
Journey To Null Island

Before this chapter starts, there has been a bit of a complaint about him saying the names of his attacks aloud. I apologise if it is bothering you that he is doing so, but it is something that will continue happening. If it's a story breaker for you, I'm sorry. Please just keep the complaint to yourself if that's the case. Finally, my character will get strong decently fast and also that each world won't have probably more than ten chapters each with some maybe more if I find interest in staying in them more, though they will be revisited later on as well.





"So, you're really leaving...?"


Yuzuki was currently seen checking over the map he had gotten when he had looted the pirate ship that Haji had come in as he was looking over the different areas. He had managed to locate where he currently was on the map as a number of villagers were helping him repair any broken parts of the ship that the captain of the Lovestruck Pirates had come in.

Fran was helping Yuzuki out as it seemed that she knew the waters around this area far better than he did, which wasn't surprising as it did seem she had lived around in this town her entire life. It was only natural for her to know far more than he did.

It had been only a day since Jakaal had launched his attack on them and had been defeated by Yuzuki. Ever since then, Yuzuki had decided that it was finally time for him to set off into other places. Main reasons being were that staying here wasn't going to allow him to get stronger fast enough, along with also the fact he wanted to explore.

While he didn't show it in any way, he was a rather adventurous person.

"Where are you going to be going?" Fran wondered curiously, though her tone did hold a hidden piece of sadness in it. Yuzuki noticed but didn't comment on it as he decided to answer her question. "I was thinking of going to this island here, it strikes me as odd."

True to his words, the island appeared to have been drawn onto the old map quite recently with a pen as it had a large red circle around it. It appeared that the Lovestruck Pirates might have been targeting it, though for reasons he didn't know. But, he wanted to find out.

"Isn't that..."

"Do you know something?"

"Well, it's a strange island that had suddenly appear here in this section of the Grand Line. No one knows where it came from, but it had been labelled as Null Island since no-one knows much about it at all. Though, it has been labelled as incredibly dangerous..."

"How so?"

"It's because of the strange occurrences." A new voiced answered as they turned to see Veronica walking over holding what appeared to be a large closed basket in her arms. She set it down before continuing. "Apparently a number of pirates have attempted to explore the island, but were all reported killed as a number of bodies had been found floating off the shore and into the open ocean."

"Hmm..." Yuzuki muttered quietly as he heard this. He didn't remember hearing anything about this when he saw things on One Piece back in his old world, though his knowledge was limited, so it wouldn't surprise him if he had missed something. "Anything else?"

"Well, the marines that had observed the island from afar had reported seeing some form of a large mass seemingly moving upon the island. None were able to identify what the creature was aside from concluding that it was most likely a Sea King."

"I see. Sounds interesting..." Yuzuki couldn't help but mutter as he took in the information. He might be taking a big risk going to the island, but it might be well worth it in the end. He might be able to get stronger there, along with finding out just what was inhabiting it.

"Are you really going to be going there?" Veronica asked seriously as Yuzuki looked at her with unblinking eyes. He just nodded his head in response before Veronica sighed as she then handed him an object. "Then take this, it'll help you find your way there."

"This is an Eternal Pose, right?"

"Yes, one that happened to be in this ship. It's directed towards Null Island." Veronica explained as she showed him the text on the top of it that spelt out the name of the island. Yuzuki took hold of it as he looked at the compass inside pointing towards a certain direction. "Also, take this. Some food so you won't starve out at sea."

"Are you sure? I don't mind fishing." Yuzuki asked as he was reluctant to take the basket that Fran took hold of for her mother as she was holding it towards him. He didn't even need to eat or drink, though he wasn't going to tell them that as that would just raise more question at him.

"I'm not letting you starve. Take it." Veronica nodded with a small glare as Yuzuki just blinked once before giving a small sigh. He just decided to accept the gift as he could easily see that Fran's mother was not going to back down from the subject until he did. "Are you sure you'll be fine on your own? It'll be hard sailing a ship on your own."

"I'm certain." Yuzuki nodded his head. Just on time then, a voice called out from the villagers as they turned to see the people who were helping Yuzuki out in repairing the ship were now coming down. "It seems that it's time for me to leave."

"It would seem so..." Veronica smiled softly. "Everyone will miss you. You did save us from pirates many times, despite only being a week since you've arrived here."

"Hm." Yuzuki merely nodded with his usually stoic expression as he then turned before proceeding to walk towards the ship. Though, he did stop when he heard someone starting to speak but stuttering, he turned to see that it was Fran. "Is something wrong?"

"Please... Please stay safe." Fran looked as if she was pretty much begging as Yuzuki blinked at her with his mouth slightly open. He was silent for a second before actually giving a small smile, even if it was a tiny one. They all appeared surprised, it was rare for him to smile. During this entire week, they had only seen him smile once, and it was only for a second.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to die off that easily."

"Th-Then... promise me." Fran looked into his eyes as Yuzuki just remained silent. "C-Come back and visit sometime!"

"..." Yuzuki blinked a few times at her before nodding his head slightly. "I will. I'll make sure to remember to come back and visit you all at some point. I'll be expecting to see you all safe and sound when I come back."

"R-Right!" Fran smiled with a bit of red on her face as her mother watched with a loving smile on her face. The citizens that had come over to bid farewell to Yuzuki also smiling as they saw him. With that, Yuzuki then began walking towards the ship. "G-Good luck! Come back safe!"

Yuzuki just replied with a small wave without turning back as he could hear all the citizens giving their farewells while waving him farewell, he couldn't see them doing so but had a feeling they were doing so. It was time for him to venture out.


Yuzuki was now leaning against the railing of the ship he was on as he held the eternal pose in his hands, the ship heading directly in the direction that it was pointing in. Quite a number of hours had passed since his departure and he was now nearing the island.

Thankfully, he hadn't run into any climate changes that ruined his course in any way, so it was smooth sailing for him. He was also glad that he managed to get the sail on this ship replaced, he really didn't want the Lovestruck Pirates insignia printed on this boat of his.

On his way over towards this island, he did have a few run-ins with both pirates as well as marines that appeared to have been heading towards the island as well. Though, he was able to swiftly and easily deal with them as they really weren't that powerful.

"So, that's Null Island..." Yuzuki muttered as he pocketed the pose as he narrowed his eyes while looking forwards. In front of him in the distance was a massive landmass with what he could see consisted of a number of mountains, forests and what looked to even be a desert.

True to Veronica's words, he had noticed a number of bodies belonging to both pirates as well as marines floating on the ocean with blood seeping into the water. It would have greatly disturbed a normal person, but he wasn't a normal person, though the [Gamer's Mind] also helped keep him composed.

Though, he was curious as to what was sending the bodies floating in the ocean from the island. Just what was living there?

"Stop that ship immediately, pirate!"

'Huh?' Yuzuki rose an eyebrow as he turned his head slightly to the right and looked over his shoulder to see a marine ship sailing next to his. A number of marines having their weapons ready as they glared towards him. They couldn't see his face though due to the mask he was wearing. 'Did they call me a pirate? Whatever...'

"Prepare to be sunk, pirate! In the name of the marines!" The person who he assumed was the leader shouted as he had his sword pointed towards Yuzuki, who didn't at all flinch. "You don't even seem to have a crew, how pathetic! Hahaha~!"

"Wait... sir."

"What is it?"

"I think I recognise this person..." One of the marines had stated as the leader appeared confused. They all stared at Yuzuki as the boy just remained still with his head slightly turned towards them. "Y-Yeah...! That outfit, I think I recognise its description..."

"H-He's right!"

"Huh? What are you lot talking about?"

"S-Sir, he's the one that took down Jakaal!" One of the marines shouted with fear in his voice as the rest of them were shaking as well while looking at Yuzuki. The leader blinked before staring wide-eyed at him. Eyes full of disbelief.

"What? This kid?!" The leader couldn't help but shout in disbelief. The person in front of him was definitely a child if the body and height was anything to go by, he couldn't see the face but his body structure was more than enough to tell. "Now that you mention it... he does look familiar... You're telling me this kid took down Jakaal?!"


"I refuse to believe some brat defeated Jakaal! Attack, men!" The leader ordered. They were all hesitant as they shook in place, Yuzuki just scoffed at them as he was about to draw his sword. Though stopped when he heard a strange sound.

Yuzuki turned his head slightly more to the right to see something rocketing towards the marine's ship. Narrowing his eyes, he could see that the object that was launching towards the marines at high speeds was... a red cannonball?

He watched as it crashed down onto the marines, even if he wanted to save them, there really wasn't enough time for him to react. The ship sank in an explosion as the sounds of the marine's cries were heard. The cannonball then was seemingly bowling the water.

"So, you're the one that took down Jakaal. I didn't expect a child to be the one that did it." Yuzuki narrowed his eyes as he turned around to another ship approaching, though it soon stopped right next to his boat where the marine's ship previously was.

He noticed the ship wasn't as tall but far more wide compared to normal ships as a man with a muscular figure and appeared quite tall and lean was standing on the edge grinning at him, behind him were a massive number of who he assumed were crewmates.

"I must say, I'm impressed you defeated that weakling."

Yuzuki didn't respond as he narrowed his eyes at the man, he could easily tell that the man was far stronger than Jakaal was, the feeling he got from the male was alarming. Proving this, a screen popped up displaying the information.


[Name: Captain of the Heatcrash Pirates, Yagamura] [Crew: Heatcrash Pirates]

[Health Points: 120,000/120,000] [Special Points: 30,000/30,000] [Devil Fruit: Netsu Netsu No Mi] [Haki: Kenbunshoku]

[Strength: 4800] [Speed: 3500] [Vitality: 4000]



Yuzuki widened his eyes immensely behind his mask as he read the information provided to him. He knew this man was bad news, but he didn't expect there to be such a huge difference in both physical power as well as speed and vitality.

To add to the issue, it appeared that this man had access to both a devil fruit power as well as the ability to utilise Haki. This guy was clearly far stronger than Jakaal was and also still far stronger than Yuzuki is right now.

Yuzuki quickly jumped back.

"Spelling! Purgatory in the netherworld. Wildfires on the ground. The flames are impartial and consume good, evil, and chaos alike. They purify all with fierce charity. All must die, and return to dust. God has forsaken mankind. The age of decadence shall not end. Let the trumpets sound. The time of judgement has come! The time of judgement has come! The time of judgement has come! Level 5 Dark Art: Black Gehenna!"

Yuzuki quickly chanted as Yagamura watched on with interest to see what he was doing as Yuzuki then generated the flames before slamming it onto his sword, bringing back the raging black flames onto his blade as he glared at Yagamura.

"Interesting, that's what you used to defeat Jakaal I presume..." Yagamura muttered with interest as he looked at the blade in Yuzuki's hand. He gestured for his crewmates to stay back as he could feel the power of the blade had increased many times. "Impressive, he wouldn't have been able to withstand such a blade."

Yuzuki quickly rushed forwards before swinging his blade, though Yagamura easily saw it coming and caught the blade with his left hand. The man was all the while smiling with a toothy grin, Yuzuki just gave a small scoff as he jumped back.

"Don't think I'll be as easy an opponent as Jakaal was. I can sense your strength, it is nowhere near enough to defeat me." Yagamura stated as a matter of fact. Yuzuki didn't say anything as he heard this. "You won't survive for long here in the Grand Line let alone the New World with measly power like that. I warn you, there are others far stronger than even I here."

Yuzuki couldn't care less about where he was in the pecking order as all he needed to keep his focus on was the battle in front of him. He hadn't expected to run into someone like this so soon, but he knew it would happen at some point.

"The Fourth Divine Blade: Limits Unbound... Infinity." Yuzuki had declared as he spun his sword in a circle before narrowing his eyes sharply before a storm of strikes were sent towards Yagamura, the strikes looking as if hundreds of swords were being swung simultaneously.

"Hoh~? Nice, but not good enough." Yagamura smirked as he blocked every single strike without even getting a cut as he then sent a powerful punch towards Yuzuki. The boy widened his eyes but thankfully managed to hold his sword in front of him as he was sent flying back.

Yuzuki skidded to a stop on the ground as he forced himself back onto his feet. The force behind the punch was no joke, he could feel the immense force behind the hit. Though, there was something else... Yuzuki looked at his arms and noticed red burns.

"Hehehe~... I myself am a devil fruit user, a fruit that has allowed me to raise my outside body temperature to great heights. You're lucky I was making contact with you for long, even a small second was capable of burning you like that."

'This is a pain...' Yuzuki thought to himself with gritted teeth behind his mask. This guy was dangerous to approach, if he had manages to get a good hold on him then there was no escaping considering the strength this guy had. As Yuzuki was kept his eyes trained on Yagamura, something caught his attention in the corner of his vision. It was the clouds. 'Is there a storm coming?'

True to Yuzuki's words, the clouds appeared to be becoming darker and darker as lightning could be seen sparking up above, it didn't seem normal either as the clouds were spiralling slowly as the winds were picking up. He knew that this was no ordinary storm they were about to have.

'I need to finish this quickly.' Yuzuki thought to himself without changing expressions as Yagamura was holding a constant grin. He knew that he can't win right now with his current power, but that can change quite quickly in the tide of battle. He had one way to finish.

"I sense a lot of confidence coming from you, boy. What are you planning?"

"I'm finishing this quickly."

"Hoh~? How are you going to do that?"

"With a risk of luck." Yuzuki answered simply as he narrowed his eyes towards Yagamura who seemed confused by the declaration. Yuzuki then closed his eyes before getting into stance as he then opened them instantly. "Ittou Shura!"

"Wha-!" Yagamura staggered back as a pillar of violent aura suddenly exploded and blew his crewmates back. The aura was transparent and was appearing like a twister around the boy, he could feel the sudden massive change in power coming from Yuzuki. "What?! How can you become so strong instantly?!"

Yuzuki didn't give him any answer as his aura continued to rage on as he could feel as if his body was ripping apart due to the sudden change in strength, though he ignored that as he could also feel immense power rushing into him. The black flames were still coating his blade, so it would grant him even more damage he could do.

He looked at his stats really quickly as they skyrocketed. While it appeared that the additional stats he got from the mask he was wearing didn't count in the multiplication, it was still enough for him to surpass Yagamura in both speed and strength.


[Character Status]

Name: Yuzuki Aoi

Age: 12

Level: 43

Race: Human

Balance: $445,422

Health Points: 113/2,260 [20 Per Vitality Stat Point]

Special Points: 3,360/3,360 [40 Per Special Points Stat Point]

Status Points: 0

Gacha Coins: [Copper: 5] [Silver: 1] [Gold: 0]

[Strength: 102 x 64 = 6,528 <+10>] [Speed: 115 x 64 = 7,360 <+0>] [Vitality: 98 <+15>]

[Special Points: 84 <+0>] [Wisdom: 63 <+0>] [Luck: 75 <+25>]


Yuzuki sprinted forwards with immense speed as he instantly appeared right in front of Yagamura, who widened his eyes as he could barely keep track of the boy when he moved. Yuzuki had no time for talk, he had a minute to utilise this so he was going to make the best of it!

Yuzuki unleashed a barrage of slashes towards Yagamura that easily caused injuries to appear on the man's body, though none were too fatal considering the guy's insane vitality, but were still doing quite a bit of damage. He wasn't able to get a counter hit in as Yuzuki appeared above.

"The Second Divine Blade: Heavenly Peak - Divine Pillar!" Yuzuki crashed down onto Yagamura as the sword went down and caused a massive slash mark to appear from his shoulder down to the left side of his waist, blood seeping out from the wound. Yuzuki then performed a spin kick that sent the man rolling across the floor while knocking over some of his crewmates.

Yuzuki didn't let up the offence as he rushed forwards before grabbing hold of Yagamura's body and tossing it upwards. The flames on his sword raged on as he jumped up towards Yagamura's body up above, to which he then called out.

"The Fourth Divine Blade: Limits Unbound - Infinity!"

Yuzuki unleashed his barrage of slashes that were far faster compared to the first time he had used it not too long ago, the power of the slashes becoming far greater as slash marks were seen appearing not the wooden floor beneath them from speed in which he was striking.

"Y-You brat!" Yagamura landed on the ground after Yuzuki's attack ended as he had blood coming off from all over his body. He glared angrily at Yuzuki as the boy kept a calm composure despite blood coming out from parts like his eyes due to the flow of power from using Ittou Shura. 'What the hell do I do?!'

Yagamura was now panicking greatly as the amount of power and increase in speed that Yuzuki had just gained was immense. Even with his Kenbunshoku Haki, he couldn't react in time to be able to dodge the slashes sent towards him. He had taken serious damage already...

What the heck could he do?!

"It's time to finish this..." Yuzuki knew that if he left this guy alive, then he would kill Yuzuki after the effects of Ittou Shura were over. He had only around ten seconds left before his stats would go back down, and with only five per cent of his health remaining due to the effect of Ittou Shura, he would easily be killed with a single punch by Yagamura.

"H-How dare you! I'll kill you!"

"Hmph." Yuzuki narrowed his eye before spinning his sword in a complicated fashion as what looked to be a trail of energy followed the blade, the black flames from his spell having alright dispersed a quite bit ago. "The Final Divine Blade: Arms of the Divine..."

"G-God d-d-damnit...!"

"Judgement!" Yuzuki shouted before holding the blade up above his head before swinging downwards, causing a massive slash of golden energy to be sent across the ground at incredible speeds towards Yagamura. The slash cracking the wooden floorboards greatly as it travelled.

Yagamura widened his eyes at the power behind the slash, it was far more than enough to completely slice both of their ships apart in an instant. It travelled towards him, and he was, unfortunately, unable to avoid it. The attack struck him before exploding.

The explosion from the attack caused him to release great cries of agony as he felt his entire being screaming in pain, the crewmates then shouted in fear as their ship was then completely broken in half and were now quickly sinking. Yagamura's body was lifeless as it was sent flying across the ocean.


[You have levelled up 56 times! You have gained 168 x 15 = 2,520 Status Points]

[You have gained $120,000]

[You have gained 15 Copper Gacha Coins]

[You have gained 2 Silver Gacha Coin]

[You have gained 1 Gold Gacha Coin]

[You have gained the skill 'Legendary Soul of the Everstanding Warrior']


'What the?'

Yuzuki could only widen his eyes when he saw the massive collection of Status Points, why the heck was it suddenly multiplied by ten? Though, he soon got his answer when information popped up about the new skill he had gained.


[Legendary Soul of the Everstanding Warrior: A passive skill that automatically increases all stats of the user by 40% once in the instant this skill is learned. This skill also grants the user 15 times as many Status Points gained each level]


[Strength: 142.8 <+10>] [Speed: 161 <+0>] [Vitality: 137.2 <+15>]

[Special Points: 117.6 <+0>] [Wisdom: 88.2 <+0>] [Luck: 105 <+25>]


Yuzuki saw this skill as honestly completely overpowered, he had gained an insane amount of Status Points from that one battle, though he wasn't complaining at all as he needed to get stronger. Though, he would have wished that the increase of 40% could have been done after he allocated the points, but no point in complaining now.

If he understood the description well, then that increase would only happen once, and that was a few seconds ago.

He then noticed the storm getting worse and worse before he quickly decided to set sailing as he really didn't want to be in the middle fo a crazy storm, he could always allocate the points to his stats after he gets to land. He also needed to heal as his health was very low due to the effects of utilising Ittou Shura.

With that, he quickly sailed towards Null Island.

Just wanted to say that when I'm going to be giving different non-gamer characters stats, especially ones from separate media, it might be biased or maybe not sometimes. Apologies if you disagree with them, please keep the complaint to yourself as I know they might be inaccurate some times.

DivineLogiacreators' thoughts