
The Holy Ōtsutsuki Psychopath God With A System: What Could Go Wrong?

Author." This fanfic has disturbing content including all Sinful acts and it will probably offend some people. Well... In my honest opinion READ THE FUCKING TITLE!!!. It says psychopath in it for a reason. So I don't want people getting upset over people not may that exist." Author." Chapter 1 is petty dark but it gets better in a good way I hope later on." -------------------- Emrys Holmes your everyday friendly neighborhood psychopath but a scientific researcher at heart hailing from Britain died mysteriously and gets a chance to live again from the God Of Spirits in worlds only appearing in fiction with a system and 3 perks from a spinning wheel. -------------------- Emrys." With the Tenseigan the world will soon know what it feels to be in the presence of a God." -- Emrys." All life must return to the cycle of reincarnation, even if she takes you kicking and screaming along the way." -------------------- Update Time - When I feel like writing. At most 2 to 3 times a week and could 1 day because of school being an ass. World Count - 2,000! At most 3,000! If I'm in a good mood then 4,000! Ark 1 - The Beginning Of The Tale Of The Holy Psychopath God! Fiction World (1) •The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want A Fourth Time • I am a beginner writer, so, please don't mind if there are some basic mistakes especially some grammar and sentence structure. Ps: I do not own anime, manga, and novels mentioned in this novel I only own my OC or OC's. This is just a fanfiction:) PS From The Author - " The clover is not mine, I just edited a little with some Author True Magic."

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Chapter - (1) Beginning And End! System! A Psychopath And The God Of Spirits!

!!!Post Warming!!!Author." You should know what you're walking into if you read the fanfic title."


Emrys Holmes your everyday friendly neighborhood psychopath that is a scientific researcher hailing from Britain supposedly a descendant of Sherlock Holmes vanished from the face of the earth.

Emrys could be called a psychopath because of how he was raised. He was raised by his father and mother a psychopath like him. You can say he inherited it from his father and his mother with her obsession with being the best psychopath and the best scientific researcher the world has ever seen.

Emrys Is a laid-back, optimistic, neutral, curious, and eccentric man, Emrys shows a deceptively cunning and serious side when the situation warrants it. He commonly uses idle conversation and outward concern to distract his opponents. Despite his laid-back attitude, he spoke with a neutral voice and expression but is sometimes sarcastic. Emrys is a pragmatic combatant, believing that using any means necessary in a life-and-death battle is essential in victory and survival. His fellow scientific researcher notes he tends to go over the top with whatever he becomes passionate about. He has described himself as a "mere honest, devilishly handsome, just everyday friendly neighborhood psychopath."

Emrys is your type of person that will watch the world burn with a smile because he found it amusing and interesting not even worried about his life as he will say." All life must return to the cycle of reincarnation, even if she takes you kicking and screaming along the way."

But one day when he was 16 both of his parents vanished too with just leaving a note that read.

" Dear my little angel, Mama, and Papa are very sorry for not being able to watch you grow into a fine man and an excellent artist(Killer) like us. So one day when the time is right, mama and papa will come back and throw the biggest 'art contests' the world has ever seen with you celebrating our return. And last but not least don't worry the ~Shadowy One~ is watching over you.---From-Salem Holmes(Papa) And, ---Elizabeth Holmes(Mama)---"

After reading this he went into seclusion to polish his art with some 'helpful' volunteers.

~Underground Somewhere~

" Emrys you don't have to do this!" A middle-aged man exclaimed strapped in a chair with duct tape and rope looking at a young handsome male in glasses with short black hair and light gray eyes wearing black clothes with 2 bright red cloves on his hands holding a sharp knife walking to him.

" Huh? What do you mean professor Reid, that I don't have to?" He then crouched a little meeting his eyes and continued after cracking one of his fingers." Professor Reid, you should feel overjoyed and thankful I'm doing this to you out of my spare time. You should know being an artist takes time and can not be rushed not like those trash who call themselves an artist."

Out of nowhere, a blood scorching screech filled the room they're in. The screech felt a sinner was been punished in hell for all his/her/its crimes.

Putting a piece of human flesh on a dish on a cart by him. Emrys smiled and said a little too happy." Mmm, you could turn out to me on my finest piece of art just like the other."

Looking at the middle-aged man who has tears and snot running down his face he said in a singing voice taking another piece of flesh making the Professor release another hellish scream." Oshiete oshiete yo sono shikumi wo boku no naka ni dare ga iru no kowareta kowareta yo kono sekai de kimi ga warau nanimo miezu ni!"

What made the middle-aged man screaming, even more, was there is a flat-screen TV playing an interesting video of Emrys fucking a girl around the age of 18-21 tide upon a bed. Now and then you hear." Dad save me!!!" Which earned her more painful and beautiful moans. Near the end of the video laid her miserable body with dead eyes saying over and over again covered in white fluid." Please fuck this slave, My Lord Master!!!"

Watching it again for 10th time the Professor had dead eyes thinking.' My beautiful and sweet daughter, daddy is so sorry he wasn't there to protect you!!!'

Emrys seeing this licked his lips and said after taking another piece of human flesh with a smile." Don't worry she was in good hands but oh boy she was such a delicious piece of art."

You're probably asking yourself what did this Professor do to receive such treatment. Is he a mafia boss? a terrorist? a murderer? or maybe a super crazy scientist that experimented on kids and Emrys is just delivering heavens Judgement...

Nope! He is just a normal Professor at a Normal University teaching history with his daughter going to her last year in high school. They are just a normal family without a mother and wife as she died during labor.

Now you're probably asking yourself again why is he doing such horrible things to them.

The answer: Because he was bored.

Yes, he was bored after finishing one of his 'artworks' at home. So he walked around aimlessly and ran into the father and daughter duo at a random clothing store.

Seeing them at the time he thought.' I hope this will kill my everlasting boredom.'

Not like usual this time he wanted to have some fun so he asked the daughter on a date which she gladly accepted with much excitement. The father on the other hand was pretty easy too. All he had to do was buy some alcohol with a little 'helpful' mix in it.

After getting to know them for 3 months he finally acted with rapeing his 'girlfriend' for a whole day with a little in between brakes as he is human too. Later on, he had a little more fun with her in his 'art room'.

After leaving the room he went to their residence and drug the father and brought him to his room where now he is.

The sounds of hellish screams and screeches with a young male's voice singing unravel echoed throughout the room there in. With the following hours and maybe days Emrys tried many new ways he can make his art go to the next level with the new 'toys' he made.


Leaving the room without an ounce of blood on him mysteriously, Emrys said still having a smile." Haaa! How I wish I'm Immortal so I could do this every day.... but as the heavens have it, I was not... regretfully."

Saying this his vision started to darken and started losing consciousness. But he somehow managed to make out through his voice." Huh? Did the heavens grant my wish?"

Like his parents, he vanished off the face of the earth leaving his bloody legend and his title to the world.

" The Legend Of The Immortal Ghoul - Emrys Holmes. Son Of The Previous Immortal Ghouls -Salem Holmes -Elizabeth Holmes."

~Somewhere In A Full White Room~

" So you're telling me I can do more wonderful art in fiction? If so, you got yourself a deal, Mr.Devil." Emrys said shaking a handsome male with long beautiful white hair past his butt with bright ruby red eyes wearing a fancy white robe with a light brown bird coat over it.

The handsome male smiled wryly and said taking Emrys hand." My child, I'm a God, not a devil, But don't sweat over the small stuff and, deal it is then."

In front of Emrys popped up a black hologram screen with blood-red letters in front of him showing a spinning wheel popped up with 3 arrows with different letters and numbers and pictures.

" Oh, Were using a spinning wheel then? How interesting they are always very fun." Emrys said scanning the hologram screen with a strange smile.

" Just say spin and you will receive your three perks and a world to travel." The God said after taking a sip of green tea with a peaceful expression.


With this, the wheel started spinning really fast, and after a good while, it landed it on three question marks.

[Ding!!! The Host won ---Absolute Immortality---


The Host is absolutely immortal, and cannot die, age, get sick, be permanently wounded, is absolutely self-sustained and, as their mind and soul are as immortal as their biological bodies, they are immune to mental/spiritual damage. Any injuries the Host suffers will immediately heal, even if the Host's body is disintegrated or blown up or completely erased and even if the Host is completely destroyed to the sub-atomic level, they will still return to life. Alternately, some users are absolutely immune to all harm, and can never die from any natural causes. Either way, they are inerasable and are unaffected by time manipulation of any level. Host will completely transcend the concept of death itself, though many users transcend both the concepts of life and death.

The Host's existence and soul become completely free and independent of even the concept of reality, making them unbound to the subjects of life, death, and manipulations. Host's existence is eternal to the point that they would not only continue to exist even after the end of time but would also remain completely unaffected and unchanged by it, essentially outliving time itself. Also, the power cannot be removed by any means. Overall, only a truly Omnipotent being can kill the Host or affect their immortality. In some cases Host's existence can overpower almighty laws (though this would only apply to the highest of Supreme Beings), thus rendering their immortality truly perfect and absolute.]

[Ding!!! The Host won ---The Forsaken Heavenly Devil Bloodline---

Description - A Devil that was made by multiple Gods and Goddess on a whim because they were bored with an Angel core and Devil Core and demon core for the base. But 'supposedly' the Heavenly Devil ended up as a 'failure' so with help of a higher being they sealed it off in the Forsaken Realm because it radiated a holy and dark aura like something similar to a being at the beginning of time they killed off.]

[Ding!!! The Host won ---True Alchemy---


Host can utilize Alchemy, the mystic and scientific pursuit of the power of the Philosopher's Stone and Universal Panacea, focusing on Elemental Transmutation (ranging from transforming base materials into purer (lead or iron into silver or gold), to making permanent changes on the state of matter (making glass malleable or durable), etc.), various forms of Elemental Manipulation (especially electricity and fire) and Life-Force Manipulation (Immortality, Healing and even creating life or at the least clones/homunculi). They also know how to create potions (for rejuvenation and immortality) and magical items, although these are generally for practical use.


• Likely demands a use of laboratory/workshop and time.

• Might have to channel it through use of an object, like the Philosopher's Stone or Hermetic Circles, especially when using advanced alchemy.

• Equivalent Exchange - The basic law of Alchemy of which nothing is gained without something of equal value being lost.

• Effectiveness depends on the user's knowledge and skill level.]

[Ding!!! The Host won •The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want A Fourth Time • To Travel.

Description - The Host will appear on the in the Mirg Shield-Nation 6 months before the plot starts.]

" Mmm, you have above-average luck." The God with white long hair said looking at Emrys three perks and his world to travel.

" I completely agree, Mr.Devil." Emrys said still calling God a devil. In His opinion why would a God give out free stuff for practically no reason... except maybe taking his soul and his freewill or taking over his body but that could him being paranoid. Still, this felt more like a deal with a devil and not a God.

The God signed and said after taking a sip of his green tea." Just call me, Ethan, or the, God Of Spirits. Nonetheless calling me a demon could be probably right if you know my past." Now identified as •Ethan• said with a smile and a faraway look. ( Author Note - If you want more information look at my other novel •God Of Spirits System•.)

" Ethan? What a not so godly name. But... who cares a name is a name that you or someone/something gave you and you probably like it. Haha! Honestly look at my name for instance." Emrys said after laughing a little about his name and the...Gods name.

Ethan just smiles and said." Good Luck on your journey my child."

With that, Emrys vision started to darken, and started vision started consciousness... again for the second time and hopefully last.

His last thoughts were.' What is with these people having their vision take away and losing consciousness? Do they some weird grudge I don't know about?'

Ethan seeing Emrys disappear said with a smile after sipping his tea." Adam and Eve, what an interesting child you have."

( Word Count - 2218)

Hi, it's the Author I hope you like what I am writing and you find it readable. I hope you like my take on a kind of original novel/fanfic.

Question (1) - Ability/Skills ideas for Emrys?

Question (2) Bloodline ideas for Emrys?

Question (3) No Harem? (Or) Yes Harem?

~Author out weebs~

SniperHunter02creators' thoughts