
The Hungry Wolf in the Anime Multiverse

This is the story about a strength hungry person. The MC is cunning, manipulative, and cold hearted. The journey starts from Arifureta world, as for afterwards I don't have any idea. I want to make this into a multiverse travel novel. The MC will travel into different anime worlds and will take whatever he can get to increase his strength. As for harem, depending on the character of the candidate, I prefer loyal women, won't make this into a rabbit collection, won't go out of my way to Break the existing bond of the women to just add her in harem. The cover does not belong to me. It belongs to The original owner whom I don't know. My first time writing something like a novel. Peace

Monarch_Ruler · Komik
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13 Chs

Ch 11-The Forced Loli(“Yue”)

We were sitting around the campfire or you can say I was sitting and she was lying around the campfire.

She was keeping distance from me, I wasn't shocked to see it as this was expected.

I stood up from my position and went near her, after seeing this she started crawling backward.

I don't know why but I liked seeing this, maybe I am a sadist.

She wasn't able to run away as she was weak. After I reached near her, I bent down and looked at her face and said to her,

"  'Yue' , that will be your name from now on, I don't care about your previous name. So, this will be your name from now on"

She wasn't expecting me to say this.

But she replied with hatred and anger.

" No, I don't want it"

I looked at her again with surprise, I wasn't expecting courage from her but anyway I needed her to know her place.

I looked at her face, in her eyes and said with an emotionless but cold voice.

" I am not asking you but telling you"

I pinched her mouth and looked inside her eyes and she started trembling from fear.

She remembered the fear and what happened before and tried to turn her face but wasn't able to. So she closed her eyes.

I was amused to see this and let go of her.

" Get rest, you need to work from tomorrow onwards and show me your worth, because it will decide whether you will become a sex slave of mine or a sex partner"

After hearing what I said, she looked at me with anger and a question mark on her face asking about the difference between the two.

I was able to understand her meaning but didn't explain much and just said.

" You will find after experiencing one"

She didn't know why but her guts were telling her to not get on my bad side.

After telling her, I didn't wait for a reply but sat on one side and closed my eyes. I wasn't afraid of her attacking me as that needed guts and strength.

Yue looked at me with fear, she wanted to use this chance to kill me but both her body and brain were denying her wish.

Atlast she gave up and closed her eyes and started thinking about what is going to come tomorrow.

Next day in the early morning, Finding time inside the dungeon is extremely difficult and you need to work with your body clock.

After Yue woke up, she opened her eyes and found no one around there. Her eyes were searching for the Man she hated most, but her eyes didn't find him.

She was happy and thought that this was her chance to run away. Just as she turned around she saw the person she didn't want to see the most.

I saw her reaction but didn't care. I went out for a morning walk and a small fight.

I came and sat near the bonfire which was almost out of wood.

I looked at her and took out a piece of meat from my storage and gave it to her.

She didn't take it.

" Take this, as you will need energy to go through what is going to come today."

She didn't reply but took the piece and started eating it.

She didn't take it because she needs to fight today, but because she needs energy to run away from this man and take her revenge.