
A Queen's Army

Five years later

Michael had exhausted all the knowledge he could find at the central library in Noelani. He sat in his office again at the castle with more speculation than answers. Metal movers did exist or existed at one time because it was written in there. However, it seemed like a lot of text was missing from the library as well. It had been a year since he'd left the libraries and the Head Librarians still had not reported back on their investigation on where the missing tomes went. However, he had discovered that the White Woods is growing in one area with confirmation that it's shrinking in other areas. There is also a rumor beginning to immerge about a group of rebels called the Queen's Army. They are a group of people who supposedly help traffic the metal movers from one place to another. Rumor also has it the Queen's Army ware little manticore pendents on their clothes or around their necks. Michael knew something had to be going on in the south and wished he could get a message to Sky but Kyle and Jamie had both lost birds while trying to send correspondences to Sky and her guards. Of course, he could send his bird but was the death of a lot of people worth still not knowing what was going on. If killing them would bring him more answers then he'd almost be okay with it at this point.

Hearing a lot of shouting and a woman scream somewhere down the hall everyone looked at each other before jumping to their feet. Pulling their weapons Tanner and Kyle pulled the doors to the office open in just enough time to see a blur of white shoot over their heads. Disappearing into a cloud of smoke as the white cannonball shot at him Michael reassembled himself at the front of his desk. Leaning over the desk to see something flopping around on the ground Michael eyed the thing currently covered in papers and ledgers. Suddenly a tinny feathered dragon-like head popped out of the papers. Two big blue eyes blinked at him before it began to bounce around in circles seemly happy with itself. "Your Majesty," shouted a guard running into the room out of breath. "There is this thing in the castle!"

"I know," replied Michael gesturing over the desk. "It just took out all of this weeks work."

Turning back to the tiny dragon Michael could see it was no longer where it once was. It was completely gone. Making his way around the desk he looked for it under the desk, under the papers, and even in the rafters but it was gone. "Where did it go? Tanner?"

Looking around the room with his dragon eyes Tanner shrugged his shoulders. "I saw it fly in but it's nowhere to be found now."

"Do you think it flew out Your Majesty," asked the guard still trying to catch his breath.

"It's possible," said Michael aloud as he said within his head, "I doubt it."

Bowing the guard closed the doors before the sound of his heavy footsteps could be heard running away. Bending down and picking up an arm load of papers and books Michael sucked in a quick breath and dropped them when he rose up to come eye to eye with the tiny bird-like dragon. The creature had the body shape of a dragon but all of its features were smooth and thin. Instead of having the big square jaw's that normal dragons did its face was long and skinny. Its body was covered in feathers and nowhere on it was any spikes at all. This creature with its two big blue eyes was defenseless besides its teeth and claws. Its eyes were almost two big, but the size gave it a really cute appearance. Like that of a baby dragon. "What is this thing," asked Tanner as he reached for dragon-like creature.

Whirling on him the dragon hissed before its white feathers turned blue. With a flick of the tail the dragon hissed again as Tanner cried out and retracted his hand quickly. Glancing between the tiny dragon and ice-cycle feathers currently imbedded in his arm Tanner turned toward Jamie. Making his way over, Jamie plucked a feather out of his arm and examined it. "Little Ice daggers," said Jamie turning it this way and that before pulling the rest out and healing Tanner's arm.

"That was pretty neat," stated Eli reaching for the creature himself. "Let's try..Son Of A," shouted Eli as the miniature dragon turned red and burnt him.

"What are we supposed to do with it," asked Kyle as he picked up a ruler and poked the creature.

"Open the window," said Michael cleaning the mess out of the floor and setting it on the far side of the desk away from the creature. "Maybe it'll fly out while we go have some lunch."

Halfway through lunch the Captain of the Guard came and gave him a report of the strange animal that flew into the castle. When Michael advised him that it was still currently in his office the Captain of the Guard scurried off quickly. Moments later he returned to report that the office was empty and that he closed the window. Hoping that would be the end of it the group finished their lunch and returned to work. Walking back into the office everyone froze at the sight of the destruction. Papers and ledgers were everywhere, Dead Bird was having a conniption fit and cawing his head off. In the middle of the room with a mouse hanging out of its mouth, the cat-sized dragon sat in the middle of the room looking smug. "And it's still here," said Eli.

"Look at this mess," said Shelby as he walked into the King's office. "What happened here?" Turning their attention to Shelby everyone pointed at once toward where the little dragon was.

"Surely His Majesties messenger bird didn't create this mess," stated Shelby looking toward where everyone was pointing.

"It's gone again," said Michael letting his dragon up so he could help locate the creature.

Making his way into the room and looking around Tanner said, "I don't see it."

Scanning the room a slight glimmer sought Michael's attention up in the rafters. When he looked though it was gone. "Everyone stand back," ordered Michael as he began to send his darkness out. Casting the room into shadow, he saw the tiny dragon scarring around in the rafters. Walking up under it Michael watched how it seemed to sparkle and glow like a different kind of dragon he knew. "Hey dead bird can you talk to that thing," asked Michael point up at it.

"Well of course master. I've been yelling at her since you left to leave the mouse alone, but she kept saying she was hungry. The mouse gave her a pretty good chase as you can see. I told her you were going to be upset about the mess she caused," cawed his messenger bird as it hopped around on his shoulder.

"Okay now answer me this. Why are you out and about when I didn't request you," asked Micheal turning a stern eye on him.

"It's her fault," cawed Dead Bird.

"Is not," shouted a little famine voice that almost sounded like the tinkling of little bells.

"By the Goddess," exclaimed Shelby as everyone turned their attention to the rafters.

"You asked me if I wanted to play and I was board so I helped you out of the drawer," retorted the tiny dragon as she puffed out her feathers.

"She talks," said Eli just as astounded as everyone else.

"If you let him out of the drawer then technically it is your fault he's out and about without permission," informed Michael crossing his arms and little up at the creature.

"Does that mean I can eat him," asked the dragon as she bared her teeth at the crow.

"You wouldn't dare," shouted Dead Bird.

It was too bad for him because she would try. No sooner were those words out of his mouth she had him on the floor with his head in her mouth. "No! Spit that out you don't know where that's been," chided Michael grabbing both parties by the neck and pulling.

"Grouse," shouted Dead Bird as soon as he was pulled out of the dragons mouth. "There are mouse bits in there!"

"Yeah, I was saving those for later," retorted the dragon before she blew a puff of smoke at him.

"What are you," asked Michael wiping the slobber off of Dead Bird.

Sitting up prim and proper like the dragon replied, "I am my Lady Sky's messenger."

Laughing Eli poked through Michaels messenger. "Hey Dead Bird, meet Dead Dragon."

"I am not dead. I am a living breathing messenger. Do dead things eat mice. By the way they taste a lot better than crickets," snapped the tiny dragon with an indignant look.

"Messengers are crystals and crystals aren't alive," said Jamie stating the facts.

"But I am not a crystal, but I'm still a messenger," replied the dragon before she shot to her feet like she'd forgotten something.

Walking over to Michael's feet she rubbed herself against his legs like a cat before bounding over to Jamie. Repeating the mauve again the dragon purred before flopping down on his foot. "So are we going to get the message or not," asked Michael glaring at the dragon at this point.

"Yeah I guess so," replied the dragon as she sat up and started scratching at her neck.

Hearing the tinkle of a small silver bell the group watched as that and a small string pulled free of the dragons neck. There was a quick flash and where the dragon had been now sat a white cat with blue eyes. On the cat's back was a backpack like a small wooden box. Taking the backpack off of the cat Jamie handed it to Michael before scooping the cat up. "You know you're cuter this way."

Purring the cat rubbed her head against Jamie before snuggling in for a nap. Michael took the box over to his table where he had a glass of water sitting. He'd seen this kind of box before and knew exactly what to do. Pouring a little bit of water on to the box everyone watched it grow into a small cedar chest. "Okay I expected a small box but that's a bit much," said Eli making his way behind Michael as he opened it.

Pulling out a couple of books Eli practically shouted in his ear, "That's got my name one it," and snatched a letter out.

Glaring at him as he triumphantly sat down on his desk, Michael turned to see everyone else crowding in. Rolling his eyes he changed his plan to seeing what's in the box to handing out the letters addressed to each of them. Before he even got everything pulled out of the box they were all back. "Sky said she sent me some books showing Michael the paper just in case he wanted proof," said Kyle looking at the three books Michael has stacked up.

"Yep and I got maps," stated Tanner making his way back over.

"I've got medical reports and records," added Jamie.

By the time he got done handing everything out the only thing left for him was a little metal manticore charm attached to a leather string and a letter. Taking the two back to his desk he sat back in his chair and opened the letter. "Dear Michael, I hope this letter finds you well and my dragon says she misses you. I'm only writing that because she's making me. I promised the cat that she could stay with Jamie. She's a really nice cat, but they won't let me keep her. I found her in the street and she needs a good home. I'm sure Jamie can go for a new friend. It's been long enough since Thomas was returned to the mother. It's time for his heart to heal."

Pausing in reading his letter Michael looked up at Jamie who was absentmindedly petting the white cat on his desk. Flipping through the medical records with a serious look on his face, Michael was sure he was only doing it out of habit. For someone who didn't want another cat he was excepting of that one fairly quickly. On that subject how did Sky know that Thomas passed, and when? Had Jamie written her without telling any one? Surely not, because if he did that, how many other letters went out without his knowledge. Shaking those thoughts from his head he returned to the letter. From there she explained her work-around for not having a messenger bird and that was a transformation spell with a twist. Michale laughed as she rambled on about all the hiccups and back ally deals she had to do to get everything to him. From what it sounded like Sky had a network of anarchists and thugs working with her. She then got into telling all she'd found out about the metal movers and their underground army. Confirming everything he's heard so far Michael looked at leather thong and smiled. "I acquired you a Queens Army charm and attached it to a band for your hair. You can be an honorary member of my small gang of thugs that are helping the Movers to safety. From what I hear they are held up in a little town somewhere west of here, but I'm not sure where. They are very through at keeping need to know secrets a secret. No one individual person has all of the information. I only met one person who was from the city and I only got small little segments of memory. I saved his life and we've become pretty good friends.

Wherever this city is it's in the middle of a forest and the forest has lots of manticores. I think that's why the smuggles chose it. The cat's were all different too. Like wherever they are theirs enough food for them to live in family units like in the White Woods. Talking about Manticores the High Lord says it's time I take Mayaya to the wild. Well not in so short of words or niceness. She's three now, so in the spring she should be coming into her preseason and looking for a mate. Females can get just as territorial in the spring, but I want her to find a good provider. To do that I convinced the High Lord to give me a leave of absence come April. So I can take Mayaya down to the White Woods. We have a better chance of finding a suitable male there." Laughing Micheal rolled his eyes. Sky made it should like they were going one town over to look for new dresses. Not sizing up male manticores on who was the better match. On top of that, it would ultimately be Mayaya's choice in the matter. "I found some legions about a city of manticore somewhere close if not in the White Woods. There are a lot of references about it in the books I gave Kyle. They were a pretty good read I thought. If you would can you ask him to put them in my room when he gets done with them?" Pausing again Michael looked up to see Kyle already scribbling away in a notebook as he read from one of the books Sky sent him. "Kyle, Sky asked that when you're finished can you put them in her room." When Kyle didn't respond he repeated himself louder.

Shaking his head when he got a grunt for an answer he continued onto the next page. Continuing on she talked about new things she'd found and discovered that only existed in the city or in that part of the country and then other normal letter like material. Setting the letters down Michael looked up at Tanner who was practically bouncing from foot to foot. "What Tanner," said Michael handing him the stack of letters to be disposed of.

Looking at the miniature book Tanner looked back at Michael for verification before he burnt them. "Not a love letter huh," asked Eli cracking a smile at their inside joke.

"No a lot of intel that doesn't need to fall into prying eyes," replied Michael with a nod to Tanner.

Setting his arm load of maps down Tanner destroyed the letters before getting down to business. "okay I don't think Sky really knew what she was sending me when she sent me these. I'm not sure where she dug these up at but these things are old. This one is even drawn out on what feels like some kind of reed style paper," stated Tanner laying that one down first. "This one is the most incomplete but it's got the first reference to the White Woods boundary."

"The land of monsters," said Eli pointing to the ancient text and the horrible drawing of a manticore and thorny vines.

"You're too excited just to just be happy about new maps even ancient ones," stated Michael wondering what has him so wired currently.

"Okay so by the type of paper, ink color, and the style or writing, I can put these things in order so looks at this," pointing at a dot on the map he continued. "Okay there is a city here," flipping to the next he showed the same city. "Now look the same city but the forest boundary is closer to it than this one. Again here, and here," said Tanner adding a map, on top of the map. "This happened until the city is complexly surround by the White Woods, but they all have something in common," said Tanner pointing at the manticore symbol on the map.

"Wait, Sky had said in her letter to me that within the memories that the metal movers had lots of memories with manticore in them. Like the manticore moved in prides like they do in the White Woods. Are you thinking that this village got swallowed up is now a metal mover village? If that's so then the White Woods would have destroyed it by now. We all know the forest is alive and will deliver anyone to trespasses to the mother hence the thorny vines on the first map," sated Michael looking at the map.

"But what if it's not the White Wood and healers have just sped up the forest growth to conceal the town. The manticores would continue to flourish there considering it's close enough to the White Woods. Maybe they just encompassed the area as well. None of us know why they don't hunt on the main roads through the woods. All we know is that all of the kills happen off of the roads. So if maybe it's the law of the land, maybe, just maybe, they follow the same rules in this fake White Woods thing," said Kyle saying more in that paragraph than he said all week, the group paused to think about it.

"Fine then we can solve this somewhat quickly. Send Owen down to fly over this area without being seen. Once he's done, have him report directly to me. Tanner lockup all of those maps. I'd hate to see them all go missing. The same of everything you just got, well except for the cat. Jamie, I believe it needs a name and lunch. She's your responsibility," informed Michael pushing himself up from the chair.

"What why," asked Jamie glaring at him.

Picking the leather thong up off the table Michael used it to tie his hair up in a ponytail. "Because she was a gift from your Queen who's worried about the hole in our heart after the passing of Thomas."

With the shocked and hurt look on his face anger flashed in Jamie's eyes. "I told you not to tell her! She loved that cat," snapped Jamie scarring the white cat on his table.

Standing there for a moment shocked, Michael watched Jamie's browns raise. "You didn't tell her? I didn't tell her. How did she know?"

Shrugging his shoulders Michael headed toward the door. "Your Majesty where are you going?"

"To go buy Sky a messenger bird before she fills my castle with cats," said Michael clearly aware that if she sent one message via cat she could send a lot more.

If she couldn't get her own dead bird then he'd send her one himself. Swinging by Sky's room for her hair brush Michael cringed. He thought he lost a lot of hair but the amount in this hairbrush was ridiculous. By the looks of it, she hadn't cleaned it in years. Not knowing how many strands the crafter would need since she wasn't here to donate her blood Michael handed the entire brush to Eli. "Man does she ever clean this thing," sated Eli cringing.

"It looks not, you know what here," said Michael taking the hairbrush back while thinking to himself that hey didn't need the brush itself.

Pulling the hand full of hair out of the brush he tossed the now empty brush on the counter before shoving the hair in his pocket.

It wasn't often that Michael walked throw the streets of town but when he did the city was abuzz with it. It was something he was used to and he normally tuned it out, but not today. Several times already someone had commented about the manticore charm in his hair in whispered conversations. He wasn't the only one who noticed either. He could tell by everyone's half-turned heads they are all listening in to all of the chatter around them. When they finally made it to the store he had in mind he headed in. The person behind the counter looked up at the tinging of the bell on the door. "Good day to you Your Majesty. It is an honor to have you in my shop," beamed the storekeeper who smelled of witch and sage. "How is it that I might assist you?"

"I need to buy someone a present," said Michael looking at all of the materials required to make messengers birds along with prefabricated ones.

"If I may be so bold a messenger bird is an odd gift, but if it pleases you I've got a verity you can choose from," replied the storekeeper looking a little nervous now.

"Not really," replied Michael picking up several things and putting them back down before he continued. "She needs one and is having a hard time acquiring one herself. So I figured I'd send her one as a present."

Glancing back at the store owner Michael caught him staring at his ponytail. "This must be a very important woman then," stated the owner wringing his hands and looking around quickly as if making sure no one else was in the shop.

"You could say that," replied Michael giving the shop owner a predatory smile.

Dragons were predators and just like any other predator, they stood at attention at the smell of nervousness and fear. The man betrayed his fear as he continued to glance from Michael to the manticore charm on his ponytail. "With all due respect My Lord I'm not sure if my craftsmanship is worthy of such an important lady. Surely your court witches could do a finer job than me."

"If I wanted them to do it, then do you really think I'd be standing here? So be it. I'll take my business elsewhere," stated the King making his way out of the shop.

Making his way out of the shop an older toothless version of the man they just met stepped up right in front of the King. "You know I met her once," said the old man raising a shaky finger and pointing to the charm in his hair.

"Oh really old-timer," asked Micheal gesturing to his guards to stop and leave the old man be.

"Yep," replied the old man chewing his gums for a bit. "Help an old man to the park will you sonny?"

Chuckling Michael took up the old man's arm who was probably senile and maybe even a bit delusional. "Sure old-timer, what park suits your fancy?"

"Oh not too far from here. The one with the tiger fountain," replied the old man as they made their way down the street.

Coming to the fountain Michael help the old man sit as he heaved a sigh. "This trip gets harder and harder each time," said the old man rubbing his back. "It won't be long until I can't make it anymore. It's such a pretty park you know. Has anyone told you about this park young man."

Taking a seat on the fountain next to the old man Michael laughed. "You know old timer I am twice your age."

"True, but you're twice as dumb as I am," stated the old man without fear or hesitation.

"Oh how so," laughed Michael cutting him a sideways glance as he leaned back on his hands.

"Because I know the Queen is the only one who wears the manticore in her hair. No one else does because they know they are not her equal and neither are you," replied the man pointing at the manticore charm in his hair.

"How so?"

"Because she is a good woman who looks after the animals and the outcasts, because she her self is an outcast," stated the man.

"An outcast you say? How so," asked Michael kicking his feet out enjoying the cool breeze.

"Is that all you can say is how so," laughed the elderly man. "Well let me educate you on the Queen and the rise of her army. When I first met her she was just a wee thing sitting right here crying. She was crying because her school class had not just hurt her feelings they had crushed her dreams. As she grew she came to this same spot to cry. She was such an emotional young lady, even if she acted stoic. Of course, not many people come here because they think the park is cursed. That the first Kings wife haunts these grounds. So this was a perfect place for a little outcast to run and hide."

"Wait," interrupted Michael holding a hand up to stop the story. "There is no record of the First King every having a mate."

"Aw, but there is and you're sitting on it," said the man tapping his finger on the fountain. "Don't believe me go read the engraving over there."

Cutting a glance over to Kyle and nodded in the direction the old man did Michael asked, "So why did the Queen keep coming back to this fountain to cry?"

"All for a different reason. Mostly because she wanted a family, a sense of belonging, and friends. Because she was different she wasn't given those things even though she tried really hard. Even with all these difficulties, she treated everyone in town with kindness and most of all the animals. Did you know that cat's are her favorite?"

"I don't know your Queen so how would I know," stated Michael watching a bird scratching at the grass.

"An that is why I call you stupid boy," brazenly said the old man.

Raising his hand again to stop Eli from correcting the man Michael rolled his head in his direction. "How am I stupid for not knowing who you are talking about? There are a lot of people in this world and quite a few are different and needing voids in their life filled."

"Ah but this pretty little girl cries for one man and if that one man was smart he'd mate with the Queen and then she'd have a nation at her back. She could change the north for the better at least for an unforgotten tribe that was wiped from the history books," said the man jabbing Michael in the leg with his cane. "But maybe this man doesn't love the Queen back. Hum I never thought of that. Maybe that's why she cries all the time. Hard to believe that," continued the man almost talking to himself. "She was such a pretty little thing. I hear she's grown into a very pretty woman. For a dragon she's aged as quickly as a human the rumors say. She should be about twenty-four twenty-five now. Well past the breeding age for humans. I hear she's stunning with her pretty hair and blue eyes. I'm sure when her first season hits many a male will be vying for her attention." Pausing in his rambling when a rattling growl came out of Michaels chest the old man turned and looked into Michaels coal-black eyes. "Well it seems he's smarter than you," chuckled the old man unafraid of the dragon who was clearly threatening him. "Maybe you should listen to him more boy and you'd be a lot smarter for it."

"You are pushing my limits old man with your brazen tongue. You speak of maters you know not," growled Michael as his death began to swirl around him dangerously close to the old man.

"I am old and have lived a good life. I have seen the birth of my third generation and welcome the mothers embrace," replied the old man working his gums again. "I know more than you, it seems, with my short years in comparison to yours. I do know if you want a woman you have to go get her, because she won't wait for you. I know I know more about your castle than you. I know that above the rooms of your guards is a huge nursery full of rooms. Sky's is not the only room in that attic. When the first King built it he built it with babies in mind, but yet you tell me I speak of matters I know not," retorted the old man if he was a father chastising his son.

"An how do you think you know all of that," asked Michael sitting forward now wounding how he could have come by the information about Sky's room being a nursery.

"Because she told me about them all when I told her about this statue and I told her that love will find away. That one day love will fall upon the castle and all of those abandoned rooms and toys will be full and joyful. Of course that's only if the King wisens up and opens his eyes to see what he's got, but that requires him to use what's between his ears," said the old man bravely rapping on Michael's forehead.

Huffing Michael turned his attention back to the blue sky and fluffy clouds slowly floating by. "Again you speak of matters you don't understand, old man."

"I don't need to. The only one who does is the Queen and if I know her she's showing a brave face, but underneath it all is a very confused little girl. Her mind doesn't work like ours does. To her everything is black and white. There are no shades of grey," stated the man earning him a scowl.

"You don't think I know that? If anyone knows her literalness hindered by her scatter braininess it's us," stated Michael as his irritation rose again.

"Then what are you doing to help her fight a fight that you should be fighting," asked the old man poking at Michaels ponytail.

"As much as I can," sighed Michael sitting upright. "I am hindered by a lot of bureaucratical red tape. I might be the King but I too have rules and regulations that govern me. Unfortunately she is the face of the army I can not lead. It's not like I haven't tried to get information, but I keep running into roadblocks. If I could ask outright then I would, but this is political, and it goes so deep that I don't think I can root out the problem," huffed Michael shaking his head unbelieving he was putting a lot of confidence in this man, but he was easy to talk to.

Patting his leg the old man gave him a toothless grin. "You just leave that to her and the Goddess. All you have to do is get the paperwork ready and find the council a fifth chair. You leave the rest to the Queen."

"I hadn't thought of that," said Michael turning his attention from the passing clouds to the old man. "If they were their own Land and governing body then killing any of them would be a capital offense and not just a regional one. The genocide would have to stop because all the hunters could and would be put to death." A deep rumbling growl shook the air as his dragon made himself fully present again. "An I will feast on the bones of whoever touches a hair on a babies head."

"Do you speak true dragon," snarled a man who appeared right next to the King with a sword aimed at his throat.

Within a flurry of motion, Michael vanished into a cloud that was quickly absorbed by the shadows. Everyone pulled their weapons and a fight ensued. The old man watched the fight as if watching kids playing in the park. The fight took longer than expected as the combatant had turned everyone's weapon on themselves. The tactic only worked for a little while before the guards adapted. Unfortunately for him metal was no match for Tanner's heat and before he knew it the man was on the ground with Tanner's claws at his throat. Stepping out of Eli's shadow, Michaels dragon spread his wings as he crouched blocking the gatherings crowds view of the man. Pulling back on the mans horns to raise his head up to meet the King's eyes, Michael spied the crystal that hung around the man's neck. Reaching out Michael lifted it up for a closer inspection. "What is it my King," asked Jamie making his way over to peer over his shoulder. "That's magically enhanced, but I've never seen that kind of spell work before," informed Jamie presenting him his hand. "If you wish I can take it back for further investigation.

Shaking his head no Michael let the crystal drop. "No need Sky already told me what they are. I would say to clap this man in iron and bring him with us but it's not going to work now is it," stated Michael as he pushed his power at the man. Struggle as he may the man couldn't resist Michael's power forever. It was saying a lot already with the amount he was having to push at this man already. "You are not from these lands are you," asked Michael amping up the juice just a little more.

"Born and raised," spat the man forced to answer the question against his will.

Tilting his head a little at this knowledge Michael found it quite perplexing. As his power flowed into this man he could not feel a bond with him at all. It was like he wasn't one of his people. As he pushed deeper almost into the recesses of the man's being he found a bond burning brightly right were his bond should have been. Roaring in anger Michaels dragon lunged at the man sending Tanner head over heels backward. "Why does her bond burn deep within you!"

The mans anger and hatred turned to fear as Michael suspended him off the ground by his throat. Feet dangling the man grasped onto the Kings arm as Michaels dragon roared again. "Why do you have such a strong bond to my mate! Have you dared touch what is mine!"

At this point the crowd ran away screaming as the King's death exploded out around him in his anger.

"The Queen saved my life and I owe her a life debt," choked the man as his eyes began to roll back in his head.

Going limp Michael tossed him at Tanner before he accidentally killed him. Watching the man's body collided with his men he felt a little bad as he took them out as well. Watching them all hit the ground like domino's he tried to pull himself back together. "You see you wouldn't have that problem if you just mated with her," chided the old man still sitting on the fountain, like nothing had happened.

"I already have old man," roared Michaels dragon whirling on him.

"You have, but the half that counts hasn't," stated the Old man pushing himself up from the fountain. "I think that's enough excitement for today. Oh," said the man quickly looking down at the water fountain where they had been sitting. "Did you drop something Your Majesty?"

Turning his attention from where his guards were picking themselves out of the floor and the old man Michael raised his a brow at him. "It's a pretty little thing. I'd hate to see it get stolen."

Looking at the fountain Michael instantly stuck his hand in his pocket at the sight of the bird-shaped opal crystal. Finding it empty the corner of his mouth turned up at the sly old man. "Yes, old-timer. Thank You, I'm sure Sky would be very upset with me if I lost her gift."

"When you send it to the Queen tell her I say hello," replied the old man before he hobbled away a lot faster than when they hobbled to the fountain.

Making his way over to the messenger bird Michael picked it up and looked at the exquisite details. The old man had a lot of power and even more talent than the man who made Dead bird. The crow was so detailed that even the feathers were intricately carved within the bird. "He spent years on that, had to have," said Eli leaning in to get a closer look at it.

Smiling Michael slid the bird into his inside jacket pocket, "I don't know what you're talking about. I had this the entire time."

"Of course your Majesty how did I forget," replied Eli knowing how this game was played.

"I've seen enough of the town for today. Shall we take that fool to the dungeon," said Michael as his dragon settled himself enough that his horns were no longer on display.

"If that is what pleases you your majesty," replied the group as one.

Taking the man back to the castle to put him in the deepest, darkest cell they had Michael form processed the information he received. Once they got to their destination Micheal waited in a chair just inside the cell for the man to wake up. Tanner stood quietly beside him with his eyes closed and with his light breathing Michael suspect he was sleeping. A smirk crept onto his face at the thought of giving him a shove to see if he'd fall over. "He's awake your majesty," replied Tanner opening his eyes suddenly and looking into the darkness of the cell.

"He's been awake for about half an hour now," stated Michael dropping his smile and turning back and looking the into darkness.

"I take it this is an intimidation trick," said the man from the pitch-black room.

"Nope, this is just a place where I can see everything at all angles and no one else can. I would suggest you continue to lay on that bed. I wouldn't want you to die or anything and as of this moment, that's your only safe space. An this is a cave under the castle nothing but sold rock so unless you can pull metal from the rock I wouldn't strain yourself. Besides the nails in the wooden walls there isn't much you can use here," said Michael reading the man's intentions from his body movements.

"What do you intended to do with men," asked the man as he lifted his hand up into the darkness

Michael knew the man could feel his death moving around him. Even if he was deprived of one of his sense. His sense of touch would be heightened naturally and he could feel his death whirling around him. "That is to be determined. After all, you did point your sword at me," replied Michael as his dragon's growl could be heard in surround sound.

"Only because you wear her symbol in your hair," growled the man. "No man is her equal."

"Is that so," stated Michael leaning back ready to get comfortable for this conversation. "And how is that?"

"She has a good soul and she cares about her people. That's more than I can say about you and yours," spat the man in anger.

"You are mistaken if you don't think I care about my people. Just to let you know I am bonded to each and every one of them. I feel them when they join the ranks of my city at birth and I feel them when they die. I feel their happiness and sadness. Hundreds of thousands of people, millions even, but yet I do not feel you. It is like you are not a member of this land. You feel as foreign to me as a person from the South Lands, but yet you say you were born here. Why is that," asked Michael more to himself than to the man.

"Like I'm supposed to know," shouted the man in anger. "All I know is you allow the killing of my people without blinking an eye! Yet you wish me to believe you care about your people! What about us! Are we not people," roared his dragon as a wave of power shot out from him scattering the Kings death slightly.

"Jonathan what's wrong," came Sky's voice as a brilliant glow within the darkness almost blinded him. "Michael," shouted Sky looking around quickly and holding her hand up in front of her as if feeling the rainfall.

"Hello my love," purred Michaels dragon as he pushed in on her.

Suddenly there were two glowing bodies within the darkness. One was running around happily dancing within his death while the other stood there crossly. "What are you doing to Johnathon," snapped Sky looking down at the man on the bed.

"Having a conversation," replied Michael getting out of his chair to stand beside her. "While on that subject how is it you have a bond with this man but I do not," growled Michael still sour about Sky being bonded to another man.

"Bonds happen with friends and family all the time," replied Sky. "Why is my bond with him any different?"

By the tilt of her head, Michael could see that she was confused by his statement. It was like she didn't see the difference between a friend bond and the bond she had him. Within his heart, he knew there were no other meanings behind the bond besides what it was a bond, but he had to reassure himself. He would have to reason out later why her bond with the dragon was as deep-running as it was. Making his way over to her he pulled her close to him as if he was going to hug her. "Michael," questioned Sky as he slide his hand under her hair at the base of her neck and lifted it up. "Uh what are you doing?"

"Smelling," replied Michael as he ran his nose up her neck and to the base of back of her skull.

If she'd been with a man that would be the one place the scent would stay the longest. A place his scent should be but all he smelled was peppermint and pine. "Smelling what," asked Sky standing patiently allowing him to investigate her.

"You," purred Michael before rubbing his face against the side her head.

"Ugg, get off," grumbled Sky pushing him. "You and your dragon have been so weird here recently. Are you drunk," asked Sky turning to see her dragon rolling around in the floor laughing like a schoolgirl? "Hey you two, stop that! We are here on business. I swear I can't put you two in the same room anymore," shouted Sky crossly at her dragon.

"Either way you need to leave Johnathon alone. He's done nothing wrong," stated Sky turning her attention back to Michael.

"Besides point a sword at me," retorted Michael figuring that would solve everything.

"Okay it's not like that is illegal," replied Sky causing Tanner to laugh from where Michael had left him leaning against the wall.

Spinning around quickly Michael looked at Tanner in shock. "Wait you can hear her," asked Michael figuring he'd only been able to hear her since their dragons have mated.

"Of course I can hear My Queen. Hello beautiful and it is illegal," said Tanner giving her his trademark crooked smile earning him a growl from Michael.

"Hey Tanner why are you letting him be mean for," asked Sky glaring at him.

"Because he's the King and I am not you," replied Tanner as if that answered it all.

"Okay so he pointed a sword at you which is illegal. I'm sure he didn't mean it," stated Sky.

"No I meant it," replied Johnathon still laying on the bed just a little more tense than before.

"Why would you go and do something stupid like that," snapped Sky walking over and punching him in the arm.

"Because, I was thinking that if I could cut the head off the snake it would solve our problem. I'm tired of running, and I'm tired of watching our people die. And I'm tired of how mean everyone is to you. If I started from the top and worked my way down then I could change this world. I was so close to chopping his head off and then he took up an old man's arm and had a conversation with him. Even with as blunt as the old man was he listened. A tyrant doesn't sit in a park on a bench and get schooled like a son," replied the man and if things were different Michael believed that he could become friends with him.

"But Michael isn't a tyrant. I even told you if anyone could help it would be him. That he was the one who started to investigate the deaths of the metal movers. I don't understand why you would try to kill him after I said all of that," said Sky confused and the sound of hurt in her voice.

"Because I didn't put two and two together. The aristocrats call you the pet of the King. I thought it was a slur because everyone calls you the Queen. Like they call the High Lords wife the Queen of the East Wood. I would have never dreamed that your Michael was none other than Michael Fafnir the High Dragon," said the man with a nervous laugh before rubbing his face. "All I want is a better world to live in. Man did I fuck up this time."

Hearing Tanner snicker Michael shot him a glance before turning back to the man. In a different world and in a different time they all might have grown up together and been friends. The man appeared to be around their age but who knew. Bringing that line of thought to an abrupt turn Michael laid his and on Skys check before quickly saying, "I've got a present coming your way but, for now, go away."

"Hey," roared his dragon upset that Michael had sent his playmate away.

"Get over it," retorted Michael gathering himself back up and spinning on his heels. "Get up Jonathon. You might be saved yet, but I'm going to need a lot of help from you. Let's go."

Blinking his eyes back into focus Johnathon sat up and looked around the cell he was in. Seeing nothing but marble walls he looked down at the bed he was laying on. Jumping to his feet quickly he shouted, "Is that a coffin! Are we in a mausoleum?!"

"No you're in the King's crypt, now come on or you can stay here with the dead," snapped Michael.