
The hidden lines

Their world is sick, despite their different genders. It is not about the strong over the weak, but also the weak dominate the weak, and sometimes the weak dominate the strong, but the matter varies from one person's strength to another. What will Shane do with these things and what will he discover after he loses himself in a curve that he should have gone through

ooh_reeta · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

11- The belly of the whale "The woman remains herself"

What happened with Rogue gave a clear indication to Siran, who is still waiting to be rescued from anyone who might penetrate the corda and destroy it.

Siran opened his eyes, then rose quietly from the space in which he was sitting, and said, his eyes in a state of clear enthusiasm, after that glint was evident in them.

"He has moved… I can penetrate the void now!"

"Ran don't look at me like that and give me your claws!!"

Ran raised his arm with a long wave from the top to the bottom of his feet to break that black barrier like a piece of cloth and was staring at Rogue's shocked and resistant features after that fat man climbed onto a table trying to shove his knives into his body, but Rogue was resisting with his hands until one of the knives had pierced his forearm

"Hey!!! Can you save me please!!"

Rogue yelled as he stared at Siran, who was in turn staring at him in shock, but why were those stares so shocking to Siran, he let go of that thought and took one step and another leap to push the fat cook away from Rogue with his fist that stuffed his stomach against the wall like a piece of meat that had filled the wall with blood.

Rogue grabbed Rogue by the arm and put him on his feet Rogue was staring at the knife piercing his forearm in pain, then Seran approached him and grabbed the knife and raised his finger in front of Rog's injured arm and said


Rogue stared at that knife, which quickly faded and swollen over his arm, blood seeping from his arm, so he pulled the belt of his pants and tied his arm tightly from the elbow of his hand.

"You're weak, just one hit and you're done?"

Siran stared at him mockingly as those words were directed from Rogue to the cook who stuck to the wall like a sliver of meat.

"You have to beware things don't go the way you want them to, and tell me what you've been doing with him all this time? Don't you know that your friends are suffering and they are in a situation many times more difficult than yours."

Rogue sat at the table and said

"I don't know why we even entered these doors, it was all the fault of Elias, he was the one who wanted to enter here in order to get the banshee that was mentioned to be here, but after we entered the place a few minutes later we separated and everything changed"

"And honestly, I don't know what I should have done, so I just go along with this cook because I know he's not as good a person as he claims to be."

"But you ate the food he gave you and talked to him about your personal life, don't lie, you didn't know it."

Rogue raised his eyes stiffly to Seran's who stared at him coldly as if Seran knew that Rog was an idiot who didn't know what was going on around him.

"You know that eating his food will put you in danger?"


He quickly got up and grabbed Siran's arms as he shook him vigorously to see what was going to happen to him.

"This food contains a poisoned Banshee, and since your body has never used the Banshee in it, it means that you are poisoned now, so please don't do any crap again and leave my arms!!"

Siran pushed him hard to throw him back onto the chair he was sitting on.

"Siran, this boy has outdone himself with stupidity, but his stupidity saved him."

Siran replied to the voice of the one who spoke quietly inside him and Rogue's eyes looked at him as he spoke to him and answered him and thought that Siran was talking to him.

"You're right, Si, if it wasn't for his stupidity, he'd be dead by now."

"Yeah, let's forget this for now, and you boy, I'm going to get you out of here and you'll wait until I get the rest of your friends out."

The place around them shook after these words and the objects began to fall to the ground little by little, so Rogue tried to balance while Siran did not move and kept looking at the situation around him and realized then an important matter, so he hit the ground with his finger and opened a black hole at the bottom for Rogue to kick before he descends behind him

The two were confined to that black hole and it was closed on them from above, and Siran was staring coldly at Brog, who was staring at him with fear and trying to get away, for it was like an empty well.

"Listen to me, this vibration means that someone has been able to control the strongest spirit in this Corda?"

Rogue tilted his head forward and said questioningly

"Korda? A soul?"

His situation was similar to that of Elias, but with more stupidity, foolishness, and lack of understanding, which put Siran in a state of semi-regret for saving him.

And at the same time

Out of that green dead water came the big head that was diving into the depths after devouring Elias, he opened his mouth at one of the corners that the water does not surround to come out, putting his leg over one of his sharp teeth and holding his other hand the jaw from the top while sighing hard as if he was fighting inside it The head, he came out and sat on the solid ground and completed his sigh, the head extending in front of him from the water and those frightening eyes are still present as they are.

"Lerera, now tell me, how are you going to get out of here, or rather, how are we going to break this corda as you said?"

He hears her voice only inside his head, but there is no complete body as he saw when he dipped in her stomach, or rather when she swallowed it, but the voice he heard from that beautiful little girl was the same for this head standing in front of him.

"I told you I'm being held here too, but I have a plan, I think killing the rest of the souls here will solve it."

"How are we going to get out of here in the first place? If the whole place is closed and there is no door or even an exit."

Turned the head several times in the water and then tilted to the right and said to him.

"We're going to dive down, I've been digging all these years and I thought I needed someone for a certain decade that I could go out with him."

"One moment, Lyreira, if you needed a contract, why didn't you do this to anyone who might come in here from the start without going through so many years?"

"You do not understand, Elias, the fear that possesses men cannot be hidden, so their fear takes them to other places than me. I am not the worst here, but the worst place is that baby who is kept in the snake room, that place is the worst."

She sighed and heard her voice and felt that there were words she wanted to say but she didn't want either, so he stared at her and narrowed his eyes and said

"Then tell me, why did I fall into this place? With you specifically?"

"Oh... do I need to answer you?"

He replied with a side smile

"Of course, aren't we partners? We'll be a contract you and I are like a marriage contract, you'll get me out of here and I'll get you out so aren't we partners after all?"

He spoke to her as if he was talking to a little girl, for Elias was smart enough to convince the teachers to give him extra grades without meaning after certain words he said to them.

"Ah.. I'll tell you it's okay, the reason you came to me is because you were the one who was least afraid of them, so I had to evaluate you after tests, and if you had given up hope of surviving, I would have killed you."

"You simply say that you would have killed me, if let me tell you, that if I were only half a man I would have fought you more than this and would have continued even if I had to rape you."

I screamed in a loud voice, Elias closed his ears because of him and water kicked on him to wet him from top to bottom again as he opened his arms without wonder and coldness in his eyes and said.

"What a whore"

"There is no whore in this place but you, and scoundrel, how do you utter these words?!!"

Elias let her talk and scream his head and babble a lot and does not stop even for a moment, looking away from him.

"Huh...a woman is still herself even if she is a monster."