
The Human Princess and The Werewolf King

There was only one rule that every member of the crystal pack must obey "Never ever question the orders of your Alpha". Logan Anderson rules the Crystal pack with an iron fist. Rumors has it that he is a cold and ruthless man. Ever since Logan became the Alpha of his pack, for some reason he has always felt empty, not even the thought that he was feared and respected was able to fill the emptiness in him, that is until he met her, the girl who his wolf called out to. For some reason only her has been able to fill the emptiness in him. Logan thought he has found his light and savior, what he didn't know was that he has also found his only destruction.

Rosepetals456 · Fantasi
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68 Chs

Never Trust A Witch.

Ava was confused on which dress to put on. It was almost time for her date with Logan. After trying so many dresses Ava decided to wear a blue dress that reminded her of his eyes.

There was a knock on the door and Ava replied "Come in"

When the door opened and Ava saw that it was her mother, Queen Rosaline, she couldn't help but say to her "The sun must have definitely risen from the west today for you to have actually knocked and waited for my response before coming in."

"I didn't come to argue with you today so don't even start" Queen Rosaline said.

"Are you here to tell me how much you will miss me when I am gone, mother" Ava sneered at her mother.

"No, infact I am glad that for once in your life you have made a mature decision".

"Why are you here mother?" Ava said with a finality in her voice.

"Logan is in the garden waiting for you, so hurry up with whatever you are doing" Queen Rosaline turned to leave after fulfilling her mission.

"Do you even care about me?" Ava asked with tears in her eyes before her mother could leave her room.

"Oh boy, here we go again" Queen Rosaline sighed as she muttered to herself before turning around to face Ava. She looked into Ava eyes and said to her "Yes, i do love you in my own and it is because of that i will give you two advices. Do you want to hear it or should I leave?"

"What are they?"

"Well, the first is never trust anything Serefina say to you, unless it has being confirm by you"

"Wait, you know about my godmother?" Ava was shocked by her mother's words and then she remembered her mother threat and with anger in her eyes she asked "Did you hurt her? because if you did i will never forgive you"

"No i did not hurt her, but i did tell you i will find who it is you meet whenever you sneaked out of the castle. Imagine my surprise when I found out that my daughter finds comfort in a witch."

"Well, she has showed me so much love and care than you ever had". An hurt expression flashed at Rosaline eyes but she concealed it immediately and said coldly to Ava "I tried so much to make sure neither you nor your sister acts according to your emotion and i thought I was at least successful with you, but now i see that you are an emotional fool."

"You wanted me to grow up being cold and bitter like you?" Ava couldn't believe the words she heard from mother.

"No, i wanted you to grow up strong, do you really think an emotional woman can become a Queen." Rosaline walked up to her daughter and continued "Once you get married to Logan you will become his pack Queen, you will be their Luna. How do you think you can survive in a pack of wolves when all you do is cry about not receiving love from your mother, or do think running to your precious godmother whenever you have a problem will help you? You are a princess, do not let anyone have the pleasure of seeing you hurt not even me, do not let anyone trample on you, it doesn't matter if they are a wolf or a witch, they all have a weakness and if they try to put you down you find that weakness and get rid of them."

As Ava listened to her mother words she knew her mother was right, she must be strong if she wants to be respected by Logan pack and as she looked into her mother's eyes she said "I understand. What is your second advice?"

With an unexplained look in her eyes Rosaline said to her daughter "You maybe able to trust a werewolf but NEVER TRUST A WITCH" Rosaline ensure she enunciated her last words carefully and when she saw a look of understanding in Ava eyes, she left her daughter room without turning back.

Ava stood staring at the closed door and decided that she would prove her mother wrong, she was not an emotional fool. She decided that she would no longer go to Serefina whenever she has a problem, rather, she would solve it on herself and get the respect of Logan and his pack and of her mother.

When Logan saw Ava walking to him as he stood in the garden remembering the kissed they shared, he was once again speechless by Ava beauty and as those big beautiful brown eyes stared at him, he couldn't help himself. He leaned down to kiss her and sucked her lower lips, feeling he couldn't get enough of her. Ava gasp at the sudden kiss and Logan used that as an opportunity to deepen the kiss with his tongue, he sucked her tongue and finally stopped when he felt Ava fighting for breathe.

Ava breath heavily as she said to him "What if someone sees us? We are not married yet". Logan gave a light chuckle and said "It doesn't matter if someone sees us, you are already mine and no one can changed that."

"Come let's leave here, I have something to show you" Ava got excited wondering what Logan will show to her.

When Logan and Ava came out of the castle gate, Logan turned to Ava and asked " Do you know how to ride a horse"

"I learnt a little when i was a kid but when i fell down from a horse, Father forbade me and Elizabeth to ever ride on one again. He said princesses should always ride on carriage. But why did quest...." Ava stopped as she saw someone leading a beautiful white horse to her.

Ava rushed to the horse and said "She is beautiful"

"Yes she is indeed beautiful" Brian said as he looked at Ava with smiled.

After seeing Ava, Brian finally understood why his Alpha loved her. Brian looked at Ava and thought, who doesn't love a beautiful woman?

"Thank you Brian, you may go now" "Lucky Bastard" Brian said through the mind link they shared, and left.

"Do you like her?" Ava felt him behind her, as he asked her with his deep and masculine voice.

"Yes i do, she is very beautiful" Ava replied as she turned to look at Logan.

"Come, let's ride her" Logan suggested.

"But..." Logan silence Ava with a soft and gently kiss, then he placed his forehead on hers and said "I won't let you fall Ava, i promise".

Ava nodded. Logan climbed the horse then stretched his hands towards Ava and help on it. Ava became nervous knowing that Logan was at back.

"Relax" Logan whispered into her ears and smiled when he saw her cheek becoming red. He decided not to tease her and rode the horse to their destination.

For the first time in her life Ava felt safe and secured in Logan hands, it was a feeling she haven't felt before. After riding for one hour, Logan stopped the horse at an abandon but beautiful small cabin.

"Where are we" Ava asked.

"You haven't been to this part of Aldia, have you?"

"No, both i and my sister barely left the palace"

"Well this is a part of the Northern land in Aldia, it looks deserted because humans don't come to this part of the kingdom, they believe that this place is hunted."

"When did you find it?"

"I found it two years ago and made it my quiet place. Come let's check inside I am sure you will love it." Logan said as he held Ava hand and took her inside the cabin.