
The Holy Chronicles of Baator

"One day I woke up as Zeoticus Gremory with my A.I. Architect. Thus I decided to set a new goal, to stand at the top of the Universe." *** Enormous AU DxD, Cultivation Elements (like MGE and WMW), Cross-Over, Self-insert, World Building, Kingdom Building, Wars, Polygamy, Slow-Romane at Start, Multiple Universes, not every chapter is fight or war, no pokemon catching, no MC centric novel... Read them and think before you start reading something that you know you won't like and then review and comment how you don't like something that has been tagged already... Such comments and reviews will be instantly deleted *** And for those who still don't understand it, then only this for them: How would Ramsay say: "Fuck off donkeys" From now on deleting all reviews that are bad because of the cultivation element or multiple worlds or due to something mentioned in warnings and disclaimer (basically everything that people are complaining about despite being warned about that)... is in the description and tags so you have been warned. The reason is... that is not reviewing or commenting but just whining and hating cause some people don't have something they like, it is not even objective but just based on the existence of cultivation elements alone.

Trafford · Komik
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582 Chs

Hela (3)

"Then good for us."

I said.

After two days, the evacuation process was going very well, and practically all civilians were already in the Underworld, accommodated in my territory, where they started building their own city, Inselheim.

Meanwhile, at the Asgard, things were beginning to move.

In the Royal Palace of Valasjafl, an old man in golden battle armor was sitting on the throne in the Throne Room.

He had white hair and a white beard, missing his right eye; a gold eyepatch covered that. He was gripping a huge spear.

"Well, played my daughter, well played."

Muttered the old man with a cold voice.

He was Odin, The Allfather, current God-King of Asgard Pantheon, and ruler of the Asgard.

"Vidar, Göndul."

Said Odin in a neutral voice as two figures stepped forward and knelt before the throne of Asgard, the Hlidskjalf Throne.

One of them was an elderly woman who wore a deep blue colored robe. She had a fearless look on her face as she looked at the God-King. She was Göndul, current Commander of the Valkyries.

Another one was a huge man, over two and a half meters tall, clad in black metal armor with animalistic features. He was Vidar, a pinnacle Intermediate Divinity Stage God who acted as the Commander of the Royal Guards.

"Your Majesty."

Both of them said.

"Take a Division of Royal Guards and Valkyries and depart to the Helheim immediately, and catch Hela. She and her rebels are leaving Helheim."

Said Odin solemnly to both of them, widening their eyes in shock.

"How is that possible, My King?"

Asked Göndul as she was well proficient in the many magic systems across the Draconic Deus and even a few from the Astral Boundary.

"She found a helper who allowed her to open transdimensional space-rifts to the Underworld that cannot be closed. Apparently, some devil with high knowledge of magic is helping her escape; not only that, but they also have some magical technology that rivals ours to stabilize and protect the portals as I cannot close them. I even stripped Hela of her control over Helheim, but it appears those portals are fueled directly from the Underworld's World's Will and Dimensional Gap."

Explained Odin, which left Göndul and Vidal deeply surprised.

"This is an unexpected development; they have even managed to conceal this matter for two whole days before I found it. Most of them should already be gone, but Hela would be leaving as last; she is probably waiting for you, be prepared."

Said Odin, as both Vidal and Göndul bowed and left the throne room to mobilize their troops and depart for Helheim.

Each Royal Guard was a Pinnacle High-Class warrior, while many of them were even at High-Class in terms of energy reserves. The same could be said about Valkyries. Additionally, with their formation and tactics, they are able to match even Intermediate Gods, not talking now, when they had the support of Vidal, a peak Intermediate God, and Göndul, who was the same as Satan-Class in terms of magical power.



"Lucifer, Odin has severed my connection to Helheim; now we have two to three hours before his attack dogs will arrive. Fortunately, evacuation is already complete, and now only several of my most loyal and strongest subordinates remain here."

Said Hela to me as I was meditating and preparing to hear something similar to this.

"He still hasn't banished you?"

I asked while I looked at her.

"No, he probably fears if he did that, and I lost my divinity, then as Ultimate-Class, I would flee, and he would gain nothing. He is too arrogant for that; he needs to achieve at least partial victory now when a third of the deserted army is in Underworld."

She said.

"Who will come? And how many?"

This was a pretty important question.

"With the current situation? I think he will probably send one or two Divisions of Royal Guards that should be 2,000 pinnacle dual High-Class warriors and battlemages. Additionally, with Valkyries, maybe altogether maximally 3,000 people. Also, he will send Vidal, the Commander of Royal Guards. He is pinnacle Intermediate Divinity Stage God who is a fearsome warrior."

Said Hela with a grim voice.

"Here, take this."

Said she as she threw me something.

I was surprised to see what it was.

It was the Golden Apple of Idun.

"It should push your physique to Ultimate-Class. It will give us better chances to bring some of them down. Among one Division of Royal Guards, there should be minimally ten Ultimate-Class warriors or Lesser Gods."

Really, the strength of Asgard was high, even after their sharp decline.

I immediately ate the Golden Apple of Idun as I felt huge energy enter my body, as It was absorbed and refined by Devour, and I felt as if each cell of my body was being strengthened to a new level. Everything was being pushed to a new level of existence, be it my flesh, bones, or organs.

Even my energy reserves expanded by a significant amount.

Golden Apples of Idun were one of the priceless treasures of Asgard. Just one could turn an ordinary mortal human into Aesir and even directly push him to the Middle-Class of physique and energy reserves.

Additionally, people used them to break the shackles of their bodies to reach a higher level of power.

'Architect, scan.'

[Class: Ultimate

Demonic Energy: 254

Strength: 118

Agility: 106

Vitality: 124]

I was surprised to see this; my strength was now many times higher than before. With a stronger body, I could accommodate my already high energy much easier, and handling it became easier. I will also suffer less backslash if I overuse my magic.

Most magicians have paper-like bodies, and due to that, if they overuse their magic, they would often suffer terrible internal injuries, as their bodies could not handle such power.

It was an unwritten rule for magicians to have one class with lesser physique than your energy reserves to be okay, but now many cared for that.

Still, even if you don't suffer some terrible backslash, you will slowly accommodate many hidden injuries that will make your progress much slower or even outright impossible.


Bonus chapter for listening to my rambling

Support me on patr*eon I would be very grateful...


Satan Tier 4$ - 10 chapters ahead

Emperor Tier 10$ - 20 chapters ahead

+ Exclusive benefits for each tier

+ Acess to re-write of Holy Akashic Conqueror now Ghoul King till chapter 25

Traffordcreators' thoughts