was long and arduous, filled with obstacles and traps, floor by floor, I was able to do this because* 

1- I was a transmigrater, so I was powerful, and as I was a big person,I was more powerful than the original protagonist's classmates.

2- Because I have already done some of the floor work with my guildmates.

Today I came here to get the cheat of the original protagonist.

There as I went down,I encountered  fierce and monstrous creatures, unlike anything I had ever seen on the previous floors. Its scales were thick and impenetrable, its claws razor-sharp, and its teeth glinted menacingly in the dim light of the dungeon.

But I refused to back down. I drew my weapon, a sword forged from the finest materials and imbued with powerful enchantments, and charged at the beast.

The fight was intense and gruelling, with the monster unleashing its full fury upon me. But I was determined to win, and I fought with all my strength and skill, dodging and weaving around its attacks and striking back with deadly precision.

For what felt like hours, we battled back and forth, neither one gaining the upper hand. But then, with a final, decisive blow, I struck the monster down, its body collapsing to the ground in a heap.

I was battered and bruised, my clothes torn and bloodied, but I had emerged victorious. With a sense of satisfaction and pride, I picked myself up and continued on my journey through the dungeon, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

I was looking at my surroundings searching for the stone found by the original protagonist's classmates because using it is the easiest way to get to the floors below.

After searching for some time and as I went deeper inside the dungeon I finally found the stone which will help in transporting me to the lower floor.

Now comes the main problem, I need to fight the monster alone. As shown in original anime. 

A magic circle opened and the monster came out. Its scales were thick and impenetrable and its teeth gleamed menacingly in the dim light of the dungeon. But I refused to back down. Drawing my sword, I charged at the beast, ready to do battle.

We clashed back and forth, I wasn't able to gain the upper hand. But then, with a fierce roar, the monster lunged at me, its claws extended and ready to strike.

With lightning-fast reflexes, I dodged out of the way, and careened past the monster and reached over the edge of the cliff that lay just beyond the place where we were fighting. 

As I looked down into the abyss, I saw a dim light shining in the distance, beckoning me onward.

Without hesitation, I leaped off the edge of the cliff and into the unknown depths below. As I fell, I saw glimpses of the bottom, but I was ready for this as this was part of my plan, I knew that I can't defeat the monster as I wasn't the protagonist. so No luck.

But I was not afraid. With a fierce determination in my heart, I twisted and turned through the air, using my weapon to get a grip on the wall and before coming here I brought shoes enchanted with gravity magic and weight reduction magic And as I landed on the ground below, I knew that my plan was successful.

With a sense of satisfaction and pride, I continued on my journey through the dungeon, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. 

To become powerful I need to follow the same way as the original protagonist.

For I knew that as a transmigrater, I was destined for greatness, and nothing would stand in my way.