
The horrors of being the villain

GrimmPeaks · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Kingdom of gold

Liam can be seen walking through the castle gates only 10 minutes from the king. "So who's this king guy...is he strong?" Liam asks the Royal Knight captain

[Well, it was said he could kill 1000 foot soldiers.. but that was before I was born, so maybe he's not as powerful in physical strength, but he definitely has power and authority to change anything he wants.] Liam thinks for a moment and asks another question "why dose he want me there..is it because he thinks I'm a threat" the Captain laughs [if he thought that he would have told me to kill you on slight.. I'm guessing.. he wants to hire you]

Liam finally makes it to the throne room and sees the king. he's sat upon his massive Thorne with gold and gems around the set. the royal guards try to make Liam kneel. of course, Liam isn't allowing it

[enough I allow him to stand. he's a hero to the people] The king sits up and speaks up again [the reason I have called you here is because I want you to marry my daughter..] Liam is standing there with a shocked face. Even though the royal guards are in shock, Liam looks around and then says to the king, "I'm sorry, but I don't even know your daughter, not only that I don't really want to..."

the king slams his fist on his seat [listen, I will talk to you in private about this. but I will want you to get washed up and properly clothed] The king gestures his hand, and some maids take Liam away, and the king starts talking with his royal guard

[I don't think he'll listen, but don't treat him with malice he's cleared a dungeon by himself... he's too strong to control. Let's see what he dose]

20 minutes later. Liam can be seen drying himself off his body covered in different scars with a faint line around his neck from where he hanged himself in his last life. "That was refreshing.. but what is the king thinking.. basically selling his daughter to me,"

(Maybe he wants to be on your good side?) Ryuke says, making Liam jump for a moment "fuck me why have you been quiet for so long but now you start talking" Liam says while coving himself

(Well, because if I talked to you at the Thorne room, you would say something dumb and start a war) Liam starts getting dressed in fresh clothes while talking to Ryuke

"Well, for one. yes, you're right, but still, I wouldn't be that much of an idiot. more over if he wants to be on my good side, he could leave me alone."

Ryuke sighs (you're powerful he wants you on his side. It's that simple)

Liam opens the door to the maids "okay I'm ready." The maids take him to his own room and tell him to wait here for the king. "Huh well, this, place isn't too shabby. I would love to have a castle." Liam is looking out his window seeing the beautiful city and all of its lights

"I would definitely love to have a city like that as well," Ryuke speaks up. (Remember, you want to destroy things, not build.. are you feeling okay?) Liam smiles

"Who said I was looking at it like it was how it is.. I'm thinking of how it would look crumbled and burning, " As Liam finishes his sentence, the king walks in and leaves his guards outside the door.

[I would like to say thank you for waiting but also have you given it some thought?] The king inquires Liam, scratching his head and looking the king in the eyes. "Let me see what she looks like, then you'll have an answer,"

the king nods and walks out of the room. The maids bring in food and set the table for Liam

(Wow, that's soom high-quality food) Ryuke says (I wish I was alive to taste it). Liam smiles and starts eating the food.. after he's done, he has a weird feeling that he's being watched the same feeling he said in the dungeon.

he aggressively grabs the air next to him, and a man slowly becomes visible, with liams hand around his next

"Who are you.. who sent you, " Liam says, tightening his grip around the guys neck,

the man bites down on his teeth and begins to throw up blood. Liam thinks in his head what in the hell is happening to the guy. he lets him drop to the ground, blood coving liams arm and the ground in front of him.

(what the fuck was that? how did you know he was there) Ryuke says. "I can't explain it, but I have a feeling it wasn't the king." Liam looks through the dead man's pockets and sees a note before he can reach for it. it gets set on fire and burns away "fuck sakes someone is toying with me I swear."

Liam stands up and walks to the door and asks the maids to get soke guards

5 minutes later the guards come in and are questioning Liam "listen I've told you twice he tried killing me and he died that's it now I will ask you something...did the king send him?" the guards are shocked and start yelling at Liam for saying such a thing about their king [enough everyone get out I'll deal with this] the king is in the door way looking at all the blood and seeing Liam.

[I guess we need to have another talk] all the guards have left taking the body with them,

[so tell me what happened] the king says softly as he sits down liam, getting comfortable and sits down as well

"Well, I was going to ask you, but since you don't know, I'll clue you in.. have you ever heard of ice, Sparrow?" The king sits back in his chair and looks Liam in the eyes with an intense look.

[ Yes, he's from a different world and has extraordinary powers.. he's also made his own organization to keep the peace.. Or that's at least what he says. but if you ask me, I think he's evil only out for himself] Liam smiles, and as he is about to speak, the door swings open ( father, I am here per your orders) Liam locks eyes with the girl. she has beautiful red hair and green eyes

(Oh, you have a guest) she looks at Liam with blood, still dripping from his arm, (care to explain what's happened,) Liam stands up and smiles at the king "the answer to your question is yes" the girl is confused and asks her father. he explains to her that liam and her will be together in marriage.

(WHAT!? I will never agree to that.) She slams her hand on the table, and the king starts yelling at her to be reasonable. while this is happening, Liam is thinking in his head.

"she's honestly beautiful, but I only said yes because I want to learn more about this ice Sparrow guy, and the king sure knows a lot." The king slams his fist on the table while still yelling at his daughter, knocking liam out of his train of his thought

[he cleared a whole dungeon by himself he strong take him as your husband, and you could rule this place together] Liam smiling says to the king, "She is beautiful. What is her name?" Before the king can answer, she answers for herself ( it's Sarah. and don't say such things, especially since you don't know me...) Liam can tell she is blushing. "Well, im tired, so please, could everyone leave?" The king nods and starts to leaving pulling Sarah along while they are still arguing

5 minutes later... "I need to kill everyone here one day.. maybe I'll kill Sarah in front of her father, that would be fun. " Ryuke speaks up (fucking hell why do you hate people so much) Liam strugs and lays down in bed "Well good night lets see what tomorrow hold"

(how did he kill my spy he was a high class assassin.. Liam why are you at that kingdom of lies and hate.. what are you looking for? I will ask all of these questions when he's about to die by my hands)