Life and death are constants, but the idea of a second chance at life stirs deep emotions. For some, it's a beacon of hope and growth, while for others, it brings existential uncertainty.
"Well," she began, "there are several ways for adventurers to earn a living in this world. One of the most common ways is to venture into one of the 9 center caves in the city or other caves outside the city to kill monsters. Once you've slain the beasts, you can bring back any undamaged parts of the monsters to us, and we'll pay you for them. Even the smallest monsters have something to loot from, so every adventurer has the opportunity to earn some money through this method."
Malphas nodded in understanding, absorbing every word the lady at the desk said. He then asked, "What about taking on missions from the board? How does that work?"
The lady at the desk smiled, pleased with Malphas's keen interest in the subject. "Ah, yes," she said. "When you take on a mission from the board, you'll be given a task to complete. Once you've successfully completed it, you'll be paid for your services. If the guild recognizes your level and skill as impressive, we may even seek you out and offer you personalized missions that we believe you'd be best suited for. This can also apply to private individuals, guilds, companies, businesses, and even the King, but only if you are truly special."
Malphas listened intently, impressed with the level of detail and complexity in the economy of this world. He then asked another question, "And how does the guild itself earn money?"
The lady at the desk grinned, eager to explain. "When you bring us the loot you've gained in the cave's dungeon, we sell it to the crafting guild. They then use these materials to create a massive variety of goods, which are then sold to merchants and their guilds. The merchants may use these goods for their own services, or they may sell them at their shops. The guild earns a profit from each transaction, which allows us to continue providing services to our adventurers and the people of this world."
Malphas nodded, impressed with the intricate network of economic systems in place. He thanked the lady at the desk for her time and walked away, eager to put his newfound knowledge to use in his next adventure.
Asmodeus, Malphas's loyal companion, asked him about their new goal as they walked out of the adventurers guild. Malphas pondered for a moment, and then spoke with an air of grandeur and authority.
"I have a few ideas, my dear Asmodeus. Firstly, we shall aim for the accumulation of wealth. It is clear to me that the inhabitants of this world worship money, and so we shall make it our goal to amass as much of it as possible. Our second objective shall be to determine who the strongest beings in this kingdom, or perhaps even in the entire world, may be."
Asmodeus was quick to assure his lord that he was undoubtedly the strongest, a statement that Lilith quickly agreed with, causing passersby to stop and stare in awe at the trio's passionate display of devotion.
"Enough, enough," Malphas shouted, irritated by the attention they had garnered. "I am not insecure about my strength, despite my prolonged slumber of 2000 years. I do not require such excessive praise and adoration. Now, back to our goals."
Malphas continued to lay out his plans for the future, including the establishment of a new religion and the control of all forms of entertainment for adventurers in their free time. Samael, another member of Malphas's entourage, was quick to praise these ideas, impressed by Malphas's foresight and ambition.
As Malphas and his loyal companions strolled away from the guild, they could feel the weight of the entire world's gaze upon them. The sheer magnitude of their presence was enough to turn heads, and Malphas knew in his heart that he was destined for something greater than the ordinary.
With his grand plans taking shape and his companions by his side, nothing could stand in the way of his ultimate goal of domination and control over this world. Malphas could feel the pulsing energy of power coursing through his veins as he strutted through the crowds, his every step calculated and measured.
"We mustn't attract too much attention to ourselves," Malphas declared, his eyes scanning the crowd for any signs of suspicion. "Let's wait for a few hours, and I can turn over a few dead monsters I created in my hands."
As they made their way through the bustling throngs of people, Naamah chimed in, "Oh, I want to go see the church we were just at and show Asmodeus his statue."
"I want to go somewhere I can get dolled up for you, my lord," Lilith purred.
But it was Samael who caught Malphas's attention. "What's that?" he asked, pointing towards a massive building that seemed to be drawing in an endless stream of people.
As they entered the building, a hush fell over them, and the outside world seemed to fade away into nothingness. The grand entrance was a massive walkway that led to a central circular desk manned by six people who looked like they had been working there for centuries. Surrounding them was a labyrinth of bookshelves, each lined with billions of books of all shapes and sizes.
"Excuse me, madam," Malphas approached one of the librarians at the front desk, his voice barely above a whisper so as not to disturb the silence. "What is this place?"
"We are one of the city's libraries," the librarian replied, her voice just as soft.
Malphas was in awe of the vastness of the library. "There are so many books, and it's so quiet," he murmured in wonder.
"Yes, well, we are one of two thousand libraries in this massive city holding all the books from heaven and earth," the librarian said with a small smile.
Malphas was in awe at the sheer scale of the library. It seemed to stretch on endlessly, with row upon row of shelves filled with books of all kinds. He could feel the knowledge and power emanating from the pages, and he knew that he needed to explore this place further.
"Can we browse the books?" he asked the librarian eagerly.
"Of course, sir," she replied with a smile. "Feel free to peruse the shelves and find any books that may interest you."
Malphas eagerly made his way through the labyrinth of bookshelves, his companions trailing behind him in amazement. He could feel the weight of all the knowledge in the world resting on his shoulders, and he knew that he had to find the information he needed to achieve his ultimate goal of domination and control.
As he browsed the shelves, he came across a tome that caught his eye. It was bound in gold and had strange symbols etched into its surface. Without hesitation, he grabbed the book and began to flip through its pages.
As he read, Malphas couldn't believe what had just happened. He had never encountered anything like this before. He stared at the book in his hands, still in disbelief.
"Is everything okay, sir?" the librarian asked, noticing his confusion.
"I...I just read the entire book," Malphas said, still processing what had just happened.
The librarian smiled knowingly. "Ah, yes. That's one of our special books. It's called manga. Basically, it's a comic book made in japan.
Malphas felt a wave of excitement and love for the "Manga" he had never seen it before and he loved the idea and all the art.
He was fascinated by the intricate illustrations and captivating storytelling. He couldn't believe that such a simple medium could convey so much emotion and depth.
"Can I see more of these 'Manga' books?" he asked eagerly.
"Of course, sir," the librarian replied, leading him to a section of the library dedicated to Manga.
Malphas couldn't believe his luck. He spent hours browsing through the shelves, discovering new stories and characters that he had never encountered before. He was completely engrossed in the world of Manga, and he knew that he would never tire of it.
"Hey, my lord, I implore you, do you not believe it would be prudent to return to the guild? Hours have passed since we arrived at the library," Mammon said, his voice heavy with urgency.
"Indeed, Mammon, you speak the truth. But first, let us locate our fellow guild members," Malphas replied with a deep sense of purpose.
With a sense of eagerness and excitement, they embarked on their mission to find the rest of the guild members. The labyrinthine paths of the library seemed endless, but their determination and resolve never wavered. One by one, they found each of their companions, and their excitement grew as they exchanged stories of their discoveries.
As they reached the guild, they presented the 30 goblin bodies as proof of their valor and received a generous sum of dara. Naamah's eyes shone with delight as she exclaimed, "Yay, spending money!"
"Indeed, my dear, but first, we must find a place to rest for the night," Malphas said with a smile, his eyes scanning the bustling city streets.
As they made their way through the city, they passed by numerous inns and taverns. Each one was filled with raucous laughter and drunken revelry, but Malphas was wary of the noise and chaos that might ensue if they chose to stay in one of these places.
With a keen eye, he spotted a small and cozy inn, nestled on a quiet street away from the main thoroughfare. As they stepped inside, the scent of freshly baked bread and succulent roasted meat greeted them, and the innkeeper, a friendly-looking man with a bushy beard, warmly welcomed them.
Their rooms were small but comfortable, with the softest and most pristine sheets. Malphas breathed a deep sigh of relief as he settled into his bed, feeling the weight of his exhaustion melt away.
As they sat down to enjoy a meal in the cozy dining room, they chatted excitedly about their experiences at the library. Malphas shared his newfound love for manga, and Lilith proudly displayed the stunning new hair accessories she had purchased with her share of the reward.
Late into the night, they laughed and joked, relishing in the bond of camaraderie and the thrill of adventure that had brought them together. And as Malphas lay down to sleep, Lilith and Naamah snuggled up to him.
"Our lord adores me more, and hence I am sleeping with him tonight," Lilith declared, wrapping her arms tightly around Malphas' broad chest.
"No, no, he cherishes me more and would like to sleep with me more," Naamah countered, pulling Malphas closer to her.
Malphas, feeling a twinge of irritation, spoke up. "Enough, you two. You each have your own bed, go sleep in them."
Lilith and Naamah pouted but reluctantly made their way to their respective beds. Malphas sighed with relief, feeling the comforting weight of silence and solitude envelop him.
With a sense of serenity and peace, Malphas drifted into a deep and restful slumber, ready to face whatever challenges and adventures the next day might bring.