
Built Different

'This was not how It was supposed to go.' Thought the man with the blue cybernetic eye. Even outnumbered, he and his squads should have easily made their way through these lowly drug peddlers by now. No there was an outlier.

As he peered from his cover, He saw the outliers blue hair flailing wildly as she just used a sledgehammer to cave in someone's head while smiling ruthlessly at the same time. Blue eye began firing at the woman, but she raised her arms to cover her face as she ran back to cover, though many shots did manage to land.

The woman had some serious subdermal armour to take the rounds she was taking. She was clearly bleeding in some places, but that armour had kept her, to his chagrin, alive. He would look up high grade implants later, for now he had to coordinate a push through. His plan however was fell short as gunfire began hitting his troops in the right flank.