
The Human: A Werewolf Romance

Luka was the best Alpha the Brightwater Pack ever had. That is, until he loses his mate and everything comes crashing down. Having lost everything he loved and his one real reason for living, he attempts suicide on a human territory, when Victoria intervenes and ruins his plans. She makes it her duty to help the man that 'couldn't be saved,' after he constantly refuses her help. What happens when she uncovers his secrets one by one? Will Victoria give up on him, or will she surprise them both? Who would've thought that she could save him just in the nick of time? Or does she....

Anna_Campbell_ · Fantasi
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58 Chs

Chapter 5

Victoria's pov

Remember when I said that I loved a challenge? Well, I take it back. This challenge has been more complicated than I initially thought, and I was losing hope.

It has been two weeks since my first encounter with Luka, and I haven't seen him since. I assumed he was simply avoiding me.

We exchanged text messages now and then, but it was mostly 'Hi. How are you? Goodnight' texts.

I tried calling him a few times, but it either went to voicemail, or he would answer, talk for two minutes, and then give an excuse to hang up.

I hate appearing like a pushy, annoying female, so I gave it a test. I asked him to meet me at Winter's Park today at 4 in the afternoon. He didn't answer my message, but I knew he had received it.

If he comes, I'll have a little chat with him and see if we should continue this 'friendship' because it feels one-sided. If he doesn't come, I'll just forget everything and move on with the bit of dignity I have left.

I bobbed my head to the song on the radio as I drove to Charlette's diner to get a coffee before heading to the park. The familiar sound of the bell rang as I stepped through the door, with a beaming Kera behind the counter as she spotted me.

"Well, hello stranger, what can I get for you?" she asked, and I laughed at her comment as I took out my purse.

"I'll have a coffee and two doughnuts, ma'am," I said in a playful tone.

"Okay, I'll go get that for you, and you don't have to pay, Vic. You're family."

I sighed, knowing I wouldn't win that one.

Whenever I tried to buy something, they would refuse the money or reimburse it to my paycheck. I have to say, I enjoyed the luxury, but I don't take advantage of it.

"Here you go." She handed me my food, and I smiled at her. "So, where are you heading on this fine Sunday afternoon?" she asked as she leaned against the counter.

"To the park. I'm gonna meet someone." If he bothers to show up.

"Ooh, a guy?" she swooned, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. I rolled my eyes at her.

She was always trying to play matchmaker. She set her brother on me once to make us 'sisters officially', but I never saw Nick as more than a brother.

"Relax, Kera. He's just a friend, and I'm not sure if he'll even come."

"Well, if he doesn't show up, he's an idiot."

I smiled at that. Kera always made me feel better.

Saying my goodbyes, I headed to the park with a little hope that he wouldn't disappoint me.


It was now 5:30, and there was no sign of Luka. I gave up waiting on him when I noticed an hour had passed, but why waste a perfect park day? It was peaceful, and the kids playing brought me a little joy inside.

I had already eaten my doughnut and the one I bought for Luka, so I was left foodless, bored and lonely. I grew tired of the book I was reading, and my Instagram stories were also getting dull.

I wasn't quite ready to leave yet, but I didn't want to sit there not doing anything. So, I peered around for something that would pique my interest or occupy the rest of my evening. I then spotted a cotton candy vendor, so I decided to get one.

"Watch out!!" someone shouted from behind me as I walked.

I wondered why the frisbee was getting bigger, and then it hit me.

I stumbled backwards from the shock and landed at someone's feet on my butt. The little girl retrieved her frisbee, uttering a quick 'sorry' before running off again.

The stranger helped me up while I brushed the dirt from my pants, and oddly, I noticed that being hit to the ground with a six-year-old's frisbee wasn't my worst moment.

"I see you're still falling head over heels for me, Vic," my rescuer said as I stumbled over my feet. I froze.

That voice...

Swerving around, my suspicions were confirmed as I stared at the man I hadn't seen in ages.



"So you have to go?" I asked on the brink of crying, which said a lot since I didn't cry—ever.

He sighed. "Yes, Vic. It's hard, but I'll be back before you know it," he whispered, gripping my hands in his large ones. I simply nodded in understanding as I hugged him one last time.

He made his way towards the airport gate. We were both leaving for college. But Jonah had to leave for a year for special training.

He was the closest person to me. So, all I thought about was how lonely I was going to be.

I just got a job at the diner, and the people seemed promising, but they'll never love me as Jonah does.

So this was my plan for the following year. I'll just focus on my studies and my job, and count the days till Jonah comes home. We will finish a year in no time, and Jonah will return to me.

Except he didn't come back.

*End of flashback*

"Earth to Victoria," Jonah mumbled, waving his hands in front of my face.

"You're back," I snapped as I stepped away from him. Staring at him made it real, and all the regret and cringe-worthy moments came rushing back. I was so naive back then. If I could kick myself, I would.

"Yeah, I got back two weeks ago." He scratched the back of his neck, but my temper was boiling with each passing second.

"Five years too late, don't you think?" The edge in my tone surprised me, yet I didn't try to suppress it. He sighed.

"Look, Vic, I messed up, but—"

"Messed up?" I scoffed. "Messing up is forgetting a birthday. Messing up is kissing a girl at a party! But being gone for FIVE YEARS with no calls, messages, or anything at all? That's not f**king messing up! That's a damn break-up declaration!" I was fuming.

How dare he come here and act like everything was peachy? After the first month when he left, he stopped calling, texting and skyping.

Whenever I called, he never answered. Of course, at first, I was confused and hurt. But since everyone in my life always left, I knew it was happening again. It hurt like hell, but I survived. I always do.

"I should've called," he said with a gulp.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Is he really doing this?

"But after I arrived on the campus, they offered me a permanent spot. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity, Vic. I couldn't let it slip away."

"And I would've understood!" I shouted once again. Parents were pulling their kids away. "If you told me, I wouldn't have asked you to refuse that opportunity, Jonah. I'm not selfish, and you know it." He had no excuse.

He just didn't care. And after months of hurting, I eventually came to terms with it.

"Victoria, I didn't want to hurt you because you were... well, you were—"

"I was what, Jonah? Lonely? And you think ghosting me for five years wouldn't hurt me? You're dumber than I thought," I snarled as his face fell in offence.


"You know my past, Jonah! You knew how hard it was when everyone left one way or another! And what did you do? You did the same damn thing! But guess what? I don't need you," I spat. "I'm not that frail, desperate, needy little girl anymore. Do you want her? Well, she's dead."

It's true. I killed her myself, too.

"I learnt not to depend on anyone else anymore. The person I am today is because I picked myself up on my own. I finished school on my own. I pay my bills on my own. I made myself happy... On. My. Own," I gritted out. "I did that! ME!!!! Not mom! Not dad! Not Sophie! But me!"

Tears stung my eyes, but I wouldn't dare let them spill. It felt good to get it all off my chest.

"So in truth, thank you, Jonah." I laughed, but it was void of humour. "Thank you for forcing me to learn to depend on myself. At the end of the day, that's all I'll have, anyway." With that, I batted my lashes and spun on my heels, satisfied.

I still want my cotton candy.

I couldn't believe he was back. And he has the audacity to act like we're buddies. I wouldn't have had anyone if it wasn't for Charlette and her kids. But I'm prepared for anything. I won't go down that road again. Ever.

"Victoria." I heard someone call me. I thought it was probably that dick following me again. Didn't he have enough?

"What!" I shouted, looking behind me.

But the person stumbled at my outburst, shocked by and defensive. Except, it wasn't the dick.
