
A letter from the King

Michael lowered himself into the tub with a sigh of relief. His best friend had come into season and he was a holy terror at sparing practice today. He tried to be the best friend and let him blow off as much steam as possible, but he was paying for it now. Sinking all the way down until the water was right under his nose Michael grumbled when he heard the door open. Pushing himself upright Michael glared at Kyle. "I know, Samuel said you made it clear you didn't want to be disturbed but this just came in for you and I know you'll want to see it," stated Kyle holding out several sheets of paper.

Drying his hands off, Michael took the offered papers and looked at them. The first one was a short paragraph with several sketches behind it. One of the stenches was Sky running away naked from a crow. Another one was of Sky in a black t-shirt sprawled across a bed with Mayaya. The rest were sketches of what looked like ghosts. Only one of those had Sky in it and she was there with a black-haired boy with blue eyes. Turning his attention back to the small letter he handed Kyle the pictures. Reading the extremely short letter Michael turned to the page over to make sure there was nothing on the back. Handing the letter to Kyle he asked, "Is this enchanted, do we know?"

"I couldn't feel anything, your Majesty," replied Kyle before turning his attention to the letter.

"Did you read it?"

"I am now," stated Kyle before flipping the page over and looking at the back himself.

"Yeah, something's not right. He's being very cryptic, but yet in a way to forward and nonchalant way," said Michael sliding back down into the water.

"I didn't even think about her being afraid of living dead things, or her thinking the bird was a zombie," said Kyle with a slight smile looking at the stench of Sky running way from the crow naked.

"I didn't think about it either, but then again no one really knows what she sees. I guess there is big difference between a living thing and a nonliving thing to her. I can understand why she doesn't want to touch it, but I kind of need that messenger back, just so I can send it back again and ask Owen what the hell is up."

"Are you still getting an array of emotions from everyone," asked Kyle folding up the letter and the pictures.

"Yes that random power-draining is still happening. I think I might have messed something up big time with that last one. That's one reason I need her to accept the damn letter. I knew I should have sent it to Owen and then just put her name on it," grumbled Michael before submerging himself into the water.

"Give it some more time. Now that Owen knows you're needing a response he can push her to except it from the dead bird. We will have to ask him about this schedule too. I don't understand why she's got physical training three times a day and all right before meals? They literally left her with no downtime. I've got a bad feeling about everything," said Kyle before rubbing the back of his head.

Bringing his head up just enough to talk Michael asked, "Is that your bad feeling, or Owens traveling through to you?"

"Good question I'm not sure," replied Kyle before heading back toward the door. "I'm going to show these too cranky and see what he thinks."

"Do as you wish there is nothing useful there at all anyway," replied Michael before sinking back down into the water.

Closing his eyes Michael reached inside him and felt Sky's bond to him for the umpteenth time today. The bond he had with her had shrunk to a tiny thread compared to all the others within him. Whenever Tom and Owen sent him a screaming plea to stop Sky, Michael thinks he broke her bond. The amount of force he had to use to connect with her, just for that brief moment had him so weak he couldn't leave his bed for two days. Now randomly he seems to get drained of power for no apparent reason. At least no reason that Jamie or Samuel can figure out. It's all going somewhere they just don't know were. This even has his dragon stumped a little because he too doesn't know where it's going. Only that it's traveling out through the bonds, but he doesn't know which one. Thinking it was Sky's since it was so different now that he shook his head. That much power couldn't flow down a bond that small. It would be like shoving a frigate down a stream, and there was no way that was happening.

Rubbing himself against the small thread-like bond his dragon practically purred. Currently Sky was calm which was different. Since she woke up it felt like she'd been on an emotional rollercoaster. There was more turbulence than a sea in a hurricane coming from her and it had him worried. The torrents of emotion was just as bad. One minute she feels so angry and then the next she's in severe pain and crying. There wasn't much middle ground recently and he wanted to know why, but of course, he would have to wait for his messenger to come back. Could he use someone else's messenger yes, but theirs wasn't like his. No one could touch his bird unless it was the person he'd sent it too. There was no way those messages could fall into the wrong hands, meaning they never needed to be cryptic. Either way for all of this to happen Sky had to touch the bird, to begin with.

Huffing Michael slid all the way under the water before sliding back up again. The water felt warm and soothing to his sore muscles as his thoughts wandered to the picture Owen had drawn of Sky's backside running from this messenger bird. Remember said backside clearly pressed up against him Michael looked at his hands. Opening and closing the his left hand he remembered the feel of her breast within it. They weren't big, which was good in a fighting aspect, but they weren't tiny like some of the top fighters he knew. Her's were just right to fit within the palm of his hand and squeeze. If the Goddess was willing and she became pregnant with his child they would grow bigger, and bigger would make her even sexier than she was right now. Michael licked his lips at the thought of her breasts as the want to taste them settled down low in his spine.

If the letter was right she'd be with her walkabout instructor right about now thought Michael. Bringing up the memory where she was torturing his dragon Michael groaned with his need for her. From there, his thoughts moved onto the weird dream-like reality that he still wasn't sure which one it was. Either way the torture of that was exquisite. The sounds of her moans, the feel of her skin against his as she withered under his touch. The feel of her passion as it flowed out of her body had him touching himself within the tub. He wanted, no he needed to claim his mate. It didn't matter what everyone thought or said. There was no way he was going to make it until she was of breading age. Not with the way she looked now. Not if she looked like the woman he had his hands all over. That was no twenty-year-old child, that was a fully-fledged woman with wants, needs, and desires. The smell of her desire was imprinted in his head as his balls drew up tighter to his body. They too wanted to claim their mate and make her theirs. The thought of her under him had him stroking himself faster as he closed his eyes for a clearer view. "Oh that's going to hurt later. I was defiantly standing," came Sky's voice causing Michael to shoot up out of the water.

Stepping back from the water that sloshed out of the tub Sky looked at Michael slack-jawed. Before he could say anything she disappeared. Sitting there for a moment staring at where Sky had been Michael wasn't sure what to do. Should he call it quits, or continue on. If he did continue on what if she came back? Then she'd see him pleasuring himself, but was it honestly that bad if she did find him pleasuring himself. Deciding on the latter, Michael began his journey down memory lane again, but this time with embellishments. After several minutes had passed by watching the spot Sky had been, Michael closed his eyes again. Envisioning her right in front of him within the white lake Sky's voice broke the silence again. "Well at least I was sitting down this time."

Opening his eyes again Michael found Sky standing right beside the tube. Looking at everything besides him. Since she didn't seem to pay him any mind he would be brazen and continue on with his pleasuring. On top of that since she was now standing right in front of him he no longer needed to picture her within his head. "This is dumb," complained Sky turning a small circle. "Have you not been listening when I speak girl? Only two reasons a walkabout happens. Either you want it too, or your mate forces it too happen. Since you don't have a mate then the walkabout happen because you want them to," said Sky lowering her voice like she was mimicking someone as she finally stop inspecting the room and looked down at Michael "Yeah, like I asked to do a face plant on the floor so I can go stand in Michael bathroom while he's…." Sky paused as she watched Michaels hand sliding up and down his shaft. He could tell she was trying to reason things out by the expression on her face. "Maybe he's in pain again," said Sky with a short nod that singled she's come to her conclusion. "The last time he was in pain I kept getting pulled here just like now, but my shoulder doesn't hurt."

Looking up toward his shoulder Sky could see the bight mark clearly in the light. Remembering what happened last time she touched it she could feel the butterflies take flight within her stomach. Leaning in Sky tried to see if she could smell if he was in pain but only wound up smelling Alivia, and the classroom. Hearing Michael growl Sky looked up to the pained look on his face before locking eyes with his dragon. Looking around the brightly lit room Sky turned back to Michael. "Surely he can't see me. It's too bright. There aren't any shadows. Anyway so why am I here."

Pushing herself back from the tub Sky began to look around the bathroom again. Moving things about Sky was right back at the tub again. Crouching down to view the situation from a different angle She ignored Michaels laugh as she ponded the situation. "April said that if that get's hard and that defiantly looks hard, and it stays that way it becomes painful and his testicles will turn blue." Michael watched Sky lean in mere inches from him before she humphed. "Those look fine to me. I guess they aren't blue. More of a red-pink but that's probably because it's hot water. I can see that there is nothing wrong as well. I've got the same eyes as you know. You're not helping go away dragon."

"I'm glad the both of you can admire my member so openly there she-dragon," purred Michael bringing Sky's wondering to a screeching stop.

Michael could see every muscle in her tense up as she slowly turned to look at him. "Not, not really what it looks like. Well, I guess it probably is what it looks like. I am looking at it but not like that. I'm just trying to figure out if that hurts? Compared to last time I seen it, it's like twice the size so maybe it does hurt. So maybe that's why you're rubbing it. Like a sore leg, but again you can't hear me so I'm talking to myself anyway," rambled Sky quickly with an I'm busted facial expression.

"Oh I can hear you just fine, and it does hurt in a way, but rubbing it feel oh so much better," purred Michael's dragon. "It'll feel better if you helped."

Sky stood their stone still as Michael grabbed her hand from the edge of the tub. She couldn't believe that he could hear her. Out of all the other times she'd done this he'd never heard her before. "Wait you can hear me," asked Sky still completely shocked on the fact that he could hear her.

Rapping her hand around his rigid shaft Michael thought he was going to lose it just by the feel of her warm skin around him. He was still being very brazen and she was still oblivious to what he was doing. Honestly, he should feel bad, but he didn't, and he wasn't going to. Groaning as he slid her hand up and down his length Michael's eyes began to roll back in his head. He'd never felt anything so glorious in his life and her desire was beginning to grow. "Oh wow cookies," said Sky as she lifted her nose up to the plums of back mist rising from his body.

Turning her attention from the mist to Michaels face and finally to her hand Sky let out a squeak before disappearing altogether. Michael couldn't help but laugh, and groan at the same time. He was almost right there, teetering on the edge of bliss. Just a couple more seconds and he would have been over the edge. At this point, he mind as well finish himself off thought Michael. The thought occurred to him that maybe she'd only arrived because he was thinking strongly of her. With that line of thought as long as he didn't think too strongly about her then he could resolve his now compounded issue in which he'd started.

Shooting upright, Sky's face turned beat red before looking at April in shock. "Oh man you smell like the King again," laughed April. "So what were you two doing this time?"

"Really," asked Sky sniffing her hand. Sure enough, the scent of him was on her hand and it was very strong. "That's so weird how that travels from here to there but I don't have a body."

"Oh so you went and visited the King huh," asked her instructor as he picked up his coffee cup with a disbelieving look on his face.

"Yeah," replied Sky looking into the Instructor only to see verification of her thoughts on his facial expression.

"So what was the King doing then that made you unwillingly go on a walkabout then," scoffed the instructor before taking a drink.

"He as taking a bath stroking his penis," replied Sky causing the Instructor to choke on coffee.

April was on the floor laughing as Tom sat in a chair by the door biting his lip trying to maintain his composure. The Instructor was trying to ignore what Sky had originally said as he drank more coffee to settle his couching fit. "What I don't understand though is why he decided my hand would be better."

Spitting Coffee out everywhere they Instructor's face began to turn bright red. "Elder are you okay," asked Tom rushing over to him and pounding his back.

Waving Tom away the Instructors sat his coffee down quickly and glared at Sky. "Proper ladies shouldn't say things like that," informed the Instructor cleaning the coffee off of his front.

"You're right," stated April placing her forehead on Sky's and snickering. "We have conversations like this!"

Michael was leaning heavily on the counter trying hard to not think of Sky to deeply. He could feel his lower back muscles begin to tighten. A tingling sensation begins to grow in his grown and then it spreads along his spine. Pushing himself up on to his toes he lost his train of thought of not thinking about Sky too deeply. As he was about to close his eyes to fully envision her, she appeared before him for the third time and only inches in front of him. He wanted to stop but he was past the rubicon there was no returning now. Then out of the blue Sky reaches out and took hold of his balls and squeezed. The suddenness of her action, the feel of her hand against his flesh, and the pressure sent him spiraling over the edge. Roaring out his dragon burst through his skin as his body began to jerk with his release. Before she could move or he could stop it his dragon had his teeth buried in her neck right where it rolled into her shoulder. If her body was here she would have screamed out in pleasure but instead she made a yipping sound before disappearing again.

Popping her eyes back open she could see several pairs of wide eyes looking at her. Not caring about everyone else in the room Sky shot up and pointed her finger at April. "That was a horrible idea!"

As her eyes almost popped out of her head April's face turned red as she asked, "Did you seriously do it!"

"Yeah and his dragon bit me," exclaimed Sky shocked and slightly upset with the situation. "That's not what you sho-" Sky's sentence was cut off as she wound up back in Michael's bathroom with a very upset looking dragon. "I am so sorry," stammered Sky taking a step back as Michael advanced on her. "April said it was a great idea and it would help you a lot," said Sky moving backward faster as Michael increased his speed. Running into the wall with no place to back up to Sky cringed a little. "Please don't bight me again."

Grumbling to himself, Eli froze as soon as he entered the bathroom. The scent of Sky permeated the air along with Michael's release. Eli wanted to growl, rant, and rave how it was unfair how he was finding his pleasure and his season was making his junk feel like it was going to fall off if it got any harder. Turning to see Michael pressed up against the wall like he was leaning into someone Eli waited. He could tell by Michael's posture that he was well aware that he was currently there. Stealing a quick glance at him Michael leaned his head down and into the wall before growling. "If you don't except my letter from that dead bird. Then I will be forced to come to get it myself. If I have to come down there I will most assuredly let him bight you again. This time with your flesh on."

Surprisingly Eli could feel when Sky left, taking with her the strong scent of arousal. "There better be a good reason behind you being in here," rumbled Michaels dragon as he pushed himself off of the wall.

"Don't growl at me. It's not my fault she's thousands of miles away and ignoring your messages. Maybe if you wrote her more she wouldn't be apt to hang onto this one for so long," snapped Eli currently angry at the world and angrier at his friend for getting his rocks off when he couldn't.

"I'll just ignore that comment," rattled Michael in warning as he turned toward Eli and spread his wings out.

"Yea, let's do," said Eli trying to calm his errant hormones and emotions. "I think we got a letter from Owen but we're going to need you to open this.

Holding up a small child's alphabet block Michael glared at Eli. "I think you've lost your mind."

Making his way over to the sink Michael cleaned himself up before making his way out of the bathroom to see that all of his guards, including Claire and her daughter Anne, were in his room.

Growling Samuel covered his mates eyes as she shamelessly gawked at the King. Laughing Jamie pushed her jaw closed before turning his attention back to Eli. "You didn't hand him the block?"

"I was trying to but he called me crazy and walk away," growled Eli falling in line right behind Michael as he made his way into his closet.

"Owen couldn't have wrote us a note. Kyle received a letter from him not but an hour or so ago. So his bird couldn't be in two places at once," stated Micheal as he began putting on his clothes.

"True but it came in a box that was delivered to Anne and from Claire's parent's, and Kyle why didn't you tell us you got a letter from Owen today," asked Eli turning his attention toward Kyle.

"I didn't think it relevant," informed Kyle playing with the little box with a bright yellow K on it.

"It's completely relevant. Owen wouldn't have sent a letter and an hour later send a note within the memento boxes. If he was going to do that he'd have sent them all at once. Something isn't right here. Either the first one got delayed or the second, because isn't your house like a days ride from the capital," stated Eli as his brow creased with worry.

"True but he might have sent it from my mothers," suggested Claire as everyone shook their head no.

"Give me the box," said Michael plucking it out of Eli's hands as he made his way by.

As soon as the box was in his hands the lid popped open exposing a small torn piece of paper. "How is it that you came across this Claire," asked Michael making his way over to the table where all of the wooden alphabet cubes resided along with all of the fragmented paper bits.

"Alivia was just telling me about them while I was pulling them out of the box. She had stated if she ever has a child she would want to get a set of them, but how they were so expensive. That's when the thought accused to me. My parents sent me a box full of nice things. To any normal person this would look normal but not to me. I mom would have made me a baby blanket out of my old dresses and not out of such fine material. All of the toys were store-bought not whittled and hand made by my dad. All of the stuff in the box cost money. Money, we all know my family doesn't have. So just on a whim, I picked up the C block and a lid pops open with a scrap of paper inside. So what's up with the blank paper?"

"It's not blank," said Michael laying his piece of the puzzle in its rightful spot.

Watching the letter piece itself back together Owens handwriting began to appear. Picking the paper up Michael frowned at the implications of this letter. Meaning someone delayed either Claires post or they delayed Kyles. Reading the letter Michaels frown deepened further and his anger began to seethe. Something massive was afoot and somehow Sky had managed to put herself on the relieving end. Fearing he'd pushed Jamie's parents too hard he worried for Skys safety as well as their allegiance. Growling Michael slapped the letter to Jamie's chest in passing. "Burn it and pack your bags we are leaving," stated Michael making his way to the closet.

Considering Michael could have handed it to Tanner who was standing right beside him Jamie looked down at the letter. Reading it Jamie's heart dropped. With a shaky hand, Jamie held out the paper to Tanner as the blood drained from his face. The King was going to kill his parents. "What should we pack for," asked Kyle.

"In the state I'm in? You're joking," roared Eli in anger.

"Jamie are you okay," asked Tanner brushing the ashes off of his hands.

"Pack for snow," retorted the King from deep in his closet.

"It hardly ever snows in En-Gannim," stated Jamie feeling devastated.

"No, but it does in Noelani," replied Michael tossing his saddlebag on the couch. "We leave in the morning. Eli, tonight you need to go practice mate, so I suggest you get to it."

Eli's anger came to a rolling boil at the smirk on the King's face. "Using Sky's terms now huh," growled Eli. "Doesn't make it any better."

"We're going north," asked Jamie breathing a small sigh of relief.

Nodding his head Michael sat down next to his saddlebag and began pulling on his socks. "Your family has always been loyal to the crown. I find it odd that your father is sowing hate and discontent within my mate. Especially now that he knows we are looking into the rumor of the deaths of a new race of dragons. As of now I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, but Jamie."

"Yes your Majesty," replied Jamie with a sinking filling.

"If they harm my mate in any way I will not hesitate to kill them or you if you stand in my way. Do you understand?"

Taking a knee quickly, Jamie bowed his head. "My fidelity is to you and you alone High Dragon King of us all."


Sky practically leaped out of the floor when she came too and ran for the door. "Sky were are you going," shouted April scrambling out of the floor right after her.

"To except the letter before he comes down here to get the dead bird back himself," shouted Sky as she ran through the halls like her neck was on the line.

Which in this case it practically was. Turning the corner quickly Sky ran headlong into the High Lord. "Look where you're going cur," spat the High Lord as his nostrils flared and shock flickered across his face but was quickly covered by anger. "Proper ladies do not run through the halls of a castle! If you wish to run my halls like a dog I will kennel you outside along with them!" Glaring at the older man Sky picked herself out of the floor. "Do not look at me with those freak eyes of yours," snapped the High Lord before he stormed away.

Saying some very rude things inside her head Sky continued quickly down the halls. "He must like dogs there were quite a few memories there of puppies and dogs running through the halls. Right along with Michael and his guards when they were little," informed her dragon as she rushed toward her room.

"You need to stop that. You're getting me in trouble," grumbled Sky.

"I know," said her dragon sadly. "But I like to see too you know."

"Fine we'll just have to figure out how to do both without my eyes glowing," replied Sky knowing she couldn't deny herself the pleasure of sight.

Rushing into her room Sky found Owen asleep on her table with the dead bird perched right on top of his head. "Owen are you okay," asked Sky making her way toward him.

Sitting up quickly and upsetting the dead bird if flew straight over to Sky making her cringe. "I'm sorry Sky it was….Shall we say I had a long day."

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a couple of days," asked Sky taking a seat at the table.

"I went and visited Claire's parent after you told me about what happened when you touched Claire's mating mark," informed Owen as he yawned and stretched.

"Talking about Claire, why is it my fault that the Councilmen is dead. The High Lord blames me for that at least once a night, and that it's my fault an abomination lives within the High Dragons castle walls," asked Sky trying to lean her head away from the dead bird who was rubbing its head against her cheek.

"The Council member tried to assassinate Claire's daughter, Anne. Killing a baby is killable offense within the kingdom. Since Michael has been trying to find an excuse to either fire the man or kill him outright he'd jumped at the opportunity. Leon was tired and found guilty by the remaining council members as well as the other Lords that reside within the city. He was sentenced to death which the High Dragon carried out personally to set a precedence," said Owen.

"A precedence for what," asked Sky confused on the lesson the Kings was trying to bestow upon the people.

"That he will personally kill anyone who threatens the life of a baby," stated Owen with a sense of pride for his King.

A person who kills a baby, thought Sky as her head exploded in pain again. Out of nowhere the voices were back stealing her sanity again giving her their pain and their tears. Clutching her head Sky tried to push the voices away but they only grew louder. Sky knew what was coming next just before the excruciating pain of something trying to rip her soul out of her chest. Bless the pain, but curse it all the same, to Sky neither one of them were a fair trade-off. At least as she lay in the floor panting through the pain in her chest, but her mind was her own. Worried faces stairs at her as Ashley placed a wet rag upon the seared flesh. "If this keeps up it'll burn straight down to the sternum," said Ashley wetting the now dry rag and placing it back on the black handprint.

Looking off of the table at Sky the crow cawed several times before flopping down onto her stomach. "Oh yeah I got sidetracked," said Sky sneering at the bird. "How do I except the message?"

Jumping around in what looked like excitement the bird cawed its head off before hopping up Skys body to rest right below the sizzling rag. "Why the change of heart," laughed Owen trying to shoo the bird away only for his hand to pass through it.

"I've got my reasons," grumbled Sky sitting up sending the bird tumbling into her lap. Picking the dead bird up Sky dumped it on the table as she slid back into her shirt and tucked it back into the top of her skirt before continuing. "So how is it done?"

"All you have to do is place your hand on the top of his head and think I except the message. Or you can say it, but either way will work," answered Owen as everyone stared at her with encouragement.

Taking a deep breath Sky laid her hand upon its head and thought the command. Laying down as if getting ready for a nap the bird disappeared leaving only a letter and a bird-shaped onyx crystal behind. Even though the bird was gone Sky could still feel the beast as she picked up the crystal and turned it over in her hands. "This is the dead bird," said Sky as her dragon looked inside the crystal at the tine mute snakes inside. "Mable has a crystal-like this around her neck that has tiny mute snakes like this one. Why is it?"

Shrugging his shoulders when Sky looked at him Owen replied, "I'm not going to pretend I understood anything you just said, but I can say that magic resides within that crystal. Even a part of the Kings magic resides there. That's how it all works. You should read your letter now."

Setting the crystal down Sky broke the black wax seal on the letter and watched it crumbled to dust. Having never seen that before either Sky looked back up at Owen and Tom. "It's magic as well. We can't have the Kings seal falling into the wrong hands or someone can make a replica or reuse the old one and forge a document," informed Tommy.

"A bit paranoid if you ask me," stated April making her way over to the couch and sitting down.

"It's the life we lead in the service of the King. We always suspect underhandedness, and treachery. Every person we meet, we treat them like an assassin. That's how we keep the King alive," said Owen as if that was a fact of life, but then again for him it was.

Ignoring the conversation Sky opened her first letter ever from Michael. His letters seemed to flow across the page like a dancer at a ballet. They were elegant and regal and so much prettier than her handwriting was. In comparison her handwriting looked like a toddler with a charcoal stick compared to his calligraphy. Sitting down in the chair Sky read the top line and almost giggled like a schoolgirl.

To my dearest Sky,

I woke up today after the Goddess put me to sleep so I know you are doing well. I had the strangest dream in this sleep that I feel as was not a dream. If it was not a dream I am still not going to apologize for what I did, but I will state that I will ask for permission next time. Please understand that I thought I was dreaming or I would have not violated you in that manner. If you have no idea what I am speaking of then the better and forget the first few line.

Pausing there Sky's face grew red as she thought about what had happened the day she woke up in the waters of the temple. She had thought about it multiple times and replayed it in her head over and over wanting it to happen again. Her body began to react at the thoughts running through her head, but Sky stopped them quickly as Owen cleared his throat. Turning her attention back to the letter everything else was business. He was asking her about these people with black hair who could mold metal into whatever shape they wanted. He wanted her to see if she could find out any information about them while being inconspicuous. He also informed her to not send any information of that kind of nature through normal posts. He suggested that she acquire her own messenger. As she read, her breath hitched at the closing of his letter. She repeated the words over and over in her head as if it was a mantra. "With all my Love, Michael."

All of the guards had told her at some point in time during her life that they loved her. Every night someone would tuck her into bed, kiss her on the head and say those words. At the end of every letter she got from the guards had those words scrolled across the bottom. Love Tanner, Love Kyle, X's and O's love Eli, even Jamie did the same thing even though she didn't get as many letters from Jamie. This one was so much better than all of those, thought Sky as she read the words in her mind again. "With all of my love, Michael."

"He says he loves us," shouted her dragon within her mind as she ran around in circles leaping for joy. "He loves us, he really loves us!"

At that moment Sky decided she as keeping this letter forever. Not only was this the first letter he'd ever written her, but it was the first time he'd ever said the words love. In the twenty short years she'd lived so far he'd never once uttered those words nor has she ever seen him write them. Even though life had been crappy since she'd come to this castle this one letter made all of that go away. For just this one second all was right with the world. "Have you finished reading the letter," asked Owen before continuing after Sky nodded her head yes. "Good then read it again fully to make sure you didn't miss or forget anything and hand it over to Tom."

Reading the letter again Sky made sure to read the beginning about nine times and the ending even more than that. Satisfied that she'd read everything again Sky handed the letter to Tom who instantly burnt it. "WHAT THE HELL TOMMY," shouted Sky distraught at the sight of the ashes that were falling to the floor.

Crashing and burning along with ashes as they fell to the floor Sky's world fell slightly apart. Looking up from the floor Sky looked at Tom who instantly took a knee and bowed his head. "Forgive me my Queen but it had to be done."

Whirling on Owen, tears rolled down Sky's face as she looked at the top of his bowed head. "Why Owen!"

"Because all letters that come from that crow must be burnt after reading. The information contained within is for your eyes only. They must always be burned by a fire dragon so that no magic can reconstruct it. I am sorry my Queen but it is his rules and we must follow them," replied Owen never meeting her tear-streaked face.

"Sky it's just a letter. There will be more," said April trying to console her.

Nocking her hand away Sky glared at her. "No there won't be! He never writes to me! In twenty years never once had he written to me. Never in twenty years has he ever said he loved me. Everyone else has but never him and Tommy burnt it!"

Unable to look at anyone any more Sky headed straight for the door as hurt and betrayal flowed freely down her face. "My Lady," called Jeffrey rushing after her.

Only for Sky to slam the door shut in his face while shouting, "Leave me alone!"

Making her way down the hallway Sky watched her feet as they trudged pointlessly along. The High Lord had given everyone strict orders that the King's dog wasn't allowed to leave the castle grounds after the last time she almost took out the city. Of course, that was the night she ran into the black-haired kid. If she hadn't run into him maybe he would have escaped his pursuers and would still be safe, but no. He had to run into her and now he was Goddess knows were with an unknown fate. Had she made things worse for him? Adding that to the pity me pile she continued to walk aimlessly about the castle ground. "Ladies do not walk around like scalded dogs," snapped a familiar and unliked voice.

Lifting her head up to look at him Sky simply said, "woof," before continuing on her way.

"A lady also does not walk around without her attendant! April should be with you," berated the High Lord as Sky walked around him and his guards.

"I guess it's a good thing I'm a dog and not a lady then huh," replied Sky as fresh tears rolled down her face.

After everything that just happened why did he have to show up, thought Sky as she continued down the hall without looking back. "Follow her," growled the High Lord from behind her. "I will not have that thing walking my halls unattended!"

Whatever thought Sky as heard a swish, and a thunk, before half an apple went rolling passed her. Pausing to look at the apple Sky turned around and looked at the other half right behind her. "Did they just throw an apple at us? Why does it look cut in half," asked her dragon crawling her way toward the surface.

Before the Lord could see her glowing blue eyes Sky turned away quickly. At this moment she didn't need any more problems then she had at this time. "But dogs don't need attendants right? Looks like it's taken care of to me," said the Regent Commander before he laughed.

"True," laughed the High Lord in return. "But if that dog or manticore takes a dump on my rugs you're cleaning it up."

After that Sky could hear the sound of their feet heading down the hall in the opposite direction. Making several loops around the castle Sky headed back to her room hoping at this point everyone was gone. Unfortunately she wasn't so lucky. Jeffery and William were guarding the door and silently opened it for her when she returned. April was still sitting on the couch, but at least Tommy and Owen were gone. "It's time for your bath so we can get ready for supper," said April as she rose to meet Sky on her way toward the closet.

Shedding her dress Sky slid the long black t-shirt over her head that had long lost its smell of lavender and cookies. Crawling into bed Sky pulled the cover over her head before the bed began to sag under Mayaya's weight. Closing her eyes Sky willed herself to sleep hoping for a better world. Unfortunately her dreams were just a terrible as her reality at the moment. They were filled with strange faces, unfamiliar places, and chocked full of sorrow. When morning came she continued to lay in her bed. That was until her fighting instructors came in screaming at her. Dragging herself out of bed Sky shucked her shirt before making it to the closet. "Ladies do not behave in such a manner," shouted the Instructed complexly floored by Sky's behavior.

"Woof," said Sky from the closet as she got herself dressed in her practice attire.

Which was probably a really bad idea, because during practice her Instructor pretty much beat her like a dog. Sore and limping Sky showered the sweat off of herself before slipping on the mandatory dress for the rest of the day. That was just another thing to add onto the things she hated about this castle. Hearing a knock on the door Owen let himself him caring a satchel with him. "You need to reply to his Majesty today so that he can get his messenger back. Can I send this container along with your reply?"

"Yeah whatever," grumbled Sky making her way over to the table where Owen was setting out paper and a quill for her.

"Hey that's very pretty can I see it," asked April picking up the elegantly carved leather tub. "Oh, neat check it out it's got a lid."

That this point Sky was in such a funk that she wrote her letter in autopilot void of normal happy beginnings. Instead of saying everything she wanted to say like I miss you or I want to come home. She kept it to the point like his letter. After long deliberation through the day, Sky had determined that Michael probably wrote all of his letters in the manner in which he had last night. That she shouldn't be upset anymore because his letter was simply business and a good King should love all of his people. At least that's what she tried to convince herself to try to patch up the bleeding hole in her heart currently.


Two days into their ride north Michael hears the caw of a raven. Looking up he spots the bird right before it swoops down toward him. Landing on his shoulder the bird greets him by rubbing its head against his cheek. "Welcome back dead bird, you smell like her," greeted Michael as they continued to ride.

"I did get to spend a lot of time with her master," replied the bird. "She was scared of me at first and ran around all over. An then things got better but she never excepted my message. I tried really hard! I tried to convince her all day, but she wouldn't do it. I was diligent in trying to deliver your message master. Even when the big cat tried to eat me."

"He sure does have a lot to say," said Eli looking at the Ravin that was cawing wildly on Michael's shoulder.

Eli knew that even though all he could hear were bird sounds Michael could hear words. All personal messenger birds had a drop of the owner's blood within them, and so the bird was a piece of Michael. That's why that bird was so special and deadly. Out of all of the messengers, that one bird could kill everyone within a room if you tried to force the letter out of it. The crystal would break, the death within would spill out killing everyone and the letter would burn. The connection would be lost and Michael would know that the bird had been compromised. With this as common knowledge, one would think no one would risk it, but he was currently working on his fifth said bird.

Chuckling every so often Michael shook his head, "No dead bird is not a name….Fine I guess it can be. Your name is now Dead Bird. Are you happy?"

Cawing loudly the raven bounced on Michael's shoulder as it fluffed out its wings. An so bird number five was the fist of many birds to get it's very own name. Even if it was a bit silly.

The group pushed on through lunch and all the way until supper. Sitting down within the tent Michael lit the lap and sat it on the table. Gathering around him everyone pulled a cot up to the table and sat down. Since it was winter time everyone bunked together in the tent with him. Not like Michael minded, and the extra bodies did keep the tent warm even if they practically slept on top of each other. Rubbing the bird's head Michael excepted the reply causing Dead Bird to lay down and return to his normal state. Picking the crystal up Michael slid it into his inside jacket pocket, before picking up the folded letter. "That's Owens sketch case," said Kyle reaching for the cylindrical leather case. "May I?"

Waving it off Micheal opened the letter as Kyle pulled the cap off the tube-shaped container. Looking at the horrible handwriting Michael wounded if she'd written her letter after a bath or something. There were several spots where the ink was smeared by what looked like water droplets. "Wait," shouted Kyle snatching the letter out of the Kings hand quickly.

Glaring at him Michael patiently watched Kyle flip the letter upside down on the table and handed him a stack of paper. At the top of the first page, it read please read first. The more he read of the four page letter the angrier he got. An as his anger grew the farther back his guards moved until they practically sat by the door. Slamming the miniature book down on the table he was left with more questions than answers. On top of that, he didn't understand why he needed to read that first to understand the reasons behind Skys letter. Flipping Sky's letter back upright he looked at the water spots again as he picked it up. Growling long and low he looked at the greeting, "To the High Dragon King of us all." Never once had Sky ever called him that, and he loved the fact that she never did. Of course, she was the only one who could call him by his given name and get away with it. This letter was business-like in its approach and she didn't even reply on whether the dream was a dream or reality. Besides that, she simply says that she doesn't know anything about the metal movers and that she doesn't remember telling Samuel that they were going to kill his baby. The last line says that everyone hates the metal movers here but she doesn't know why.

Five lines, that all he got were five messily little lines. Rage filled him at the sight of those five measly little lines, and then he read the closing and lost it. Very respectfully the pet of the King was scrawled across bottom of the page. Crumpling up the paper in his hands Michael could feel his horns pushing through his head. Turning a murderous glare at Jamie his dragon growled, "I'm going to kill your father."

Watching the blood drain from Jamie's face his friend only nodded before they all left the tent. Rubbing his face in frustration he really wanted to turn the group around and go south. What was going on down in the Lands of Earth? The High Lord had never required his mate to submit to him but he'd publicly reprimanded the Queen of the East Wood or so everyone called her. On top of that Brandon had never, not followed a command, or badgered someone until it made them want to cry. Was it that he didn't know the High Lord as well as he thought he did. Had he chosen wrong to leave him in charge after his father's passing. Sky was crying when she wrote that letter and he understood that now. The first letter he'd ever gotten from her directly and she called him the High Dragon, not Michael. Honestly, it crushed him a bit. He'd even said that he loved her at the end of his letter and all he got back was very respectfully. Was she pissed at him for violating her body without permission? Maybe she wasn't mature enough for stuff like that, she was only twenty after all. Could it be her body has matured faster than her mind? Feeling his pocket bounce around Michael pulled Dead Bird back out of his pocket. Coming back into existence the bird bounced over to the container and picked at the lid. "Dead Bird what are you doing? I didn't ask for you," growled Michael as the bird flapped its wings sending the black smoke billowing around it.

Picking the lid up the crow bounced over to him and dropped it. Holding the lid in place with a foot Dead Bird began picking at it again. Realizing that there was a piece of paper shoved in the lid Michael pulled it out. Unfolding the note he looked at the unfamiliar handwriting. To His Majesty the King, Please write Sky again. It tore her up when Tommy burnt your letter. Everything here has been so hard on her and reading your letter made her smile bigger then I've ever seen her smile in a long while. She was excited about whatever you wrote in there. There is a lot more that she wants to write to you, but she's in a really bad way right now. Please don't think what she said there is how she feels. It's just how she feels right now being drug through the mud. Don't tell her I told you this but I had to convincer her not to write you an apology letter for peeing on your hand. Then I explained to her she didn't pee on it and that I'm sure you are more than okay with what happened. So if you would please, write to her again with a letter she can keep. And please don't tell her I wrote to you.

Very Respectfully,

April Rivendell.

Smiling Michael looked at Dead Bird and patted him on the head. "Thanks, we would have probably never noticed there was a letter crammed into the lid," stated Michael.

"It's my job master to deliver all messages even the ones someone hides," replied Dead Bird before he returned to his crystal from.

Sliding the crystal back into his pocket Michael inwardly smile at the thought of Sky losing herself on his hand. So it had been real after all. Thanking the Goddess for April's quick thinking even if her choice of letter spots was a bad idea. Michael rose from his seat and retrieved Kyles writing satchel. Helping himself to paper and a quill Michael decided to write Sky a letter she could keep. Sitting at the table Michael looked at the blank paper. He had never written a personal message just to write a message. They were always business-related and fact-based, so how does one write a useless letter. Not knowing how long he sat there in silence Tanner bravely walked back into the tent. Reaching for the letter's Michael slammed his hand on top of the one April had written him. Jerking at the quick movement Tanner bowed his head as he said, "I was going to burn the letters for you, your majesty."

Folding Aprils in half Michael handed it to Tanner before handing him the crumpled up letter from Sky. Burn these two, save the rest. I will need proof of wrongdoing if I am to take the life of Jamie's father."

"As you wish," replied Tanner burning the two letters before picking up the rest. "I will have Kyle file these away. Do you wish me to have him return Owens case as well?"

"Not yet. I need to write a reply before I send it back."

"As you wish," said Tanner turning to make his way back to the group who were standing safely outside the door.

"Eli I need your council everyone else you are dismissed," stated Michael looking at his guards before returning to his blank paper.

Making his way to stand before the table Eli sat down across from Michael on the cot. "How is it that I can assist you High Dragon," asked Eli looking into Michaels black's eyes.

"How do you write a love letter?"