
All rights strictly reserved

Dear Reader,

Few years ago I read something along the lines of 'If there is a book you want to read that hasn't been written or found, WRITE IT.' This quote really meant a lot to me and I felt that it was written just for me. I decided on that very day to stop getting disappointed when characters in books didn't do what I wanted and to write my own books as I pleased. I am very lucky to have supportive family and friends. If this quote speaks to you as it did to me then don't hesitate to send your work or writing my way. There will be a lot of twists and turns in this book so I hope you are ready. Let me know in the comments what you think about them.

This book is rightfully mine so please don't plagiarize it. This is also my first book so please try and ignore some mistakes but please don't hesitate to point out my errors on the ones that can't be ignored. I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

King Luca and Queen Thea, great leaders and even better parents.

The people believe that they have only two sons, but what they don't know is that they have another child. This child is anything but ordinary. She is the only one of her kind. Kept under lock and key her entire life with reasons unknown to her, she's persistent to find out what those reasons are.

Her name is Rose.

The Black Heart Pack is the most dangerous and most feared pack. This pack is known for its cruelty, destruction and wickedness. The pack enjoys destroying and taking over other packs.

What happens when Rose's mate is from this pack.

Can someone so pure love someone so evil?