
Special Acceptance

'Thiss… Are you joking right? I was trying that too.. Why I lost 10 silver while you get a free entry…' thought Hans. He nearly fainted on the spot hearing what Layla said.

'The people in this world is no different with Earth.. I know how it feels Mr. Roland.. ' sighed Hans.

"Okay, Layla… Goodbye.." unable to hold his anger anymore, Hans ignored Layla and walked to the east.

"Ah, Mister… sorry Hans.. Where are you going?" asked Layla. Without even hearing Hans replied, Layla talked again "I am a local here, I know this city better than anyone".

Hans stopped and thought 'It's tempting, Let's say it is an exchange of my 4 silvers for a guide.. but.. I am not sure either it is a fair exchange or giving her opportunity to suck my wallet dry again..'.

After pondering for a while Hans said "I have a question.. When will Mage academy open an admission period?".

"Hahahaaa… Do you want to try your luck? Are you rich mister?" Hearing Hans question almost made Layla laughing out loud.

Talent was indeed number one requirement to be a mage apprentice, but being rich was also necessary since the admission fee itself was around 5 gold. If the mage talents was mediocre, they had to pay 100 gold a year.

Grooming a magus was indeed expensive, the academy needed to procure a lot of demon core since Demon core supply was a must for a magus, it was source of energy which was needed to replenish mana faster than normal.

Training a lot could increase mana maximum limit but training consumed mana, so it needed to be replenished.

Using a demon spawn core could increase mana replenishment (MR) speed by 10 mana energy / hour. Of course, using a higher level of demon could increase the speed much more faster. Legend said a demon king core could increase MR speed by 10,000 mana energy / hour, but a magus had to have a 10,000 mana energy in your soul first to absorb a demon king core or else the magus might explode.

By rule, MR speed of demon core should not larger than the magus mana capacity because the soul capacity which was a place to store mana might suffer from unprepared increment.

If a mage really poor which somehow impossible, he or she can wait to replenish his/her mana by nature but it will take much longer time and really depending on one talent.

'Sure sure, go ahead and laugh? I don't know what is the usage of Roland's knowledge but I am sure it will help me.. By that time, I'll laugh at you..' Hans barely kept his anger in front of this little girl.

"Well, I am not rich, but I am definitely richer than you.." Hans said composedly.

"You…!!" Layla stared at Hans "well.. I am not able to deny that, am I?"

"Ok mister.. You win.. You're just right, currently magus academy open an admission test.. Except central academy, all branches is opening admission now.." explained Layla.

"Finally, a good news from you.. Sure, guide me there… At least my 4 silvers pays something.." said Hans while laughing.

"Mister you are stingy.. But fooling a stingy guy is fun, follow me…" Layla said and then she lead the way.


Not long after that, Layla and Hans arrived at the magus academy.

"Wow.. It looks like an inner city.." Hans amazed with the academy wall.

"Of course, it was needed since the lesson here required one to stay in dormitory.. an apprentice is not allowed to go in or out freely for a scheduled time.. " Layla was happy to explain everything she know to Hans.

"Ok.. let's enter.."

'The crowd is similar to a concert band in Earth.. So crowded..' thought Hans.

A moment later, a mighty figure in Grey robe just flew and landed at a podium in front of everyone.

"wow.. He is Advanced Magus, only advanced magus can fly.." -.

"Are you kidding, you can see that from his robe.." -.

"no kidding, you can also see it from the ring around him when he is using his mana.."-.

A magus level was differentiate by robe color but sometimes magus didn't wear robe because who want to show your power to your enemy right? but of course you can check it by magus's ring.

Magus ring was formed while magus's soul broke through a limit point.

First magus ring was formed when a soul was capable to hold mana energy more than 100 and called as low-novice, second magus ring was formed when maximum limit breakthrough 300 mana energy and called as mid-novice, third magus ring at 500 mana energy as hi-novice, fourth magus ring at 1000 mana energy as low-intermediate and so on. But one needed to train the soul ridiculously hard for increasing their mana energy maximum limit.

Hans seemed to be mesmerized by it , then he thought 'There are something in common when a magus act, it seemed he use his energy to defy law of nature which in Earth it called gravity.. He used his power to nullify its potential energy created by gravity and height..'

When he thought, the just landed magus said just loud enough to reach every corner of the plaza.

"So what do you think of a flight I just did?" asked the Magus and he seemed really sure that no body is able to answer that.

"you just use your mana energy to nullify the force down. But it is not easy since the more height you flew the more energy you spent because the force down is higher at higher altitude…" said Hans silently but his answer was enough to be heard by Layla.

'What a show off to said some non-sense, do you want me to be amazed at you mister.. because of your non-sense? Dream on…' thought Layla. Layla was indeed someone who didn't afraid of anything and think much more overreacted than common woman (author: no offense).

In order to unveil Hans show off, she said to reply the magus ""You just use your mana energy to nullify the force down. But it is not easy since the more height you flew the more energy you spent because the force down is higher at higher altitude…"

Hearing someone answered the magus question made everyone to look at the sound origin.

The magus was shocked in his mind 'What a sharp observation skill from a young girl, no one is able to deduce such an answer after a short period of demonstration… She has a comprehension talent to be a great magus.. if her mana growth talent is not enough, I will just force to grow it later anyway..'

"What is your name young girl?" asked the Magus.

"See.. your non-sense is only for show off..." she thought and stared at Hans before answering to the Magus "My name is Layla, sir Magus.."

"Good name.. Congratulation you're accepted in Ragnarok Kingdom Mage Academy of the East" said the Magus to Layla.

'What?? Is his answer correct?' shocked Layla, she turned his head to Hans and seemed like she saw a monster. 'I thought this stingy guy is just blabbering non-sense' mused Layla. 'Should I tell the truth?'

'What? That was my answer!!!' perplexed Hans. 'It seems staying near her really will dry out my luck…' thought Hans. After seeing Layla eye, he understand what Layla probably think right now and to prevent that he wink at her preventing any unnecessary truth.

"Erick, bring her to entry hall.." said the Magus to a senior apprentice

"Ahhhh… Yes, Magus Nimo.. " said Erick seemed just awoke from his shocked. It was the first time someone being accepted without even paying a penny for admission fee and before the test started.

Magus Nimo was an high elder level magus in the east mage academy, he was responsible to student affair. So, as long as he had sufficient reasons to bring a talented person, no one would doubt his judgement.

Still to Hans it is "-_-"

Wow.. I am snail, my release rate is only one chap a day..

Let's hope for two this night since I am out of the city in this weekend..

ajijucreators' thoughts