
The House of IX | Author - Walton

Amadeus Pulcher is from the House of IX. As a half-born, he faced humiliation throughout his life. But one day he is bestowed with the power of earth and sky. Will the House of IX someday rule the Roman empire? Will it overthrow the Ruling Warrior Sect and their rigid rules? To know more, read "The House of IX"

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10 Chs

Ch 6 - Deep Inside the Cave

Amadeus's blood was boiling inside, he wanted to tear them into pieces. But he holds himself. He cannot be impulsive. Amadeus knew Numitor was a mighty warrior of the Red Reed Peak. He had already reached the third degree. He has been in rigorous training for the last year and is nearing the day when he will

master the techniques of the third degree. Amadeus is no match for him. Even if the fight breaks, Amadeus knows he is outnumbered.

"Hurry up and bring it to me. You are about to be chased out of the Sect. You don't deserve to use the refreshing soup. " Numitor, ordered once again, He has a bitter smile on his face. He snatched the refreshing soup from Amadeus's hand, then he lifted his leg and kicked Amadeus to the ground.

" Marcus, refreshing soup!" He handed the soup over to Marcus.

Numitor was very arrogant in front of Amadeus and Atticus, but when he came to Marcus, his attitude changed. He is a humble person now.

"I will give you these two bowls of refreshing soups." Marcus took the soup bowls. He has a vicious smile on his face.

Numitor and his disciples started cheering for Marcus.

"He clearly doesn't need it, but why would he want to steal the refreshing soup from me and Atticus?" Amadeus looked at Numitor and the others, happily dividing the two bowls of refreshing soup. Veins began to appear on Amadeus's forehead.

A fit of uncontrollable anger rushed straight to Amadeus's head.

Amadeus could no longer care about the gap between them. He wanted to fight with his life on the line. Even if he had to die, he had to bite off a piece of Marcus's flesh.

"You are not convinced?" Marcus's face turned cold. A ferocious smile flashed across his face as he said, "I think you are courting death." Marcus pulled a sword, Amadeus, too, pulled a sword and shield. A fight broke up. Marcus has been

trained for many years. He avoids the strikes and hits back hard. He snatched the shield from Amadeus and threw it away. No one is ready to back off. Amadeus is striking with full force. Suddenly, Marcus squatted and he struck Amadeus' legs. As Amadeus fell to the ground, his sword fell a few feet away. Marcus raised his sword above his head. And he stopped in the middle of the air.

Atticus, who is not far away, suddenly rushed over. He hugged Amadeus tightly. He bowed to Marcus and said, "Marcus, this is all a misunderstanding." Then he gave Amadeus a look and said softly, "Don't be impulsive, or you will be finished.

"At least you know what to do. " Marcus saw Amadeus being pulled away forcefully and said to his followers, "Let's go."

After Marcus and the others went far away, the servant disciple outside the canteen started to whisper.

"Marcus is really overbearing. The refreshing soup is the foundation of meditation. He completely cut off Amadeus' meditation path. "

"Amadeus will definitely be eliminated in a month's time. "

"Lower your voice. If Marcus hears what you said, we won't have a good ending. "

"Atticus is so pitiful. He has been dragged by Amadeus. His life will not be good in the future.

"We have already advised him to stay away from Amadeus. He just won't listen to us. Now that he has been implicated by Amadeus, he asked for it. "

Bang! (SFX)

The door slammed shut.

"Why did you stop the fight? I wanted to end it one way or another. " Amadeus is still angry.

"I don't want to see you dead in the dust," Atticus told him coldly. "I was not going to die. I was…"

Your sword was a few feet away, your shield was snatched and thrown away. You were not wearing armor. Do you think some magic power would have protected you?"

"Maybe, Lord Mithraea"

"Oh, stop it," Atticus said sharply. He knew that his life would not be easy from now on. He has to protect Amadeus, who is like a brother to him.

Amadeus's voice is choked with sobs as he said, "Atticus."

Atticus looked at him. He had a frown on his face, "I don't need refreshing soup, it won't affect me much. But what are you going to do? You still have to master the second degree of training. You are not getting any refreshing soup, and without that, how will you be able to finish your daily chores and do the extra hours of practice? You just have one month left. "

"Atticus, I..." Amadeus wanted to tell Atticus that he had broken through to the second layer, but just as he was about to say it, he swallowed it. Sometimes, the truth can't gain the trust of others. Then he said, "You don't have to worry about this." Yesterday, my parents brought me a lot of good stuff. "

"Didn't Marcus and the others take away your bag?" Atticus didn't know how to react until he saw Amadeus's determined look. He finally understood that Amadeus still had some tricks up his sleeve.

"You are really smart."

At night, as soon as Atticus fell asleep, Amadeus quietly walked out of the room. He walked straight to the back of the mountain. The humiliation he felt during the day made him feel helpless again. He didn't want to experience this kind of humiliation again.

He needed powerful strength.

Time passed very quickly. Twenty days passed just like that. The Mithraea Warrior Sect's once-every-three-year servant disciple evaluation is about to begin. During this period of time... Amadeus had never had a refreshing soup. He rarely even

went to the canteen. In the eyes of the other servant disciples, Amadeus is afraid of Marcus. That is why he began to give up on himself and waited for the test to fail. He would pack up and leave. They had never thought that in one month's time, Amadeus would undergo a shocking transformation.

At the back of Red Reed Peak, in a secret cave, Amadeus is sitting cross-legged. His eyes were tightly closed, and his eyes were flickering with a determined look. Many exotic beasts had been refined into pure blood energy by Amadeus, and it flowed into his body, causing his pneuma to rise rapidly.

More and more toxins were spurting out from Amadeus's body, and the stench filled the entire cave. Soon, Amadeus's body was covered with a layer of dirty, unpleasant black mud.

The next moment, Amadeus's body shook. The pure white light around his body kept increasing. In an instant, a vortex of white light exploded in the cave, filling the entire cave.

The fourth stage, Huge Perfection."

low-grade rank 8 bloodline.

Amadeus laughed out loud. After twenty days of hard work, every day, he had improved by leaps and bounds. He had mastered many techniques. He'd even opened 48 pneuma by this point. He had already stepped into the Fourth Layer

Great Perfection Stage, and the most important thing was that the change in his bloodline had caused a qualitative change. His strength, speed, physique, and endurance are all soaring. His combat strength is also multiplying.

The exotic beasts in the Red Mountains are considered unlucky. Many of them had been destroyed by Amadeus, especially the powerful hunter-grade exotic beasts. Amadeus had killed nearly half of them.

"Marcus, it's time to settle the score between us." Amadeus walked out of the cave and looked down at the towering ancient trees. He looked at the mountain breeze and the swaying trees. Killing intent rose in his heart. He would never forget the humiliation that Marcus had brought him.

"You will be paying dearly, very dearly…" Amadeus said aloud as he started climbing down the path that led to the red reed settlement.