
White Haired Woman

Sky got tired of sitting in her useless boy and spent her days going on a walk-about. Her mate yelled at her every time she showed up by his side. He'd tell her to go back to her body so she could heal. Owen and Edward stood guard night and day by her side never leaving. Vivian and Kandis would stay nearby too. Kandis would fill in as guard when needed and Vivian would read to her whatever book she was currently working on. Today's choice was an adventure story happening on a world in which men wore skirts and lived in the rolling highlands of a place called Loch More. It was a book Edward gave to her if Sky remembered correctly. It seemed as he knew someone who liked to write novels. So besides storytimes, Sky continued to wonder about the world at a whim.

Then one day she wound up inside the temple where the white-haired lady had crashed. The temple looked better today from this angle. Actually it looked like a new construction and not abandoned as she'd previously thought. The stones that made up the floor where marked from the impact of the lady, like she'd blown a hole in the ground and the blood of the mother had bubbled up. Snow drifted down from the unfinished roof as strange blue lights flitted high above in the sky. Sky listened to someone ramble on as she inspected the unfinished temple. "They look like the Arora Borealis, but it's blue. Why do you think that is," said a woman drawing Sky's attention as she rounded a Goddess statue.

Turning Sky could see a sliver blonde lady rapped in warm-looking furs sitting close to a fire. Standing just opposite of her was the white-haired lady but she was slightly different than before. Atop her head were two big wolfish looking ears and a big bushy tail hanging from her rear. Currently, the white-haired lady was drying her tail before she wrapped a blanket around herself as she replied, "I would guess it's because the atmosphere here is more nitrogen than oxygen."

"Is that why it seems like Jolen and Matthew are having a hard time breathing?"

Nodding her head the white-haired woman looked at the two with sad eyes, before getting up and going over to them. "Are they going to die? It's been two months and none of you have woken up. Well you just did but you know what I mean," continued the woman making her way over to the woman and the two sleeping wolf-like creatures.

"They are fine. Their bodies are acclimating to their new environment. That's the great thing about the human body. It's ability to adjust and change. Survival of the fittest. This world has oxygen be it less than Earth."

"Are you sure there's oxygen here. You're like part Fea, right? So you don't need air to breathe because you can't die. Is that why I'm okay? I'm not sure why I've been fine since day one. Those people keep showing up and bringing me things and talking to me but I don't know what they are saying. On top of that there is this shield that's up and won't let anything through but like food and stuff," said the woman pointing toward the doors of the temple that were being guarded by Wind Dragons by the looks of them.

"You are fine because those things there are the exact same thing as you. If I'm not mistaken this is actually your homeworld," stated the white-haired woman as she took in her surroundings with her glowing blue eyes. "As for air, I need air to breathe most of the time. My mind is feeling a little hypoxic letting me know there isn't as much oxygen as earth. Then again the sky isn't as blue as earth so that alone tells me there is less oxygen here. Then again light passing through nitrogen gives off blue light so you'd think it would be bluer, but maybe it's not because it's lacking something else that we have. The gravity feels lighter too so that would change the requirements for air as well. Our lungs won't have to work as hard to force air out. Their bodies have already figured this out," said the woman pointing at the sleeping group. "Their breathing has slowed, and seems to be less forceful."

Huffing the woman flopped down next to the sleeping woman and ran her fingers through her strangely orange-colored hair. "Are you sure Elizabeth? I mean shouldn't they have woken up by now?"

Rolling her eyes the white-haired woman shook her head before she began to pace. "Hell Natalie, Lord if I know. I'm just an aircraft mechanic. If you want to talk about electricity and capacitors, I've got you. If you want to discuss Newton's first law of motion I can do that. You want to talk about atmosphere science or astrophysics you are talking to the wrong person," said the woman in almost a rant before she froze in her tracks. "By the Gods it's you isn't it?"

Looking over her shoulder to try and see what Elizabeth was looking at Sky found nothing but a wall behind her. "This is your world," continued the woman as she took several steps toward Sky.

Trying to move out of her way so that she wasn't blocking the woman's progress Sky stopped as the woman's gaze followed her. "Wait can she see me," said Sky to her self as she moved toward the woman.

"Well of course I can see you. I'd be blind not to," stated her white-haired twin.

But before Sky could reply she felt a sharp tug that sent there sailing back to her body. In the background, she could hear Michael's dragon growling at her to stay inside her own body. She wanted to, but she wanted to talk to the white-haired woman more. After that one time no matter how many times she tried she couldn't seem to get back down there to her. Giving up Sky continued to float around in her oblivion until Owen said, "What do you mean everyone is awake now? What war are we preparing for?"

Turning Sky blinked her dry eyes a couple of times to bring Owen in to focus before turning back to the blue lights in the sky. Lifting up a sandwich up she took a bite out of it. Chewing her food she continued to watch the lights floating above her head. Somewhere in the distance, she could hear a woman's voice. The woman sounded like the Goddess and somewhere deep, Sky knew Elizabeth was looking up at the lights as well. "Dragon, dragon burning bright in the skies of the night. On what wings do they aspire. By who's hand dares seize the fire? When the stars take up their spears, and watered heaven with their tears. In what distant lands or skies burnt fires of thine eyes. The heavens has called this land to war and now the double dragons to soar. As everyone looks high at night the double dragons take their flight. War will come when they converge. Gods will die when they merge."

The world stood still for a moment as the lights twisted above their heads. Lifting up the last bite of her sandwich Sky paused right before taking a bite of it. Turning back toward Owen Sky could now see that it wasn't just him standing there but a slew of people. Tossing the last piece into her mouth Sky asked, "Is there more where that came from?"

"She's eaten four already," said Tori in a hushed tone as she pulled another one out of the basket she was carrying.

"Really," asked Sky reaching out for it. "That wasn't my first one?"

Everyone looked at each other stunned and slightly unsure as Master Farley asked, "Sky what did you mean by Gods will die?"

Chewing quickly to free up room to talk Sky smiled, "Oh you heard her speaking to? I thought it was just me. That was a pretty poem, right? I guess in her world she's got lights like that too," said Sky pointing upward. "They call them the Aurora Borealis."

"Sky that was no ordinary poem," stated Master Farley glancing nervously at each other. "That was part of the prophecy foretold by the last seer of the Silver dragons."

Shrugging her shoulders Sky went back to eating her sandwich and watching the lights dance. Moments later Sky felt something being draped over her shoulders. Looking back she could see Owen's smiling face. Rapping the blanket tighter around herself she shivered slightly before turning and heading back to the warmth of the mountainside castle.

Once back in the confines of her private quarters and dressed like a proper woman Sky thanked Tori for the hot beverage she handed her. Curled up on the couch in the sitting area Sky returned the stares that were all directed toward her. Finally, the silence was more then she could bear. "Why are all of you staring at me like I just grew a second head?"

The group all turned and looked at each other as if not knowing what to say and determining who should talk first. Leave it to the one who never shut up to break the ice first Tori asked, "While you were unconscious, you kept talking about a white-haired woman and the death of the world. Do the sky lights mean we're all going to die?"

"Tori," shouted everyone at once.

"What? It's not like all of you don't want to know too," retorted Tori.

Shaking her head no Sky sat her cup down. "I heard all of you talking while I lay there unable to move. Vivian I like the story about the man in the skirt-"

"Kilt," corrected Edward earning him a laugh from both Vivian and Sky.

"I don't care what you call it. A rose by any other name is still a rose," stated Sky. "I also heard you talking about the strange people who fell from the heavens. There are five of them and they came from the planet named Gaia." The sudden gasp had Sky turning to look toward Edward who had surprisingly tucked himself behind Vivian who was sitting in the corner. Either that or Vivian had placed herself directly in front of him. "They somehow got sucked here when the White Haired Lady came to help me. She healed my wounds so that I wouldn't die. She's in the southernmost town in a newly constructed Temple. It's not finished yet but her impact has created a new origin's pool for the wind dragons there."

"So it's true them. They have become their own group now. No wonder they haven't responded to us," said the High Lord.

"I don't think it's like that," said Sky shaking her head no. "Among them is a young female dragon who has traveled with them, and she's a silver dragon. When I was there they had the temple highly guarded even though there was some kind of inviable wall preventing them from getting close to the strangers and the dragon. They might not have responded because they didn't want to lie to you, yet they didn't want anyone finding out about her. Mother says she's the Silver Queen."

This news caused several of the dragons who were gathered around to gasp as hushed conversations began. "Quite," ordered Master Farley. "My Queen are you sure she's the silver Queen?"

"The mother says so, so I don't see why not."

"And you say she's young," asked the High Lord leaning forward in his seat.

"From what I saw in the short amount of time I was there. She went to visit her friend who was a witch because she came into her first season. No one on that world knows about us, or how we work. They don't have dragons there at all. They don't exist on their world. So for her she was scared and concerned about her mental health. Because of that they told her to so see her childhood friend who just happens to be best friends with the White One. That she might be able to help. So yes, she's young," informed Sky thinking back at all the memories floating through the woman with silver-blonde hair.

"How can that be," asked one of the Lords standing behind the High Lord and Master Farley. "She should be dead unless she's a descendant but then would she be a dragon at all?"

"Sky had a glimpse through the Silver Gate about a woman packing a baby through it. What if this Kentucky was on this world called Gaia," asked Owen causing several people to look at Edward.

"That's not outside the realms of possibilities," replied Edward rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "I was just a child last I was there. It's not like I know everything about that world, but I can say I know everything about this one and there is no Kentucky here. Considering the gates are only made for traveling this world successfully. Who's to say that they are as reliable when traveling to other worlds. What if there is a time difference when leaving this planet."

"It took no more than three silver dragons to power the gate," stated one of the Lords gathered behind everyone. "Yet in this vision, the Queen had there was just one old man who sent the witch through. There's no way he could have opened the gate to a different world on his own."

"He could if he was like my dad," stated Edward causing Master Farley's eyes to round. "This is true. So the Silver Princess has returned, that means she'll need her throne back, but it's currently occupied by the dead army," said Master Farley. "It looks like we will need more working on finding all the information we can on the dead army then just Vivian. I suspect that at some point she will be coming here to inquire on the information we have on them if she wants to take back her birthright."

With this the conversation concluded as everyone but Sky's guards left. After that, the conversation turned to everything Sky missed. Mostly all of the angry letters they got from all of the King's Guards. All of them felt like they had failed her, but Sky assured them that falling down the hole was none of their faults. Of course, Tori broke down crying and turned into a blubbering mess. With the ending of the day, life returned to normal the next morning. The only thing different was Sky could now sorta read the strange book she found in the bathroom library. As well as Edward gave her back her manicure charm which had a new enhancement. Sky was now immune to his forget about me magic as long as she was wearing her charmed pony tail holder. There were several words she didn't know but that didn't hinder her to much. For the words, she thought she should know she made note of them to figure them out later. Surely somewhere in that library was a book of words and meanings…maybe.

Time continued to pass as the group joined her in the reading of numberous documents within the Guild's Archives. It was all hands on deck in trying to learn all they could about the dead army. Sitting at one of the many tables within the Archives Sky looked up from her reading. "Hey Edward I think I figured out what your other half is," said Sky setting her pencil down.

"Oh really," replied Edward raising his head from where he was working dilegently.

"I believe you are a member of the Winter Court of the High Fea. Well at least half of you anyway," replied Sky causing Edwards to jerk to attention.

An old man at the end of the table having a coughing fit drew their attention briefly before Edward asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Because this book here says that all dragons belong to the Unseelie class of Fae as unicorns belong to the Seelie class. Side note, did you know that Unicorns and Dragons are mortal enemies? Anyway, you appear human so because of that then you are considered to be a High Fae. The High Fae are the only ones who appear human, except for the long pointed ears which you have."

"Let me see that book," asked Edward reaching across the table for it.

Sliding it out of his reach, the conversation got put on pause as Vivian walked up to them. Setting down a new armload of parchments she perpusly brushed against Edward. This earned her a raised brow as he leaned away from her. "I think I hit the jack post again. These seem to be centered around silver dragons, but as I began reading them they have a lot of information on the dead army in it. It seemed the dead army had it out for the silvers since the beginning. Here are these. I'll be right back, there are more."

Watching her leave Sky abruptly turned to Edward. "Why don't you like Vivian? She likes you."

"Because she's strange," answered Edward pushing himself to his feet.

"Why? Because your forget me magic doesn't work on her," asked Sky.

"That's part of it," replied Edward as he leaned over the table in attempts to reach the book Sky had in her lap.

"It's because she's making you feel things you've never felt before. You do know that just like us the Fae can have true mates as well, but they can breed without mating."

Closing his hand on thin but air as Sky moved the book quickly Edward growled, " Out of my head Sky."

"I'm not in your head Edward. I'm looking through you. She scares you a little. That's kind of funny. The big bad Edward is afraid of a female," laughed Sky clambering out of her seat as Edward came over the table at her.

"Sky let me see that book," growled Edward stepping off of the table on her side.

"So the High Fae can shift from spot to spot like I can. Just they can do it better then me. They can travel from world to world. Can you do that?"

"No, I'm only half-Fae so I don't get all of the perks. Give me the book Sky," stated Edward as the old man watched them closely.

"Why should I give it to you. I'm not done reading it yet," stated Sky placing the book behind her back as Edward reached for it again. "You know I've never noticed how tall you are. I only come up to your solar plexus. What are you like six feet? You're a giant! Good thing Vivian is taller then me. She won't have to jump to slap you when you piss her off."

"No, you're people are just really short. The King is the tallest of all of your people and he's only five six. I'm about average for my people. Now can I have that book please," growled Edward holding his hand out.

Huffing Sky dropped the book into his outstretched hand as the old man's eyes got big at the sight of it. Opening the old warn out pages Edward gasped. "Sky do you know what langue this is written in?"

"Yes it's written in the Fae langue," replied Sky proudly.

"How did you come to know this langue," asked Edward closing the book to and looking at her sternly.

"I traded my knowledge of our langue for what Elizabeth had known of this langue. She's wasn't fluid in it but, I understand enough to be able to read."

"Elizabeth," asked Edward confused. "That's the white-haired woman from Gaia right?" When Sky nodded her head yes Edward continued, "Where did you find this book?"

"It's from the bathroom library," answered Sky pointing in that direction almost smacking the old man in his face.

"What? Sky that doesn't make any sense. Why would there be a library in a bathroom," asked Edward completely ignoring the old man who was practically standing on top of him.

"I know right? But it doesn't change the fact that there is a library in the bathroom," replied Sky as Vivian walked up.

"Okay I got the rest of the documents from that crate. Did you find something new," asked Vivian making her way up to them. Making her way around the old man she came and stood just on the other side of Edward. "Hey, I've seen that langue before. Is that one of the books from the abandoned library inside the library bathroom," said Vivian pointing at the book.

"What," exclaimed Edward looking between the two like his eyes were about to pop out of his head. "Why haven't you told anyone about that library! Why have I never been told!"

Shrugging her shoulders Vivian replied, "Several of the women I've talk to all know about it. It just so happens that no one can read those books so no one cares. They are all kind of useless."

Taking ahold of Vivian's arm Edward began to drag her toward the public restrooms. "Show me this library."

Making their way into the women's restroom several women rushed out as a large group of men walked out. Opening the secret door to the library Sky watched everyone making their way in including the strange old man. Giving him a questioning look he placed his finger against his lips in a shush way before gliding past her. Figuring the old man may have dementia she let him be and made a mental note to make sure he makes his way out again.

Over the next several weeks the Watchers guild emptied out the library and indoctrinated it into their own. Sky wasn't sure what they were going to do with the books no one could read, but none the less they where books and books contained knowledge. That knowledge was to be kept safe and preserved even if they were unreadable. Well unreadable except for Sky and Edward. On the up side of the discovery, if Sky ran across a word she didn't know Edward was there to help her. Vivian was even taking language lessons so that she could help read through the books. As more time passed, more people arrived, to help sort through the books. Surprisingly to Sky's astonishment, there were a hand full of people who knew and could read the langue of the High Fae. Stanger still they all had this forget about me kind of magic. The only ones who seemed to notice them besides Edward, was Vivian, Sky, and Owen. Then there was the old man who no one but Sky seemed to notice, and everyone looked at her strangely when she mentioned him. Brushing the strangeness off Sky continued her studies and research.

Before she knew it a year had passed. The south was alight with talk of the Silver Queen and her giant protectors. More and more corispances came up from the south with amazing tales. Currently, Sky was waiting on bated breath for this group to arrive at Noelani. They had asked Michael for permission to travel to the Great Library. He suspected they are looking into the same thing Sky has been for the last couple of years. Michael had asked her to be his liaison and the face of the Kingdom. He had advised her that the Silver Queen would be traveling with three Southern Kings and a small company of armed soldiers. Arranging rooms for over a hundred soldiers Sky hoped that each King only brought along one platoon.

Since Michaels dragon was Alpha he didn't trust himself to meet with the three southern Kings within his territory. Of course Sky could understand that. Knowing Micheals dragons he would challenge them to a dominance battle and start a war no one needed right now. No, what they needed was a united front for when they went against the dead army. Unfortunately, Michael's letter was a little vague on when they would be arriving. One would think that someone would have had some kind of news about a forgein army traveling north from the southland, but nothing. Michael had said just to have her Queen's uniform ready to go because he had said she'd know the day of their arrival, or at least that's what the Silver Queen had said.

Sky didn't know what to think about any of this, but she was excited to finally meet the white-haired lady in person. Other then that she was a bit nervous since she was going to be the face of the King. Sky knew she wasn't anything Queenly at all, and on top of that she wasn't taught how to be diplomatic. Nothing about her said bureaucratically or political correctness. Most of the time even if she tried, she failed miserably at it. All of this worry had her nerves fraid and she found it hard to pay attention to her studies.

Halfway through dance class Sky tripped over her own feet when she heard a voice say, "Knock, knock, can you unlock the door?"

Spinning around trying to find the source of the voice Sky looked at all the other students who continued to spin around the floor. "My Queen is something wrong," asked Owen tilting his head slightly.

"Did you just hear that woman say knock, knock," asked Sky as Edward and Vivain spun to a stop right beside them. "Sky, is everything alright," asked Edward looking between Owen and her.

"I heard nothing My Queen," answered Owen returning Edwards worried Expression.

"My Queen," called the Dance Instructor as he clapped signaling for the music to be stopped.

"I'm sorry Instructor. I must go," replied Sky before she picked up her layered skirt and ran for the door.

Instantly everyone fell in line behind her as she rushed to her room. Sliding to a stop on the stone floor Sky practically face planted the door. "Oops forgot it's a pull," laughed Sky to herself before yanking the common room door open and rushing to her room.

Rushing to her closet Sky yanked out her Queens dress before tossing it to the bed and yanking at the bottoms on her blouse. "Are we expecting company today my Queen," asked Owen looking antsy as Sky stripped out of her clothes.

"Yes, I believe they just asked me to unlock the door," answered Sky hastily as she started to peal off her layers of petty coats.

Without asking any more questions all her guards left quickly except for Vivian and Kandis who continued to help Sky get undressed. By the time everyone returned they found Sky seated in a chair getting her hair styled by Tori. Moments later Kandis and Vivian had returned in their Queens guard uniform. Well Kandis had a uniform and a sword to go with it. Vivian had a dress that had a blouse with the Queen's insignia embroidered on it. Edward also knew that under the thin long skirt was a couple of knives. He'd also stake his life that there was also a smaller one in her bodice as well. Right between the perfectly shaped breasts that were just peeking out of the top of the blouse.

Crown in place and not a hair out of place, Sky stood up from her chair every bit the Queen she was. With a nod to her of her head, she pulled her fur coat out of the closet and headed for the door. As she went her procession grew larger as she made her way to the silver gate. Sky wasn't sure why she thought to go there but something deep in her was telling her that's where she needed to go. Gesturing for her guards to stop at a good distance from the gate Sky judged the distance. She wanted to make sure that their visitors had plenty of room to step through and form ranks. That and she wanted them to feel safe so she calculated a couple of extra feet. Looking at where her guards were standing Sky nodded her head in satisfaction. Guards of the High Lord spread out behind her creating a cimycircle as she tried to reason out inside her head on how to unlock the door. When she began to hear laughing Sky looked around for who it was, but found no one finding any of this humorous. "Place your hand on top of the dragons head that should be sitting just in front of the gate somewhere," instructed the same voice who asked her to unlock the door. Looking around Sky found the dragon statue just a couple paces back from where she'd stopped the group. Repositioning everyone Sky waited until everyone was in place before she laid her hand on top of the dragon.

Instantly she could feel her power being pulled from her as the scenery within the archway changed. As a natural reaction Sky pulled her hand back from the statue and watched as the door closed on the faraway place. "Please don't do that when people are walking through. It's kind of gory to watch someone get cut in half longways," said the voice, and Sky cringed at the thought. "Yep it's not pretty at all."

With that, she placed her hand back on the dragon's head and the gate opened again. "Just let me know when you're ready for me to close it," said Sky aloud as she thought the reply as well not knowing if the woman could hear her.

With that soldiers began to march through the archway two wide. Once they stepped through they split to the left and the right. The sight of the men amped up everyone's nervousness as they were definitely dressed for battle. Counting sixty-two pairs of soldiers that walked through Sky was slightly happy that she'd prepared enough rooms for everyone. She'd set up a hundred and fifty so there would be rooms to spare considering they would only be filling one hundred and twenty-four of them with soldiers. The next two who stepped through were two very handsome men. Both of which, who were wearing crowns and the uniform of the nobility of a Land of Fire and Earth. After them was another set of men but only one of them was wearing a crown. That man was a water dragon if his uniform was correct and the second man looked like a wind dragon with glasses. Bringing up her beast fully, Sky looked into the man and found he was a half breed. His father was the current Lord of the southern wind dragons and his mother was a witch, with poor eyesight from the looks of it. Settling her beast back down on a scan kind of level so that her eyes were not glowing, Sky continued to watch the procession.

The next to walk through the portal was the Silver-blonde woman she'd seen with the white-haired woman. She walked through alone and with the air befitting a woman of her stature. The woman's silver-blue eyes shifted quickly from face to face of the people in front of her. Her hands shook ever so slightly displaying all the classic signs for fear and nerviousness. After her came the orange-haired woman and her wolf companion. This woman walked with a air of nobility as well, or a woman who had no fear. Her hand rested on the beast's shoulders wound tightly in his fur. That was the only sign that Sky could see of her internal nervousness. The wolf showed no fear at all. His eyes shifted quickly taking in his new surroundings, but Sky could see within in that it wasn't in fear. No, he was already sizing up his enemy and picking the weakest link.

Sky began to breathe easier. None of these people were bad and all of them were a bit scared. It seemed that the people of the south fear the people of the north as a whole because of the black dragon. They know that as a whole we are all interconnected and from the wife's tales that makes our powers stronger. Of course, that wasn't true, but Sky wasn't going to tell them that. Everyone in front of her was just normal people including the giant witch and her dire wolf. An then the black monster stepped through the archway and all noise stopped. The beast's long pointed black ears swiveled atop his horse-sized head as glowing red eyes melted everyone's insides. No creature come myth or legion has ever been described to look like this charger sized wolf. Muscles rolled under his fur as he prowled forward like the lethal predator he was. A small thought flitted across Sky's mind of tossing a saddle on him and making him her war mount when the strange female voice giggled, "I'd pay to see that actually."

If Sky thought the sight of the red-eyed wolf like creature scared her beast the next thing had her fur-raising. Stepping though the portal lastly was a tall hooded figure. From where Sky stood she couldn't see anything under the white cloak other than the black boots the person wore. Even still her beast was terrified of that figure. All of her guards could feel the tension that just built up inside her. She wouldn't be surprised if they also smelt her fear as their hands went to their weapons. This caused everyone else to do the same and soon both sides had their weapons drawn. Pulling her hand from the top of the dragons head Sky watched the cloaked woman making her way to the front of everyone with the red-eyed beast.

Lifting her hand the person snapped her fingers and a wave of magic rolled off her body. Sky wasn't sure if anyone saw it but her dragon did. It looked like a burst of light and then snakes shot up and wrapped themselves around everyone from both sides. Some even reached for her but as soon as they touched her they recoiled back and retreated back into the earth. "It's good to see you again young lady," greeted the hooded woman. "I see you are well. Better then the first time I met you."

With that the woman lowered her hood. Sky could hear the gasps from her side at the sight of the woman's white hair. "I hope you don't mind. I figured this would help everyone calm down a bit. That includes you. We can smell your fear," stated the white-haired woman as the monster by her side growled and licked his chops. This didn't do anything to steady her nerves. Now that Sky could see her fully something deep inside her settled down. Even thought on a subconscious level she knew that woman could kill everyone, Sky also knew she wouldn't. Sky was about to say something as something else caught the woman's attention. "Well I'll be," said the woman as she began making her way toward Edward. "Does your king know you're here dragon?"

Glancing over Sky could see Edward's confused face as he looked between Sky and Elizabeth as she stopped in front of him. "Of course Michael knows he's here," said Sky walking over to join her.

"I wasn't talking about the Black Dragon King," stated Elizabeth laying her hand on the side of Edwards face. "Now isn't this interesting. Your a halfling without the jumping ability. Sucks that your dad dipped, but then again that's par for the course for the Fae. Many don't hang around to take care of the kids they produce."

Watching Elizabeths brows furrle as she sorted through all of Edward's memories Sky gasped. "How can you do that without hurting him or yourself," exclaimed Sky as she walked around the pair watching the transference of memories through the snakes that lived within them.

Even if Sky couldn't see any memories within Elizabeth's snakes she could see all of Ewards following toward Elizabeths hand. "I can't believe you have so many Fae here and you didn't know how to read it," said Elizabeth glancing at all of the faces around them before settling on the old man who was normally in the archives with them. "Any way pulling memories without hurting people is easy."

With that Elizabeth placed her hand on top of Sky's head. Soon enough a warm feeling passed through her just as memories began to transfer over to Elizabeth. Paying close attention to the sensation, amount of power used, and the way it was applied, Sky tried it on Elizabeth but nothing happened. This had Elizabeth laughing before she began to sneeze. "Here try it on him," stated Elizabeth after she got done with her sneezing fit.

Turning Sky watched as the wind dragon with the glasses began to walk forward with a terrified look on his face. "Wow that's so cool," exclaimed Sky rushing over to investigate how the snakes that had come up from the mother was making him move, but yet still kept him frozen.

"I can teach you that too. Let's take this one at a time though shall we," said Elizabeth raising her hand and bringing the Wind dragon to a stop.

"Why do I have to be the training tool," complained to the wind dragon. "I'm always the training tool."

"That's because you're a useful tool," joked Elizabeth patting the man on the head like he was a child or a pet. "You're dragon does better then the rest."

"True statement his dragon is just kind of snoozing and unafraid of everything that's happening," said Sky learning from example and following Elizabeths magic deep into the man.

The mans dragon was very relaxed and seemed unaffected by everything laying there with its eyes closed. He didn't have a care in the world as Sky riffled through his memories an explored her newfound abilities. But as soon as she got close to his dragon within his mind he rattled at her in warning. Jumping in place in her excitement Sky smiled at the dragon as he snorted and laughed a little at her antics. "She's a strange one and quite opposite of you," commented the wind dragon as he watched Sky closely "If you are anger, then she is happiness. She exudes it."

"She is definitely all giggles huh," said the Silver dragon as she moved ever so slightly within the confines of her bonds.

"Are we done here? I'm sure everyone is getting uncomfortable Beth? I know I am and I don't even have a beast inside of me," said the giant woman with orange hair.

Turning and glancing around at the crowd Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders. "I guess we are. Tentions on the one side are still kind of high though."

"Well of course they are! We show up and instantly you freeze everyone. We talked about this before we left," snapped the silver dragon as her eyes began to glow ever so slightly. "Jolene can't you do something about her!"

The orange-haired woman just shrugged her shoulders. "Come on now Natalie you grew up with her the same as me. Is there any controlling that," stated the woman pointing at Elizabeth as the binds began to fall from everyone.

"Well, you're like her bestest best friend ever. Surely you can do something! We're here trying to make nice so we can win an impossible war against the ooze monster," snapped the silver dragon who's name was apparently Natalie.

Sky scratched her head at that name. The names these people had were just as strange as they were. Well the Natalie wasn't so strange really since she at least looked like the rest of the dragons. The newcomers on the other hand did not, especially the one with orange hair. "We call it strawberry blonde actually," stated Elizabeth as she looked from Sky back to her friends. "Well from what I can tell this is going to be a wasted trip. It seems that Sky here has been already combing the archives for everything on what she calls the dead army. They have just slightly more information on the subject then the southern kingdom does not surprisingly. Here everyone told us that everything is housed up here. It seems as some stuff went by the wayside," informed Elizabeth as she scratched the black beast right behind the ear. "On the upside, the queen has already enlisted the Jinn's help so there is no need to try to sneak up there and ask for their assistance."

"Elizabeth," snapped Natalie as everyone glared at Elizabeth.

"What? It's not like Sky couldn't or wouldn't pull that out of your heads? She is kind of the same thing as me when it comes to powers. Which is strange. I've never meet anyone this close to me in abilities besides my sister. I'm kind curious on what kind of beast dwells inside you," said Elizabeth as her hand passed through Sky's chest.

Deep inside her beast snapped at Elizabeth as her hand pulled out one of the snakes that dwelled deep inside her. "I've never seen anything that looks like this one," said Elizabeth before letting go of the snake and it snapped back into her body. "It's doesn't matter though I guess. We shall see it soon enough. Shall we go now? I hear that this is a peaceful and prosperous land with lots of food? You wouldn't by chance had ingrents to make a pizza do you? I haven't had a pizza in almost a year and it's killing me!"

"I'm not sure what a pizza is but we can see if we do. Of course I get first dibs though because I'm starving," said Sky as she linked her arms with Elizabeth and bounced away.

With that, the two walked away like they were old friends leveling the very tense situation behind them. Sky guards quickly followed after her as the Jolene and the wolf followed right behind them.

Sky and Elizabeth chatted away about things that no one understood. Not like anyone else was included in the conversation anyway. Well besides Tori who had to join them because someone else was talking besides her. Either way, Sky was grateful because she was better at the kitchen stuff then she was anyway. Before long Tori and Elizabeth where shoving three-round food things into the brick oven. Sky wasn't sure if she'd like it or not, but with as much cheese was on the top of it. It couldn't be bad right?

When Elizabeth said they were done she pulled them out and placed the last two in. Watching her cut them up Elizabeth Served him to everyone. As Sky reached for a slice Edwards stopped her. Looking from his deep frown to the food Sky smiled at him reassuredly. "If she wanted me dead she could have killed me as soon as she stepped out of the gate. She's not going to poison me with food.," stated Sky brushing Edwards hand away before picking up a slice of this melty goodness called a pizza. As soon as the food touched her tongue she practically moaned. The flavors melted in her mouth like nothing she'd ever tasted before. Without hesitation, she shoved more of this godly food into her mouth as her beast purred. "That good huh," laughed Elizabeth as she dug through the strange back sack that she had. Pulling out two pairs of pants and shirts she walked them over to the two wolves who were laying side by side practically drooling. Laying the clothes on the floor in front of them, Elizabeth placed her hand onto their heads. Sky watched as her hands began to glow white and then suddenly two gorgeous men were sitting on the floor. Watching them push themselves out of the floor Sky's mouth went dry at the man who used to be the monster wolf. His hair was long, wavy, and as black as Michaels. His eyes were as green as spring grass and his body was just as ripply as Kyles. The man was nothing but muscle and if she wasn't mistaken he was even wider then Kyle was. This man was a walking mountain and the package swinging freely between his legs was just as impressive as the man. Hearing someone clearing their throat Sky turned to see Owen glaring at her from across the table. From what she could see from inside him he was upset that she was drooling over someone other than Michael. Giving him a sheepish grin and laughed when he snarled at Kandis and Vivian before stating harshly. "Close your mouths like proper guards. You're both being an embarrassment."

"It's whatever, everyone eyeballs those two. Not a woman alive who hasn't stopped to appreciate a masterful work of art," said Jolene as she watched the smaller wolf pulling on his clothes.

"He's your mate," exclaimed Sky completely shocked that a witch was mated to a wolf.

"Oh yeah," replied the woman as she practically purred.

Sitting down at the table herself, Elizabeth fixed her own plate before saying. "Back on our world, he spends more time as a human. He's actually a layer. There, neither one of them have those ears and a tail. The same as me truth be told. Matthew is a man who some times wears the skin of a wolf. On my world, he's known as a shifter or werewolf depending on who you ask." Pointing to the smaller of the two men he nodded at Sky before sliding into the seat next to Jolene. Lowering her hand Elizabeth continued "Now my mate Shaw, on the other hand, is a Hell Hound who some times wears human skin."

"There's a difference," asked Sky perplexed by what Elizabeth said.

"Yes, that man is a monster," said Edward pointing to Shaw before pointing to Matthew. "He is not."

"I'd be watch'n ye tone fairy or I be decide'n on some'n uder then pizza," said Shaw in an accent that Sky was having a hard time understanding.

Edwards eyes rounded as he breathed, "You're from Scottia?"

Sky listened as the two began to seemingly bicker at one another in a langue Sky'd never heard before. Soon enough Elizabeth and her other two companions joined in on the argument. On the upside she could keep up with some of it as she looked into Edward, Jolene, and Matthew. Elizabeth and Shaw on the other hand was a no go. She couldn't see anything inside either of them, the same as she couldn't see inside Michael. There were a lot of images inside Jolene and Matthew that Sky couldn't understand like the horseless carriages or the metal birds. Other things were universal like the love of a mother and the birth of children. "You're a momma on your world! Oh no! What about your baby," exclaimed Sky slightly panicked about the child who was without her parents.

"I'm sure she's fine with the Alpha -," said Jolene before Elizabeth interrupted.

"Or Danial," interjected Elizabeth as Jolene looked off thoughtfully.

"You know I didn't think about it. He would be taking care of all three of your babies so mine wouldn't be too much more to handle. Plus we all know my little girl is more well behaved than your hell-yens ever have been," stated Jolene before returning to her pizza.

"Now isn't that the God's honest truth," laughed Elizabeth pulling another slice of pizza her way.

"There be nut'tn wrong with me we brans," growled Shaw around a mouth full of food.

"No there isn't," said Jolene rolling her eyes. "It's normal for a five toddler to rip a man's throat out and feast on his blood."

This had several people choking on their food as Sky watched the memories within Jolene intently.

"Well he should'na been try'n ta be steal'n me bran. He would'a gott'n worse from me or me dah," snarled Shaw as his eyes began to glow.

Sky was so focused on the story taking place within Jolene and Matthew that she hadn't noticed the finger that was making its way toward her head. Suddenly Sky found herself in a different world and a different lifetime. She watched the struggles in real life, as well as the fear and hatred for the man in question. Sky saw the toddler in question, who was a little girl with curly black hair and blue eyes. The same girl she'd seen with Elizabeth through the invisible wall. The blood-covered toddler was sitting on top of a corpse that appeared to be turning to ash. She was laughing and playing in a blood puddle sucking her fingers every so often. As soon as she was within distance, Elizabeth scooped her up and cried tears of relief as she held her daughter tightly to her chest. Crying along with Elizabeth the memory played out until the death of the dude who was turning to ash anyway.

Coming back to reality, Sky wiped the tears away as she said, "You should have let that teenager fillet that man alive to create a hide for a witches grimoire."

Choking again everyone turned to Sky as she returned to eating her pizza. "That's a traitors punishment," stated Edward as he glared as Sky before turning it on Elizabeth.

"He was a traitor and tried to sell his own kind out to butchers. He stole her baby and he deserved a worse fate than that," stated Sky waving off the conversation before changing the subject.

With that Tori jumped in and no one else got a word in edgewise. After lunch Sky skipped her next couple of classes as she got the visitors settled in. The next several days fell into a new routine. Instead of searching for more information on the dead army Sky spent her free time with Elizabeth. She taught her how to control and use her powers in ways she never thought possible. As an exchange Sky thought her how to sword fight. Surprisingly for a world that no longer used swords, Elizabeth was pretty decent at it.

Her guards were very upset with this trade and said called its a fool's bargain but they didn't know. They had no clue that both of them were directly attached to the mother. That every time they hurt each other they felt the others pain. Not only that, but they could also feel the other's joy as well especially for the short time her mate can be a man again. Unfortunately, she could only transform them for two hours a day. That's as long as the magic she put into them lasted. After that, the magic faded and they returned back into their animals. From what Elizabeth could figure the power from Gaia was slightly different and it helps in maintaining their forms. Sky also wondered if she and her mate came to Elizabeth's world if the would be able to hold their human form, or would they be stuck as dragons.

Time passed and still, the Silver Queen hadn't found anything more substantial then Sky had found. With such a backing of wind dragons from the south that followed her here, she had more hands to shuffle through documents. By the month's end, she'd combed through every inch of the watcher's archives. Elizabeth and her mate scrubbed through all of the books written in the fae langue. Heaving a heavy sigh Sky looked at Elizabeth who was wiping the sweat off of her head. "So the Silver Queen says she's heading back to the south the day after tomorrow. Are you going too?"

Shaking her head no Elizabeth placed her wooded practice sword on the wall. "No, I was asked to go talk to your mate. Natalie didn't think it wise to travel there with her mates. Rumor has it that his dragon likes to kill and eat all of his competition," joked Elizabeth.

"You laugh, but I'm sure that's exactly what he'd do if three princes showed up on his doorstep," replied Sky as she placed her stick up as well. "I'm honestly not sure how his dragon will react to you two. Then again you'd be a bit hard to kill so why not. So why do you want to speak to Michael," asked Sky as they began to walk back toward their rooms.

"To ask his help in fighting the war against the dead army."

Rubbing her chin Sky thought about how Michael would handle the situation. After deliberating for a bit she shook her head deciding on a response. "He wouldn't do it for free," informed Sky as she turned around and began walking backward. "He might play hard to get, but in the end, he'd give in because if you lose then so do we."

"And from what I can gather is if you don't fight, the people of this world lose anyway. Everything is tied to you," said Elizabeth smiling at Sky's teenage antics.

"Not just me. You're attached to the mother as well,"stated Sky pointing at Elizabeth.

"But I have got rules here on your world. I can't fight in the war, but I can fight against the boogie man. He's the only person I'm allowed to kill because this isn't my world. Something to do with God rules or so your mother says. There is an exception though, I am allowed to defend myself so if I do get attacked people or zombies can accidentally die," said Elizabeth bringing her hands up as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Even still you will have to offer him something that is worth his time. He will just tell you that if I'm the key then he'll just fight the war himself after the south has been destroyed. He's kind of cocky that way. I know it'll take more than just our armies to defeat the dead army. I'm sure somewhere deep down he knows that too, but won't admit it," said Sky turning back around to walk correctly.

"I know someone else like that too," stated Elizabeth cutting a sharp glance back at her mate who was padding-right behind her.

Elizabeth's mate was never too far from her always vigilant of everyone close to her. One would think he was expecting someone to try and assassinate her with as far up her tail that he was. Sky had asked once why he's like that, and she stated that he expects her to die and he's trying to prevent it. This made Sky laugh and assured both of them that no one here meant them harm. Elizabeth just laughed and said that even if she wore him as a second skin, she would always find trouble anyway.

Sky didn't really understand that. Elizabeth talked like dyeing is a yearly occurrence for her or something. Brushing off the oddness, she brought the conversation back to the subject at hand. "I would talk to the Silver Queen and her Kings to figure out what they are willing to offer for his help in their war. I'd come up with a couple of options just in case he doesn't like the first one. I would also discuss rough war plans so you can propose those as well. He might ask for what your plans are. He won't walk into a war with a hair-brained scheme if you know what I mean."

Nodding her head, Elizabeth agreed before parting ways to head to her own room.