
The Earth Dragon Challenge

Molly felt awkward and out of place as she was thrown into high society. As mate to both Tom and Jerry, Molly had no choice but to get used to it. Of course, Sky and her other two guards help conceivably in her adjustment. Even though she'd risen considerably within the social hierarchy Molly was still the timid little mouse she'd always been. Her dragon was just as timid and just as tiny as her human form. On the other hand, though her dragon stood out, as Molly the mouse did not. Of course, it was hard not to when you have vibrant blue scales that were ringed in a deep red. She was breathtaking as she took to the skies with her two playful but attentive mates who were twice her size.

Watching as the trio flew away for the last time Sky waved them good-bye as she wondered how big her dragon would be complained to Michael. Knowing that Molly was in good hands for her long flight to the capital city, Sky turned to see Alivia and April crying. "Oh come on you two. We'll see her again once this is all done," chided Sky making her way into the castle.

"We know, we just want to be able to fly too," complained April as she scrubbed the tears from her face.

"Well one day we'll all get to fly, maybe," replied Sky as they headed toward her first class of the day.

"What do you mean maybe," sniffed Alivia drying her face as well.

"Well we don't even know if I've got wings, so I might not be able to fly," stated Sky trying not to get depressed at the thought.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it," stated April tossing her arm around Sky's shoulders. "Worst case scenario one of use will just have to pack you so you can feel the wind in your feathers."

"Oh leave my feathers alone," growled Sky ducking out of April's arm to give her a playful shove.

That is one thing that everyone noticed when Molly went through her change and that was Sky's feathers. Even the Doctor sent a full report to Jamie on the new changes and the changes that were continuing to happen. It took two years before the shifting in her dragon's appearance had stopped. When her dragon was fully up, sleek white fur covered her from the collarbones down to her toes. From her elbows down was white scales that ended in razor-sharp black claws. Fur like feathers ran up her arms starting at the elbow to her shoulders and up the back of her kneck. Her throat was covered in a light dusting a baby-fine white fur along with her face. Her hair would shift to almost long wispy feathers like that of a cockatoo's crest. Her long white pointed ears though didn't change and were Aprils most liked feature. Every time she saw them she couldn't keep her hands off of them no matter how may time Sky snapped at her.

When Sky's time in the Land of Fire was drawing to a close everyone but her was sporting a new set of wings. Even with all of her new changes she still hadn't gotten her wings yet. When she'd gotten the letter saying that her trip to the Land of Wind was being delayed extending her time her she grumbled. On top of everything else, the kingdom was full of earth dragons who had come for the competition. A competition Sky had completely forgotten about. A competition that she was supposed to choose the challenges and pass on to the doctor. All of which she never did. All she managed to do was upset Michael and make him think she wanted to mate with Jamie. On that note she had never gotten a response back from Jamie and what she should have chosen as a challenge, to begin with.

When she went in search of the doctor to apologize for her lack of a response he had informed her that everything was already taken care of. That Lord Silvanus has written him personally and that Jamie had already set the requirements. The only downside to all of that was that Sky had no clue what the challenges would be other then they all had to look good in a dress.

Jamie, Grant, and Samuel arrived the night before the first day of the competition. As soon as they rode up to castle doors and were out of the saddle Sky hugged all three of them. Of course, as soon as that was done both Jamie and Samuel were invading her with their magic giving her a check-up. Sky tried to brush them both off telling them that she was fine, but they weren't having any of it. Grumbling to herself Sky stood there with two sets of hands on her head. "What do you say about four days," asked Samuel standing there with his eyes closed.

"Maybe three but four is a safe bet," agreed Jamie.

"Three or four days for what," asked Sky looking at the two of them as they opened their eyes and smiled at her.

"Until the King gets here," replied Jamie giving her a big grin. "I hear you're sporting some pretty feathers now. Tomorrow before the competition starts I would like to see your dragon."

"I'm also told she's flame resistant. That's got to be pretty cool," said Samuel cutting off whatever Sky was about to say to Jamie.

"How about you show us where we can get some food. I'm starving," complained Grant dragging Sky away as Jamie turned to greet the High Lords doctor.

Rolling her eyes Sky laughed at Grant's antics as she showed them all to the kitchen. Everyone was laughing and having a grand time in the kitchen when Jamie and Doctor finally showed up. Ordering them all to bed he reminded them they all had a long day ahead of them tomorrow. Well, at least Samuel and Grant did. Sky didn't have anything she needed to do tomorrow. The first part of the competition was all fundamental healing stuff in which she didn't need to attend. It wasn't that she didn't want to attend it was that they told her that she couldn't attend it because all of it would be happening behind closed doors. This had irritated Sky, but April had said something along the lines of to heal broken bones they must be broken first. That I didn't want to witness that. So instead Sky put a harness of Sophie her humongous grey and white spotted draft horse and went for a ride. April and Alivia lounged in the back of the wagon next to the empty crates. Since she was heading out any way she agreed to go one town over and pick up a batch of chickens he'd purchased from a farmer there. Everyone watched them as they passed, not because it was a wagon full of women but probably because of the team pulling it. Since they were having to go such a long distance Sky had hitched Rakesh next to Sophie as a team. Since both of them seemed to be hot-headed and only liked each other that really left her with no choice. Which really was a funny sight. Rakesh as sleek and compact with a tiny nose and big eyes. Sophie was heavy and broad with a head twice the size of Rakesh's. Sophie's head was level with her body and her tail hung limp while Rakesh's hand and tail were straight up. Even with the lopsided team, they both worked well together.

Making several stops along the way for this, that, or the other Sky and girls made it back just before sundown. "Well isn't that the strangest team of horses I've ever seen," stated Grant making his way over to take a closer look.

Flattening her ears at him Sophie snapped at him when he got to close for her comfort. "Oh and she's a biter," laughed Grant tossing his hands up in surrender.

"Easy girl," chided Sky giving her neck a health pat. "He's one of the good guys."

"So is this the baby you and Molly delivered," asked Samuel as him and Jamie made their way over to them.

"Yep isn't she the prettiest thing ever," asked Sky beaming with pride.

"That stallion isn't bad looking either but looks like he's a biter too," commented Grant taking in the flattened ears on Rakesh as well.

"Yeah neither one of them are nice to people," replied Sky as her and April pulled their tack off and handed it to the stable hands who were standing by waiting.

"So we all had to learn to tack up the horses ourselves," said April handing Rakesh's harnesses off to the boy standing beside her.

"I sat back and watched them struggle," laughed Alivia before leading Sophie away so that they could brush them.

"So how did the first day of the competition go," asked Sky plucking out a brush from a box that someone brought her.

"Well we had 1213 contestants when we started and we are down to 1000," informed Samuel trying to help but only got kicked at for his efforts.

"That's more then I expected to make it passed the first rounds. They most of had some serious trial before being proclaimed the winner. I think we might have to step up our game with tomorrow's trial," stated Jamie getting a thoughtful look.

"Why, what's tomorrow trail," asked Sky.

"The same thing as today," replied Jamie.

"Then how is that stepping things up," asked Sky with a slight laugh.

Taking a seat on a bail of hay Jamie watched the lady's work as he replied, "Okay the three of us are administrating our own trial at the same time. So the group I had today Samuel will have tomorrow, and then they go to Grant. It's complex actually, see we all three have to work well together as a team, especially the heelers. If we can't get along then bad things happen. So not only are I and Samuel testing their skills as a healer we're pushing their buttons, testing their limits, and seeing with we can work together as a team when bad shit goes down."

"I guess all of that makes sense, but Grant isn't a healer," stated April peeking over Rakesh's back to look at Jamie.

"True but he's our fighter and his dragon can be fickle. So he is judging if his earth-moving powers can complement someone's plant magic."

Looking at Jamie confused all of the girls turned toward Grant who was cleaning the dirt off of Rakesh with his magic. "He means I'm helping farmers plant fields all day and watching the croups sprout. If nothing happens they fail. Everyone who failed today was in my group."

"Well I guess, keep it up then," laughed Alivia, "999 more contestants to go."

By day four of the trials, only twenty dragons remained of those twenty, seventeen were females and three were males. Today was the day Jamie said Sky was going to meet her contestants for the position of her healer. It was too bad her dragons woke up on the wrong side of the bed. First thing right off the bat she snapped at Jamie for taking her pajama's off of the bed. As dumb as that sound she those where her current favorite pajamas and she didn't care if today was day two that she'd worn them. It's not like she lounges in them. All she does is sleep in them and she bathes before bed so it wasn't like they were dirty. Then at breakfast, she rattled that scare knocking sound that had half of the breakfast table clearing itself of its patrons because Grant tried to offer her a biscuit. On top of that, it was too hot everywhere and they made her put on too many clothes. Her back hurt, and everything was just pissing her off this morning. Even April was getting stupid growly with her and short-tempered. The only good thing that was happening today in Sky's book, was Michael was supposed to arrive at some point. Until then she has to sit in this chair in the middle of this colosseum looking thing that was filled with everyone in town. Oddly enough they were seated all the way on one side of it. If this was supposed to be a show then one would think they'd have sat he in the middle. There was enough room in front of her to land five dragons easy.

Sky could hear the feet that gathered behind her and she raised a questioning brow at Samuel. Her dragon didn't like the presence of so many bodies behind her as she began to rattle out a warning. Giving her a reassuring smile Samuel patted her shoulder as he stood beside her. "This will be a simple, but challenging test," said Samuel addressing everyone behind her. "Everyone who can get to this point here once the Queen turns around and lives will be advanced to the next round. Are you ready my Queen?"

"This is the dumbest test ever," snarled Sky as she stood up.

"No, it's the perfect test. This is to see if your dragon will tolerate them while she's in her most touching and dangerously moody mindset," replied Samuel giving her a cheesy grin.

Snarling Sky's dragon pushed herself to the surface as her power began to ooze out of her. "We are not touchy or moody!"

"Of course not my Queen," replied Samuel trying to hold in his laughter but his eyes failed. Sky could see his eyes laughing at her, and it pissed her off for some reason. "If you would please my Queen can you turn and look at your contestants."

Turning Sky's dragon shot daggers at everyone who stood behind her as her power hummed in the air. "An your trial has just begun." When several people moved backward and none moved forward Samuel added, "There is time limit because your Queen doesn't have all day."

That got several of them moving but not many. Sky watched as a quarter of then simply back away and left abruptly. Everyone else began to advance but soon they all stopped at various places. Everyone's dragons were in their eyes as they tried to press forward even after Sky's dragon began to make the nocking sound. As soon as everyone heard that noise the amphitheater went deathly quite. That's when almost all of the contestants gave up and retreated back the direction they came except for five who made it all the way to Sky's feet. Even if they were face down in the dirt shaking. Samuel then got a far away look before smiling at the five people on the ground. "Your next trial begins now," stated Samuel as a monstrous roar could be heard off in the distance.

The sound of it made Sky's dragon perk up as a shiver rolled down her spine. It was a faint sound, but clear in its intent. The roar proclaimed that I am the meanest, badest, dragon in existence. As the dragon roared again Sky turned her eyes to the sky as butterfly took flight within her stomach. Her dragon began to shift her feet as she looked for the sound that was drenching her sex with need. The sound of that dragon was calling to her on a primal level proclaiming his need to mate, and her dragon was more than willing. As the dragon roar grew closer Sky knew exactly who it belonged, to as her womb clenched with the need to be filled. Her skin began to heat and shake as her dragon tried to crawl out of her skin, but couldn't push the little bit more she needed. Everything inside of her wanted to roar in return, but the only sound that came out was a singular high pitched note. The sound almost sounded like the soft sound a bald eagle makes when a female chirps for her mate. Even so, Michael never failed to roar back each time she made that sound. Before long he was touching down on top of her. Samuel and Grant quickly took a knee and presented their throats to the King in submission. Snarling and snapping the air above the groups head in a sign of aggression Sky and her dragon watched as all but two of the remaining contestants run away screaming. Ignoring the terrified dragon's Sky snagged the King's lip in passing and hauled herself up onto his face where she promptly hugged him. Without warning, Michael lifted them both up into the air and took off toward the castle. Squealing in her enjoyment as Michael shifted into his human form mid-decent, Sky held onto his neck tightly as he landed on her balcony. Roughly throwing the doors open Sky squealed again as Michael dropped her to the bed before claiming her lips. There wasn't anything gentile about the kiss that said high I missed you. No, it was rough and demanding, like he was a starving man and he needed her to live. She also needed air to live too, but breathing was currently on the back burner as his tongue drove itself into her mouth.

The hot and sensual flavor of cinnamon seemed to gush into her mouth stealing whatever breath she had left. Snarled Sky bit off a moan as she pulled Michael's tongue farther into her mouth trying to sate her need for the taste of him. Growling in response Michael ripped at Skys clothes leaving them in ribbons on the floor. Michael wanted to move to the mark he'd left on her body but couldn't. He wanted to sink his teeth into her flesh so that he could flood her body with his hormones. But to do that she'd have to let go of his horns, but currently, she was feasting on his mouth and tongue. With all the little sounds she was making and her grinding herself against him Michael felt like he was going to lose it before he even got to enter his mate. Losing the battle on ownership of his horns Michael relieved Sky of her pants. As soon as the achingly hard cock slid across Skys scolding hot folds he groaned in agony as he held back the torrent that was threatening to spill over the causeway.

Even if he wanted to he could't take is slow. His dragon had gone into season two days ago and he needed to claim his mate. Adjusting his position between her legs, Michael felt the head of his cock slide into the entrance of her body. Instinctually his hips jerked forward driving him home. Screaming out with the force of it Michael could feel Sky's body trying to adjust to his size. He could feel the slight pain of it and he would have loved to move but every muscle in his body was locked up as he emptied himself into her greedy channel. His hips jerked involenarally as he moaned. Slightly embarrassed about the entire thing Michael was about to apologize when Sky bit him and her claws sunk deeply into his back. The pain mixed with the pleasure caused by her teeth had his body responding on its own. Within seconds he was driving into her again as the smell of his blood and her passion permeated the air. Feeling the sting of her claws again Michael tried to drag his dragon up closer to the surface for the added protection of his scales. It wasn't until his dragon informed him that he was a far up as possible did he realize she was cutting throw his scales. Nearing the end of his second release he figured he'd deal with it then. Right now all he needed to do was to lose himself again and take her along with him. He could feel her tightening down on him with her impending climax. All he had to do was push her over the edge and when she went she'd drag him right long with her. Since her claws were still stuck in his back and not hanging from his horns he used this time to reaffirm her mating mark. As soon as his teeth had sunk into her skin she clamped down on him like a vice, before she explodes around him toppling him over the edge right along with her. As her blood flowed into his mouth a warm sensation seemed to glide over the skin of his back. Purring like a sated kitten Michael licked her mark closed before rolling her over on top of him. "Ummm, I missed you," said Michael as his dragon practically purred right along with her.

"No, you didn't you are just in season and missed the sex. Oh god, you smell so good," groaned Sky as she buried her nose into Michael's neck. "Like molasses cookies," added Sky before she nipped at him and then soothed it with her tongue.

Feeling something brushing his leg as Sky nibbled her way down his neck and across his shoulder Michael tried to ignore it. It wasn't like whatever it was, was painful. In fact, it was just the opposite really. Whatever it was was very soft and almost velvety as it brushed sensually against his inner thighs. It wasn't until Sky straddled his hips did he catch of glimpse of something white that snaked out from behind her only to disappear again. Right about the time he was going to say something about it Sky's teeth clamped down on his nipple as she slid herself across his already spent cock. Giving it a tug she quickly lathed it with her tongue before sucking it into her mouth. Until that exact moment, Michael had no idea that his nipples were connected to his dick. Now he did and he was moaning as it came back to life at her persistence.

Rubbing herself against Michaels rock hard shaft Sky could feel her next orgaism building and she hadn't even sat down on him yet. Turning her attention from his now erect and red nipples Sky looked into his obsidian black eyes. Looking at his angry expression Sky paused when he rattled at her. Watching his expression morf to one of confusion Michael rubbed her hips as if encouraging her to move them again as he asked, "Are you okay?"

"Just now when you rattled at me, what was your dragon saying," asked Sky trying to fit some more pieced into her incomplete puzzle.

"That he liked what you're doing, but I want my dick inside you," said Michael as he looked at her quizzically.

"And you're angry look, was it angry or was it one of pain," asked Sky running her fingers over his furrowed brow as he resumed his angry look.

"If I'm giving you a look it's because my balls are tight in need to release that it's painful. An it could be irritation because I want to be buried inside of you, but all you're currently doing is sitting on top of my dick asking me random questions."

"When you look it me normally all I see is your dragon. Why is that," asked Sky as Michaels dragon raised an eyebrow at her before turning his attention to something behind her.

"I don't know because he really likes looking at you. He always has because you sparkle in his eyes and what his that," growled Michael before leaned up quickly and snatched something.

Pain shot straight up Sky's tailbone like someone had just stabbed her in the butt. Yelping in pain she shot off of Michael as fast as could trying to get away from whatever bit her. Crying out again when her body came to a sudden and painful stop Sky looked behind her. What had caused her to stop and the pain was a long white tail with a tuff of hair on the end like a lioness, besides the hair was a lot longer on the end than that of a lion. The grin that spread across Michaels face as he took in the sight in front of him was a bit scary. "You have a tail, my mate," growled Michael as his dragon rattled at her again.

Sky's dragon rattled back but her's was one of challenge that only seemed to make the smile on Michael's face grow bigger. "A challenge is it," asked Michael as his dragon pushed himself all the way to the surface again covering his body in scales. "I except it."

Suddenly Sky was taking a back seat as her body launched to attack him. Sky screamed at her dragon who was honestly trying to kill Michael. If he thought she was playing at any point he realized she wasn't when she kicked him throw the bedroom wall. Figuring he'd call it done she was wrong. Nope he wiped the blood from his lip and his already hard cock grew in size as it jerked in pleasure. Then attacked her again. Nothing was off-limits as her dragon kicked, punched, and sank her teeth into him. Everything she did just turned him on more and the smell of his excitement just made her fight harder. That and it also made her even more impossibly wet as he grappled with her. One destroyed room later Sky found herself in someone else room with her face crammed into the floor covered in blood. Teeth buried into her shoulder her dragon literally wiggled her ass at Michael. "I win," snarled Michael round the mouth full of flesh before he positioned himself at her opening. Pressing more of his weight down on top of her, Sky whimpered with there need to be claimed by the victor. More fluid oozed out of her sex filling the air with the scent of her need telling him on a sensory level she needed him inside of her. "I'm going to claim my prize little dragon," growled Michael as parted her heated folds and pushed himself deep into her slick heat. "By the Goddess, you're dripping wet for me," growled Michael before he pulled himself almost all the way out and slammed forward again.

With each thrust, he was sent her head further and further into the floor as he held her there. His dragon was dominating her completely and Sky was sure he was chiseling his name on her soul with his dick. There was no way she wouldn't be sporting buries tomorrow. Crying out as colors and shapes danced behind her eyelids Sky could feel him jerking inside her as Michael's orgasim followed right after hers.

Panting and beyond exhausted on the floor Sky knew they should really get out of who ever's bedroom this was. Unfortunately for her, her dragon didn't leave her with enough energy to even move her tail out of Michael grasp. Fight as she may it was impossible for her to keep her heavy eyelids up. Sky wasn't sure how long she lay there when she was awoken to a rumbling growl. "Okay you two, final test. Go examine them and figure out who much damage their dominance battle did to their bodies," said Jamie somewhere to Sky's right.

Rolling her head that way Michael rattled out a warning as Sky and her dragon looked at the two women who stepped into the room. Rattling another warning Michael's death began to swirl around them. "If we get to close we'll die," stammered one of the girls with fear in her eyes.

"Yes, you might die. That's a chance any and all of the King's Guard's has to accept. The King is built to kill and his death is attached to his emotions. Right now he's still seated deeply in his mate who is currently bleeding from more then just one place. Your job is and will alway be her wellfaire. A healthy and happy mate makes for a healthy, happy King, and a happy King doesn't accidentally kill people."

The one woman who spoke didn't move from her spot as the second woman began to walk around them. Sky looked at her yellow-green dragon eyes as memories swirled within her. She watched them handling snakes, cats, birds, as well as a monastery of other animals. The wheels were turning quickly as she reasoned things out in her head. Making one more pass around them the woman laid down on the floor to Sky's left. Shifting Micheals wing out of the way Sky looked at her in curiosity. Michael rattled at the woman as she inched closer to them with a look of determination. With her back down and belly up submissively the woman pushed her self closer and closer toward their hips. She stopped just outside of Michael's death as she reached up and took ahold of Michael's wing. Growling at her he tried to pull it from her grasp but gave up moments later. Since she wasn't hurting him and he was too tired to really do much his dragon figured he could deal with the annoyance as well as their healing magic.

Once the woman's analysis of the King was done she released his wing slowly before reaching for Sky's tail. Watching her fingers stretching for it Skys dragon drug it slowly out of reach. Yellow-green eyes looked into her glowing blue ones as she frowned causing Sky to smile more. Giving up on the tail that was now inside the deadly zone of smoke, the girl slid her way back to a safe distance. Standing up she could see that the King was asleep again, but the Queen was teetering. Her muscles were tense and she watched the two strangers in the room closely. Turning her attention from the dragon who was just inspecting the King threw his wing Sky smiled. Sky's dragon then turned her it toward the other woman who was thinking about doing the same thing as the first woman. A monkey see, monkey do kind of thing, but Sky's dragon didn't want to make anything easy from them. It wasn't fun when things were easy. Getting Michaels dragons attention through their bond he grumbled on top of her. Asking him to get rid of his wings Sky's dragon laughed internally as the look of failure passed over the girl's face. "Yep you should have thought faster," laughed Skys dragon inside the confines of their head.

"Shut up, stop being mean, and go to sleep. We're tired," complained Sky as she snuggled into her dragon and closed their eyes.

Moments later something touched her fingers causing her to open them again. At some point, they must have shuffled positions. Michael's weight was no longer fully on her back as he had slid to the side. His arm and leg were flopped over her protectively and he was snoring lightly. Moving her head so that she could look at her hand Sky looked into the yellow-green of the dragon lightly touching her fingers. Feeling their magic slowly slide threw her checking her over from head to tail, Sky found the feeling slightly comforting as she drifted back to sleep.

Sometime later Sky awake to growling in her ear. Finding the energy to pry her eyelids open she found herself no longer in a floor. "Umm about time you woke up," growled Michael as his hand slid over her side. "Your scent has been driving us mad," continued Michael palming her breast.

Pinching her nipple between his thumb and forefinger Sky moaned as a rattle vibrated Michael's chest. Arching her back Sky pressed herself rear back into Michael's fully awake and hard cock. Feeling it's hard ridged length nestle between the globes of her ass Michael rattled again as he began to move. The feeling of his velvet shaft sliding against her body began to make her wet. Her body began to heat with the need for him to fill her as a fire began to burn in her belly. "Umm I haven't even really touched you yet little dragon," said Michael in a low raspy voice, "But you're so wet."

The sound of his voice seemed to be attached directly to her needy sex causing it to dampen more with need. Lifting her leg up Michael brought it over his hip. This movement brought his erection out from behind her settling into her slick folds. Moaning Sky began to slide herself down the length of it as she purred with delight. Picking up speed Sky could feel her orgasm building and the need to find release was almost to a painful level. Growling Michael grabbed her hips forcefully so he could seat himself within her. Crying his name as he slipped deep within her Sky jerked in his arms as his sudden entrance pushed her over the edge. Feeling the muscles deep within her ripple as they tried to pull Michael's climax from him, she could hear him groan. Stubbornly he didn't give in to her body's wants and before long he was pulling another cry from her lips. Holding on to him as he drove into her from behind Michael growled in her ear, "You and my horns woman. They are not handles," said Michael nipping at her ear sense that was the only thing she allowed him access to.

Sky was going to reply to him but he chose that exact moment to slide his hand round and pinch her clit. The slight pain changed to pleasure as he rubbed it roughly between his thumb and finger. Crying out her body erupted around him again causing her to release his horns as she reached for his hand. The overload was no much as he body jerked violently sapping her strength as she tried to withdraw his hand. One orgasm crested straight into a second one like the waves of a storm-driven surf. Acting out in preservation Sky's body tried to escape Michael's grasp in attempts to get away from the lighting that was electrifying her body. Growing stiff behind her Michael's teeth sunk into her shoulder as colors erupted behind her eyelids. Crying out his name again Sky was left panting by the time Micheal withdrew his teeth from her shoulder.

Laying there trying to regain her sanity, Sky gasped as she felt him growing hard inside of her. "What again," asked Sky looking over her shoulder to see him grinning like a fox in a hen house.

"Uhm," replied Michael before he pushed her over on her stomach.

Pulling her hips up into the air he looked down at her and growled his pleasure before entering her again. Time seemed to blur as their afternoon flew by. Michael flipped Sky from one position to another until she was nothing but a puddle in the middle of a destroyed bed. At some point, someone had brought them food but Sky couldn't feel her body enough to make it move. Laying there looking at the food longingly, Michael laughed at her as he crawled out of bed. "Don't laugh at me it's not funny," complained Sky as she attempted to push herself up only for her arms to shake so bad she fell back down.

Laughing at her again Michael packed the food over closer to the bed. Pulling a chunk of chicken off he dangled it over her as he joked, "Here kitty kitty."

Leaning up she snapped at the food making sure to get his fingers while she was at it. Not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to make sure he didn't pull it back. Running her tongue between his fingers to dislodge the chicken she sucked them clean before pulling a growl from his lips. "You keep that up woman and you won't be eating for another hour," rumbled Michael in a low strained voice that had her body drenching her battered sex asking for more abuse.

Laughing at him Sky snatched the second helping of chicken before laying flat on her stomach. Reaching behind her she began scratching her shoulders trying to satisfy the itch that was beginning to irritate her. Sky and Michael barely made it throw their meal before they renewed their mating season. The days began to blur together as their bodies continued to drive them both to mate. Multiple times Sky would wake up to Samuel or a strange man with blonde hair and blue eyes touching her shoulders. Their gentle touch would normally never woke her up but their touch would always intensify the horrible itch. Reaching back Sky grumbled again as she started digging at the stinging flesh. Sky could hear someone commenting about it, but she was too tired to care. Even though they were discussing it no one seemed to think much of it either. Sky figured if they were not concerned then neither would she be as she fell back to sleep.

When she awoke on her own she found Michael on his back stretched across the bed asleep. Smiling to herself Sky looked at her mates naked and glorious body. Making her way between his legs she ran her hands up his inner thighs. Snuffling a little Michael didn't wake at her touch causing her to grow bolder. Through their mating, Michael had tasted her on many occasions and he seemed to enjoy the taste greatly. She on the other hand never had and wasn't brave enough to ask. Afraid he'd get mad at her for asking or not being as good at it she hadn't attempted it. April had told her a couple of times that men liked it and it was pleasurably to them. Michael had given her so much pleasure that she wanted to please him too.

Taking up his soft and flassid length Sky glanced up to see something flicker across Michael's face but he still didn't wake. Timidly she brought the broad head of his penis to her lips and licked it. Cinnamon and salt graced her tongue as she swirled her it around him. Instantly Michael was awake and fingers were dug painfully into her hair. Freezing in fear that she'd angered him Sky glanced back up to meet his dragons obsidian black eyes. Up until this point most of her time with Michael she had been looking into his grass-green eyes. Self-conscious now she released him and tried to pull back. Loosening his hold quickly of her hair Michaels dragon's lower rougher voice asked, "Are you done already, my love."

Unable to move back because of his hold on her hair Sky was forced to stay where she was she stammered, "I'm ah… I'm ah… Sorry."

"Sorry about what my love? That you're done exploring my body," asked Michael's dragon as he looked from the dry lips she just wet before looking at himself.

"That I've made you angry," replied Sky scratching at her shoulders again drawing blood this time from the smell.

"Stop that," growled Michael pulling his fingers out of her hair to grab her hands. "And I'm no wear close to being angry. Why do you think I'm angry? Is it because I pulled your hair too hard? I'm sorry for that. I just reacted. I never would have thought you were tasting me. Quite that," growled Michael as Sky pulled her hand out from his grasp to scratch again.

"It itches," growled Sky as Michael took control of her hands again.

"Um I know something that'll take your mind off of it," purred Michael dragging Sky up his body.

Moments later he was buried deep inside of her and the burning itch of her shoulders were forgotten for a little while. Digging her claws into Michaels chest Sky moaned as her climax was beginning to build. The smell of his blood mingled with hers as his claws dug into her hips pushing her harder and faster toward her empending climax. His dragon was fully on the surface, his scales adding a roughness that only seemed to intensify her pleasure. Adding in her own fur and tail that he had wrapped around his hand while he gipped her rear tightly Sky was teetering on the edge. If it wasn't for the burning pain in her shoulders she could easily tip over the edge. Sweet release was just at her figure tips if only the agonizing itch would just go away!

Sky tried to reach back again only for Michael to stop her by pulling her forward. Once she was laid out across his chest be began to drive into her hard and fast. As his teeth sunk into her shoulder she forgot all about the itch as she exploded around him. The pain seemed to ease as fireworks shot to life behind her eyelids. Screaming out in pleasure her body grow slack and week as she shuddered in his arms. Sky's smiled with pleasure and for the first time in days her shoulders didn't itch to high heaven. Closing her eyes as she found them hard to hold open she vaguely wondered who was screaming for Jamie and why.

Grumbling at the noisy conversation that woke her Sky cracked her eyes open. Looking at several worried yet smiling faces Sky yawns before stretching lazily. "She even stretches like a cat," commented someone who Sky didn't recognize.

Arching her back to finish her stretching Sky pushed herself up off the bed. "I'm hungry what do we have to eat," asked Sky standing up on the bed surveying the room.

"As much as you want in the dining hall since it's lunchtime," informed Michael with a sheepish smile.

"Yay," exclaimed Sky jumping from the bed and heading over to her dresser. "I'm starving." Making her way around the crowd in her room she asked, "Do we know what they are serving today? I hope it's duck? What day is it? Is today duck day?"

Pulling on a pair of underwear and sliding on a bra Sky paused to look at the group as the stranger stated, "You were serious about the Queen not having any modesty."

"I told you we are happy that we don't have to ask her to put clothes on anymore," joked Jamie laughing as he shook his head.

"You act like I'd run around naked all day if you let me," replied Sky glaring at them as she pulled her pants up.

Yelping as her pants bent her tail backward painfully she rubbed the abused appendage. Looking at her human skin Sky brought her her tail around and looked at it. "Humm, so how do I make this go away?"

Looking up as everyone shrugged at her, Sky shoved her tail down a pant leg before bringing them back up again. Pulling a shirt out of her draw she slid her arms into it and brought it over her head. As she tried to pull it down everyone began to giggle when it didn't go any farther then her shoulders. Giving it a good tug Sky reached behind her back to pull it down from that direction only to hit something. Feeling a weirdly soft thing Sky looked over her shoulder. Eyes growing large Sky spun in circles trying to get a better look but failing miserably. Unable to see the white feathered wings clearly enough she stopped spinning and ran to the full-length mirror. Looking at the two new appendages in horror Sky hissed as pain shot up from her rear. Stripping out of her pants Sky balled them and angrily launched them across the room. Tears were streaming down her face as she looked at the monstrosity on her back. Behind her, her tail flicked violently as she fully took in her form as flames rippled though her feathers. Each one seemed to burn as if individually lit. Meeting all of the eyes behind her, her body shook at the sight of their disbelief within their eyes. Locking eyes with Micheals rounded dragons eyes Sky's heart dropped. He even wore a look that screamed what the fuck, that turned to anger right before he screamed, "No," at her, but it was too late.

Her dragon already shifted them out of the room and cloaked their body. Crying their eyes out they ran from the castle and from the city. Even after their power for jumping ran out they continued to run until they couldn't run anymore and then kept going. It wasn't until she stumbled to the edge of a valley full of strange-looking trees that she stoped. They all looked like mushrooms with their long trunks. Their branches looked like the vanes under the top which was made of leaves. Perching herself upon a rock, Sky looked down at the strange trees below her as her dragon lowered just enough for them to see the world in color. Sniffing Sky scrubbed the tears from her red swollen eyes and went back to looking at the strange trees. "Those are strange and not from this world," said Sky's dragon turning her head sideways as if changing the angle would help answer her questions.

"Those are Dracaena cinnabari," said Michael suddenly behind her giving her a start.

Whirling around while Sky's dragon made the strange knocking sound as she wings spread out threatening making her look slightly bigger then she was. Pulling himself together the shadows flowed together as Michael stepped out of the pool of blackness. "The fire dragons call them Dragon Blood Trees and this is the only place they grow," informed Michael as he climbed up onto the rock beside Sky.

" Dracaena cinnabari what kind of name is that," asked Sky rolling the foreign words off her tongue. "What Langue is that? I've never heard such words."

Shrugging his shoulders Michael pulled his upset, but yet distracted mate between his legs. Laying his cheek on her shoulder Michael wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him before answering, "As it was told to me, long ago before dragons walked this world a fight occurred between two gods. The first was a dragon god and the second was an elephant god. Their fight was so powerful that their blows would send their opponent into different worlds. Because of the brutality of the battle both contenders were bleeding profusely. Where ever their blood fell to the ground in unison these trees grew. There is a human village down in that valley who's legends say that their ancestors got caught up into the battle and fell into this world. They are the ones who call it Dracaena cinnabari. Dracaena means female dragon and cinnabar means dragons blood."

"That is a strange name," replied Sky as one of her wings settled around Micheals body making him shudder.

The movement didn't go unnoticed as fresh tears began to well in her eyes as she trying to crawl out of his lap. Holding onto her tighter Michael growled at her, "Why are you crying and you're tackling the crap out of me so stop moving so we can hold you!"

When Sky didn't yield in her struggle Michael was left with no choice but to let go as he started laughing. Clawing at his back he slid off the rock quickly before giving himself a good shake. Michael was smiling but Sky didn't know that as her tear sneaked face looked down at her dirty and blood crusted feet. Squatting down in front of her Michael made her look at him as he asked again, "Why are you crying? Why did you run away? Why are you so upset? Talk to me."

Pulling her face from his hands Sky looked back at the strange-looking trees. Hissing in pain when Michael gave her a slight head butt she glared at him. Rubbing her sore head she glared at him and his horns. "That hurt jerk," growled Sky pushing him away with a hand to his forehead where his horns came out.

"Well it hurts me when you cry and run away from us," growled his dragon. "When you hurt, you are supposed to run toward us, but you do not. Now tell us what makes you hurt, and run from us?" When she sat there unspeaking for too long he butted her again as he growled, "Sky, we don't have much time before everyone gets here?"

Huffing Sky turned her face back up to him as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'm a freak, a monster."

"You are not," roared Michael grabbing her face painfully as scales and flames covered his body.

Pullin her face out of his hands Sky got to her feet quickly. "Yes I am, look at me! What kind of dragon looks like this!"

Gesturing to herself Sky crumpled back to the rock she stood on balling again. Taking her face up again Michael looked into her glowing blue eyes. It wasn't until that moment that he noticed the eye under the glow had changed. They used to hold the sky within their depths. Now they also held the depths of the ocean. Lost in their depths Michael watched as a membrane slid quickly over her eye and back so quickly that he almost missed it. "See! I can tell by your face you think I'm a freak too," wailed Sky trying to regain her head only for Michael to hold on tighter.

Dragging her face closer to his he continued to look into the twin blue disks that were unlike any eyes he'd ever seen. They reminded him of Tanner's hawk, Star in shape and pattern. His eyes began to burn with the need to blink as he focused on her unblinking ones. Holding her face tightly he watched as the strange blink happened again. The white membrane shot across her eyes again running from the inside of her eye to the outside again. "You have a third eyelid," said Micheal without thinking.

All this managed to do was make her cry even harder. Kicking himself Michael quickly pulled her into his arms and held her tightly before saying. "You are not a freak. You are unique."

"Unique is just a different way of calling me a freak. I'm a freak of nature and I'm not even a dragon!"

"You might not be a dragon, but you are still the most beautiful creature I've ever laid eyes on," said Michael making her look up at him before capturing her lips.

Cupping the back of her head he held her to him as he devoured her rumbling in pleasure. Making love to her mouth his tongue tangled with hers leaving her breathless when he finally broke the kiss. Taking up her hand Michael brought it down to his hard member as proof of how beautiful she was. "Even now my mate, I want to claim you. Can't you feel how hard and hot we are for you." Rapping her fingers around his shaft he gripped them and himself roughly. Dragging her hand up and down his length until the smell of his pleasure bloomed he brought her hand to a stop at the crown. Rubbing her palm over the head of his dick he could feel the slickness of his pre-cum. "If you were a monster or a freak do you think my dick would weep for you? No, it weeps because it wants to be buried deep inside of that gorgeous body of yours. You are sexy, gorgeous, and divine my mate. You are beautiful, tail and all. Especially the tail," growled Michael as his cock jerked in her hand at the memory of her bent over in front of him.

"But that's just it. I'm not a dragon. I'm not even a manticore. At least manticores are part dragon. A manticore could have given you pretty babies but I can't. I'm..I'm…I'm just a monster," wailed Sky distraught.

That was when the light turned on within Michaels head. "That's what's really bothering you isn't it. It's not the feathered wings and tail at all. It's the entire fact you don't think we can have babies together." Hearing this Sky began to cry harder letting Michael know he'd hit the nail right on the head. Wrapping his arms around her tightly he breathed deeply into the hair on top of her head. "I have lived my entire life knowing that I would grow up and grow old alone. I had come to terms knowing that I would never be able to hold a mate within my arms. I understood that love, true earth-shattering love was going to be unattainable for me. The thought of children had never crossed my mind knowing I'd never know love. Then a small little spitfire of a child crawled into my life and turned it upside down. I know what love is now, and I know what passion is. I know what it feels like to claim your mate. How it feels to be driving into her with such force because you can't seem to get close enough. That maybe if you went a little harder you could crawl under her skin because that's where you want to be. You want to be apart of her every existence. That without her, the air is harder to breathe and the food seems to lose its flavor. The sky isn't as blue as it is when she is around. I am thankful to have and know all of that. If the Goddess doesn't grant us children then that's okay, because just having you is more then I will ever deserve. Having you is more than I ever dreamed of having. You are my dreams and you are my everything, and you are the most beautiful thing on this world, but dammit if you're feathering don't tickle," said Michael as he began to shutter again before he gave up and started laughing. Moving her wings back so that they were behind her Michael spun around and presented her his back. "Scratch."

Chucking to herself Sky's dragon lowered herself down so Sky could use her human hands. "Uhm oh yeah," purred Michael as Sky started scratching his back. Leaning a little into her scratching he curled his back directing her where to scratch, "Oh yeah a little…right there. That's the spot."

"Should we give you to a moment," asked Eli as him and Jamie landed silently behind them.

"Nope, um up a little more. Oh Goddess how come I haven't had you do this before," groaned Michael enjoying his back scratching a little too much.

Hearing several more people landing behind them Sky turned toward them at the scent of April's blood. "What happened," asked Sky turning from her scratching duties to inspected Aprils head were blood was matting her hair.

"Her flying skills need a little work," replied Samuel hiding a slight smile as Alivia crash-landed not too far from everyone's left. "We already patched her up that's what took us so long to get here."

"She jumped before leaning how to fly and ran into the castle wall," laughed Alivia brushing the dirt from her pants earning her a glare from April.

"At least I didn't crash land," retorted Alivia sticking her tongue out at April.

"Wow look at all of those weird trees," exclaimed William drawing everyones attention to him and the valley below.

"I hear that if you cut them they bleed red," stated Tanner walking to the valley's edge.

"The people of the valley use the sap to make medicines and stuff with it. I hear it's really potent stuff but it's hard to get your hands on," added the strange man Sky had seen in the room joining Tanner. "I've only heard stories about the dragon blood trees. I never dreamed I'd ever see them in my lifetime since their location is a closely guarded secret. Come to think about it isn't this valley warded? I didn't think you could make it into the valley without the people of the valley leading you to it."

"Who are you," asked Sky as her dragon took the man's measure and looked through him and into his memories.

Turning from the valley the man smiled cheerfully at her. "My name is Gregory, but most people just call me Greg my Queen."

Standing there looking at him like he was dumb Sky turned and looked toward Jamie with an expression that asked the same question as before. "He's the winner of the contest. He's your medic," answered Jamie.

Turning back Sky thought back on what she could remember of the last days of the trial. Scratching her head she looked back at the blonde-haired man rocking a man bun. Clearly the dragon in front of her was male since he wasn't wearing a shirt and her memory wasn't that bad. Sky clearly remembered that the last two contestants were girls and he was defiantly not a girl. Being able to read her expression Gregory laughed as he blushed a little. "The contest rules stated that contenders had to be girls. At least within the village that I was from. It wasn't until I made it Hestia that I learned that you could be male as long as you could pass as a female in a dress. Since I was already there in a dress I figured I'd continue."

"If it was for only girls within your town then why did you join," asked Sky curiously. "An at least you did look very pretty in a dress."

"Honestly just to piss my father off. I didn't think I'd make it as far as I did," replied Gregory as his blush deepened.

Looking at all of the troubled memories within Gregory, Sky left it at that as she smiled at him. "Welcome to the team then. Hang around with us and you'll see a lot more weird things than just oddly shaped tree."

"So I've been told," said the man as his ears turned just as red as his face.

"You sure do blush easily," stated April handing Sky a skirt and what appeared to be a scrap piece of material.

"What's this," asked Sky holding up the scrap piece by a string.

"It's a halter top," replied April turning around so Sky could see the backless shirt. "It lets the wings out and still covers the front."

Assisting Sky with tying the top, April also helped wrangle her tail that she could get it under the skirt. "Well are you ready to learn how to use those awesome looking wings you've got," asked Alivia as her wings pushed out of her back.

"They are not awesome," grumbled Sky as she envied Alivia and her gorgeous blue wings.

"You're right they are not awesome they are breathtaking. They are so elegant and beautiful. Not to mention huge. The tips of them touch the ground while the curve comes up over your head, but yet they look so light and dainty. I would trade you if I could, and they are so soft and fluffy," stated April practically rubbing herself against Sky's wing.

"Yeah right," grumbled Sky as she shook April off of her feathery appendage.

"No seriously I might pluck them in your sleep and stuff a pillow with them," joked April before letting her wings out. "Already let's get going that way we can make it back before supper. I can hear your stomach chewing on your backbone."

Grumbling to herself turned to find Michael wearing a pair of pants that was still doing very little to hide the erection he was sporting. "You think we can make a detour down into the valley first," asked Gregory eagerly eyeing the trees below them.

"No," stated Sky looking from him to the group of people hidden within the rocks around them. "If you tried they'd shoot you," informed Sky pointing at the closest one.

Suddenly snarls went up as everyone gathered around Sky and Michael. Quickly backing her up to Michael Sky looked around at the scale covered bodies around her. "What is the world is going on," asked Sky confused as a man stepped out of the shadows.

The bow he had in his hand was drawn back with an arrow notched ready to let it loose at any moment. "Dragons are not allowed here and you need to leave," growled the man with an accent she'd never heard before.

The way he annunciated the words was like he wasn't used to saying their words. It wasn't like they had more than one language in the North so that didn't make sense to her. The south from what she'd learned had three but not here. "We're leaving so you can lower your weapon Badawī," snarled Tanner as Sky pushed her way through everyone so she could see better.

Dressed in brightly colored clothes Sky looked closely at the tattoos on his face along with the headdress he had on. As her dragon came up she gasped at what she saw within the man. "Mother told me about you when I was little," exclaimed Sky pushing her way out of the group fully and making her way toward the man.

"Sky No," snarled Michael snagging her before she could make it very far.

"He's a Jinn," stated Sky turning back toward Michael. "They are they are the reason why the.." Suddenly Sky started coughing and choking. Brushing Jamie's hand away as Michael pulled her back into the safety of the group Sky continued, "They're from the same planet as the woman with white hair. They are elemental the same as us. They aren't humans at all. They are Jinn's."

Lowering his bow the man narrowed his eyes at Sky. "I am not a Jinn. I am known as a Djinn. How is it that you know either of these terms," asked the man as more people stepped out of the shadows causing her group to still, in realization of how much trouble they were in.

The Badawī did not tolerate trespassers and would kill first and ask question later. These were one group of humans they tended to leave alone. Considering they hardly ever left their desert valley their neighbors didn't bother them. Rumor had it though that they were powerful in the magic department but no one thought much of it. Figuring they were just witches no one tried to investigate further. Now, on the other hand, thought Michael maybe someone should. "The Mother told me a long time ago when she was telling me about all of the creatures on her surface. She told me about your people and how you came here, but then all of the Ifrit of the Jinn left. Is it true that you are the protectors of the underworld? We don't have an underworld here," rambled Sky ignoring how Michael kept her in a death grip. "She says you bleed fire is that true? She also said that I should ask you to help with the walking dead problem. She says your people hate them too. What is a Ghoul? Ow! You've got horns to and she said they are quite impressive. Can I see them?"

"I've got four score of archers trained on your small group of trespassers and you bombard me with questions," stated the man as he arched his brows to the heavens in confusion. "Either you're very brave or stupid. None the less who is your mother who seems to know so much of things she shouldn't."

"You're standing on her," replied Sky pointing at his feet.

"You're in a dangerous position to be playing woman," snapped the man getting angry.

"I'm not playing," replied Sky confused on why the man was angry.

"Her mother is the world in which you stand," informed Michael. "She's the Heart of the world and the gift from the mother of us all or so the Manticores call her."

Sky could see the shock the floated across the man's face before covered it quickly. "If that's so then let me see your hand Heart of the world and the gift from the mother of us all. Prove to me you are who you say you are," stated the stranger holding his hand out to her.

Struggling to get out of Michael's hands Sky and her dragon smiled at him. "We'll be fine I promise."

With that, she wiggled loose and made her way over to the man. Ignoring the snarling and the black mist that swirled closely around her as she placed her hand in the mans. Instantly the world disappeared as soon as her flesh touched his. Looking around the unfamiliar desert they were in Sky looked up at a sky that was a darker blue than hers. "Hey, that sky looks like the one where the white-haired woman lives," stated Sky turning back to look at the creature in front of her. The human disguise was gone and now stood a cat like demon in front of her. His body was covered in short black fur and atop his head were two massive sets of horns. His horns curled out from the top of his head right behind his long pointy ears. From there they spread out impossibly wide behind him. Sky couldn't believe he could hold his head up with as big as they were. It was like Someone took a pair of dragon horns worn by a dragon and placed them on a person. On top of that, they weren't like any horns she'd ever seen on any animal. His eyes were living flames as flames floated up from his cat-like face.

"Who's to say we are not in a random desert within the Land of Fire," stated the man still holding her hand tightly.

"Because our sky never gets that deep of a blue and we don't have sandy desserts like this. I hear there is a place like this in the south but not within the Land of Fire," stated Sky smiling at the man, confident in her knowledge.

"Why are you here Barqan," snapped a man from nowhere.

Looking toward the voice Sky could see a white-haired man with the same kind of tattoo's on his face that the Ifrit did while he was his human disguise.

"You have been exciled from this world because of your crimes. Why are you back here brother," asked the man with white hair before turning his attention to Sky. "Who is she?"

"Now isn't this interesting," came a second voice causing everyone to spin in that direction.

Sitting within the sand of the nearest Dune was the wolfman. Instantly both Barqan and the white-haired man kneeled down bowing their heads. "I see you're growing up quite well young lady. I see you've found an interesting friend but why did you bring him with you? He's grounded and isn't allowed here," informed the wolf man as he bared his teeth at Barqan before turning toward the white-haired man. "Al-Abyad why are you here?"

"I sensed Barqan and came to send him back. It honors me to be in the presence of a God," replied the white-haired man.

Nodding in Al-Abyad direction the wolfman turned toward Barqan waiting for his answer. "I apologize Wepwawet. Coming here wasn't my attention. Discovering the truth of this woman words was my only intention, and somehow we came here," stated Barqan as his cat-like form melted away leaving behind his human form and his strange-looking clothes,

Giving the jinn a snort the wolfman pushed himself out of the sand and made his way over to Sky. Taking up her arm he ran of thumb over a dark spot on it. Watching his ears sag a little Sky wondered what the dark spots where and why they only appeared when she was here. "It seems that Orcus is thriving in your world. I don't know if you'll be enough even with the help of my daughter, little world. Luckily your little friend there will come in handy. Their kind is good at sending the dead to their graves, but first, you need to finish growing up. Wars are not for children," said the wolfman as he rubbed the top of her head.

"I'm not a child," snapped Sky scowling at him. "I've got my wings and everything. I'm not a child."

Laughing the wolfman shook his head as he walked away from them. "Just because a human bleed as young as eight doesn't make her an adult. You might not be a child but you are not an adult just yet. You don't even know what you are yet do you? When you know who you are then you will be an adult. For now, at least I know on what world my enemy has run to. I will send the Luna to you when I think you are ready. The Marshall is going to be so mad when that happens," laughed the wolfman as he got a faraway look. "Her life as been fairly mundane as of late. I should spice it up for her. I think I know how too." Pausing in his thought the wolfman turned glowing blue eyes toward her and the Jinn. "Barqan, take the kitling back to her world before her mate kills everyone. And Barqan if you help in her war as a reward I will put a good word in for you with your God. I will see if he will shorten your exile or maybe allow you to visit here every so often."

"Wait what am I? What's a Kitling," asked Sky but it was to late as she was back to standing in the middle of a village made of adobe huts.

Looking at the strange animals that roamed around her Sky screamed when something plowed into her. "See, I told you High Dragon that they would reappear right here," said an older male voice.

Crawling out from under the weight and blackness on top of her that smelled of cookies Sky could see Barqan was in his monster form. Hissing and snarling at each other Michael's dragon and Bargan flaming bodies tensed ready to pounce. "Why did you bring us back so suddenly Barqan? Who was that man and what is a kitling? Can you tell me what I am," asked Sky pushing herself out from under Michael using his face and body for leverage.

"Woman," snarled Michaels dragon pulling her hand from his horns as she tried to stop him form pulling her back under him.

"You should be happy I moved us back so quickly. That wasn't a man kitling. He was the God Wepwawet," hissed Barqan backing up from Michael and her slowly to join all of the other Ifrits behind him.

"You went home my King," asked the old man as his eyes began to mist. "How was it? Is still a beautiful as it once was?"

"It wasn't intensional, and we saw nothing but endless sand. How is it you took me to earth kitling," asked Barqan as he put back on his human face.

"Why do you keep calling me a kitling? What is a kitling and what is Earth," asked Sky attempting to extract herself from Michaels hold as he drug her backward and into the safety of her group.

"What ties do you have with the God Wepwawet," snapped Barqan as his brow furled deeply. "Is that how you walked through our wards to get here? Did he send you? Who is this marshall he's talking about?"

Growling at the Barqan who still hadn't answered any of her questions Sky snapped, "I have no idea what you're talking about! The first time I meet-"

Sky's words were cut off as someone laughed, "I don't think so," and then the lights turned out for her.