"Norvin Veldman, a talented cosplay designer with a photographic memory, unwittingly stumbles upon a mysterious entity born from the Akashic Record. This ancient being, drawn to Norvin, bonds with him and transforms him into a 'Cosmic Curator'. As the entity awakens Norvin's latent psychic powers, his latest cosplay project, the 'Hero Holodex' Smartwatch, becomes a reality. With this newfound technology, Norvin can channel his energies to become many of his childhood heroes! The sub-body of the Record charges Norvin with an epic task: to restore its original form, which has been shattered into five parts, each representing one of the five super classes that once thrived in the universe: Metas, Psychics, Super Armorers, Magicians, and Super Pugilists. With the help of his friends Edward and Huey, Norvin sets out to unravel the mystery of the other Curators and why the boundaries between the five universes are beginning to collapse. As Norvin embarks on his quest to unite the fragmented universe, he must navigate treacherous landscapes, battle formidable foes, and confront his own destiny as a hero. Will he be able to mend the tears in reality and become the savior of the multiverse?"
At a place where the boundaries between realities blur, and where the powers of destiny know no bounds, a young man named Norvin Veldman finds himself at the crossroads of five different universes!
As a talented cosplay designer with a photographic memory, Norvin's passion for storytelling and his boundless imagination had always set him and his craft apart. But when he stumbled upon a mysterious entity born from the Akashic Record, his life took an unexpected turn. The entity, drawn to Norvin's perfect memory and latent psychic energy, chose him as its vessel, turning him into a being known as a "Cosmic Curator". It has imbued him with incredible powers and transformed his latest cosplay project into a reality!
In this thrilling adventure, Norvin finds himself at the forefront of a quest to restore balance to the universe. With his newfound abilities and his trusty sidekicks Edward and Huey by his side, he embarks on a perilous journey to unite the shattered fragments of reality and confront the forces that seek to tear it asunder.
Join Norvin on his epic quest as he delves into the heart of the Akashic Record, navigating treacherous landscapes and fantastic worlds, battling formidable foes, and uncovering secrets that threaten to upend everything he thought he knew about the universe. In this tale of heroism, imagination, and self-discovery, Norvin's journey becomes a testament to the power of creativity and the boundless potential that lies within us all.