

And just like that we were a couple. Secretly of course. I'm scared of it going viral. We loved each other to bits. Suddenly I heard someone screaming my name. 

"Miss Anna Williams wake up this instinct" Mrs. Carlson yelled while hitting the table. 

When I woke up everyone started laughing except Andrew. He was in shocked.

"Oh Andrew I love you so much and I'll love you forever" A boy across the window yelled while others were laughing hard.

It was at this moment I knew why they're laughing. I was sleep talking. Yeah I'm going to stop there. You has these issues called somniloquy. It's a kind of disorder. Look it up! Anyway back to the story. When I noticed it, I quickly rushed to the bathroom and stayed there hoping this nightmare will end. Then Hazel walked in. She stared at me and pinned me to the wall. 

"Well! Well!! Look who it is. Anna Williams or should I say creepy girl. I'd never knew you were obsessed with Andrew that you dream. Let me give you a fact, creepy girl. Andrew is mine. Get that in your head" 

And with that she dumped a smoothie on my head and walked off. Geez! This girl is a pain to my butt. I wonder why Andrew love her and follow her like a love sick puppy. Yuck! But I was still wondering. I mean what about him confessing his love for me or us having a project. Later Bella came in with her sweat shirt and helped me clean my hair.

"Bella am I alive?" I asked while looking at her with a frown on my face 

Bella looked at me with a surprise look. 

"Anna you never cease to amaze me you and Andrew were foes. How can became fond of him?" Bella replied.

Ok? I'm more confused. Me and Andrew? Enemies? 

"Bella please explain" I asked politely 

Bella calmed down and briefly explained everything. And it goes like this. Ok guys sorry I wanted to put this part in the first chapter but I was just so excited. Throughout my little age I was home schooled. Ever since I dreamed of going to an actual school but my parents won't let me not matter how begged and pleaded. On that very spot was when I got an idea. I have to be the naughty child. Ok guys if you have a better option write it down in the comments. I'd run around the house, climbing windows and start screaming like Tarzan in the movie. You thought my behavior will change as I get older. Well it wasn't. In fact it got worse when I turned seven. One day a stranger walked straight to me and gave me a candy. I took the candy and the stranger drove off. He took off his mask, brought up his phone and asked me for his number. 

"Hello! I'm seven! I don't have a phone talk about knowing my parent's number" I replied as I held Suga's handsome figure toy tightly in my arms. 

I'm sure mom and dad will come looking for me. And I was right because within 30 minutes two fleet of police car came in the area where were and arrested them. Ok! I have two good news and bad news. The good news is the criminal where wanted in three countries and I caught them though I didn't know. And the bad news I'll get the worse guide and counsel of my life. But on the bright side I'll be going to school. An actual school. So that's where the hatred started. I strolled down the hallway absorbed in the rhythm of your steps. Suddenly a guy on a skate board crashed on me making me tumble and crash on Andrew while the books fell on the skate board's head. I apologized to him and instead of him to ask me if I'm ok like a guardian angel he started yelling.

"Ouch! Are you blind or something? Can't you look before you leap? Next time wear glasses before coming to school"

And just like that he walked off. Rude! 

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" The skater boy asked softly as he picked up my books.

As I joined him, our hands touched when we wanted to pick up the last book. I blushed so hard. 

"Sorry" I said politely as I picked the last one.

"No I should say sorry for crashing into you and for my twin brother of course"

Wait! Did I hear him say that jerk was his twin brother? Wow!

"So that mean I have to avoid you too" I said while frowning.  He laughed and said:

"No trust me I'm the opposite. By the way I'm Matthew and he's Andrew"

"Nice names. I'm Anna"

"Anna! As in Frozen Anna?" 

I laughed and shook my head. I wish we could but we can't. The class bell rang and everyone went to their class.

"Do you think we should see during break?" He asked politely.

"Sure I'll be there" I replied softly

"Ok then see you during break, princess Anna" 

Gosh! Why does this moments have to end? Anyway that's how we were enemies. Let's go back to the present shall we? 

Speaking of Matthew, I haven't seen him ever since that day. Is he avoiding me or something? 

"Bella I haven't seen Matthew for a long time. What happened?" I asked as I cleaned my face. 

"I don't know. Maybe he's busy" She replied as she gave me a smirk look "Why do you ask? Are you head over heel?"

"W- What? N- No! I'm just curious" 

I don't know why I blushed at her question. Was I falling for Matthew? I mean I can't have feelings for Andrew and Matthew at the same time? I buried my head in my hands. 

"Girl? Calm down" She said "Ok I have a surprise for you. Matthew and Andrew's dad is hosting a party and he's inviting his company collaborators. Andrew and Matthew will be there"

I looked at her trying to understand but my mind won't let me.

"I don't understand where you are heading to. State your point" 

"Well what I'm trying to say is since your dad is one of his business collaborators and he is taking you there you should go and talk to them who knows maybe you may get to see Matthew there"