
The Human Princess and The Werewolf King

There was only one rule that every member of the crystal pack must obey "Never ever question the orders of your Alpha". Logan Anderson rules the Crystal pack with an iron fist. Rumors has it that he is a cold and ruthless man. Ever since Logan became the Alpha of his pack, for some reason he has always felt empty, not even the thought that he was feared and respected was able to fill the emptiness in him, that is until he met her, the girl who his wolf called out to. For some reason only her has been able to fill the emptiness in him. Logan thought he has found his light and savior, what he didn't know was that he has also found his only destruction.

Rosepetals456 · Fantasi
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68 Chs

His Mate

"I wonder how my sister Elizabeth is doing" Ava said to Logan as she embrace him on the bed.

A month has passed since their marriage and Ava has gotten more comfortable in being affectionate with Logan, after all she was never a shy girl she just felt new to all of Logan advances. Even though they have been married for a month, their marriage has still not been consummated but they have definitely experience pleasure in other ways.

Ava felt she was still not ready to take that big step yet, she wanted to be sure Logan was in love with her, she knew Logan was attracted to her but there are times she wonders, if that attraction was only because she was his mate.

As she lies on Logan chest, she felt that just listening to his heart beat could drive away all her worries.

"Why are you so worried about her?" Logan asked. If five years ago, anyone would have told him that a day would come when he would experience peace, he wouldn't have believe them, but now as Ava lied on his chest, he felt a type of peace he wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

"She is pregnant and she refused to tell anyone who the father of her child is, but knowing my mother, I am sure she already knows the name of the man who impregnated Elizabeth." Ava replied.

"I was thinking if I could ask Elizabeth to stay here with me, maybe for a few days. I am sure she feels suffocated by our mother by now."

"Ava, I don't think, staying with a pack of wolves will make her feel comfortable." Logan softly said, but no one knew what he was truly thinking, as he said those words.

"But Lia seems okay with it. if both I and Lia can handle staying with a pack of wolves then I am sure that Elizabeth will be alright." Ava said as she raise her head from Logan chest to look at him properly.

Logan gave a slight frown when Ava left his embrace and said to her "You are their Luna and Lia is so strange."

"Even though you were the one who brought her here you don't seen to like her. Why is that?" This is something Ava had noticed for a week after Logan brought in Lia.

"Even I don't know the reason, but one thing I know for sure is that she gives me a weird vibe. How long will she stay with us?"

"Until she recovers her memory"

"Ava, it's been a long while now, and she still hasn't recover her memory. Do you expect her to stay here until then. She isn't one of us."

"Well, I have come to see her as a friend" Ava retorted.

"And I have told you this before, I don't trust her"

"And yet you saved her! Are we having this discussion just because I wanted my sister to live with us. You know you could just say 'no' rather than using Lia as an excuse." Ava said getting angry at the thought of her decision not being respected

Logan couldn't stand seeing Ava angry, so he held her cheek and said softly "If you want Elizabeth to come stay with us then fine, I will agree to it. But what I am trying to say is that she might not be comfortable with us and as for Lia, I'm not saying you can't be friends with her but you should exercise caution, for some reason I don't trust her. I am not saying you should doubt her too, but you should trust me."

Hearing Logan words made Ava to relax and she knew he was right, her sister might not really be comfortable with staying here with her, and it hasn't been too long since she met Lia, she shouldn't trust her easily.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten angry easily"

When Logan heard Ava apologize, his only thought was that 'his wife is so cute' so without replying to Ava, Logan kissed her and said "Now that we've fought, let's make up"

Ava gave a soft giggle, when she heard his words because she knew exactly what he meant, but as if remembering something, she had a guilty expression as she looked at Logan and said "I'm sorry for still not giving you all of me. I know you have been waiting for it but..." Before she could continue her statement any further, Logan silence her with his lips and said to her "Ava, what I want is not your body but your heart and you don't have to be sorry for anything, I will wait for you until you are ready."

Ava gave a soft smile to Logan but only she knew how wildly her heart was beating. The thought that Logan wants her heart made her feel that perhaps Logan truly love her and not just because she is his mate. She thought maybe, it was time to fully give herself to him. After her meeting with Serefina, it took the whole night for Ava to conclude that she has fallen in love with Logan and she wanted Logan to feel the same burning passion for her. Ava was lost in thought when she heard Logan husky voice in her ears "Beside, you and I have both found special ways to entertain ourselves, while we wait until you are fully ready" Ava saw pure desire in Logan eyes and she kissed him, Logan quickly responded to her kiss and they both spent the afternoon figuring new ways to enjoy themselves until Ava was fully ready for the consummation of their marriage.


Ava knocked on Lia room door and came in when she has gotten the permission to, then she asked

"Why didn't you come down for dinner?" She was a little worried when she didn't see Lia for dinner.

"I wasn't really hungry" Lia calmly replied

"Are you alright? Should I ask Hilda to bring your food for you?"

"No, there is no need for that. Ava can I ask you something?"

"Sure, you can ask me anything" Ava saw the innocence in Lia eyes and heart softened. At this moment she could answer whatever questions Lia ask.

"I have been here for a while now and I feel like I have become a burden for both you and your husband" Lia said with a guilty and uncomfortable look.

Ava held Lia hands and said to her assuredly"That isn't true Lia, I have told you and i will tell you again, you can stay here still you regain your memory"

"But what if I don't"

"Then you can still stay here as my sister and friend". Ava said with a smile

"Thank you so much."

"If that was the reason you haven't had dinner, I hope now you won't refuse Hilda coming to bring you some food. One shouldn't sleep on an empty stomach."

"I would like that very much Ava"

Ava gave Lia a smile and went out to bring her dinner.

When she went down to the kitchen, she was a little surprised to see Logan so she asked "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to drink some orange juice. Were you looking for me?" Logan asked.

"No I couldn't find Hilda, so I wanted to bring Lia her dinner." Ava said and when she saw Logan frown, she said "If you have something to say, just say it instead of giving me that look."

After hearing Ava words, Logan gave deep sigh and said "Ava you are a princess and a Luna, not some maid of a human. If she is really hungry, she would come down to get her food by herself."

"There is no status in friendship"

Logan saw Brian coming towards the kitchen and said to him "Take some food to the human gues,t and tell her, the next time she is hungry she should get her own food instead of sending my wife to serve her" Then he grabbed Ava wrist and left the kitchen.


In the middle of the night, when everyone was asleep, Lia sat on her bed with a blue gem on her hands, This gem is only used by a witch to communicate with another witch.

A voice came out of the blue gem and said "It's been almost a month you have been there, yet you have made no progress."

"I have the trust and friendship of the Luna" Lia replied.

"But yet your relationship with Logan has made no progress."

Lia frustratedly reply "That is because he doesn't trust me, he won't look at any woman that isn't even his mate."

"Then make him yours." The voice said.

"What do you mean?" Lia asked with a confused look as she stared at the gem.

"If he only looks at his mate, then you should make him look at you. Be his mate" The voice said coldly.

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