
The Hidden Gift

Strange things start happening after Maria Summers wins her Tennis Championship Finals. Caleb, her twin brother takes her, Madison, her bestfriend, and Cyrus out to celebrate when suddenly she starts hearing voices. At first she pays them no mind thinking it's just mind games until they come back...louder and stronger which then results in her hurting her brother. Later on she finds out that she's getting her powers back but they were binded when she was young for a reason and that her friends and brother also have powers too. Too many things happening in one day causes her to freak out a little and then a mysterious man shows up holding her mother as a hostage. What is really going on? Five years later, Maria, Caleb and Madison are taking in and training those that are superhumans, mutants and those who can also do magic. Maria's on a search for the man who killed her mother and trying to get to the bottom of whatever he's planning, Caleb worries about his sister's health, Madison tries to keep the house intact, the kids and everyone safe and people from the past start turning up. What's in store for these three? Well start reading to find out ;)

MzMysteryy · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

The Storm

The next day was an eventful one at most although no one could have seen what was going to come.

I walked into the training room with Wendy and Jacob beside me looking at the kids play fighting amongst themselves.

"Alright that's enough." I clapped.

They all stopped turning their attention to me.

"I want Jacob and Wendy to have a one on one, just to see where they've reached with their abilities and what they can do. So you guys stand to the side for me."

They shuffled around, moving to the walls on opposite sides of the room and waited. I walked the siblings into the middle where the others were once standing.

"Alright, you two know how to use your powers don't you?" I questioned.

"Well me yes but Wendy I'm not so sure." Jacob pointed at his sister.

"Hey." She pouted. "I can kind of use them but not so well." She muttered. I gave her a smile bending down beside her.

"Don't worry about that, you'll soon get the hang of them."

I stood up and nodded up at Mads who was on the outside of the room looking down from the control center.

"Just follow what I do and avoid getting hit." I winked.

Machines started popping out of the panels in the wall, a couple drones flying above us shooting lasers.

I ran ahead and fired energy blasts at three of the drones, the purple glowing mist forming around my hands and my eyes turning a dark shade of purple.

"You two try and take down the other machines."

Jacob ran to the middle of the floor, lifting his hands in the air, as the ground started to shake it ripped the two machines out the ceiling and sent them crashing to the ground.

Well that was pretty good.

He turned around smirking at his sister. She huffed and pointed her arms at a drone flying towards her. Ice suddenly formed around it freezing it into a block and it fell to the ground, breaking into pieces.

The other's clapped for the two's performance, which ended up distracting them, not seeing the machine above them shoot a laser aimed right at them both which sent them flying into a wall.

I rested my head in my hand.

"You must be aware of your surroundings. Don't let yourselves get distracted so easily or else-" I snapped my fingers and the machine that was sent flying towards me crashed to the ground. "-you'll die."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, I used my telekinesis and lifted them off the ground standing them back on their feet.

"You guys did good for your first tries. I'm impressed." I chuckled and they smiled.

The other kids ran over to them, congratulating them on their first training sesh.

I turned around, Cyrus standing behind me.

"Great teaching you did back there, I'm impressed." He grinned.

"So it was you who sent that thing flying at me, should've known."

I walked over to him, taking his hand in mine and inspecting them again.

It's been a longtime since I've used that power, I wanted to make sure that it actually worked and his hands were healed.

Thankfully they were so I had nothing to be worried about.

"Thank you for that, last night." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's no problem, you helped me. Glad to see you're all sobered up now."

He smiled, then looked over to the kids.

"How about we show them how to defend themselves against a real person and not a robot?"

Raising an eyebrow I laughed.

"I would've thought your in no shape to fight seeing as you were drunk couple hours ago but in that case I've always wanted to kick your ass again. Let's go."

I motioned for Bishop, Mads Caleb and Lexi to come down.

"What's going on?" Caleb asked when he entered the room looking back and forth between Cyrus and me.

"We're gonna fight." I simply said.

"What, no, why?"

"Not like that, just to show them how to defend themselves against a living person...and also because I need a rematch for the last time."

"Well I'd love to see the two of you go at it again." Mads laughed.

We all walked over to the kids who were now playing with eachother and showing off their powers.

"So who wants to see a fight?" Caleb shouted.

All of them stopped what they were doing.

"A fight, who's fighting?" Liam asked.

"Me and Cyrus."

"Hell yeah." Nessa said, a bit too excited.

"Alright you rascals, let's head to the backyard. In here's a little too small." I said ushering them out the training room.

Everyone rushed pretty quickly to the backyard including Mads and my brother.

"I thought they were just joking when they said they wanted to see us fight." Cyrus said blinking in disbelief.

I just laughed, shaking my head.

We all made our way outside, Emily and some of the others joining us.

"No breaking anything, no breaking anyone-" Caleb said pointedly looking at me, I stuck my tounge out at him "-and lastly don't kill eachother."

"I could never hurt my love." Cyrus looked at me.

I blinked.

What the-

A metal pole nearly slapped me in the face luckily I stopped it. Narrowing my eyes at him "That's not fair I wasn't ready." I complained. Hitting him with an energy blast.

"Fights aren't fair Maria." He dodged my blasts.

He then tried to create a metal barrier around himself and shot out scraps of metal after me.

Now would be a good time to use my other powers since we both could control metal. I raised my hand pointing a finger right at him, the barrier started to strip away until there was nothing left.

His eyes went wide and I smirked at him tilting my head.

I raised my hands in the air, my eyes turning dark purple again and the mist forming around my hand, and dropped them down.

When he looked up, the metal I had just melted away was now falling on him in the shape of a block.

He quickly ran from underneath it and reduced to flying metal balls at me. One hit me in my back but I quickly reflexed, flipped over and kicked him in the side.

This then lead to hand on hand combat. I spin kicked, aiming for his stomach when he caught my leg twisting it. I flicked my finger and sent him flying into the grass. Standing back on my feet.

Some of the kids went 'ooo'. I grinned.

I flew over to him, just about ready to end this whole fight since I was winning anyways, he jumped up off his back and held onto my arms, slamming me into the ground.

I flipped him over so he was now on his back.

"Nice move." He said

"It really is."

I then spun around with my hand creating a mist again and ready to hit him with it when he did the same thing but with a metal ball turned into the shape of a shuriken in his hand.

We both stood in the same position, my hand aimed at his neck and his to mine.

"What the-" We both said in unison.

"Alright that's it for today. Well done." Emily clapped. All the kids cheered and carried on.

I dropped my hand the energy dissapearing and the shuriken in his hand returned back to a ball.

"Well that was...something." I breathed.

"You've gotten better, I can see that for sure." He rubbed my hair, I slapped his hand away trying not to laugh.

"That was amazing. I've never seen you use that power before Maria." Nessa and the others came over.

"It's because I don't use that power."

"Well why not, its sick." Aaron said

"It's complicated. Let's get washed up and ready for lunch." I changed the subject.

The reason I stopped using that power isn't something I'd like to go into especially not with them.

"And you," I dragged Cyrus by the shirt towards the kitchen "We still haven't talked about why you've turned up all of a sudden."